DRAFT Curriculum Vitae

Deana A Rohlinger

Last Revised: January 30, 2020

General Information

University address: Sociology College of Social Sciences and Public Policy Bellamy Building 0526 Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2270

E-mail address: [email protected]

Web site: www.DeanaRohlinger.com

Professional Preparation

2004 Doctor of Philosophy, University of California, Irvine. Major: Sociology.

2001 Master of Arts, University of California, Irvine. Major: Social Science.

1999 Master of Arts, California State University, San Bernardino. Major: Interdisciplinary Studies (Sociology and Communication Studies).

1995 Bachelor of Arts, University of Arizona. Major: Communication (Mass Communication Studies).

Professional Experience

2017–present Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Community Engagement, College of Social Sciences and Public Policy, Florida State University.

2015–present Professor, Sociology, Florida State University.

2006–present Research Associate, Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy, Florida State University.

2010–2015 Associate Professor, Sociology, Florida State University.

2004–2010 Assistant Professor, Sociology, Florida State University.

DRAFT Vita for Deana A Rohlinger

Honors, Awards, and Prizes

Graduate Mentoring Award, Sociology Graduate Student Union (2017). Graduate Teaching Award, Sociology Graduate Student Union, Florida State University (2016). University Graduate Teaching Award, Florida State University (2015). Honorable Mention for Excellence in Online Teaching, Office of Distance Learning, Florida State University (2013). Seminole Leadership Award, Division of Student Affairs, Florida State University (2013). Graduate Mentorship Award, Sociology Graduate Student Union, Florida State University (2010). University Teaching Award, Florida State University (2007). J. Michael "Best" Teacher Award, Florida State University (2006). Outstanding Graduate Scholarship Award, School of Social Science at the University of California-Irvine (2003). Best Graduate Student Paper, A. Kimball Romney School of Social Sciences , University of California-Irvine (2002). Best Graduate Student Paper Award for the Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements, American Sociological Association (2002). ODUM Award for Best Graduate Student Paper, Southern Sociological Society (2002). Graduate Student Award in the Carrie Chapman Catt Prize for Research on Women and Politics, Iowa State University (2001). Robin M. Williams Best Graduate Student Paper, Department of Sociology, University of California-Irvine (2001). Outstanding Graduate Student of the Year, California State University (1999).

Current Membership in Professional Organizations

American Association for the Advancement of Science American Sociological Association Eastern Sociological Society International Communication Association National Institute for Civil Discourse Scholar Strategy Network Sociologists for Women in Society Southern Sociological Society


I teach courses on social movements, mass media, democracy and political participation, and qualitative methodology.

Courses Taught

Collective Action, Social Movements, and The Hunger Games (Honors) New Media and Social Change

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Sociology of Mass Media Online Advanced Research Seminar In Stratification and Inequality Collective Action and Social Movements Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in Sociology Sociology of the Contemporary Women's Movement Social Movement Research Social Science Honors Seminar Selected Topics in Sociology

Doctoral Committee Chair

Claxton, E., graduate. (2019). Mauney, H. T., graduate. (2017). Conn, S. G., graduate. (2015). Stamm, T. M., graduate. (2015). Brown, J., graduate. (2012). Dignam, P., doctoral candidate. Gaulden, S., doctoral candidate. Grace, J., doctoral student.

Doctoral Committee Member

McGrath, A., graduate. (2018). [Student at Vanderbilt University (Department of Sociology)] Bradley, S., graduate. (2017). Roach, T. A., graduate. (2015). Pederson, J. E., graduate. (2013). Shekha, K. R., graduate. (2012). Vaccaro, C. A., graduate. (2011). Rill, L., graduate. (2011). Von Rohr, C. L., graduate. (2011). Jackson, T., doctoral student. Douglas, R., doctoral student. Buyukozturk, B., doctoral student.

Doctoral Committee University Representative

Devine, R., graduate. (2018). Williams, O., graduate. (2017). Lee, J. S., graduate. (2016). Milita, K., graduate. (2014). Brock, L. E., graduate. (2013). Adamoli, G., graduate. (2012). Cook, S., graduate. (2012).

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Bravo, O., doctoral candidate. Chamberlin, K., doctoral student.

Master's Committee Chair

Ingram, R., graduate. (2019). Dignam, P., graduate. (2017). Grace, J., graduate. (2017). Williams, C., graduate. (2017). Turner, M., graduate. (2015). Gentile, H., graduate. (2015). Claxton, E., graduate. (2015). Glauden, S., graduate. (2015). Klein, J., graduate. (2012). Erdemli, R., graduate. (2011). Brown, J., graduate. (2007). Conn, S., graduate. (2006). DeLucchi, C., student.

Master's Committee Member

Webb, N., graduate. (2016). Buyukozturk, B., graduate. (2015). Salerno, S., graduate. (2015). Nix, A., graduate. (2014). Lennon, L., graduate. (2012). McCleavey, B., graduate. (2008). Sheka, R., graduate. (2008). Wood, M., student.

Bachelor's Committee Chair

Teek, M., graduate. (2018). Olsen, A., graduate. (2015). Bloomer, A., student.

Bachelor's Committee Member

Bater, D., graduate. (2018). Dawahare, A., graduate. (2018). Baldwin, S., graduate. (2017). Bowlin, M., graduate. (2017).

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Fritz, M., graduate. (2014). Dickinson, L., graduate. (2012). LaRose, A., graduate. (2012). Doyle, F., graduate. (2011). Sanfilippo, S., graduate. (2011). Levy, A., graduate. (2010). Dunlop, A., graduate. (2009).

Supervision of Student Research Not Related to Thesis or Dissertation

Bloomer, A. (Sep 2019–present).

Teek, M. (2017–18).

Olsen, E. (2017).

Olsen, A. (2012–15).

Solomon, A. (2007–09).

Kemper, J. (2007–08).

Russell, K. (2006–08).

Hudson, D. (2005–06).

Research and Original Creative Work


Refereed Journal Articles

Rohlinger, D. A., & Vacarro, C. (submitted). Emotion as a Resource in Individual Claims-making. American Sociological Review. Manuscript submitted for publication, 50 pages.

Rohlinger, D., ~Olsen, A., & Hewitt, L. (submitted). Discursive Politics and Gender Equity in Rural Morocco. Women's Studies International Forum. Manuscript submitted for publication, 25 pages.

Rohlinger, D., ~Williams, C., & ~Teek, M. (2019). From "Thank God for Helping this Person" to "Libtards Really Jumped the Shark": Opinion Leaders and (In)civility in the Wake of School Shootings. New Media & Society, 30. doi:10.1177/1461444819875708

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Rohlinger, D., ~Redmond, R., & ~Stamm. T. (2019). Gender, Age, and Political Legitimacy: Activist (In)visibility in Broadcast News, 1970-2012. Journal of Women & Aging. doi:10.1080/08952841.2019.1593774

~Dignam, P., & Rohlinger, D. (2019). Misogynistic Men Online: How The Red Pill Helped Elect . Signs, 44(3), 589–612.

