MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020 | ISSUE 125 | WWW.POINTVILLE.AG SCHOOLS MAKE FINAL PREPARATIONS Story on Page 5 Supermarket gets two weeks to solve stench problem Page 4 MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

PAGE 2 Local News New talk show premieres on Pointe FM Pointe FM 99.1 today and Barbuda, the domestic premieres a new interac- population and members of PUBLIC SERVICE tive morning show, Start- the diaspora. ing Pointe, from 7am to The final half-hour of 9am. Starting Pointe will be re- ANNOUNCEMENT Hosted by Shelton Dan- served for telephone calls The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank invites entrepre- iel, Starting Pointe, which and social media interac- airs Monday to Friday, will tion from its Facebook, neurs or business leaders operating in Antigua and Bar- feature two hours of dis- Instagram and WhatsApp buda to participate in its digital EC currency (DCash) cussion, analysis and feed- audiences. pilot! As a business operator, you will be able to use back on issues and topics The telephone numbers DCash to grow your business, generate invoices and re- that are of interest and con- for local calls are 562- ceive payment from customers instantly in digital EC cern to the media house’s 2991 and 562-3989. Call- currency. multi-platform audience. ers from the US should dial Sign-up today by emailing [email protected]. The topics addressed 718-285-7889. Visit the ECCB’s website: on the show will cover a WhatsApp messages can for more information. range of international, re- be sent to +1 (268) 729- Issued: 28 August 2020 gional or local issues, but 7102. they will all be designed Ahead of the launch of Media Contact: Shermalon Kirby, Acting Director, Corporate Rela- to generate thought pro- the programme, Daniel tions Department Phone: (869) 465-2537 | Fax: (869) 465-9562 voking discussion which promised the Pointe FM E-mail: [email protected] bears relevance to Antigua audience a riveting debut. Website: MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

Local News PAGE 3 Tracking devices for quarantine violators The government is mov- threat, but I must warn the ing swiftly to strengthen the people of Antigua and Bar- firewall intended to stop the buda that it is still real and local spread of the coronavi- people are still dying every rus by firmly addressing the day from this virus,” the indiscipline of persons who prime minister declared. have been ordered to quar- He said most people have antine at home. followed the advice of the Reporting to the nation health professionals and are on the issue, Prime Min- actively engaged in the fight ister Gaston Browne said against the virus. Unfortu- the government will soon nately, he continued, there acquire electronic bracelets are those who deliberately and geo-fencing devices to minister, the tracking equip- trolling the transmission of flout the protocols designed track the movement of peo- ment is expected to arrive in the COVID-19 virus within to protect the population. ple who are quarantined but the country in approximate- the community. Browne said that these per- insist on violating these in- ly three weeks. There are no active con- sons will be dealt with ac- structions. “We can’t depend on these firmed cases of the virus in cording to the law. “We have a case where a individuals to stay at home Antigua and Barbuda based Meanwhile, PM Browne returning national was seen and this is one area of our on the latest data provided has suggested that the coun- at Scotiabank conducting protocols that we clearly by the Ministry of Health, try should stage another business two days after he have some vulnerability. however, Browne cautioned Day of Prayer to offer God returned at a time he was We will soon introduce new that there may be asymp- thanks for steering the coun- told to quarantine at home. measures to close this gap,” tomatic carriers of the virus try through the pandemic Luckily, the individual was he stated. within the population who and to the point where there reported to the health au- The prime minister cred- would still pose a threat to are no recorded active cases thorities and they took the ited the government’s re- the community. of the virus. necessary action,” Browne sponse along with the re- “Our biggest threat re- “When you look at the said on the Browne and sponse of the Ministry of mains complacency as some risk we have taken on, I Browne talk programme. Health and other key gov- appear to be of the view must say that there is divine According to the prime ernment agencies in con- that COVID is no longer a guidance.” MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020 PAGE 4 Local News Supermarket gets two weeks to solve stench problem The Central Board of Health given fourteen days from the (CBH) has ordered a su- date of receipt of her letter to permarket to deal with foul begin to take positive steps in smelling waste water that implementing three recom- flows into a nearby village mendations to remedy the ex- and which poses a health haz- isting problem. ard for those living in the vi- A synopsis of the recom- cinity. mendations included, “the ad- A letter from the Chief dition on premises of holding Health Inspector, Sharon tanks for the storage of efflu- Martin, to the management of ent only, ideally the installa- First Choice Supermarket sur- tion of a sewage treatment faced online which described plant activated sludge or se- in detail the situation between quencing batch reactor type the supermarket and neigh- as well as an absorption area, boring communities. adequately sized to accommo- Martin gave management date the output of the effluent two weeks to deal with the flow on a daily basis.” matter. The Chief Health Inspector The letter, dated August continued that this incessant 24th 2020, identified the - is problem and nuisance to res- sue as the incessant flow of idents in the area predated her untreated effluent from First to the tenure of her predeces- Choice Supermarket. sor and was allowed to con- “In my tenure of Office as tinue unabated. the Chief Health Inspector, I Charles Fernandez, the par- have received several com- liamentary representative for plaints and threats to pick- St. John’s Rural North, re- et my office from residents joiced at the news saying he in the community (i.e Yorks shared the enthusiasm of the and Old Runaway), visitors community who will soon re- to the community and pass- ceive relief. ersby who travelled along the Fernandez, who had been Anchorage main road, about in active dialogue with health the ever present redolent, and safety officials, contin- malodorous stench emanating ued that he is looking forward from the drain,” Martin wrote. to an amicable and speedy The Chief Health Inspec- solution. tor noted that the letter was “We appreciate the role that a followup to a face-to-face the supermarket has played discussion about two months in providing support to the ago with the business’ man- local economy and we antic- agement at their Anchorage ipate a solution for everyone ever, the supermarket’s health authorities re- road location. involved,” A comment from a manager claims that garding waste from the Martin advised the estab- community group read. he has not yet received Anchorage road super- lishment that they would be According to reports, how- an official letter from market. MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

Local News PAGE 5 Final preparations being made for schools’ reopening Final preparations are underway this as meetings of the heads of depart- They will ensure that hand washing week ahead of the start of the 2020-21 ments within the schools,” Browne in- stations are in place, that seating meets academic year on Monday 7th Septem- dicated. with Pan American Health Organiza- ber. Schools in Antigua and Barbuda tion regulations along with any other A top education official has indicated closed in the middle of March with the measures intended to safeguard the that a hive of activities are taking place onset of the coronavirus pandemic. health and safety of the students and as the Ministries of Health and Educa- A series of inspections will also take teachers. tion, teachers’ union, parents and other place at schools across the country. Schools will reopen under a two- stakeholders prepare the way for a safe According to the director several tiered system in which lessons will return to the classroom by thousands of teams will fan out across the country to be delivered in person and via virtual students after a six month interruption inspect the protocols that are in place classrooms. in learning. to welcome back the students. The government has ordered six According to Director of Education, Each team will be composed of a thousand tablets which will be distrib- Clare Browne, the first three days of the representative from the Ministry of uted to students. week will involve a series of meetings Health, the Ministry of Education, the The ministry of Information and between the Ministry of Education and Antigua and Barbuda Union of Teach- Technology has also made arrange- teachers ahead of the start of classes. ers, the National Parent Teachers As- ments for government public schools “The meetings this week will include sociation and the Safer Schools Com- to be provided with high speed inter- zonal meetings, staff meetings as well mittee. net. MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

