Sports Business Group Contents Databook Foreword p03 Introduction The shifting Sports Business Landscape p04 Overview J-League Management Cup(JMC) 2015: Four Perspectives p06 Comparative Analysis Among Leagues 1st Stage: Marketing p08 2nd Stage: Management Efficiency p09 3rd Stage: Management Strategy p10 The Databook, which served as the basis for this analysis, is available for free download from the 4th Stage: Financial Condition p11 Deloitte sports business URL below. URL: J1 Ranking p12 Management Cup J1 Analysis 1st Stage: Marketing p14 2nd Stage: Management Efficiency p16 3rd Stage: Management Strategy p18 4th Stage: Financial Condition p20 J1 Cup Winner Analysis: F.C. Tokyo p22 Column (1) Effects of the Introduction of the Two-Stage System p24 J2 Ranking p26 Management Cup J2 Analysis 1st Stage: Marketing p28 2nd Stage: Management Efficiency p30 Published by: 3rd Stage: Management Strategy p32 Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory LLC 4th Stage: Financial Condition p34 Sports Business Group J2 Cup Winner Analysis: Avispa Fukuoka p36 Shin-Tokyo Building, 3-3-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku Column (2) (Zip code 100-0005) SNS Analysis p38 TEL : +81 (3) 6213 1180 J3 Ranking p40 E-Mail :
[email protected] Management Cup J3 Analysis URL : 1st Stage: Marketing p42 2nd Stage: Management Efficiency p44 3rd Stage: Management Strategy p46 Supervising Editor: Kazuhiro Fukushima 4th Stage: Financial Condition p48 J3 Cup Winner Analysis: Renofa Yamaguchi FC p50 Column (3) Supervising Writer: Shin Satozaki RevPAS (Attendance Rate x Ticket Price) p52 Editorial Postscript p54 Writers: Takatou Kinoshita, Kazumasa Kawabata, Tetsuya Kotani, Starting Point p55 Akinori Kaneta, Yuya Nakajima 02 Foreword The change of the J-League to a two-stage system for the 2015 Season garnered atten- tion.