Rohlinger, D. (2019). Symposium on Political Communication and Social Movements: Ships Passing in the Night. Information, Communication & Society, 22(5), 724-738. doi:10.1080/1369118X.2019.1568514

Rohlinger, D., & Earl, J. (2018). CITAMS at Thirty: Learning for the Past, Plotting a Course for the Future. Studies in Media and Communication, 17, 3-24.

Rohlinger, D. A., & Bunnage, L. (2018). Collective Identity in the Digital Age: Thin and Thick Identities in MoveOn.org and the . Mobilization, 23(2), 135-157.

Rohlinger, D., ~Redmond, R., ~Stamm, T., ~Gentile, H., & ~Olson, A. (2018). Power and Representation: Activist Standing in Broadcast News, 1970-2012. Studies in Media Communications, 16, 7-34.

Rohlinger, D., & Bunnage, L. (2017). Did the Tea Party Movement Fuel the Trump-Train? The Role of Social Media in Activist Persistence and Political Change in the 21st Century. Social Media + Society, 3(2), 1-11. doi:10.1177/2056305117706786

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Gaulden, S. (2017). Leading Online: Lessons from the Mach Against Monsanto and Monsanto. Emerald Studies in Media and Communication, 14, 177-207.

Rohlinger, D. A., & Proffitt, J. (2016). Covering Controversy: How Ownership, News Format, and Geography Affect Newspaper Coverage of the Terri Schiavo Case. Journalism, 1-18. doi:10.1177/1464884916665404

~Brown, R. L., & Rohlinger, D. A. (2016). The Effect of Political Generation on Identity and Social Change: Age Cohort Consequences. Journal of Women and Aging, 96-111. doi:10.1080/08952841.2014.950138

Rohlinger, D. A., & Bunnage, L. (2015). Connecting People to Politics Over Time? Internet Communication Technology and Activist Persistence in MoveOn and the Tea Party Movement. Information, Communication & Society, 18(5), 539-552. doi:10.1080/1369118X.2015.1008541

Rohlinger, D. A., ~Pederson, J., & ~Valle, G. (2015). Inclusive Discourse? Local Media Coverage of the Terri Schiavo Case. Sociological Spectrum, 35(1), 1-24.

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Rohlinger, D. A., ~Vaccaro, C., ~Session, M., & ~Mauney, H. (2015). Individual Claims-Making in the Terri Schiavo Case. Social Currents, 2(4), 361-376. doi:10.1177/2329496515603726

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Stamm, T. (2013). Acting Contentiously: Social Movement Simulations in the Classroom. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 17(2), 20.

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Brown, J. (2013). Mass Media and Institutional Change: Organizational Reputation, Strategy, and Outcomes in the Academic Freedom Movement. Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 18(1), 41-64.

Meyer, D. S., & Rohlinger, D. A. (2012). Big Books and Social Movements: A Myth of Ideas and Social Change. Social Problems, 59(1), 136-153.

Rohlinger, D. A., ~Kail, B., Taylor, M., & ~Conn, S. (2012). Outside the Mainstream: Media Coverage of the U.S. Abortion Debate, 1980-2000. Research on Social Movements, Conflict & Change, 33, 51-80.

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Klein, J. (2011). Visual Landscapes and the Abortion Issue. American Behavioral Scientist, 56(2), 172-188.

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Brown, J. (2009). "Democracy, Action and the Internet after 9/11.". American Behavioral Scientist, 53(1), 133-150.

Rohlinger, D. A., & Quadagno, J. (2009). "Framing Faith: Explaining Cooperation and Conflict in the U.S. Conservative Christian Political Movement". Social Movement Studies, 8(4), 341-358.

Downey, D., & Rohlinger, D. A. (2008). "Linking Strategic Choice with Macro Organizational Dynamics: Strategy and Social Movement Articulation". Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change, 28, 3-35.

Rohlinger, D. A. (2007). "American Media and Deliberative Democratic Processes.". Sociological Theory, 25(2), 122-148.

Rohlinger, D. A. (2006). "Friend and Foe: Media, Politics, and Tactics in the Abortion War". Social Problems, 53(4), 537-561.

Rohlinger, D. A. (2002). "Eroticizing Men: Cultural Influences on Advertising and Male Objectification". Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 46(3/4), 61-74.

Rohlinger, D. A. (2002). "Framing the Abortion Debate: Organizational Resources, Media Strategies, and Movement-Countermovement Dynamics". The Sociological Quarterly, 43(4), 479-507.

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Refereed Books

Rohlinger, D. A. (2019). New Media and Society. New York: New York University Press.

Rohlinger, D. A. (2015). Abortion Politics, Mass Media and Social Movements in America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Edited Books

Rohlinger, D., & Sobieraj, S. (Eds.). (contract). The Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Digital Media. Manuscript under contract for publication, Oxford University Press.

Rohlinger, D. A., & Earl, J. (Eds.). (2017). Social Movements and Mass Media. Emerald Studies in Media and Communication.

Earl, J., & Rohlinger, D. A. (Eds.). (2012). Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change. Special Issue on Media, Movements, and Political Change. Emerald.

Maney, G., Kutz-Flamenbaum, R., Rohlinger, D. A., & Goodwin, J. (Eds.). (2012). Strategy in Action: Movements and Social Change. University of Press.

Invited Book Chapters

Rohlinger, D., & ~Grace, J. (contract). Abortion Politics in the U.S. Manuscript under contract for publication, Routledge.

Rohlinger, D. A., & DeLucchi, C. (contract). Social Media, Social Movements and Media Ethics. Manuscript under contract for publication, New York: Routledge.

Rohlinger, D. A. (contract). Transformations in Political Participation. Manuscript under contract for publication, New York: Oxford University Press.

Rohlinger, D. (in press). Non-Party Groups and Electoral Persuasion: From the Tea Party Movement to Black Lives Matter. In Electoral Persuasion (35 pages). Oxford University Press.

Rohlinger, D., & ~Williams, C. (2019). Crises and Civility: Social Media Discourse after School Shootings. In Boatright, Robert, Shaffer, Timothy, Sobieraj, Sarah, & Young, Danna (Eds.), A Crisis of Civility?: Political Discourse and its Discontents (pp. 105-123). Routledge.

Rohlinger, D. A., & Corrigall-Brown, C. (2019). Social Movements and Mass Media in a Global Context. In David Snow, Sarah Soule, Hanspeter Kriesi, & Holly McCammon (Eds.), The

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Blackwell Companion to Social Movements (2nd edition) (pp. 131-147). New York: Blackwell.

Rohlinger, D., & ~Grace, J. (2019). The Continuing Battle over Abortion and Reproductive Rights. In Reger, Jo (Ed.), Nevertheless, They Persisted: Feminisms and Continued Resistance in the U.S. Women's Movement (pp. 187-203). Routledge.

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Gaulden, S. (2018). Overcoming Obstacles to Activism: An Analysis of MoveOn.org and the Florida Tea Party Movement. In Choudrie, Jyoti, Tsatsou, Panayiota, & Kurnia, Sherah (Eds.), Social Inclusion and Usability of ICT-Enabled Services (pp. 273-290). New York: Routledge.