PAGE 6 Local News ABLP hopeful Cochrane claims credit for spurring candidate hopefuls to action Residents in the constitu- Cochrane said he found ency of All Saints East and the attempts at one upman- St. Luke are welcoming im- ship interesting. provements as campaigning “The MP’s sudden ac- kicks off, but they are also knowledgment of the needs being asked to remember of the people and sudden the person who has been the ability to deliver speaks vol- catalyst responsible for sev- umes about his poor stew- eral recent activities in the ardship,” Cochrane said. area. “This goes deeper than Neil Cochrane, an Antigua Pringle’s own disregard and Barbuda Labour Party and inability, as the seat has hopeful, was responsible been a UPP stronghold for for the installation of lights 26 years, since 1994. This at the Sir Curtly Ambrose timespan includes a decade Sports Complex in Swetes of a UPP administration, so along with new backboards there are no excuses,” Co- and rims for the basketball chrane observed. court on Monday 17thAu- Cochrane encouraged the gust 2020. This move was constituents to be candid welcomed by youngsters in about their needs, adding the community as the sports that they should use the op- complex had gone for a de- portunity of the attention of cade without lights. those vying for the seat to Neil Cochrane Cochrane was to move on petition for things that will uency, said he will contin- Cochrane added. to resurfacing the ball court, uplift the community. ue to deliver for the people “As I’ve said before, I am however, he was informed “Although I offer myself in an attempt to meet their neither rejected nor elected. by government authorities as a candidate, I can look needs. I am committed and I have that other persons vying to at the greater good if others “Let the others collide in a track record of leadership represent the area had made want to jump on the band- my wake to finish what I and positive performance. requests for improvement to wagon of what I’ve started start. At the end of the day, I am doing the work and the complex therefore the in the peoples’ interest. I am the people will benefit, and heading towards compre- work would be completed prepared to be that leader, it will rebound to my energy hensive and proper repre- by the Public Works Depart- the kickstarter. Their actions and ability. sentation for the people of ment. alone in trailing me, when “My attention reaches All Saints East and St. Luke. On Saturday, the area’s the job was theirs for some beyond sports and into the Those who want to cog who parliamentary representa- time, is indicative of who is livelihood and overall well have had the chance either tive, Jamal Pringle, in an the real leader amongst us,” being of the community. My as representative or caretak- apparent knee jerk response Cochrane contended. team and I have been wel- er are suddenly falling over to Cochrane’s overtures, Cochrane, who has held comed by the residents, and themselves running behind visited the McPond basket- what he describes as “can- we will continue to interact, me while my focus is on the ball court where he under- did and positive talks” with listen and build, or build people,” said the political took a clean up exercise. persons across the constit- back, as the case may be,” hopeful. MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

Local News PAGE 7

Have a small business? Let us help you navigate the new normal PM Browne calls on colleagues to write off LIAT debt Prime Minister Gaston buda and St. Vincent and the Browne is calling on Carib- Grenadines. bean governments to join The Antiguan leader spe- Antigua and Barbuda in cifically made calls on his writing off millions of dol- Barbadian counterpart, lars owed to them by LIAT Prime Minister Mia Mottley, as part of efforts to revive to write off the debt. the airline. Barbados, a former ma- Last week, Antigua and jor shareholder in LIAT, Barbuda announced that it favoured liquidating the was writing off over $8 mil- airline when prospects for lion in debt owed by LIAT. the future of the airline ap- PM Browne made the call peared dim. during Saturday’s Browne Antigua and Barbuda, and Browne show where another major shareholder he also confirmed that St. government, was steadfast Vincent and the Grenadines in the position that restruc- is joining Antigua and Bar- turing the airline was a bet- buda in writing off millions ter option and amended its in debt owed by the regional Companies Act paving the air carrier. way for this move. Reports out of Kingstown Since then, Barbados has indicate that that country’s agreed to sell its shares to prime minister, Dr. Ralph Antigua and Barbuda for a Gonsalves, has agreed to nominal consideration of $1. write off over $14 million LIAT’s Administrator, (268) 480 6187 in taxes and airport charges Cleveland Seaforth, has owed by the airline. written to all regional gov- [email protected] Browne is now calling on ernments urging them to other governments to follow write off the debts owed by Find us on the example of debt forgive- the airline as efforts to re- ness set by Antigua and Bar- sume operations continue. MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

PAGE 8 Local News City West Credit Union attracts $1.2 million in commitment Plans to start a credit union in the St. pockets to put up the initial amount operations within a matter of months. John’s City West constituency have at- of money because for example, we He also sought to allay concerns about tracted the interest of investors who would not want someone to invest, say, who will be eligible to become mem- have already committed over $1.2 mil- $50,000 and then look to withdraw that bers of the credit union. While the cred- lion to the venture. money soon afterwards. The people we it union will be based in St. Johns City Parliamentary representative for the are hoping to attract must be able to de- West, membership will be open to all. area, Prime Minister Gaston Browne, posit their monies into the credit union Credit unions are financial institutions said based on the regulations regarding over a longer period of time,” Browne in which the members are owners based credit unions which stipulate that a sin- explained. on their investments which are referred gle member may not own more than ten The process to get the credit union op- to as ‘shares’. Members can therefore percent of the shares, the aim is to attract erational will involve its registration and borrow from these institutions at rates several individuals who are able to com- the completion of a business plan among lower than those offered by commer- mit significant financial support to the other things. Browne said these are be- cial banks. When the institution makes a credit union over the long term. ing pursued actively at present as he profit, this is shared among the members “We are looking for people with deep expects that the credit union can begin as dividends. More donations from Rotary Club Sundown The Antigua Rotary Club ters are paramount partic- Sundown has continued its ularly during this time of record of offering assis- COVID-19,” said Dr. Jona- tance to the health service than McComie who serves agencies in the country. the All Saints Clinic. Since the outbreak of the The Rotary Club of An- coronavirus pandemic, the tigua Sundown has also club has launched an ini- made donations of healthy tiative to provide cleaning grains and non-alcoholic and sanitation supplies to beverages to Her Majesty several health clinics. Prison, ‘Adopt a Family’ Based on a needs assess- Soup Kitchen and the Fi- ment from health profes- Last Friday, the second gallons of Pine-Sol for dis- ennes Institute. sionals, the products will phase of the project was tribution. The Club has also been be distributed among the launched when President “This donation is time- integral in supporting ma- five major clinics on Anti- Julian Wilkins presented ly as the general health ternal and neonatal care for gua. 15 gallons of bleach and 5 and sanitation of all cen- persons in need. MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

Local News PAGE 9 Noel Walling to be laid to rest Tuesday Noel Walling, a tower among the local business community for more than forty years, will be laid to rest tomorrow. Walling’s long and dis- tinguished career in busi- ness included service as President of the Antigua Chamber of Commerce from 1978 to 1984. For many years he also served the Chamber’s Nomina- Noel Walling tion Committee ‘with dis- well as in many other tan- tinction’ in the capacity of gible ways, he very quietly chairperson, according to a played no small part in the statement issued by the or- development of his nation ganization. of birth. We at the Chamber An accountant by pro- consider ourselves richer fession, when Walling left for his contributions, but the Bank of Nova Scotia’s poorer for his passing. He management team he as- will be sorely missed,” the sumed the position of As- Chamber’s statement con- sistant Manager of Joseph cluded. Dew Division of Dant- zler Ltd. He served on the boards of several compa- nies in both the private and public sector. Walling also served as the Antigua and Barbu- da Director of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Au- thority, later becoming the first Antigua and Barbuda Director of the Eastern Ca- ribbean Central Bank. Walling also held corpo- rate governance responsi- bility as part of the Nation- al Economic and Social Council, the Antigua and Barbuda Investment Au- thority, and most recently the Airport Services Anti- gua Limited. “Through his intellect, as MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

