2323 PriorityPriority ProjectsProjects

Batong Buhay Copper-Gold, Pasil, Teresa Gold, Mankayan, Far Southeast Gold, Mankayan, Benguet Itogon Gold, Mankayan, Benguet Didipio Copper-Gold, Pasil, Kalinga Padcal Expansion, Tuba, Benguet

San Antonio Copper, Sta. Cruz, Mindoro Nickel, Aglubang, Mindoro Rapu-rapu Polymetallic, Rapu-rapu Island, Aroroy Gold, Aroroy,

Toledo Copper, Toledo, Nonoc Nickel, Nonoc Island, del Norte Nonoc Iron Fines, Nonoc Island, Surigao del Norte Siana Gold, , Surigao del Norte Nickel, Bataraza, Palawan Boyongan Copper, Surigao del Norte Adlay--Tandawa, ,

Canatuan Gold, Siocon, Diwalwal Direct State, Monkayo, Compostela Valley Amacan Copper, Mabini, Compostela Valley King king Copper, Pantukan, Compostela Valley Pujada Nickel, Mati, Tampakan Copper, Tampakan, South MiningMining inin thethe PhilippinesPhilippines

 UndergroundUnderground (usually(usually inin old,old, largelarge --scalescale mines):mines): Benguet,Benguet, Lepanto,Lepanto, PhilexPhilex  PlacerPlacer (artisanal):(artisanal): CordillerasCordilleras  PlacerPlacer (small(small scale):scale): DiwalwalDiwalwal PartPart ofof BarangayBarangay DidipioDidipio inin Kasibu,Kasibu, NuevaNueva Vizcaya:Vizcaya: wherewhere DinkidiDinkidi (“pure(“pure gold”)gold”) isis locatedlocated DinkidiDinkidi Hill:Hill: wherewhere ClimaxClimax ArimcoArimco willwill minemine HowHow DinkidiDinkidi willwill looklook duringduring PhasePhase 11 ofof thethe miningmining operationoperation MineMine waste:waste: thethe casecase ofof ClimaxClimax ArimcoArimco inin NuevaNueva VizcayaVizcaya ClimaxClimax ArimcoArimco plansplans toto produceproduce 205,000205,000 ouncesounces ofof goldgold andand 3030 millionmillion poundspounds ofof coppercopper fromfrom DinkidiDinkidi HillHill everyevery yearyear forfor thethe firstfirst 88 yearsyears ofof operation.operation. OpenOpen --PitPit MiningMining inin thethe PhilippinesPhilippines LafayetteLafayette inin RapuRapu --RapuRapu AlbayAlbay .. AA cyanidecyanide spillspill occurredoccurred herehere onon Oct.Oct. 1111 && 31,31, 2005.2005. ProposedProposed DinkidiDinkidi OpenOpen Pit,Pit, Didipio,Didipio, Kasibu,Kasibu, N.V.N.V. InIn JulyJuly 2005,2005, thethe KasibuKasibu municipalmunicipal councilcouncil votedvoted againstagainst mining.mining. InIn AugustAugust 2005,2005, thethe provincialprovincial boardboard overturnedoverturned theirtheir decision.decision. CanatuanCanatuan GoldGold SioconSiocon ,, ZamboangaZamboanga deldel NorteNorte