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Claxton, E. (2017). Mobilizing the Faithful: Conservative and Right Wing Women's Movements in America. In HollyMcCammon, Lee Ann Banazak, Verta Taylor, & Jo Reger (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of U.S. Women's Social Movement Activism (pp. 150-171). Oxford University Press.

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Gentile, H. (2017). Sociological Perspectives on Social Movements. In Conny Roggeband, & Bert Klandermans (Eds.), Springer Handbook of Social Movements across Disciplines (pp. 2-32). New York: Springer.

Rohlinger, D. A. (2015). "Do You Like Big Macs, Coca Cola, and Levis? Understanding National Identity Through TV and Sociology. In Kishor Vaidya (Ed.), Sociology for the Curious. Amazon Book.

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Gentile, H. (2015). "Letting Go" and "Having Fun": Redefining Aging in America. In Donna King, & Kay Valentine (Eds.), Letting Go: Feminist and Social Justice Insights and Activism (pp. 173-183). Vanderbilt University Press.

Rohlinger, D. A., ~Klein, J., ~Stamm, T., & ~Rogers, K. (2015). Constricting Boundaries: Collective Identity in the Tea Party Movement. In Nancy Naples, & Jennifer Bickham-Mendez (Eds.), Border Politics, Social Movements and Globalization (pp. 177-205). New York University Press.

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Klein, J. (2014). From Fervor to Fear: ICT and Emotions in the Tea Party Movement. In David Meyer, & Nella Van Dyke (Eds.), Understanding the Tea Party Movement (pp. 125-147). Ashgate.

Rohlinger, D. A., Bunnage, L., & ~Klein, J. (2014). Virtual Power Plays: Social Movements, ICT, and Party Politics". In Bernard Groffman, Alex Trechsel, & Mark Franklin (Eds.), The Internet and Democracy in Global Perspective (Studies in Public Choice) (pp. 83-109). Springer.

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Quadagno, J., & Rohlinger, D. A. (2009). The Religious Factor in U.S. Welfare State Policies. In K. Van Kersbergen, & P. Manow (Eds.), Religion and the Western Welfare State (pp. 236-266). Cambridge University Press.

Rohlinger, D. A., & Quadagno, J. (2006). Framing Social Security Rights. In Judith Blau, & Kerri Smith (Eds.), Public Sociologies (pp. 123-136). Rowan & LIttlefield Inc.

Rohlinger, D. A., & Meyer, D. A. (2005). Framing Abortion Globally: Transnational Framing of Access to Abortion in the , England, and Ireland. In Lee Ann Banaszak (Ed.), U.S. Women's Movement in a Dynamic and Global Perspective (pp. 197-214). Rowan & Littlefield Inc.

Rohlinger, D. A., & Snow, D. A. (2003). Social Psychological Perspectives on Crowds and Social Movements. In James DeLmater (Ed.), Handbook of Social Psychology: Sociological Perspectives (pp. 503-527). Klewer-Plenum.

Invited Encyclopedia Entries

Rohlinger, D. A. (2016). Field Theory. In Craig Carroll (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation (p. 5). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Latinsky, A. (2016). Gender Socialization. In G. Ritzer (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sociology (2nd ed.). Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Latinsky, A. (2016). Privilege. In G. Ritzer (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sociology (2nd ed.). Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Vaccaro, C. (2013). "Media and Social Movements". In D. Snow, D. della Porta, B. Klandermans, & D. McAdam (Eds.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements (p. 736-739). Blackwell Publishers.

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Sessions, M. (2013). "Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Movements". In D. Snow, D. della Porta, B. Klandermans, & D. McAdam (Eds.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements (p. 1008-1013). Blackwell Publishers.

Snow, D., & Rohlinger, D. A. (2013). Convergence Theory. In D. Snow, D. della Porta, B. Klandermans, & D. McAdam (Eds.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements (274th ed.). Blackwell Publishers.

Rohlinger, D. A. (2006). Gender Socialization. In G. Ritzer (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sociology (p. 4571-4574). Blackwell Publishers.

Rohlinger, D. A. (2006). Privilege. In G. Ritzer (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sociology (p. 3649-3651). Blackwell Publishers.

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Refereed Proceedings

Rohlinger, D. A. (2001). Countermovement and Media Coverage Outcomes: A Case Study of the Abortion Debate. In Russell Dalton (Ed.), Center for the Study of Democracy Paper Series. University of California, Irivine.

Invited Reviews

Rohlinger, D. A. (2012). Soundbitten: The Perils of Media- Centered Political Activism. Contemporary Sociology, 41(4), 524-525.

Rohlinger, D. A. (2009). Review of Nicolas Winter, "Dangerous Frames: How Ideas About Race & Gender Shape Public Opinion.". American Journal of Sociology, 115(1), 271-273.

Rohlinger, D. A. (2006). Review of Gene Burns, "The Moral Veto: Framing Contraception, Abortion, and Cultural Pluralism in the United States.". Mobilization, 11(1), 126-127.

Rohlinger, D. A. (2001). Countermovement and Media Coverage Outcomes: A Case Study of the Abortion Debate. Center for the Study of Democracy Paper Series. Retrieved from http://repositories.cdlib.org/csd/01-06/

Rohlinger, D. A. (2001). Review of Rebecca Klatch, "A Generation Divided: The New Left, The , and The 1960s.". Mobilization, 6(2), 234-235.

Invited Newsletter Articles

Rohlinger, D. A. (2016, July). Abortion Politics in America. ASA Sex and Gender Section, 1-3.

Nonrefereed Reports

Rohlinger, D. (2017). Obstacles and Opportunities for the Pro-Choice Movement. Harvard University, Scholars Strategy Network.


Invited Papers at Conferences

Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2016). Author-Meets-Critic Session (author) Abortion Politics, Mass Media, and Social Movements in America. Paper presented at Southern Sociological Society Meeting, Southern Sociological Society, , GA. (Regional)

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Invited Keynote and Plenary Presentations at Symposia

Rohlinger, D. A., & Williams, C. ~. (presented 2017). Conversations during Crisis: Information-Sharing and Social Media. Plenary presentation in Robert Boatright (Chair), National Institute on Civil Discourse Research Convening. Symposium conducted at the meeting of National Institute on Civil Discourse, Tuscon, AZ. (National)

Rohlinger, D. (presented 2017). Honoring David Meyer. Plenary presentation in Rory McVeigh (Chair), Young Social Movement Scholars. Symposium conducted at the meeting of Center for the Study of Social Movements, University of Notre Dame. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2015, October). When Movements and Markets Collide: The Case of the Women's Movement. Plenary presentation in Social Movements and the Econony. Symposium conducted at the meeting of Kellogg School of Business, Northwestern University. (International)

Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2014, July). Organizational Reputation and Political Change. Plenary presentation in Reputation and NGOs. Symposium conducted at the meeting of Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation, University of Oxford. (International)

Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2012). Virtual Power Plays: Social Movements, ICT, and Party Politics. Plenary presentation in Annual Meeting. Symposium conducted at the meeting of The Internet, Democracy and Voting Symposia, Laguna Beach, CA. (International)

