Manhor ot Iks Aodt Duresn of (Hrenlstions (tTnssilted Advwdslnc om Fsgn !«.) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1934, VOL. UV;, NO. 24. (TW ELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTH WORK OF YOUNG Famous Moodus Noises NEGRO ACCUSED SHOOTS GIRL FRIEND REPUBUCANS IS OF MURDER IS Are Again in Evidence AND HIS LOVE RIVAL HAILEY VETS Moodus, Oct. 27.— (A P ) — TheAthan a few years, the period of their KIIWYMOB famous “Moodus noises" shattered inactlvi" 'Ity which has just hem the serenity of this peaceful town broken(• being the longest on record last night after a long period of by far. Last nlghVa'revivml of the THEN KILLS HIMSELF Eiperifflced Polhkiaiis In Thonsands Gather in Florida quiescence, said by older residents to phenomenon, however, came after be about twenty years. Two distinct the older folks had almost forgotten tremors were felt, the first and the '“noises" and most of Uie young Manchester Land Manner to Watch Lynching of heaviest at a few minutes after 8 generation never heard them. Woman Reported in Critical SEEKING SLAYER o'clock and lasting several sdconda, The tremors were f«lt and the hol- . in Which Meeting Here the other at 9:40, just in . time . to low, brlnding noises beard over most Negro Who Confessed to Condition, Man Not Seri- cause many residents to defer their of the town of Blast Haddam, of IN PORTLAND, ME. Last Night Is Conducted. retiring hour. which Moosup is part, the affected Slaying Girl. 'Hme was when Moodus people area extending from LeesvUle in the ously Injured— Dead Mao took these little earthquakes In their north to East Haddam village in the stride, being acciutomed to experi- south and as far as Millington to the A large and enthuslaatlc audience encing them frequently and aware east. Nowhere w (« any damage re- Marianna, Fla., Oct. 27.— (API — Farmhand Acimsed of Killing Had Been Broodinit Be- of Young Republicans attended the that they were unlikely to cause ee- ported more serious than the falling A negro, accused of killing a white rlous damage. They had worried of preserve jars or Other small ob- weekly pep meeting in the Maaonlc woman met death at the hands of a the superstitious Indians more than jects. Two Reported Seen About canse Girl Spumed His Temple last night despite the In- they did tbelr white successors for Scientists have explained the mob during |the night after a crowd clement weather outside, and pre- the aborigines attributed them to Moodus noises as miniature earth- o f several thousand had gathered to Attentions. sented one of the most pleasing and superhuman Influences. They named qimkes resulting from slips along a see the lynching. Railroad Station. Instructive programs ever given by geological fault near the surface, the locality Machemoodus—the place The body of the negro, . Claude a junior organization In this town of noises. The noises, from the be- both tremors and sounds being pro- Sket^ea of Cuidldates Neal, shot and mutilated, was Hartford, Oct. 27.— (A P )—Ed- ginning of white settlement here- duced by the grinding of the sliding brought into the courthouse square Portland. Me., Oct. 27.— (A P ) — Tea capable members of the new- rock strata. abouts, were seldom silent more here early today and strung from The search for Murray Gilbert, 57- ward Hart), 37, who allegedly shot ly-formed unit, dedicated to the pur- the limb o f a tree. year-old farmhand wanted for the and wounded a former sweetheart pose of assisting to promulgate the He waa slain in a woods on the slaying of Mrs. Lillie Emerson Nutt and her chauffeur friend from Mon- ideals of Republicanism among the youth of Manchester, gave Interest banks of the Chipola river and his of Canton, Mass., and Theodore J. treal, died at the Hartford hospital body dragged several miles behind hig sketches of the ten candidates on Butler of Franklin, N. H., concen- early today o f self-inflicted bullet the Republican State ticket, which HARTFORD GIRL IS FOUND an automobile to the Greenwood elicited the praise of many older home of George Cannldy, whose 23 trated In this vicinity today. wounds. Republicans who have been working year old daughter Leola, was at- Reports that a man resembling Hart], a machinist in an aviation In party harness for many years. tacked and slain last week. There a "Come and get It, boys,” bellowed Senator Huey Long, and here he’s the former Elmira, N. Y., resident plant here, fired six shots at Miss The meeting was opened by Chair WITH FATHER IN BUFFALO dozen or more shots (vere pumped shown demonstrating what he means by his "share the wealth" program. had been seen riding Into the Port- Anna Kramer, 26, a maid and her man Robert H. Smith, who Into the body and It was further Passing out nearly $15,000 In $7 Iota. Huey financed trips to Nashville, land terminal yards "blind bag- friend, Gaston Marshall, 31, in the opened the meeting. for short ad- mutilated by knives. Tenn., for 1,500 Louisiana State studenta and many others to see the gage" on a train from the east ar- kitchen of Mrs. George E. Kohn’s L. S. U.