! Princess de Monaco ROSES! ROSES!

ooner or later, everyone who has a garden thinks Sabout growing roses. There are no practical reasons – if a gardener were to really need one – for deciding to do just that. For one thing roses outperform practically every other kind of garden plant in Florida in the number of flowers they produce, in the ARDENS length of their blooming season and in their normal life expectancy. evolved into the large formal garden that

G But most gardeners become growers it is today. Although major changes have simply because they fall in love with the taken place in the over the flowers. Roses have a charm and elegance years, the largest may have taken place matched by a thorny strength and a just four years ago when the decision satiny-petaled delicacy. Their blooms was made to display only those varieties EU come forth in a wonderful variety of appropriate for growing in the special colors, sizes, shapes and fragrances. It is conditions of Central Florida’s climate. this, the sensuous appeal of roses, which The nearly 150 selections of roses are had made them the world’s best known constantly being evaluated and any that and most popular ornamental plant. do not perform well are removed and

P. L Any word about roses should begin replaced with others that are more heat with words of encouragement for the tolerant, pest and/or disease resistant beginner. Growing roses in Florida can, and more floriferous. after all, seem to be a daunting task. Roses do require a bit of pampering and for the beginner, growing them in the Central Florida climate can be Margo Koster overwhelming. A gardener may ARRY think that roses make such unique demands that growing them may be