Invited Presentations at Conferences

Rohlinger, D. A. (accepted). Author Meets Critic: The Politics of Losing: Trump, the Klan, and the Mainstreaming of Resentment. Presentation to be given at Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Pacific Sociological Association, Eugene, OR. (Regional)

Rohlinger, D. A. (accepted). Cultures of Extremism? Online Discussions during the 2018 Midterm Election Cycle. Presentation to be given at Extreme Right Radicalization Online, Social Science Research Council, Brooklyn, NY. (National)

Rohlinger, D. (accepted). Media and Democracy after Trump. Presentation to be given at Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, Pacific Sociological Association, Eugene, OR. (Regional)

Rohlinger, D. (accepted). The Role of Critical Media in a Functioning Democracy. Presentation to be given at Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Pacific Sociological Association, Eugene, OR. (Regional)

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Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2019, September). School Shootings and (In)Civility Online. Presentation at National Institute for Civil Discourse Research Convening, National Institute for Civil Discourse, Tucson, AZ. (International)

Rohlinger, D. (presented 2018). Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Collective Action. Presentation at ASA annual meeting, American Sociological Association, Philadelphia. (International)

Rohlinger, D. (presented 2018). Shaping and Informing Public Conversations by Sharing Your Scholarship. Presentation at American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA. (International)

Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2017, March). Graphing (In)Civility after School Shootings. Presentation at National Institute for Civil Discourse Research Convening, National Institute for Civil Discourse, Tucson, AZ. (International)

Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2017). Policing the Boundaries of Representation: (Re)creating Visual Narratives About Activists in Broadcast News, 1970 – 2012. Presentation at ASA Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2015, April). Visual Frames of Gender and Activism. Presentation at Southern Sociological Meeting, Southern Sociological Society. (Regional)

Rohlinger, D. A., & Bunnage, L. (presented 2011). Connecting People to Politics? The Role of the Internet in Participation in MoveOn and the Tea Party Movement. Presentation at Collective Behavior and Social Movements Conference, American Sociological Association, Las Vegas, NV. (International)

Refereed Presentations at Conferences

Rohlinger, D., ~Vaccaro, C., & ~Williams, C. (accepted). Emotions as a Resource for Individual Political Action: Emails to Jeb Bush Regarding Terri Schaivo. Presentation to be given at American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association, New York City. (National)

Rohlinger, D. (presented 2019). The Trump Effect on SMO Social Media Use. Presentation at International Communication Association Annual Meeting, International Communication Association, Washington, D.C. (International)

Rohlinger, D., & ~Williams, C. (presented 2018). Crisis and Civility: Twitter Discourse After School Shootings. Presentation at American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA. (International)

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Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2017). Collective Identity in the Digital Age. Presentation at Social Movements and , San Diego State University, San Diego State University. (International)

Rohlinger, D. (presented 2017). Collective Identity in the Digital Age: Thin and Thick Identities in MoveOn.org and the Tea Party Movement. Presentation at Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Eastern Sociological Society, Baltimore, Maryland. (Regional)

Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2016). Visualizing Activism: Standing and Representation in Broadcast Media, 1970-2012. Presentation at ASA Annual Meeting, American Sociological Society, Seattle, WA. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2015, August). Organizational Culture and the Targets of Social Change. Presentation at Collective Behavior Social Movement Pre-Conference, ASA Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements. (International)

Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2015, August). Organizational Reputation and media Strategy. Presentation at American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Gentile, H. (presented 2015). "Letting Go" and "Having Fun": Redefining Aging In America. Presentation at Southern Sociological Society Meeting, Southern Sociological Society, New Orleans, LA. (Regional)

Rohlinger, D. A., & Bunnage, L. (presented 2014). Connecting People to Politics? Activist Persistence in MoveOn and Tea Party Movement. Presentation at the meeting of American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A., ~Vaccaro, C., ~Sessions, M., & ~Mauney, H. (presented 2014). Identity Deployment, Social Movements, and the Battle over Terri Schiavo. Presentation at the meeting of American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A., & Brown, R. (presented 2013). Cohort Consequences: Political Generation and Change. Presentation at the meeting of American Sociological Association. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A., & Bunnage, L. (presented 2013). Connecting People to Politics? Technology, Organization, and Participation in the Tea Party Movement and MoveOn.org over Time. Presentation at the meeting of Southern Sociological Society. (Regional)

Rohlinger, D. A., ~Pederson, J., & ~Valle, G. (presented 2013). Diversifying Discourse? Local Media Coverage of the Terri Schiavo CAse. Presentation at Media Sociology Pre-Conference, American Sociological Association. (International)

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Rohlinger, D. A., ~Vacarro, C., ~Sessions, M., & ~Mauney, H. (presented 2013). Identity in Action: Personal Identity in the Terri Schiavo Case. Presentation at the meeting of American Sociological Association. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A., & Klein, J. (presented 2012). From Fervor to Fear: ICT and Emotions in the Tea Party Movement. Presentation at Annual Meeting, Union for Democratic Communication. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Klein, J. (presented 2012). From Fervor to Fear: ICT and Emotions in the Tea Party Movement. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A., Bunnage, L., & ~Klein, J. (presented 2012). Virtual Power Plays: Social Movements, ICT, and Party Politics. Presentation at Annual Meeting, Society for the Study of Social Problems. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A., Bunnage, L., & ~Klein, J. (presented 2012). Virtual Power Plays: Social Movements, ICT, and Party Politics. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Sociological ASsociation. (National)

~Vaccaro, C., Rohlinger, D. A., ~Erdemli, S., & ~Rogers, K. (presented 2011). An Appeal to Emotion: Framing in the Public and Private Sphere. Presentation at Annual Meeting, Eastern Sociological Society. (Regional)

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Brown, J. (presented 2011). Connecting People to Politics? The Role of the Internet in Participation in MoveOn and the Tea Party Movement. Presentation at Annual Meeting, Pacific Sociological Association. (Regional)

Rohlinger, D. A., & Brown, J. (presented 2011). Unpacking Media Strategy: The Case of the Academic Freedom Movement. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A., & Klein, J. (presented 2011). Visual Landscapes and the Abortion Issue. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association. (National)

~Session, M., ~Mauney, H., ~Rote, S., & Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2010). Dear Governor Bush': Framing and Role-Identities in E-Mail about Terri Schiavo. Presentation at Annual Meeting, Southern Sociological Society. (National)

~Session, M., ~Mauney, H., ~Rote, S., & Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2010). Dear Governor Bush': Framing and Role-Identities in E-Mail about Terri Schiavo. Presentation at Annual Meeting, Amercan Sociological Association. (National)

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Vaccaro, C., Erdemli, S., Rogers, K., & Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2010). Emotional Resonance and Political Activism: A Social Psychological Analysis of the Terri Schiavo Case. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2010). Introducing the Terri Schiavo Project. Presentation at Annual Meeting, Southern Sociological Society. (Regional)

~Pederson, J., ~Schindler, K., ~Valle, G., & Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2010). Terri's Fate: Regional and Political Differences in the Discussion of the End of Life Outcomes. Presentation at Annual Meeting, Southern Sociological Association. (Regional)