-Vanderbllt football game. As the clamoring throng filed past, riving early today shifted the man dresses upon the Republican candi- Taken From Jail home in West Hartford last night, Huey handed out the money and accepted "I. O. Hueys" written on scraps hunt from the wilds of western dates. Cfliarles O’Dowd, chose ' to Police CaU It a “Fainay Kid- NATION GREETING Neal had been taken from the jail of paper. and then put a bullet through his Maine. speak on Senator Frederic C. Wal- at Brenton, Ala., late yesterday and brain. cott and gave a detailed account of held captive near here while word Posses have tracked the fugitive Condition Critical the stewardship of Connecticut’s naping” — Friends Say since his disappearance last Monday was spread for all white folks to outstanding legislator and senior ITS NAVY TODAY come and see the lynching. night after Mrs. Nutt and Butler Miss Kramer's condition was de- scribed as still critical t o ^ y at the Senator from boyb(x>d. The crowd was so large Its leaders fell before blasts from a shotgun, al- Mother ’‘Stole” the Girl in Hartford hospital, where all three Colonek McCook decided not to kill the negro imme- SINCLAIR LOSES HELP legedly fired by Gilbert. Everett McKinney described the diately. The mob then began to Seen Only Once. victims were taken following the shooting. Marshall, wounded in ths life and service of Colonel Anson T. September. Thoasands from Coast to break up. ^ While hundreds of per- Only once has he been knowm to right hand and thigh ia less serious- McCook and pointed out the high sons lingered at the Cannldy home type of man who aspires to the have been seen. A traveling sales- ly Injured. for the negro to be- brought there, OF DEMOCRATIC PARTY man encoimterlng a nmn who iden- Republican vote for Congressman. Bpffalo, N. Y.. Oct 27.— (A P I— Coast Observe Navy Day however, others slipped him Into the Four of Hartl's bullets took effect, Perkina gave an interesting ac- tified himself as Gilbert on a high- two of them entering Miss Kramer's Patricia Henry, "snatched” from a woods and killed him. way not far from Benton, scene of eount of the past record and accom- Whether the negro was shot to neck and back following on argu- pllshments of Kenneth Cramer of Hartford, Conn., schoolyard, In a the crime, last Tuesday. death and mutilated afterward or As Resoit Violent Quarrel ment between the mechanic and Wethersfield, candidate for re-elec- "family kidnaping" was brought to The man sought In the freight whether he died In agony from his FlYE MEN CAUGHT Marshall In which the latter arose tion to the State Senate from this Buffalo this morning by her father, yards wore clothes identical In ap- wounds could not be determined. from the kitchen table where be woe district Wales Henry, and the man who Washington, Oct. 27 — (A P ) — pearance with those In which Gilbert Body Dragged to Square FoUows in California was garbed when last seen. He seated with the young woman and Hugh M. Alcorn, was described by raised" the child, William Goetz. From ordinary tar to admiral, the A fter the body lay In the Cannldy struck Hart] In the face. Sherwood Anderson as the "State’s The men drove to the Goetz home ROBBING A BANK disappeared In the maze of tracks Navy held out a friendly hand of yard for some time, It was dragged Found In Cellar outstanding candidate for public where detectives had been watching Which Splits Party— Creel and railway cars, eluding pursuing greeting today to the American In to Marianna and bolst$d in the police in the darkness. HartI, 'vho came to the houae soon office, fearless and fair and quali- for them, and then were taken to square. fied.” police headquarters. Henry said citizenry. From coast to coast, after the arrival of Mr. Marshall for The hanging of the body ended a Raps Former Socialist. a week's visit, fled immediately aftw Lt Gov. Wilcox I feel that I have every legal right thousands of persons stood ready to night of suspense in this county Officers Had Been Tipped Miss Thelma Carr gave the audi- and a strong moral right to get my the shooting, but two hours later, grasp It. seat of Jackson coimty and the lit- he was found shot through the tem- ence a detailed outline of the life girl.
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