Canatuan Gold, Zamboanga del Norte . The mining company has successfully divided the indigenous Subanon over mining in the IP sacred Mt. Canatuan. OpenOpen --PitPit MiningMining inin thethe PhilippinesPhilippines Marcopper,Marcopper, MarinduqueMarinduque .. AA majormajor tailingstailings damdam failurefailure occurredoccurred herehere inin 1996.1996. TailingsTailings damsdams CANATUANCANATUAN inin ZamboangaZamboanga (gold)(gold) KASHIPURKASHIPUR LAKELAKE inin IndiaIndia (aluminum)(aluminum) ANTAMINAANTAMINA inin PeruPeru (copper)(copper) MajorMajor tailingstailings damdam disastersdisasters inin thethe PhilippinesPhilippines 2002:2002: DIZONDIZON COPPERCOPPER SILVERSILVER MINES,MINES, SANSAN MARCELINO,MARCELINO, ZAMBALESZAMBALES –– overflowoverflow andand spillwayspillway failurefailure ofof 22 abandonedabandoned tailingstailings damsdams afterafter heavyheavy rarains:ins: (Aug(Aug 27)27) tailingstailings spilledspilled intointo MapanuepeMapanuepe LakeLake thenthen intointo Sto.Sto. TomasTomas River;River; (Sept(Sept 11)11) lowlow --lyinglying villagesvillages floodedflooded withwith minemine waste;waste; 250250 familiesfamilies evacuatedevacuated AprilApril 26,26, 1999:1999: MANILAMANILA MININGMINING CORP.,CORP., PLACER,PLACER, SURIGAOSURIGAO DELDEL NORTENORTE (gold)(gold) –– 700,000700,000 mm 3 cyanidecyanide tailingstailings spilledspilled fromfrom damageddamaged concreteconcrete pipepipe ofof tailingstailings pondpond “due“due toto excessiveexcessive rains;”rains;” 1717 homeshomes buried,buried, 5151 hashas ofof ricerice landland swampedswamped Major tailings dam disasters in the MarchMarch 24,24, 1996:1996: PLACERPLACER DOMEDOME INC.,INC., MARCOPPER,MARCOPPER, MARINDUQUEMARINDUQUE (copper)(copper) –– 33 millionmillion mm 3 ofof tailingstailings releasedreleased fromfrom storagestorage pitpit throughthrough oldold drainagedrainage tunnel;tunnel; 1,2001,200 residentsresidents evacuated,evacuated, 1818 kmkm ofof riverriver filledfilled withwith tailingstailings AugustAugust 9,9, 1999:1999: ATLAS.ATLAS. TOLEDO,TOLEDO, CEBUCEBU (copper)(copper) –– pressurepressure inin cloggedclogged drainagedrainage inin anan openopen pitpit loosenedloosened accumulatedaccumulated silt,silt, releasingreleasing approx.approx. 5.75.7 millionmillion mm 3 ofof acidicacidic waterwater intointo thethe nearbynearby riverriver (( SapangSapang DakuDaku )) andand intointo thethe openopen sea.sea. MajorMajor tailingstailings damdam disastersdisasters inin thethe PhilippinesPhilippines

 DecemberDecember 8,8, 1995:1995: PHILEXPHILEX MININGMINING CORP.CORP. (BULAWAN(BULAWAN PROJECT),PROJECT), NEGROSNEGROS OCCIDENTALOCCIDENTAL (gold)(gold) –– failurefailure ofof decantdecant towertower ofof pondpond exertedexerted byby impoundedimpounded tailingstailings  SeptemberSeptember 2,2, 1995:1995: MANILAMANILA MININGMINING CORP.,CORP., PLACER,PLACER, SURIGAOSURIGAO DELDEL NORTENORTE (gold)(gold) –– tailingstailings pondpond #5#5 collapsedcollapsed “due“due toto heavierheavier thanthan normalnormal rainfall,rainfall, wavwavee actionaction andand tectonictectonic movement,”movement,” releasingreleasing 50,00050,000 mm 3 ofof tailings;tailings; 1212 peoplepeople killed,killed, coastalcoastal pollutionpollution  JuneJune 26,26, 1993:1993: ITOGONITOGON --SUYOCSUYOC MINESMINES –– overtoppingovertopping atat thethe heightheight ofof aa typhoontyphoon thatthat cloggedclogged thethe dam’sdam’s penstockpenstock andand diversiondiversion tunneltunnel MajorMajor tailingstailings damdam disastersdisasters inin thethe PhilippinesPhilippines