Pederson, J., Schindler, K., Valle, G., & Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2010). Terri's Fate: Regional and Political Differences in the Discussion of the End of Life Outcomes. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Brown, J. (presented 2010). Unpacking Media Strategy: The Case of the Academic Freedom Movement. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A., ~Russell, K., & ~Koontz, A. (presented 2009). Baby Boomers and Cultural Change in the U.S. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A., Bunnage, L., & ~Brown, J. (presented 2009). Mobilizing On and Offline: E-Organizations and Activism. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A., ~Brown, J., & ~Weinberg, L. (presented 2009). Moving Media Strategy Online: The Academic Freedom Movement in the Virtual World. Presentation at Annual Meeting, Southern Sociological Society. (Regional)

Rohlinger, D. A., & ~Brown, J. (presented 2008). Democracy, Action and the Internet After 9/11. Presentation at Annual Meeting, Southern Sociological Association. (Regional)

Rohlinger, D. A., & Quadagno, J. (presented 2008). Framing Faith: Explaining Cooperation and Conflict in the Conservative Christian Movement. Presentation at Annual Meeting, Southern Sociological Society. (Regional)

Rohlinger, D. A., ~Brown, J., & ~Weinberg, L. (presented 2008). Specifying the Role of the Internet in Social Movement Mobilization. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2008). The Media" Myth: Structure, Agency and Outcomes in the Abortion Debate, 1980-2000. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association. (National)

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Rohlinger, D. A., ~Brown, J., & ~Weinberg, L. (presented 2007). From Grassroots to Netroots: Using the Internet to Mobilize Resources and People. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association. (National)

Downey, D., & Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2007). Linking Strategic Choice with Macro-Organizational Dynamics: Strategy and Social Movement Articulation. Presentation at ASA Collective Behavior Social Movements section mini-conference, American Sociological Association. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A., & Conn, S. (presented 2007). Media Outcomes in the Abortion Debate: The Influence of Organization, Events, Allies and Opponents, 1980-2000. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2006). Mass Media and Discursive Opportunities in the Abortion Debate, 1980-2000. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association. (National)

Quadagno, J., & Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2006). Religious Conservatives in U.S. Welfare State Politics. Presentation at Annual Meeting, Southern Sociological Society. (Regional)

Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2005). Moving Beyond the Mainstream: Measuring Media Democracy. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2005). Strategies in Context: Social Movement Organizations, Mass Media, and the Abortion War. Presentation at Annual Meeting, Southern Sociological Society. (Regional)

Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2005). Strategies in Context: Social Movement Organizations, Mass Media, and the Abortion War. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association. (National)

Rohlinger, D. A. (presented 2004). Reflections of Success and Failure in Media Coverage: Theorizing the Interactions between Social Movements and Mass Media. Presentation at Annual Meeting, American Sociological Association. (National)

Invited Lectures and Readings of Original Work

Rohlinger, D. A. (2020, February). Democratic Processes and Digital Spaces: Analyzing Deliberation and Action after School Shootings, Controversial Rulings and Heated Elections. Delivered at Critical Thinking Symposium, FSU library. (State)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2020, February). Digital Citizenship and Society Panel. Delivered at Critical Thinking Symposium, FSU library. (Local)

Page 17 DRAFT Vita for Deana A Rohlinger

Rohlinger, D. A. (2020, February). Splintered Sisterhood: Conservative Women's Rejection of Feminism in Historical Perspective. Delivered at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Westminster Oaks. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2019, November). Effective Social Media Use in Your Academic Career. Delivered at FSU Women's Faculty Graduate Student Network, Tallahassee, FL. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2019, October). Social Media and the Academy. Delivered at Department of Sociology, Tallahassee, FL. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2019, October). Work and Life Balance. Delivered at FSU Department of Sociology, Tallahassee, FL. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. (2018, November). Social Movements and World War I. Delivered at Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. (2018, October). Democracy in the Digital Age. Delivered at North Florida Community College. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. (2018, February). Feminism Basics. Delivered at Women's Student Union, Student Union. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2017, May). Movements and Media in the Digital Age. Delivered at Virginia CommonWealth. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2017, February). Lessons Learned from the Election. Delivered at , Backwoods Bistro. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2016, November). It's Over. What Now? Delivered at Policy Pub, Backwoods Bistro. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2016). Mass Media and Activism. Delivered at Virginia CommonWealth, via Skype. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2015). Abortion Politics and Presidential Elections. Delivered at FSU Luncheon Series. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2012). Abortion Politics in the 21st Century. Delivered at Sociologists for Women in Society. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2012). Connecting People to Politics? Internet Communication Technology and Participation in MoveOn and the Tea Party Movement. Delivered at Department of Sociology, Vanderbilt University. (Local)

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Rohlinger, D. A. (2012). Media and Movements. Delivered at Department of Sociology, Tufts University. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2012). What Next? Future Research on Social Movements and Mass Media. Delivered at Department of Sociology, University of Arizona. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2011). Studying Social Movement. Delivered at FIG program (Service Learning Center), Florida State University. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2011). Talking Values: Strategies that Produce Informed Research. Delivered at Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Florida State University. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2011). Understanding Protest and Social Movements. Delivered at Center for Leadership and Civic Engagement, Florida State University. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2011). Writing Qualitative Papers. Delivered at Department of Sociology. Florida State University. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2010). Crafting Qualitative Dissertation. Delivered at Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Florida State University. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2010). Teaching Non-Traditional Classes Effectively: From Directed Independent Studies to Advanced Research Seminars. Delivered at Department of Sociolog, Florida State University. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2010). The Internet, Organizing, and the Progressive Movement. Delivered at Center for the Study of Democracy at University of California, Irvine. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2009). Social Movements Meets Mathematics. Delivered at Department of Mathematics, Florida State University. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2006). The Job Hunt and Interviewing. Delivered at Department of Sociology, Florida State University. (Local)

Rohlinger, D. A. (2004). The Changing Culture of Reproductive Rights. Delivered at Sociologists for Women in Society (Tallahassee Chapter). (Local)

Digital Projects

Invited Digital Projects

Rohlinger, D. A. (Contributor). (2019, December). Disinformation about School Shootings on Twitter: Why Does It Happen? What Kind of Information is Shared? Does it Matter? [Blog post]. College of Social Sciences and Public Policy. Retrieved from

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https://wicked-solutions.blog/2019/12/02/disinformation-about-school-shootings-on-twitt er-why-does-it-happen-what-kind-of-information-is-shared-does-it-matter/

Rohlinger, D. A. (Contributor). (2019, August). 3 Ways China Benefits from the Hong Kong [Analysis Article]. The Conversation. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/3-ways-china-benefits-from-the-hong-kong-protests-122113

Rohlinger, D. (Contributor). (2019, April). The Moment: How Social Movements Can Capitalize on the Problems of Political Parties [Blog]. College of Social Sciences and Public Policy. Retrieved from wicked-solutions.blog/2019/04/08/the-joe-biden-moment-how-social-movements-can-ca pitalize-on-the-problems-of-political-parties/

Rohlinger, D. (Contributor). (2019, February). Sex and Love in the Digital Age [Blog Post]. New York University Press. Retrieved from https://www.fromthesquare.org/sex-and-love-in-the-digital-age/#.XHVtw4hKg2w

