Ecozoic Reader.Vol. 5, No. 1. Wisdom of Women 2007.Text
$15.00 US THE ECOZOIC READER Critical Reflection, Story and Shared Dream Experience of an Ecological Age Artwork by Vijali Hamilton, photo by Karil Daniels Wisdom of Women “In these opening years of the twenty-first century, as the human community experiences a rather difficult situation in its relation with the natural world, we might reflect that a fourfold wisdom is available to guide us into the future: the wisdom of indigenous peoples, the wisdom of women, the wisdom of the classical traditions, and the wisdom of science.” –Thomas Berry A Publication of the Center for Ecozoic Studies Volume 5, Number 1, 2007 Look up at the sky- The heavens so blue, the sun so radiant, The clouds so playful, the soaring raptors, The meadows in bloom, the woodland creatures, The rivers singing their way to the sea, Wolf song on the land, whale song in the sea, Celebration everywhere, wild, riotous, Immense as a monsoon lifting an ocean of joy And spilling it down over the Appalachian Landscape, Drenching us all with a deluge of delight As we open our arms and rush toward each other, You and I and all of us, Moved by that vast compassionate Presence That brings all things together in intimate Celebration, Celebration that is the universe itself. Thomas Berry, from Every Being Has Rights, Twenty-Third Annual E.F. Schumacher Lectures Stockbridge, Massachusetts, October 2003 ear Reader: Thomas Berry had a knowing of a “vast compassionate Presence” when he stood as a young boy at the edge Dof the meadow by his home.
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