PAGE 10 Local News ABDF celebrating 39 years of service Prime Minister the Hon. preservation of peace and Gaston Browne has con- the advancement of volun- gratulated the Antigua and teerism in Antigua and Bar- Barbuda Defence Force on buda. The ABDF has been its 39th Anniversary. a source of development for The Defence Force was our young men and women established in 1897 and through training opportu- consisted of 1 company of nities. It has deployed a Infantry and 1 company significant number of very of mounted cavalry. Most well-trained soldiers who males between the ages of continue to play significant 18 and 45 who earned more roles in civilian life. The than 50 GBP annually were discipline and the adherence required to serve. In 1981, to excellence have driven on the country attaining its the ABDF soldiers to per- independence, legislation form outstandingly. Con- was enacted to establish the gratulations on this your Antigua Barbuda Defence 39th Anniversary,” stated Force comprising of a new PM Browne. Regular Element, a Volun- On Sunday, Prime Min- teer element (which is the ister Browne and Governor old Defence Force) and the General, His Excellency Sir Reserves. Rodney Williams participat- During the coming week velopment. “The ABDF has been ed in the anniversary service Prime Minister Browne will In 1914, the Force was put playing a significant role in at Camp Blizzard. Both tour the Force’s farm, one on active service due to the the country’s security and leaders read lessons during of the initiatives of the force commencement of the 1st has contributed towards the the service. that he has encouraged de- cont’d on pg 11 MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

Local News PAGE 11 No active cases of COVID-19 The Ministry of Health has silience through exercise, revealed that there are no healthy diet and adequate active cases of COVID-19 rest.” in the country. The health ministry ex- This news provides con- plained, “Subsequent to the firmation that the last two publication of the dashboard COVID-19 patients have on Friday 28th August 2020 recovered from the virus. with the cut off time of 6 According to the Ministry pm, thirty-seven (37) sam- of Health, Wellness and the ples were processed at the Environment, “The Mount Mount St. John’s Medical St. John’s Medical Center Center’s (MSJMC) Lab- and the Caribbean Public oratory which increased Health Agency (CARPHA) the pending results from have revealed no new five (5) to forty-two (42). laboratory-confirmed All forty-two (42) samples COVID-19 cases in Antigua yielded negative results.” and Barbuda as of Saturday Consequently, the to- 29th August 2020 at 6 pm.” tal number of persons With the the nation’s with laboratory-confirmed COVID free status an- COVID-19 cases in Anti- nounced, Prime Minister gua and Barbuda remains at Gaston Browne said on so- ninety-four with zero active cial media that, “We should cases. all remain vigilant and con- While the national tinue to adhere to the health COVID-19 Dashboard re- are twenty-three (23) per- hundred and thirty-one protocols, while simulta- flects that there are current- sons in government manned (231) persons in self-quar- neously building health re- ly no pending results, there quarantine centres and two antine.

cont’d from pg 10 World War. During the period of the 2nd World War, the Antigua Defence Force became part of the Leeward Is- lands Battalion and towards the end of 1943, ADF members were deployed to Europe as part of the 1st Battalion, The Caribbean Regiment and returned in 1946. The Force was disbanded in 1952 as Staff until March 2020. Under his was again achieved, when members of it had no Headquarters and was reacti- command the force commissioned its the ABDF received Medals of Honour vated in 1956 under the Command of first female officers in 1992. Colonel for service in Grenada and Haiti and E.M. Blackman. Thelbert Benjamin assumed Com- for meritorious and distinguished ser- In 1983, command of the force was mand of the Force on March 20, 2020. vice in the Force. handed over to Lt. Col. Clyde Walker In 1995 the ABDF acquired and Another hallmark in the life and his- who served until 1990. occupied Camp Blizard, a former tory of the Force occurred when the In 1990 command of the Force was US military base. In 1995 the Coast Queens and the Regimental Colours handed over to Col. Trevor A. Thom- Guard was transferred to the Defence were consecrated and presented to the as who served as the Chief of Defence Force. In December 2000, a milestone Force in August of 2001. MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

PAGE 12 Local News

Magical Melanin Dolltique on promoting the importance of identity during the pandemic By Angelica O’Donoghue children and doll enthusiasts As the world continues the in search of a more diverse fight against COVID-19, a selection of dolls and unique simultaneous fight against ra- and exciting clothing and ac- cial injustice wages on. cessories to dress them in. This week’s featured en- Devita explained that she trepreneur has sought to find was inspired to start her busi- creative ways of securing an ness after she experienced income through a niche mar- difficulty in purchasing a ket which helps to promote dark completed doll for her positive self-identity for little daughter. girls in Antigua and Barbuda. “My inspiration came out Devita Samuel is the proud of wanting to promote black Devita Samuel owner of Magical Melanin beauty to my daughter, Jene- there were not many black was my daughter! She was Dolltique, which caters to sis. When I was growing up, doll options and if there were excited and said we should do any, the dolls were not nec- it, so I decided I would make essarily pretty. I realized that a try,” Devita related. without even noticing, little Highlighting the impor- girls in Antigua preferred the tance of the availability of white dolls, simply because ethnic dolls, Clinical Direc- they were “prettier”. tor of the Women’s Therapy “When I became a mother, Center in Berkeley, Califor- I wanted things to be differ- nia said, “In a society that of- ent. I wanted my daughter to ten devalues darker skin col- appreciate every ounce of her ors and natural hair textures, blackness and its beauty and dolls that mirror our children I vowed to always buy her affirm that they exist.” black or colored dolls. The young entrepreneur “After walking the length revealed that she started her and breadth of St. John’s business with just $300. without being able to find af- “I basically started my busi- fordable black dolls, I started ness using just about $300EC to think. This might sound of my own money. It wasn’t weird, but the first person I to be a physical store, so it consulted about my idea to didn’t require much money to start a black doll business cont’d on pg 13 MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

Local News PAGE 13 cont’d from pg 12 start. I wanted to start small to test con- sumer interest.” Having made a small start in 2019, Samuel, who now has plans of expand- ing the business, admitted that at one point she questioned the feasibility of her business. “When I started out first, things were slow. I was thinking that maybe I had chosen the wrong business and that the Antiguan public was not into black dolls. Then, Christmas 2019 came and I saw piqued interest. My coworkers and close friends were my main customers and I was thankful. I was doing some promotions via Facebook and Instagram and that helped a lot. I recently decided to send my flyer to CFCCU for their On- shared enthusiastically. While Magical Melanin Dolltique has line Small Business Expo and since then What makes our featured entrepreneur not been immune to the impact of the I have received more likes and shares so interesting, is that her business has COVID-19 pandemic, Devita said her on Facebook and people are inquiring tapped into a niche market in Antigua business has been able to make gains. about dolls and expressing their delight and Barbuda. Devita highlighted that her “In the beginning, I was worried about in this type of business. With more pro- business has a specific aim, so although how I would build up my stock again, motion, I believe my business will ex- other businesses sell toys generally, none with the country on lockdown and if pand. I have already gotten requests for are focused on her market. people would even buy dolls with the different types of dolls for the Christmas “Yes, there are toy stores and people money they had left after, however, the season so the plan is to stock up!” Devita selling dolls, but selling just colored virtual life we were forced into has pro- dolls to help promote the magic and di- pelled my business. Had CFCCU had a versity in our black race is something no physical business expo, I might not have other business in Antigua does,” Samuel had much to showcase, but the online said. aspect helped me. Now, I’m optimistic about reaching more people and bring- ing more smiles to our daughters’ faces.” Capitalizing on the COVID-19 pre- dicament with limited interaction with clients, the entrepreneur said the pick-up or of the dolls is convenient for consumers. With certainty, our featured business owner eagerly offered advice to potential entrepreneurs. “I would tell potential entrepreneurs that having a business will not be easy. It takes lots of perseverance and the sac- rifice of time to get your business where you want it to be. Giving up should not be an option if success is what you seek!” You can find more of Magical Melanin Dolltique on Facebook and on Instagram @magicalmelanindolltique, or WhatsApp number 268-785-1382. MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020


Antigua’s Donkey Sanctu- ary, operated by the Antigua & Barbuda Humane Society in Bethesda, recently received a much-needed 40’ container of hay and straw from Southeast Hay Distributors in Florida. This isn’t the first time the Humane Society has imported hay for the donkeys but we didn’t expect to be able to do it this time in view of the various impacts of COVID-19 around the world. There are more than 100 donkeys in the Sanctuary that are here because they either were causing trouble in the community (eating crops; de- stroying irrigation systems; causing road accidents, etc) or were being abused, usually by young boys needlessly beating them. The donkeys need to be fed, watered and cared for. This includes treating for para- sites, hoof care, dental care and veterinary treatment. It is an ongoing cost that nor- mally is supported by dona- tions from visitors to the Sanctuary but in the time of COVID visitors are few and far between. Many of our supporters, including Fa- cebook friends and donkey ‘adopters’ have lost their jobs and are under fi- nancial stress. Nevertheless, they came through and donated the funds necessary to make the purchase. They are wonderful people and we can’t thank them enough! MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