Rohlinger, D. (Contributor). (2018, December). In 2019, women's rights are still not explicitly recognized in US Constitution [Article]. The Conversation. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/in-2019-womens-rights-are-still-not-explicitly-recognized-in -us-constitution-108150

Rohlinger, D. (Contributor). (2018, November). 3 ways the women's movement in US politics is misunderstood [Article]. The Conversation. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/3-ways-the-womens-movement-in-us-politics-is-misundersto od-106738

Rohlinger, D. (Contributor). (2018, November). Constructing Narratives about the Political Fortunes of Women in 2018 [Post]. Center for the Study of Social Movement (University of Notre Dame). Retrieved from https://mobilizingideas.wordpress.com/2018/11/01/constructing-narratives-about-the-poli tical-fortunes-of-women-in-2018/

Rohlinger, D. (Contributor). (2018, November). There's More to Women's Political Participation than Voting [Post]. College of Social Sciences and Public Policy at FSU. Retrieved from wicked-solutions.blog/2018/11/05/there-is-more-to-womens-political-participation-than- voting/

Rohlinger, D. (Expert). (2018, October). Social Movements and Political Change [Video]. Pearson.

Rohlinger, D. (Script Writer). (2018, July). What is the Townsend Movement? [audio]. Pepper Institute. Retrieved from https://pepperinstitute.fsu.edu/aging-today

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Rohlinger, D. (Contributor). (2018, April). 3 Reasons Why Teachers Are Striking Right Now [Academic journalism]. The Conversation. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/3-reasons-why-teachers-are-striking-right-now-95582

Rohlinger, D. (Contributor). (2018, April). Teacher Strikes: Why Now? [Blog]. College of Social Science and Public Policy. Retrieved from https://wicked-solutions.blog/2018/04/16/teacher-strikes-why-now/

Rohlinger, D. (author). (2018, February). Galentine's Day: What It Tells Us About Our Changing Society [Blog].

Rohlinger, D. (Contributor). (2018, January). The Take A Knee Movement: A Legacy of the [Blog]. FSU COSSPP. Retrieved from https://wicked-solutions.blog/2018/01/15/the-take-a-knee-movement-a-legacy-of-the-civi l-rights-movement/

Rohlinger, D. (Author). (2017, December). The Failure of the #MeToo Movement [Blog]. COSSPP. Retrieved from https://wicked-solutions.blog/2017/12/19/the-failure-of-the-metoo-movement/

Rohlinger, D. (Contributor). (2017, November). The Rise of the Alt-Right - Why Now? [Blog]. COSSPP. Retrieved from www.wicked-solutions.blog

Rohlinger, D. (Contributor). (2017, October). Republicans Rally to Restrict Women's Rights [Op-Ed (digital and print)]. Tallahassee Democrat. Retrieved from http://www.tallahassee.com/story/opinion/2017/10/13/opinion-republicans-rally-restrict- womens-rights/756449001/

Rohlinger, D. (Contributor). (2017, October). Why the #MeToo Campaign Matters [Blog]. COSS&PP. Retrieved from www.wicked-solutions.blog

Rohlinger, D. A. (Featured Presenter). (2017). Do Online Social/Political Movements Make a Difference? [Video Recording]. SAGE Publications.

Rohlinger, D. A. (Featured Presenter). (2017). How Do Social/Political Movements Use Mass Media? [Video Recording]. SAGE Publications.

Rohlinger, D. (Featured Presenter). (2017). The Battle over Legal Abortion in America [Video Recording]. SAGE Publications.

Rohlinger, D. A. (Featured Presenter). (2017). What is a Social/Political Movement? [Video Recording]. SAGE PUblications.

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Rohlinger, D. A. (Contributor). (2016, November). Mainstream Media and Oppositional Memes in the Digital Age [Blog]. Center for the Study of Social Movements at University of Notre Dame. Retrieved from https://mobilizingideas.wordpress.com/2016/11/28/10046/

Rohlinger, D. A. (Contributor). (2016, November). Under Siege, Abortion-Rights Advocates Must Link Health Care to Economic Prosperity [Article]. The American Prospect. Retrieved from http://prospect.org/article/under-siege-abortion-rights-advocates-must-link-health-care-ec onomic-prosperity

Rohlinger, D. A. (2016, September). Dysfunctional Politics in the Digital Age [Mobilizing Ideas]. Center for the Study of Social Movements. Retrieved from https://mobilizingideas.wordpress.com/2016/09/29/9764/

Rohlinger, D. A. (Contributing Author). (2016, July). Turning the Anti-Abortion Tide [Article]. The American Prospect. Retrieved from http://prospect.org/article/turning-anti-abortion-tide

Rohlinger, D. A. (Contributing Author). (2016, June). I Wrote A Book. It's About Abortion.That Wasn't the Hard Part [Blog]. Girl w/Pen! (The Society Pages). Retrieved from https://thesocietypages.org/girlwpen/2016/06/07/i-wrote-a-book-its-about-abortion-that- wasnt-the-hard-part/

Rohlinger, D. A. (Contributing Author). (2016, March). FDA Ruling Reshapes Abortion Battle [Article]. The American Prospect. Retrieved from http://prospect.org/article/fda-ruling-reshapes-abortion-battle

Rohlinger, D. A. (Contributing Author). (2016, March). The Far-Reaching Consequences of the Supreme Court Abortion Rights Challenge [Article]. The American Prospect. Retrieved from http://prospect.org/article/far-reaching-consequences-supreme-court-abortion-rights-chall enge

Rohlinger, D. A. (Commentator). (2016, January). Here's Why Ammon Bundy's Oregon Standoff Might Actually Work [Commentary]. Fortune Magazine. Retrieved from http://fortune.com/2016/01/10/ammon-bundy-oregon-occupy-wall-street/

Rohlinger, D. A. (Commentator). (2015, December). Republicans Need to Rein in Abortion Rhetoric for Their Own Political Good [Commentary]. U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved from http://www.usnews.com/debate-club/should-the-gop-temper-its-rhetoric-on-planned-pare nthood-and-abortion-after-the-colorado-springs-attack/republicans-need-to-rein-in-aborti on-rhetoric-for-their-own-po

Rohlinger, D. A. (Contributing Author). (2015, November). Reclaiming Abortion Narratives in America [Blog Post]. Gender & Society. Retrieved from

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https://gendersociety.wordpress.com/2015/11/24/reclaiming-abortion-narratives-in-ameri ca/

Rohlinger, D. A. (Featured Presenter). (2015, November). What Do I Need to Know About the Media Environment [Video Recording]. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Retrieved from https://mobilizingideas.wordpress.com/2015/11/13/informing-activists-what-do-i-need-to -know-about-the-media-environment/

Rohlinger, D. A. (Contributing Author). (2015, June). From Causes to Cars: Reputation Matters! [Essay Dialogue]. Center for the Study of Social Movements. Retrieved from https://mobilizingideas.wordpress.com/2015/06/10/from-causes-to-cars-reputation-matter s/

Rohlinger, D. A. (Commentator). (2015, March). Are Abortion Politics Still Relevant in America? [Fifteen Eighty Four]. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from http://www.cambridgeblog.org/2015/03/are-abortion-politics-still-relevant-in-america/

Rohlinger, D. A. (Author). (2014, November). The Page 99 Test [Discussion of Research and Books]. Marshal Zeringue. Retrieved from http://page99test.blogspot.com/2014/11/deana-rohlingers-abortion-politics-mass.html

Rohlinger, D. A. (Commentor). (2014, August). "How Do Non-Profits Build Reputation and Signal Trust?" [Invited Blog Post]. University of Oxford.

