ORGANON 50:2018 DOI 10.4467/00786500.ORG.18.008.9502 Robert Zaborowski (University of Warmia & Mazury)¨ PLATO’S PHAEDRUS 253E5–255A1 REVISITED. A REAPPRAISAL OF PLATO’S VIEW ON THE SOUL* Unter Philologie soll hier, in einem sehr allgemeinen Sinne, die Kunst, gut zu lesen, verstanden werden. Nietzsche, Antichrist 52 Abstract. The paper is a reconsideration of the sec- ond part of the chariot allegory (Phdr. 253e5–255a1). After presenting a rationale and status quæstionis I analyse what Plato says about the lover’s soul when he meets his beloved. As a result a new interpretation is offered. It departs from orthodox and common read- ings because I suggest that (i) the charioteer, the good horse and the bad horse stand not only for, respective- ly, reason, spirit and appetite, and that (ii) thinking, feeling and desiring should be ascribed not only to, respectively, the charioteer, the good and the bad horse. It is rather that each element of the psyche con- tains a kind of rationality, a kind of affectivity, and a kind of appetite, and, each of the three functions be- longs to each of the three elements of the soul. The inward differentiation of kinds of functions should be understood by means of hierarchy. Keywords: Plato, the Phaedrus, Plato’s conception ¨ Address for correspondence: Institute of Philosophy, ul. K. Obitza 1, 10–725 Olsztyn, Poland. Email:
[email protected]. * I had started working on what has now become this paper over 20 years ago. Some elements were contained in my PhD thesis (Warsaw 1998) and in several works published since then (e.g.