Commentary PAGE 15 A tale of two videos: Jacob Blake, Kyle Rittenhouse and two types of policing

By Tom McCarthy cally different postures by law enforcement when confronted Cellphone images showed by two men – one a father who officers shooting a black man appeared to have argued with in the back but a white boy officers, the other a teen who with an assault rifle who had traveled with an assault rifle allegedly just killed two was from out of state and, prosecu- ignored tors say, shot two people dead A lawyer for the family of Ja- and injured a third. cob Blake Jr called it “a tale of Videos of Blake capture an two videos”. altercation of some kind on In one video, a white police the passenger side of Blake’s officer in Kenosha, Wisconsin, vehicle in a Kenosha neigh- shoots Blake, a black man, re- borhood. Blake’s children are commit two homicides. Not have these things happening to peatedly in the back. in his vehicle. In one angle, only does Rittenhouse walk our white brothers and sisters.” In a second video, taken two officers rear back as Blake past law enforcement offi- Blake Sr told CNN: “My son days later, a white teenager stands and begins to walk cers – he was free to return to is a human, but he is not being armed with an assault weapon around the front of the vehi- his home in Antioch, Illinois, afforded the rights of a human who had just killed two people, cle. Two officers follow him, about 15 miles away, where he … sometimes you get a little prosecutors charge, walks to- guns drawn. Bystanders are was later arrested. angry. Sometimes more than ward police with his arms up. yelling in distress. Blake opens An Illinois judge on Friday a little angry, because we have Not only is he not arrested – he the driver’s side door. One of- granted Rittenhouse’s request been going through this for so is evidently ignored, unrecog- ficer, later identified as Rusten to delay a hearing on his extra- long. nizable as a potential threat. Sheskey, grabs Blake’s shirt. dition to Wisconsin until next “That 17-year-old Caucasian The two videos capture and Sheskey then fires seven times, month. shot and killed two people and illustrate the existence of two hitting Blake in the back. “You have these two videos blew another man’s arm off, justice systems in the United Blake Sr told CNN on Friday from Kenosha in a matter of on his way back to Antioch, Il- States, divided along racial that his son was shackled to his days, after you see this young linois. He got to go home. He lines, said Benjamin Crump, hospital bed despite being par- white boy kill these two people got water, they gave that guy lawyer for the Blake family. tially paralyzed after the shoot- and how the police de-escalate, water, and a high five. Jacob Blake Sr, the victim’s ing. He was reportedly later they follow their training and “My son got ICU and par- father, echoed that analysis in unshackled. professionalism,” Crump said. alyzed from the waist down. a speech on Friday at the Get The second video clip cap- “So what it tells us is that Those are the two justice sys- Your Knee Off Our Necks rally tures a gunman identified as the issue is not de-escalation tems right in front of you. We and march for racial justice in Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, who or professionalism, the issue do not prescribe violence and Washington DC. earlier in the day was seen in- is racism.” Crump went on to looting, that’s not going to “There are two systems of teracting with police officers refer to incidents of a black bring Trayvon Martin back … justice in the United States,” and accepting water from them woman killed by police in Tamir Rice, I could go on and Blake Sr told the crowd. while carrying a semi-automat- Louisville and a black man on,” Blake Sr said, referring to “There is a black system and ic rifle, illegal at his age in the killed in Minneapolis. “They the 17-year-old killed in Flori- a white system and the black state. In the clip in question, have a different response when da in 2012 and the 12-year-old system isn’t doing so well. I’m Rittenhouse is seen walking to- it’s a black person in America. killed in Cleveland, Ohio, in tired of looking at cameras and ward armored police vehicles. And that’s what we are talking 2014. seeing these young black and Around his neck Rittenhouse about with George Floyd … “That’s not going to make brown people suffer.” wears the assault rifle he has when they busted into Breonna my son get up out of that bed The two videos capture radi- just used, prosecutors say, to Taylor’s apartment, you do not and walk.” MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020 PAGE 16 Regional News Jamaica LAST LAP - PNP, JLP Confident As Voting Starts today

campaigned may have contrib- delivered on its promise of uted to the spike in coronavirus prosperity, which catapulted it cases in Jamaica, pointing out into Government in a stunning that he personally delivered upset in 2016. The Labourites’ more than 80,000 masks to victory defied polls and relegat- people. “We must go on with ed the high-riding Comrades to our society,” Holness said. “We the Opposition benches with a are now in the phase of the pan- razor-thin one-seat loss. demic where the society has to This time around, the JLP learn to live with the disease.” has set its sights on between Phillips accused Holness of ig- 37 and 42 of the island’s 63 noring advice from the experts, parliamentary seats, promising whom he said recommended Jamaicans that it will drive the the tightening of restrictions nation to recover stronger from leading to the period between the crippling pandemic, which the Emancipation and Inde- has pounded the island’s econ- People’s National Party President Dr Peter Phillips (right) and Jamaica Labour Party Leader Andrew Holness match wits and make pendence holidays, which is omy, leaving several sectors pitches to woo voters in the Jamaica Debates Commission-hosted largely blamed for the recent bleeding amid a rising toll of leadership debate over the weekend. massive spike in COVID-19 sickness and death. cases, especially in the south- “We will make the invest- The cookie crumbles this to continue with public service. eastern end of the island. ment in our people to build week. After weeks of cam- “I come here with clean Campaign Promises back stronger, given the ef- paigning in unprecedented hands. In an earlier phase, I On the issue of failed 2016 fects of COVID-19,” promises circumstances under the cloud had the opportunity, as a very campaign promises, including Holness, as his party pitches a of a deadly pandemic, voters young man, to coordinate the fixed elections and job descrip- 10-point COVID-19 recovery will begin casting ballots in the construction of 10,000 houses tions for ministers, Holness plan. island’s 18th general election in Portmore, St Catherine, to said some of those remain “as- Phillips is planning to rain on today before final polling on establish the JUTC (Jamaica pirational” while noting that in- the JLP’s parade come Thurs- Thursday. Urban Transit Company), to ternally, he’s taken steps to hold day, eyeing 40 parliamentary Andrew Holness, leader of rescue the Jamaican economy Cabinet ministers accountable. seats, two shy of the two-thirds the governing Jamaica Labour from the chaos. I am prepared Phillips also upset many so- majority. Party (JLP), and Dr Peter Phil- to give service again as long cial media users after suggest- A key plank in his push for lips, who heads the opposition as the Almighty permits it and ing that household duties pre- Jamaica House is his party’s People’s National Party (PNP), my health enables it and as my vented women from taking up pledge to give 370,000 families squared off last night in the fi- health is in perfect condition,” positions in politics. across the island a direct de- nal of three political debates he said. He later committed after be- posit of $4,000 each month to- ahead of the September 3 polls. Saying he was happy to hear ing pushed by Dionne Jackson wards their electricity and wa- Both leaders declared they the update on Phillips’ health, Miller that win or lose, half his ter bills as part of a COVID-19 have clean hands in as they Holness said: “The truth is my Senate appointments would be recovery initiative. spoke on corruption, econom- hands are clean. I’ve worked women. “We will provide immediate ic growth and broken election hard … . I’ve presided over the In exclusive Sunday Glean- relief for the Jamaican people, promises. construction of 22,000 hous- er interviews, the leaders also particularly the most vulnera- Phillips first made the decla- es, ... more roads in Jamaica gave us insight into their pro- ble and working poor,” he told ration in responding to a ques- than any other Government jections for Thursday as well as The Sunday Gleaner. tion on his health, in which he in recent history … .”Holness reflections on their campaigns. said he was cancer free and fit rejected assertions that how he The JLP is upbeat that it has MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