Rohlinger, D. A. (Contributing Author). (2014, August). Slippery as an Old Banana Peel: Pinning Down Explanations for Social Movement Emergence and Momentum [Essay Dialogue]. Center for the Study of Social Movements. Retrieved from http://mobilizingideas.wordpress.com/2014/08/04/slippery-as-an-old-banana-pinning-do wn-explanations-for-social-movement-emergence-an-momentum/

Rohlinger, D. A. (Contributing Author). (2014, June). Collective Action in Fiction: Dive into Dystopian World of Wool [Mobilizing Ideas]. Center for the Study of Social Movements at University of Notre Dame.

Rohlinger, D. A. (Contributor). (2013, March). Moving Forward or Standing Still? The Battle over Abortion in the 21st Century [Commentary and Analysis]. Center for the Study of Social Movements (Notre Dame).

Rohlinger, D. A. (Contributor). (2011, December). Point and Click Change? Understanding Social Movements in the Digital Era [Analysis and Commentary]. Center for the Study of Social Movements (Notre Dame).

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Contracts and Grants

Contracts and Grants Funded

Rohlinger, D. (May 2018–Aug 2018). Conversations During Crisis: (In)Civility on Social Media after School Shootings. Funded by COFRS. Total award $14,000.

Rohlinger, D. A. (Jul 2017–Jul 2018). Conversations During Crisis: (In)Civility on Social Media after School Shootings. Funded by National Institute for Civil Discourse. Total award $2,000.

Rohlinger, D. A. (2011–2011). Constructing Political Discourse: Framing Life and Death in the Debate over Terri Schiavo. Funded by Committee on Faculty Research Support. Total award $14,000.

Rost, K., & Rohlinger, D. A. (2008–2013). Influencing Employer Benefit Purchasing Behavior. Funded by National Institute of Mental Health. Total award $2,008,084.

Rohlinger, D. A. (May 2007–Aug 2007). COFRS From Social Support to Collective Action. Funded by FSU CRC. Total award $13,000.

Rohlinger, D. A. (2006–2006). Social Support, Cultural Challenges, and Collective Action: An Examination of the Red Hat Society. Funded by Committee on Faculty Research Support. Total award $13,000.

Rohlinger, D. A. (May 2005–Aug 2005). FYAP Competitive Framing in the Abortion Debate, 1980-20. Funded by FSU CRC. Total award $14,000.

Rohlinger, D. A. (Apr 2005–Aug 2005). First Year Assistant Professor Grant. Funded by Florida State University. Total award $14,000.

Rohlinger, D. A., Maney, G., Andrews, K., Goodwin, J., Kutz-Flamenbaum, R., Resse, E., & Zhao, D. (2005–2007). Social Movement Strategies: Sources, Processes, and Outcomes. Funded by ASA Fund for the Advancement of the Discipline Grant. Total award $1,500.

Rohlinger, D. A., & Barrett, A. (2005–2006). Red Hats and Purple Dresses: An Examination of the Social, Political, and Psychological Implications of the Red Hat Society. Funded by Department of Sociology Research Grant. Total award $1,500.

Rohlinger, D. A., & Barrett, A. (2005–2006). Red Hats and Purple Dresses: An Examination of the Social, Political, and Psychological Implications of the Red Hat Society. Funded by College of Social Science Research Grant. Total award $7,000.

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Rohlinger, D. A. (Aug 2003–Dec 2003). University of California Regents Dissertation Fellowship. Funded by University of California. Total award $6,250.

Rohlinger, D. A. (2003–2004). National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant. Funded by National Science Foundation. Total award $6,058.

Rohlinger, D. A. (Aug 2001–Dec 2001). University of California Regents Predissertation Fellowship. Funded by University of California. Total award $6,000.

Rohlinger, D. A. (2000–2001). Global Peace and Conflict Studies Fellowship. Funded by Global Peace and Conflict. Total award $7,500.

Rohlinger, D. A. (1999–2001). National Science Foundation Democratization Training Program Fellowship. Funded by National Science Foundation. Total award $19,453.

Reviews of My Research and Original Creative Work by Other Authors

Reviews Appearing in Journals

Judge, K. (2019). Bookends: Review of New Media and Society. British Sociological Association Network, 133(Autumn 2019), 36.

Evans, S. (2017). Abortion Politics, Mass Media, and Social Movements in America. Feminist Psychology, 27(1), 120-123.

Wilson, J. (2016). Abortion Politics, Mass Media, and Social Movements in America. Contemporary Sociology, 45(3), 344-345.

Dugan, K. (2016). Abortion Politics, Mass Media and Social Movements in America. American Journal of Sociology, 122(1), 303-305.

Ferree, M. M. (2015). "Abortion Politics, Mass Media and Social Movements in America". Social Forces, May, 1-2.

Munson, Z. (2015). "Abortion Politics, Mass Media and Social Movements in America". Mobilization: An International Journal of Research, 20(3), 401-402.

Evans, E. (2015). "Abortion Politics, Mass Media and Social Movements in America". Mobilizing Ideas, March, 1-2. Retrieved from https://mobilizingideas.wordpress.com/2015/03/13/a-review-of-deana-a-rohlingers-aborti on-politics-mass-media-and-social-movements-in-america/

Grant, J. (2014). Strategies for Social Change. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 43(6), 855-857.

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McCammon, H. (2013). Strategies for Social Change. American Journal of Sociology, 119(11), 256-258.

Scholarly Magazine Publication

Rohlinger, D. A. (2016). Politicians vs. . Contexts.

Scholarly Magazine Publications

Rohlinger, D. A. (2015). "What Happened to the War on Women?". Contexts.


Florida State University

FSU University Service

FSU Representative, ACC Academic Leaders Network (2019–2020).

Reviewer, COFRS Review Panel (2019–2020).

Member, FSU Faculty Working Group on Interdisciplinary Research and Teaching (2016–2018).

Reprensentative, Faculty Senate (2015–2017).

Advisor, FSU Habitat for Humanity (2012–2016).

Member, University Graduate Student Teaching Award (2015–2016).

Committee Member, Leadership Award Selection Committee (2014).

Committee Member, Social Media Recruitment Committee (2012–2013).

Organizer, Inequality Working Group (2005–2013).

Alternate, Faculty Senate (2010–2011).

Committee Member, Jean Kilbourne Organizing Committee (2005).

Page 26 DRAFT Vita for Deana A Rohlinger

FSU College Service

Member, College Promotion & Tenure Committee (2018–2020).

Interviewer, Social Science Scholars Program (2013–2019).