 JanuaryJanuary 1992:1992: PHILEXPHILEX MININGMINING CORP.,CORP., PADCAL,PADCAL, BENGUETBENGUET (copper)(copper) –– wallwall ofof tailingstailings pondpond collapsedcollapsed duedue toto “weakened“weakened damdam structurestructure causedcaused byby 19901990 earthquake,”earthquake,” 8080 MM metricmetric tonstons ofof tailingstailings releasedreleased  OctoberOctober 17,17, 1986:1986: LEPANTOLEPANTO CONSOLIDATEDCONSOLIDATED (gold)(gold) –– tailingstailings pondpond collapsedcollapsed duedue toto weakenedweakened damdam embankmentembankment causedcaused byby additionaladditional loadingloading  NovemberNovember 8,8, 1982;1982; MARINDUQUEMARINDUQUE MININGMINING ANDAND INDUSTRIALINDUSTRIAL CORP.,CORP., SIPALAY,SIPALAY, NEGROSNEGROS OCCIDENTALOCCIDENTAL –– damdam failurefailure duedue toto slippageslippage ofof foundationfoundation onon clayeyclayey soil;soil; 2828 millionmillion metricmetric tonstons ofof tailingstailings released;released; resultedresulted inin widespreadwidespread inundationinundation ofof agriculturalagricultural llandand upup toto 1.51.5 mm highhigh TailingsTailings dumpeddumped intointo thethe seasea MarcopperMarcopper --stylestyle 19711971 --1986:1986: PLACERPLACER DOMEDOME ANDAND MARCOPPERMARCOPPER MININGMINING –– shallowshallow marinemarine disposaldisposal ofof 200200 millionmillion metricmetric tonstons intointo CalancanCalancan Bay,Bay, resultingresulting inin anan areaarea depositiondeposition ofof 8080 has.has. ACIDACID MINEMINE DRAINAGE:DRAINAGE: PollutionPollution onon aa MillennialMillennial ScaleScale AcidAcid minemine drainagedrainage (AMD),(AMD), oror acidacid rockrock drainage,drainage, isis thethe acidicacidic waterwater thatthat drainsdrains outout ofof aboveabove -- groundground oror underunder -- groundground coalcoal andand metalmetal mines.mines. ItIt maymay formform insideinside thethe minemine oror severalseveral The Mogpog River, Marinduque Island. The kilometerskilometers red/orange color and Oxfam’s scientific downstream.downstream. studies indicate acid mine drainage and contamination by heavy metals (Oxfam) ACIDACID MINEMINE DRAINAGE:DRAINAGE: PollutionPollution onon aa MillennialMillennial ScaleScale AMDAMD cancan occuroccur duringduring miningmining operationsoperations oror LONGLONG AFTERAFTER AA MINEMINE HASHAS BEENBEEN ABANDONED.ABANDONED. AMDAMD impactsimpacts streamstream andand riverriver ecosystemsecosystems byby increasingincreasing acidity,acidity, depletingdepleting oxygen,oxygen, andand Bags of mine waste tailings releasingreleasing heavyheavy metals,metals, decomposing in the Boac River suchsuch asas aluminum,aluminum, iron,iron, in March 2004 (Oxfam) manganese,manganese, andand zinc.zinc. ACIDACID MINEMINE DRAINAGEDRAINAGE

AcidAcid minemine drainagedrainage isis oneone ofof thethe bestbest --keptkept secretssecrets ofof thethe miningmining industry.industry. Why?Why? BecauseBecause itit isis thethe MOSTMOST DIFFICULTDIFFICULT PROBLEMPROBLEM toto solve.solve. InIn fact,fact, thethe industryindustry hashas notnot yetyet foundfound anan effectiveeffective solutionsolution toto thisthis problemproblem whichwhich persistspersists wellwell intointo thethe future.future. ImpactsImpacts ofof ACIDACID MINEMINE DRAINAGEDRAINAGE

AMD harms aquatic life by increasing turbidity. The suspended solids in AMD reduce the amount of light that can penetrate the water, thus affecting photosynthesis by aquatic plants and visibility for aquatic animals. Turquoise indicates copper leaching; red and yellow indicate iron sulfide CyanideCyanide andand GoldGold Ang pinakamaliking haul truck sa buong mundo sa tabi ng isang kotse . Kaya nitong maghakot ng 350 toneladang bato at lupa . KaKa kaliwakaliwa ,, driverdriver sasa tabitabi ngng haulerhauler truck.truck. SaSa kanankanan ,, isangisang electricelectric shovelshovel nana kasintaaskasintaas ngng 44 nana giraffegiraffe nana pinagpatongpinagpatong --patongpatong .. Ganito kalaki ang bucket ng electric shovel. Ilang tao ang kasya rito ? Ilang segundo matapos ang pagpaputok ng dinamita sa gilid ng bundok . TheThe miningmining companiescompanies saysay thatthat peoplepeople likelike mining.mining. TrueTrue oror false?false?