Regional News PAGE 17 Gonsalves to meet with workers as LIAT seeks debt forgiveness Prime Minister Ralph has written to his government Gonsalves says he will now asking that the state write meet with the Vincentian em- off the debt. “… a request is ployees of bankrupt region- hereby made for the govern- al carrier LIAT, as he now ment of St. Vincent and the has something new to say to Grenadines to write off the them: the airline has asked his full amounts stated which is government for debt forgive- about 14 and a half million. ness. LIAT has been ground- The effect of the write off of ed since March as a result of the debt would significantly low demand for its services improve the realisable value amidst the COVID-19 pan- which could be derived from demic and financial prob- the assets of the company and lems, including possible liq- will go a long way towards uidation. enabling the company’s re- Earlier this month, Prime turn to flying operations,” Minister Ralph Gonsalves, Gonsalves quoted the letter as who was chair of LIAT’s saying. “LIAT’s most recent shareholder governments, staff complement, prior to said he had not met with LIAT the cessation of flying opera- workers in St. Vincent and tions was 667 persons, which the Grenadines nine weeks is spread across all territories after their union sought an ap- to which the carrier flies. The St. Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves pointment with him because write off of the debt as stat- he has a good meal or doesn’t the debt, “I am hopeful that he has nothing new to say to ed above, would enhance the have a good one, as the case I will put LIAT in a position them. But he said last week employees’ prospects and may be, he goes on radio, he where they can say some- that such a meeting will now settling the indebtedness of goes on social media and he thing to the workers. take place, as with the request these employees,” the letter just — no consideration about “And I will meet the LIAT of debt forgiveness, comes further stated. all sorts of issues which I’ve workers, now that I have new information including “Remember I said that I brought to bear on this matter. something — a letter from insights into possible pay- will do anything to help my “And when I don’t do it, the administrator. Remember ment of severance and other friend, Gaston, in getting they say I am loony. Imagine I said I had nothing new to benefits owed to the workers. LIAT up and if any other in- that. Fellas who suppose to tell them? Well, this doesn’t Gonsalves told Parlia- vestors want to go in, but we own their madness, they say give an answer to their issue, ment earlier this month that were in other options,” he some terrible things about but I have something new to LIAT owed his government said, referring to Antigua and me, you know; really terri- tell them. And I’ll give them EC$12.2 million in airport Barbuda Prime Minister Gas- ble things. But is water off of information which is here.” service charges, landing and ton Browne’s effort to keep duck back,” the prime minis- The prime minister said other fees. At the same time, LIAT alive. He said that in ter said. “I leave them outside that the letter had requested a the government has guaran- the letter, the administrator is ah the off stump. Ah ain’t response by Sept. 25. teed EC$48.7 million on be- saying what he has said be- raise me bat. I only play shots “Now, I had said before if half of the airline. fore: “… let’s see what LIAT at balls, which I need to play they asked me that I’ll do it. Gonsalves, however, said in administration has to of- shots at to score,” Gonsalves Now that we get it formal, I’ll last week that LIAT owed his fer the workers. “Everybody further stated, using a - just have to go to cabinet. Be- government just over EC$14 who hasn’t studied properly ing analogy. cause I don’t run a one-man million in total and that the wants to advise Ralph. A fella He said that by writing off government,” he said. administrator in liquidation get off the seat of his pants, MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

PAGE 18 Regional News Guyana- Mingo charged with misconduct in public office

District Four Returning Of- ing 35-day recount scrutinized ficer Clairmont Mingo has by CARICOM, the Organi- been charged in relation to the sation of American States and alleged fraud surrounding the local observers. The recount March 2nd General and Re- determined that the PPP/C had gional Elections and is expect- won the elections. Sixty-nine- ed to appear before a Magis- year-old Mingo was arrested trate this week. on Tuesday at his residence at Sunday Stabroek was reli- Little Abary, Mahaicony and ably informed yesterday that transported to the Criminal In- Mingo was charged with four vestigation Department at Eve counts of misconduct in public Leary. office. Mingo is one of two named The police yesterday in- defendants in charges filed on formed Mingo of the charges March 13 by Charles Ramson levelled against him before the Jr. in relation to the controver- expiration of the additional 24 sial results for District Four. hours they had been granted His co-defendant PNCR on Friday to detain him. Four Chair Volda Lawrence was on other persons: Mingo’s three Monday placed on $100,000 assistants, Sheffern February, bail after appearing before Michelle Miller and Carolyn Chief Magis-trate Ann Mc- Mikhaik Duncan along with Lennon. Chief Election Offi- Information Technology (IT) cer Keith Lowenfield is also officer Enrique Livan, are also the subject of a similar inves- District Four Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo likely to be charged. tigation. The latest of the ar- They all remained in police rests was on Thursday when brought against Livan and he seen by this newspaper, Chief custody up to last evening. the police took into custody remained employed with the Justice (ag), Rishi Persaud Mingo had been accused by Livan who was at the centre of Guyana Elections Commis- granted the police an extension party agents of reading fiction- a flash drive controversy at the sion (GECOM). Crime Chief to keep Mingo in custody until al numbers from a spreadsheet Ashmins building on March Wendell Blanhum had previ- 14.20hrs yesterday. The judge and making two false declara- 4th. On the morning of March ously told this newspaper that further ordered that Mingo re- tions for District Four. 4, the police had conducted a Mingo and the others are being port to the police at the Crimi- The charges against Mingo public interrogation of Livan questioned in relation to sev- nal Investigation Depart-ment constitute a major development at the tabulation centre at the eral offences including falsifi- (CID), Eve Leary at 9am daily in the five-month delay in the Ashmins building after a par- cation of documents, uttering effective from August 30th. He declaration of the result of the ty agent claimed they saw him forged documents, conspiracy is to also to lodge his passport March 2nd general elections entering data from a “flash to commit fraud and miscon- at the CID Headquarters and to amid claims that he and oth- drive onto a spreadsheet” out- duct in public office. report any change of residence. ers were attempting to rig the side the scrutiny of party repre- The High Court on Friday If Mingo fails to comply elections in favour of the for- sentatives and observers. granted the police an extension with the order, he will be held mer incumbent APNU+AFC. Though video of the inter- of time to detain Mingo after his in contempt of court and may The dispute over the District rogation was widely shared, initial 72-hour detention period be liable to imprisonment or Four count led to a painstak- no charges have ever been expired. In the court document have his assets confiscated. MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

Regional News PAGE 19 Grenada welcomes CDC’s “very low risk Covid-19 ranking”