Organizer, COSSPP Policy Pub Lecture Series (2016–2017).

Committee Member, College of Social Science Curriculum Committee (2014–2016).

FSU Department Service

Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee (2010–present).

Member, Special Area Exam Committee (2007–present).

Member, Special Area Committee Member (2004–present).

Media Liaison and Committee Member, Media Outreach (2014–2019).

Special Area Exam Committee, Chair (2017–2018). member, Department Personnel Committee (2017–2018).

Chair, Graduate Policy Committee (2017–2018).

Chair, Political Sociology Hiring Committee (2017–2018).

Member, Teaching Faculty Hiring Committee (2017–2018).

Chair, Undergraduate Policy Committee (2016–2017).

Member, Graduate Admissions and Financial Aid Committee (2010–2017).

Member, Mentoring Committee (2015–2016).

Member, Methods Committee (2008–2014).

Chair, Colloquium Committee (2012–2013).

Founder and faciliator, Inequality Working Group (2005–2013).

Chair, Special Area Exam Committee (2011–2012).

Page 27 DRAFT Vita for Deana A Rohlinger

Member, Graduate Admissions and Financial Aid Committee (2010–2012).

Member, Department Personnel Committee (2007–2009).

Chair, Stratification and Social Justice Area Exam Committee (2007–2008).

Member, Theory Area Committee (2005–2008).

Chair, Honors and Awards Committee (2006–2007).

Member, Undergraduate Policy Committee (2006–2007).

Member, Colloquium Committee (2005–2006).

Member, Honors and Awards Committee (2005–2006).

Member, Graduate Admissions and Financial Aid Committee (2004–2005).

FSU Institute or Center Service

Member, Pepper Postdoctoral Studies Committee (2017–2018).

member, Dissertation Award Committee (2017).

member, Dissertation Award Committee (2014).

The Profession

Editor for Refereed Journals

Book Review Editor, Mobilization: An International Journal of Research (2012–2018).

Editor, Sociology Compass, Section on Social Movements (2012–2015).

Guest Editing for Refereed Journals

Rohlinger, D., Davis, J., ~Dignam, P., & ~Williams, C. (Eds.). (2019). CITAMS issue of ICS [Special Issue]. Information, Communication & Society.

Rohlinger, D. A. (Ed.). (2009). Activism after 9/11 [Special Issue]. American Behavioral Scientist, 53(1).

Page 28 DRAFT Vita for Deana A Rohlinger

Editorial Board Membership(s)

Sociology Compass: Political Sociology (2018–2020).

American Behavioral Scientist (2012–2017).

American Sociological Review (2012–2015).

Social Problems (2013–2014).

Mobilization: The International Quarterly Review (2006–2013).

Sociology Compass: Social Movements (2007–2012).

Social Problems (2008–2011).

Guest Reviewer for Refereed Journals

Data & Society (2018–present).

Journal of Mediated Communication (2017–present).

Contexts (2016–present).

Sociological Perspectives (2013–present).

Mobilization (2012–present).

Gender & Society (2009–present).

Research in Social Movements, Conflict & Change (2007–present).

American Sociological Review (2004–present).

Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, & Parties (2012–13).

Journal of Communication (2011–13).

New Media & Society (2011–12).

American Journal of Sociology (2005–12).

Administrative Science Quarterly (2010–11).

Page 29 DRAFT Vita for Deana A Rohlinger

Social Movement Studies (2010–11).

Sociological Forum (2009–10).

Sociological Inquiry (2009–10).

Sex Roles (2008–09).

Social Forces (2005–09).

Reviewer for Textbooks

The Legacy of Women's Rights (2016–2017).

Abortion in America (2015–2017).

Understanding Social Movements (2015).

Media Society (2010).

Reviewer or Panelist for Grant Applications

National Science Foundation (2015–2018).

CAREER (2013–2015).

Fulbright Fellowship (2014).

National Science Foundation (2010–2011).

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (2008).

National Science Foundation (2007).

Service to Professional Associations

Founder, Twitter account that promotes women sociologists globally, Women Also Know Stuff - Sociology (2019–present).

Chair, American Sociological Association Section on Communication, Information Technology, and Media Sociology (2017–2020).

Page 30 DRAFT Vita for Deana A Rohlinger

Discussant, Discussant for the panel "Media Influences on Social Movements", American Sociological Association (2019).

Mentorship Program, Elected Position, ASA Section on Collective Behavior Social Movements (2015–2018).

Committee Member, ASA section on Collective Behavior Social Movements Best Dissertation Committee (2017–2018).

Chair, ASA section on Communication, Information Technology, and Media Sociology Best Book Award Committee (2017–2018).

Secretary/Treasurer, ASA Section on Communication, Information Technology and Media Sociology (2015–2017).

Committee Member, ASA section on Communication, Information, Technology and Media Society William F. Ogburn Career Achievement Award Committee (2016–2017).

Chair of Paper Award Committee, ASA section on Communication, Information, Technology and Media Society (2015–2017).

Program Committee, Southern Sociological Society (2014–2016).

Mentor to a junior scholar, Society for the Study of Social Problems (2010–2015).

Membership and Recruitment Committee, Society for the Study of Social Problems (2011–2014).

Council Member, The Collective Behavior Social Movements Section of the American Sociological Association (2011–2014).

Mentor to a junior scholar, The Collective Behavior Social Movements Section of the American Sociological Association (2010–2014).

Organizer, Social Movements, Corporations, and Consumption, American Sociological Association (2013).

Discussant for session on Media and Movements, American Sociological Association (2013).

Critic in Author Meets Critic Session on Holly McCammon's Book, Southern Sociological Society (2013).

Discussant for a Working Paper Session on "Activism in the Women's Movement", Collective Behavior Social Movement workshop, American Sociological Association (2011).

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Discussant, Social Movements and Framing, American Sociological Association (2011).

Discussion for panel on Social Movements and Mass Media, American Sociological Association (2011).

Organizer, Emotions, Politics, and Action: The Debate over Terri Schiavo, Southern Sociological Society (2010).

Mini-conference committee, Collective Behavior Social Movements Section of the American Sociological Association (2006–2008).

Organizer, Responsible for organizing more than 80 papers into 28 panel sessions for the ASA Collective Behavior/Social Movements mini-conference at Hofstra University, American Sociological Association (2007).

Discussant, Social Movement Frames: From Shifts and Splits to Framing the Grotesque, American Sociological Association (2007).

Mentorship Program coordinator, The Collective Behavior Social Movements Section of the American Sociological Association (2004–2006).

Representative, Pacific Sociological Association Student Affairs Committee (2002–2005).


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Service to Other Universities

Reviewer for Promotion, Tufts University (2019–present).

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Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure, West Virginia University (2019–present).

Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure, Tulane University (2018).

Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure, Loyola University, Baltimore (2016).

Reviewer for Promotion, Skidmore College (2016).

Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure, Pittsburgh University (2015).

Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure, Seton Hall University, Department of Sociology (2015).

Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure, University of Massachusetts at Boston (2014).

Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure, Tulane University (2013).

Reviewer for a colleague's promotion to full professor, Hofstra University (2011).

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