H beyond one’s ability. Historically, roses have long been important at Leu Gardens. Mary Jane Leu introduced them when Leu Gardens was a private pecial Gardening Edition estate, begun in 1936. Since then the rose garden has developed and S Growing roses in Central Florida is a grow roses grafted on Rosa fortuniana and nutrients. When you remove the constant challenge due to the long periods . Less expensive roses are rose from the container check to see if of heat and humidity. With environmentally available but decline in the garden after any roots are making a circle in the sensitive a short shape of the pot. Break these roots up or gardening as a time (two pry them loose and stretch them out. core principle, to three Plant the rose so the graft union (the the staff of Leu years). bulge on the main stem where the root Gardens strives Properly stock was grafted onto the upper part or to keep the grown, scion) is about an inch above the soil application of roses grown line. Fill the hole around the rose with pesticides to a on Rosa good topsoil and press the soil in firmly minimum. The fortuniana around the root ball. Water the rose key, therefore, is rootstock bush, making sure that the roots get to use roses that can grow soaked and cover the bare soil with are produced for for several mulch. Mulch can be pine bark or pine Florida gardens. decades. straw. Most native sandy soils have low Nurseries The less water and nutrient holding capacities grow a Rosa Chicago Peace expensive and heavy rains easily leach nutrients fortuniana rose for two years in a container selections will, even with proper care, beyond the roots. As a result, plants may and then graft or bud a variety of rose last only a short time because of their suffer from drought only a few days after like a hybrid tea onto it. The plant onto inability to fend off the diseases and rain or irrigation, and from nutrient which the hybrid is grafted is called the nematodes (microscopic worms) found deficiency only a few weeks after under stock or rootstock. This is done in Florida soils. Most roses with a Rosa fertilization. Such soils can be improved by making a tee type cut along the bark fortuniana rootstock are labeled as with soil amendments. At the time of of the under stock, taking a bud from “fortuniana certified.” planting, soil amendments such as alfalfa the tea rose and inserting it into the cut After proper rootstock evaluation, it is meal or dehydrated cow manure can be of the under stock. This is covered with important then to select those varieties added to the soil in the hole. Until they are biodegradable tape to protect it and of roses that have established, keep it clean. The little “bud” then starts been proven Kentucky Derby roses will to grow and becomes the top of the rose winners in the need bush. The next spring any stems of the Florida climate thorough rootstock are cut away and the grafted (see Leu Gardens’ watering at rose or “scion” takes over. It is allowed list of preferred least twice to grow for one more season and then it selections below). a week. is shipped to the nursery. Not all roses are Roses are Grafted plants are composed of two created equal. A heavy different roses; one forms the root system rose may have a feeders so (rootstock) and the other the top (scion). nice fragrance or a make sure Most rose plants sold have been grafted beautiful color but you fertilize on one of three different . Of my be prone to approxi- the three standard rootstocks, Fortuniana disease and insect mately (Rosa fortuniana, Double White Cherokee damage. every six or Evergreen Cherokee) gives the best Planting of roses is easy if a few simple weeks with a product that has been results. Dr. Huey (Shafter) is second best. steps are followed. The best soil for formulated for roses. Nutrients are most Multiflora () is the least growing roses is one that has good readily available to the roots in a moder- satisfactory rootstock because it is the drainage, which allows air and water ately acid to slightly acid soil (pH 5.5 to shortest-lived under Florida conditions. movement to and from roots, and will 6.5). Roses are relatively tolerant of salt In Central Florida it is important to hold an adequate supply of moisture spray and can be grown satisfactorily appear with specifically CalicaoCalico designated for roses. These can be Sources for more rose obtained at most garden stores. Just growing information: be sure to follow manufacturer’s The National Rose Gardener, directions. Fungicides for black spot Lance Walheim must be applied on a regular schedule The Rose Bible, usually about once a week. Keep in Rayford Clayton Raydell mind that some roses are more and Roses, The Most Beautiful Roses for some less susceptible to blackspot Large and Small Gardens, than others. Those found on the list Otto Buneman seen below have been selected for their resistance (but not immunity) Beautiful American Rose Gardens, to blackspot. Mary Tonnetti Dora The other two major pests, American Horticultural Society’s and mites are common when plants Practical Guides – Roses, near salt water with adequate soil are growing under stressful conditions Linda Hawthorne preparation and maintenance. namely, water and nutrient deficiency. Rose care at Leu Gardens starts in Certain rose selections are also prone to Websites: late winter with an annual . spider mite and can be lessened by http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/MG036 Individual roses are pruned the last week proper plant selection. Mites can be in January. At this time, depending controlled by spraying a hard stream of http://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/gt/roses/roses. upon what type of rose it is, the to the under sides of the leaves htm canes may be pruned to about 5 strong and to the new growth for aphids. http://www.floridagardener.com/misc canes 12 inches long (for hybrid teas, Chemical controls are rarely needed but /roses.htm grandifloras and floribundas) or longer are available if other methods fail. http://www.blossomsandbloomers.com for old garden roses, shrubs roses and /florida.htm climbers. After the harsh pruning all leaves are removed to eliminate any persistent fungus (blackspot or powdery Granada mildew) spores. This is also the time of year when it is best for common housekeeping chores including plant replacement, mulch renewal and leaf removal (black spot can appear over winter in dead leaves on the ground so try to clean up as many as possible). Although a container grown rose can be planted at any time of the year, roses become established best if planted in February or early March. In Central Florida, the prevalent disease, which affects roses, is blackspot. In addition to the yellow halo surrounding the black spot, the disease can also cause the leaf to turn yellow and drop off. To keep ahead of black spot, which cannot be cured, only controlled, you need to start spraying early just as the new leaves ROSES THAT PERFORM WELL Planting Roses Pruning Roses AT LEU GARDENS Hybrid Tea: Mr. Lincoln (red), Veteran’s Honor (red), John F. Kennedy (white), Pruning 1: Secret (pink & white) When making pruning Grandiflora: Princess de Monaco (pink cuts, cut about 1/4 inch above and outward & white), Melody Parfume’ (lavender) facing eye. This helps : Ice Berg (white), Sunsprite develop an open, spreading habit and (yellow), Angel Face (Lavender), First reduces diseases by Kiss (Pink) increasing circulation. Planting 1: Miniature: Sweet Nothing (deep pink), Dig a hole slightly shallower than the depth Small Miracle (white), Feisty (red), of the root ball. Remove the root ball from the container and gently loosen circling roots Raspberry Punch (pink) David Austin: Pat Austin (orange), Dark Lady (red), Tradescant (red) Old Garden Roses: Old Blush (multi-colored red and pink), Louis Phillipe (red) Mystery: Maitland White, Spice (white) Shrub Roses: Carefree Wonder (pink), Carefree Delight (pink), Knock Out (deep pink) Pruning 2: Planting 2: Deadheading, removing spent flowers, Fill the hole with soil. Build a soil basin and encourages the rose plant to produce more By – Helen BeVier and Cecil Hawley water thoroughly. blooms.

Pruning 3: Disbudding is the removal of small side flower buds on hybrid tea roses. It channels energy into the main flower, resulting in a larger flower. Vanity

Orlando, FL • 407.246.2620 • www.leugardens.org