(SVG), via Grenada, have tested positive for Covid-19. Acting Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr Shawn Charles, says the 2 individuals were among a party of 5 persons that arrived in Grenada on 15 August 2020, with negative (PCR) test results in their possession, as per Grena- da’s entry protocol. Dr Charles confirmed that the passengers were all swabbed on arrival at the Maurice Bishop In- ternational Airport, and placed in a government approved quaran- tine facility. “On 18 August, we received their (PCR) results, and these were all negative. They only left quarantine to fly to their onward destination, St Vincent and the Grenadines on 19 August 2020,” explained the CMO. Dr Charles, who is also an The United States based Cen- under “no travel health notice: who monitors the global unfold- epidemiologist by training, said tres for Disease Control and Pre- Covid-19 risk is very low”, he ing situation on a daily basis, this could be a possible case of vention (CDC), has removed told the GIS on Sunday morn- cautioned that while our risk is viral shedding, which is not un- all travel notices and warnings ing. The CMO said this can be low, we need to remain vigilant common, since they arrived with for Grenada, as the “Spice Isle” attributed to the continued hard and focused. negative PCR test results. The continues to efficiently prevent, work of the team, the govern- The minister urged all health- results of their follow up PCR manage and control the outbreak ment and citizens who have care providers, frontline workers tests were also negative, but then and spread of the Coronavirus in- demonstrated excellent leader- and the public to continue fol- showed up as positive when they fection (Covid-19) on the island. ship in handling the outbreak. lowing all safety guidelines and were tested in St Vincent. In its latest Covid-19 internation- Health Minister, Hon. Nicko- protocols to ensure Grenada re- The prominent Grenadian ep- al update, the US based public las Steele, who has been leading mains Covid-19 free. idemiologist said it is also pos- health entity placed Grenada in the national response since Gre- On Saturday, August 29th, sible that the visitors who flew the category: “No travel health nada began planning its response Now Grenada reported that the directly from Europe to Grena- notice: Covid-19 risk is very strategy immediately after learn- Ministry of Health investigates da, might have been incubating low.” Acting Chief Medical Of- ing of the outbreak in China, possible viral shedding among a recent infection, and so, it was ficer (CMO), Dr Shawn Charles, says every frontline worker from foreign nationals too early to detect anything, but reacting to the update said, “I am the different agencies and organ- The Ministry of Health is then later the infection became pleased to see that the US (CDC) isations should feel proud and looking into reports that 2 Eu- more apparent resulting in the has removed the travel advisory must be commended. ropean nationals who arrived in positive reading in St Vincent for Grenada. We are now listed However, Minister Steele, St Vincent and the Grenadines and the Grenadines. MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

PAGE 20 International AROUND THE WORLD India surpasses US for highest single-day rise in Covid-19 cases

India has set a record for the world’s highest single-day in- crease in coronavirus cases. The nation, the world’s third- most infected, on Sunday report- ed 78,761 new cases in 24 hours, passing the number posted in the US on 17 July. The rise comes as the govern- ment continues to lift restrictions to try to boost an economy that lost millions of jobs when the vi- rus hit in March. An upsurge of Covid-19 in many rural areas continues to be a major concern. On Sunday, global infections passed the 25 million mark, with 843,000 deaths. The US remains the most affected nation, closing in on six million infections, ac- cording to Johns Hopkins Uni- versity research. India’s single-day tally on Sunday passed the one-day in- crease of 77,299 reported by the United States on 17 July. Cardiology doctor, Manoj Kumar, told Reuters: “It is the Doctors say India has to do more to increase its testing largest one-day surge in cases social distancing measures. ing and limited testing remain lowest in top 10 [virus-infected] worldwide and the reason be- Underground train networks major concerns. countries.” hind this - because the pandemic will also start to reopen in big The figure of 63,000 deaths Prime Minister Narendra is spreading in the rural areas.” cities. in India is roughly on a par with Modi gave his monthly radio In the initial stages of Dr Rajiv Parekh, chairman of Mexico. But infections in the address without mentioning the Covid-19, India appeared to be the Medanta division of periph- central American nation are only latest milestone. doing fairly well, imposing a eral vascular and endovascular at 591,000, compared to India’s He called on citizens to ob- strict lockdown, but the virus sciences, told Reuters: “People 3.5 million. serve the rules and remain united then hit megacities like Mum- thought that once the numbers India’s government collates to try to defeat coronavirus. bai and Delhi, before surging in started to go down, this was the number of deaths from posi- “It is important that every citi- smaller cities and rural areas. it, they had won the war.... ev- tive cases but not from suspected zen is healthy and happy and we Despite the increase, the gov- erybody was out there without infections. defeat coronavirus completely ernment has pressed ahead with wearing a mask, without any so- On testing, virologist Shahid together,” Mr Modi said. easing restrictions. cial distancing. Jameel, who heads the Well- “Corona can only be defeat- Gatherings of up to 100 people “That is something that we come Trust/DBT India Alliance, ed when you remain safe, when will be allowed at cultural, enter- should not have allowed to have told Agence France Presse: you fulfil the resolve of keeping tainment and sports events from happened.” “Testing per million in India a safe distance of two metres and next month, with face mask and Doctors also say under-report- at 30,000 remains the second wearing masks.” MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

International PAGE 21 AROUND THE WORLD A new exodus from Lebanon after deadly Beirut blast who experienced the civil war], result of it,” said Jawad Adra, the windows’ rumbling remind- founder and managing partner of ed me of my grandmother’s Information International. voice telling me to move away “We are already seeing a mass as a bomb was about to ex- exodus.” Photos of packed de- plode,” said Nizar remembering parture lounges at Rafic Hariri Beirut in the 1980s. Airport have been circulating Many Lebanese families plan to leave the country in search “If my son had been at home over social media as many Leb- of safety and security following August 4 port explosion. that day, he would have been anese people from across the dead or severely injured. Just board have said they want to Mazin Kabbani, a 50-year-old not be with us any more,” he the thought of it drives me cra- leave the country since the blast. IT employee, was at his home in said. His eyes turned red and he zy,” said Nizar, adding that he But according to Adra, many of west Beirut on August 4 when choked on his words as he held and his wife, who holds a US the first to leave have been afflu- shockwaves from an enormous back the tears. Already exhaust- passport, had decided to leave ent families and dual nationals, explosion rocked his apartment, ed by a continuing financial cri- in two weeks. “We’ve booked adding that “the ability to go is a leaving shards of glass scattered sis, deteriorating public services our flights, rented an apartment privilege”. “Many people want across his living room floor. and deep political instability, the in New York and are packing to leave, but not everyone can The blast, caused by the deto- blast was the final straw for Kab- up our lives in Beirut for good,” afford it or has assets like money, nation of nearly 3,000 tonnes of bani and his family. Like many he added. Nizar, who asked for education, another nationality or unsecured ammonium nitrate at Lebanese, Kabbani now sees his name to be changed for pri- relatives abroad to help,” he ex- Beirut’s port, left Kabbani shak- no choice but to leave. Despite vacy concerns, said feelings of plained, adding that emigration en and brought back dark mem- previously wanting to stay in his responsibility towards Lebanon also depended on the willingness ories of Lebanon’s 15-year civil home country until the end of his had previously held him back of host countries to take in Leba- war. “All the oxygen was sucked life, he is now determined to set- and gave him “cold feet” every nese nationals. out of the air. It was like we were tle with his family elsewhere. time he thought of leaving. “I Several countries have shown at war again,” Kabbani told Al “My wife and I were com- feel guilty to be going, guilty for solidarity with Lebanon after Jazeera as he stood at the en- mitted to establishing a life here. being able to leave when others the blast by easing immigration trance to his apartment building Even though I’d briefly toyed can’t, but Lebanon is not safe processes. France resumed is- and handymen walked in with with the thought of leaving when any more. I just can’t do this to suing visas to Lebanese citizens equipment to repair the damage we first got married, my wife in- my family,” he said. after a halt due to the coronavi- caused by the blast. sisted that we stay and raise our Although only an indicator, rus pandemic, while Canada More traumatising for Kabba- kids close to our families,” he Information International, a Bei- introduced special immigration ni than his own experience was said. “But since the blast, she has rut-based research consultancy measures to help Lebanese cit- the thought that his 21-year-old been the one pushing for us to firm that has done extensive re- izens and Canadians residing in daughter, Alaa, might have been emigrate,” he explained, adding search about migration in Leb- Lebanon come back. The idea of dead if luck had not been on her that the family was already in the anon, said its records show the migration is anything but new in side that day. “We couldn’t reach process of completing migration average number of people leav- a country that has a long history her for hours after the blast,” the papers to Canada. ing the country on a daily basis of “exodus” due to years of war, father of four said, recalling how Like Kabbani, the blast re- increased from 3,100 before the famine and political instability his middle child had been on her minded Nizar*, a 38-year-old day of the blast, to 4,100 people and economic crises. way to a restaurant in Gemayze, business owner in Beirut, of the after the incident. “Tens of thousands of people an historic neighbourhood close Lebanese civil war and made “There are no accurate statis- have left over the past 10 to 20 to the port, when the explosion him fearful for his four-year-old tics on the effect of the blast yet, years, with the largest demo- hit.“If it wasn’t for a last-minute son’s safety and security. but the number of people leaving graphic being young profession- change in her plans, she might “Being a war child [someone Lebanon will definitely increase als and people under the age of over the next few months as a 45,” said Adra. MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

PAGE 22 International AROUND THE WORLD 1 person is dead after a shooting during protests in downtown Portland A person was shot and killed has clashed with protesters in in downtown Portland Satur- the past, said New York Times day night after an evening of reporter Mike Baker. violent clashes between Trump Earlier Saturday night, po- supporters and protesters de- lice tweeted that there had been nouncing police brutality. “some instances of violence Police have not released between demonstrators and details about the victim, who counterdemonstrators” when they said was shot in the chest a political rally caravanned around 8:46 p.m. Saturday through downtown Portland. near Southwest Third Avenue The tweet said officers made and Southwest Alder Street. some arrests and asked people Previously, police said the to avoid downtown due to traf- shooting was near Southeast fic from the political rally. Third Avenue. Authorities also The traffic coincided with a have not provided any suspect planned “Trump 2020 Cruise information and are asking Rally in Portland” that was ad- anyone who witnessed the vertised on Facebook. incident or has first-hand vid- According to the posted eo of the shooting to contact event, participants planned to investigators. Justin Dunlap, gather at the Clackamas Town who witnessed the shooting Center in Clackamas, Oregon, and captured some of it on his about 17 miles southeast of Facebook live stream, said he Portland. They planned to line “didn’t hear much lead up to up the cars, motorcycles and it.” “I heard like three seconds trucks for the rally and travel testers standing on the corner. of yelling and saw a guy spray the “Trump 2020 cruise rally the downtown core.” Riders in the black truck can bear mace,” Dunlap told CNN. route.” An image posted on Later in the evening, Baker be seen releasing some form of “The victim sprayed mace and Facebook shows it appeared posted footage from down- spray. And as a green pickup launched it right into the other to include the downtown Port- town Portland. In at least one truck passes, someone riding guy.” CNN has not confirmed land area. On Saturday after- video, protesters standing on in its bed can be seen spraying if the victim is the person who noon, a large group of Trump a street corner screamed and something toward protesters. sprayed mace. supporters and cars gathered at tossed items at people in a Passengers in that green truck For more than 90 consecu- the Clackamas Town Center, stopped white pickup truck duck as the other protesters tive nights, protesters in Port- CNN affiliate KOIN report- with an American flag and the toss something at them. land have denounced police ed. Video footage from KOIN words “All Live Matter” writ- Other videos posted by the brutality and racial injustice. showed pickup trucks with ten on a back driver’s side win- New York Times reporter The protests were spurred by American flags, “Thin Blue dow. The truck appears to be showed fights breaking out be- the killing of George Floyd in Line” flags and Trump 2020 part of the Trump cruise rally. tween the pro-Trump support- May and gained steam after flags prominently displayed on One of the protesters is seen ers and the protesters. last weekend’s shooting of Ja- the vehicles. lighting a Trump flag on fire as President Donald Trump cob Blake in Wisconsin. Portland police tried to keep the caravan begins to drive off. tweeted about the chaos and The man who was killed in the caravan out of the down- A man riding in the bed of criticized Portland Mayor Ted Portland on Saturday night was town area, Police Chief Chuck a passing black pickup truck Wheeler. “The big backlash wearing a hat with the insignia Lovell said at press conference displaying a blue “Oregon for going on in Portland cannot of Patriot Prayer, a far-right Sunday, but a group of the ve- Trump” flag and an American be unexpected after 95 days group based in Portland that hicles were able to “come into flag can be seen pointing and firing a paintball gun at the pro- of watching and incompetent


International PAGE 23 AROUND THE WORLD Mayor admit that he has no idea what he is doing,” Trump tweeted Sunday morning. Statue of Canada’s first “The people of Portland won’t put up with no safety any longer. The Mayor is a FOOL. prime minister toppled by Bring in the National Guard!” Wheeler criticized Trump protesters demanding police at a press conference Sunday afternoon, saying the Presi- defunding dent has “created the hate and the division.” “The tragedy of last night cannot be repeat- ed,” Wheeler said. “It doesn’t matter who you are or what your politics are -- we have to all stop the violence.” Oregon Gov. Kate Brown also blasted Trump in a statement Sunday afternoon, saying he “has en- couraged division and stoked violence.” “It happened in Kenosha. And now, unfortu- nately, it is happening in Port- land, Oregon.” “But despite the President’s jeers and tweets, this is a matter of life and death. Whether it’s his completely incompetent re- sponse to the pandemic, where nearly 200,000 have died, or his outright encouragement of violence in our streets: it should be clear to everyone by now that no one is truly safe with Donald Trump as Presi- dent,” Brown said. Chief Lovell urged people to Statue of John MacDonald is seen on the ground after it was pulled down during a protest not jump to conclusions about against racial inequality, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada August 29, 2020 in this picture obtained what led up to the shooting. from social media. “It is still early in this inves- A statue of Canada’s first video posted on social media. In June, a video showing a tigation, and I ask everyone to Prime Minister Sir John Mac- Calls to defund the police forceful arrest of a Canadian give the detectives time to do donald was toppled in down- have been growing across the indigenous leader by the Roy- their important work before town Montreal by protesters United States and Canada, af- al Canadian Mounted Police drawing conclusions about marching in support of de- ter a spate of violent incidents raised questions about the use what took place,” Lovell said. funding police, government involving police. The death of of force by the police. “If anyone can provide in- officials said. George Floyd, a Black man, The statue of Macdonald has formation about this case, I The incident occurred at the while in the custody of Minne- been the site of repeated acts of ask them to please reach out to end of a peaceful march on apolis police in May sparked graffiti in recent years, and it our detectives. This violence is Saturday when a group of peo- global protests about racial has often been covered in red completely unacceptable and ple climbed the monument and inequality and police brutali- paint. Saturday’s incident drew we are working diligently to pulled down the statue, causing ty, and renewed pledges from quick condemnation from po- find and apprehend the individ- the head to fly off, according to some to fight racism. litical leaders. ual or individuals responsible.”


Quick crossword No 15,594

Down Across 1 System of beliefs (5) 1 Oratorio on a sacred theme (7) 2 Girl’s name — I moan (anag) (5) 8 Pull out (of a race) (7) 3 Vertically (2,5,6) 9 Action to inflate one’s sense of self-importance (7) 4 Visual effect (6) 10 Made certain (7) 5 Sets of parallel lines providing shading in drawing (5-8) 11 Ceasing to function (5) 6 Charts (anag) — formality (6) 13 Retire to bed (informal) (3,3,3) 7 Cheap and nasty (6) 15 Nonconformist (3,3,3) 12 Three feet (4) 18 Clips around the ear (5) 14 Expression of incredulity (2,2) 21 Italian dish (7) 15 Person involved with crude (6) 22 Prince of Monaco, married to Grace Kelly, d. 2005 (7) 16 Condense (6) 23 Liquorice flavouring — ie Danes (anag) (7) 17 Cook too much (6) 24 Silk fabric (7) 19 Pretend (5) 20 Middle Eastern country (5)

Garfield MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020


ARIES (Mar 21-Apr. 19): Now may be a good time to take LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22.): Having a long line of any amorous relationship slowly and gently. You should be admirers might be a nice thing, but that only means you flexible with any romantic miscommunications that occur should continue to be your best. Pay little attention to casual in the beginning of the week. Hold off on making major flirtations and focus on serious responsibilities in the first purchases. half of the week.

TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20): Keep an eye on your savings SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Being thoughtful is the best account. As the week begins, your spending may increase strategy. If others keep their end of the bargain, it’s only fair quickly. You’re a quick learner so you should be able to sort that you should keep yours. In the week to come, you and a out misunderstandings before they become a problem. partner or loved one might not see eye to eye on key issues.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You believe you’re being SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Consider not being open and fair, but someone may only see the negative side. too specific. Your ideas may be worth listening to, especially Your straightforward actions could overwhelm a reticent or since you can cover a lot of ground with a unique idea. Wait sensitive person. Wait until the end of the week to make a until the end of the week to meet with new contacts or attend proposal. crucial interviews.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): During the week ahead, you CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Take time off and dream may be concerned by challenges involving your family or up fun things to do if you can in the week ahead. Don’t fault partner. Your ability to be understanding and sympathetic those who show a lack of interest in something close to your may be of good use now. Wait for better timing to start a heart. Think up new ways to get in a workout and enjoy project. your hobbies.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Keep your leadership skills sharp AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Even if you are able to this week. You might have ample energy to put a partner’s outthink someone, you won’t outfox them. You may have great ideas into motion. Even with your sound judgment and flashes of brilliance as this week unfolds, but don’t try to use good planning, you may have to work hard to get others to a stroke of genius to gain an unfair advantage in a business cooperate with your plans. deal.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Enlightenment may light PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20): Don’t rush into a new business your way. Think about the big issues and attempt something project. Clarify agreements, promises and contracts before new. If you try to move forward with an important purchase you finalize them. It is better to wait until you have all the or investment in the first part of the week, you could end up details cleared up than to endure misunderstandings in the spinning your wheels. week ahead. MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

PAGE 26 Sports News

Swetes cricket receives revival injection Cricket is synonymous with the 93-year-old who lives a stone’s throw Antiguan Abdiel Hughes, a certified Swetes community, so with the hard from the pasture that produced Sir coach, led a team of young coaches at ball version of the game being absent Curtly Ambrose and other local crick- the camp which was forced to be ex- for the past five years, something had et legends. tended by an extra day after the clos- to be done to revive it. Sir Curtly, his former Windies team- ing ceremony was postponed after a To this end, the five day Rufus Lewis mate, Ridley Jacobs and supreme bats- tropical storm threatened the country. Swetes Revival Cricket Camp aimed man Enoch Lewis, son of Rufus, are “These youngsters were a handful to achieve that objective. three of luminaries from the Swetes but we persevered and it was a suc- Named in honour of one of the vil- production line. cess,” Hughes said. lage’s elder statesmen who produced With these and many others as role HHF founder and President, Col- ten cricketers from among his thir- models, the next generation has an im- in James, called on parents to play a teen children, the camp recognised the pressive pedigree to follow. guiding role in their children’s devel- The SCC, which targeted five 15 opment. year-olds, was mastermind by the “It’s important for parents to play Helping Hand Foundation, a commu- a more meaningful role; encourage nity-based organisation that promotes them to volunteer, monitor their use sports as one of its platforms. of social media, ensure they go to bed More than seventy-five boys and early,” said James, who is the coun- girls took part in the Cool & Smooth try’s Commissioner of Sports. sponsored event supported by Crick- Sir Richie Richardson, a former et West Indies, Antigua & Barbuda Windies captain and outstanding bats- Cricket Association and ACB Parish man, presented signature bats and par- League Cricket. aphernalia to the outstanding partici- pants. The grassroots programme for SCC continues on Saturday from 9:30- 11 am. This will be buttressed by a community wide four month intense coaching stint from September to De- cember under the tutelage of Sir Curt- ly and Ridley Jacobs with input from Windies legends and other top players. Let’s hail the revival of cricket in Swetes! MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020

Sports News PAGE 27 Zouks shellshock Tridents to make history The St. Lucia Zouks smashed the re- cord for the lowest total ever defended in Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL), as Kesrick Williams and the spinners strangled an anxious lineup to leave ’s men reeling. The Tridents, and in particular Hayden Walsh, were outstanding with the ball to skittle the Zouks, but managed to lose Bishop’s return over was also accu- again struggling against wrist-spin. Wil- despite not being bowled out. rate, and a frantic Sammy ran himself liams and Zahir snuck through a few tight Joshua Bishop came in for his second out to leave his team 65/6 in the 13th. overs, and even Charles’ third boundary senior T20 game, replacing the injured Javelle Glen though started in style was a controlled leg glance. Williams , and just as he had in with a gigantic Hero Maximum that wasn’t giving up, beating Holder’s waft his first match last year against the same landed on the roof. to pick up a second LBW, but at the opposition, he dismissed Rakheem Najibullah late-cut Rashid with just drinks break the Tridents were 48/3 and Cornwall in the first over. enough pace to find the boundary, but needed barely over four an over. ’s innings was dramat- the rest of the over went scoreless. The Tridents though continued to bat ic but brief. He smashed Holder for six Nurse got a third over with two left- nervously - Chase and Glen, the latter on the first ball, but the Tridents captain handers at the crease and picked up for the first time in senior T20 trapped him LBW second and after eight Glen, albeit it was a full toss whipped cricket, were tidy, and the leg-spinner balls the Zouks were 12/2. straight to Walsh at deep midwicket. Glen got his first when Charles Bishop bowled an impressive sec- Holder went to his seamers Nyeem sliced to long-on where Williams took a ond over, beating both Leniko Bouch- Young and Raymon Reifer, and a rest- good catch. er and and having Chase less Najibullah fell to the latter thanks to The Tridents suddenly found them- dropped at point. a good low catch by Joshua Bishop at selves 67/4 off 14, and Zahir, Nabi and Holder showed faith in Walsh after his deep square leg. Chase bowled tidily against a nervy mauling at the hands of Kieron Pollard Reifer got a second thanks to Walsh Nurse and Corey Anderson. When Nabi yesterday and Walsh should have dis- expertly judging a mistimed Scott Kug- beat Anderson in the flight and bowled missed Boucher but missed a geleijn pull to juggle and hold near the him, the Tridents found themselves sud- simple stumping. rope. denly five down and needing over a run was as accurate as ever, Rashid was, predictably, too good for a ball. and the Zouks reached the Powerplay at the tail and finished his spell with the Sammy gave Glen the nod for the 19th, 35/2. Boucher was frenetic before Walsh wicket of his countryman Zahir Khan. and Rashid fell clubbing the leg-spinner bowled him with a quicker ball. Young with a tight over of 0/3 was to Nabi, leaving Chase nine to defend Chase was able to free his arms and the only one of the Tridents bowlers not off the last over. sweep for four, but Walsh to take a wicket, and they hadn’t even Nurse fell to a good catch from Na- was visibly growing in confidence and needed all 20 overs. jibullah, but most importantly Chase beat Chase in the flight with a slower Hope and Johnson Charles started started with three dot balls. googly to bowl him. Nurse continued, cautiously. The first aerial shot didn’t Reifer missed a full toss and only Rashid again held back for the second come until the 4th over, Charles almost managed three off two balls, leaving part of the innings, and the Afghan pair holding out to mid-on, but a smattering Young needing to hit his first ever ball went boundary-less. of fours saw the Tridents score at a run a in Hero CPL over the ropes to seal a win The Zouks reached halfway at 58/4. ball. Hope fell LBW to a good ball from that seemed a formality at almost every Nabi for once failed, skying a flighted Williams, but the Tridents reached the stage. He couldn’t do it, and while the Walsh googly to the captain at long-off, Power Play at a steady 34/1. Zouks bowlers deserve huge credit, for and with him gone Rashid returned and That became 37/2 when Zahir bowled the second day in a row the Tridents troubled both and Kyle Mayers with a beauty that turned found themselves wondering how on captain Daren Sammy. from middle to take off-stump, the no.3 earth they had lost. PAGE 28 MONDAY 31ST AUGUST 2020 Young Masters Sports Club and Academy up and running Morris “Abuda” Barnes, the head of Abuda said they reopened on Saturday the Young Masters Sports Club Acad- June 27 with a weekly attendance of emy, has said his unit was the first to twenty-two children. reopen following national lockdown Barnes talking to PointeXpress ex- that began on March 13 due to the plained that the mission of the pro- COVID-19 pandemic. gramme is to teach and prepare youths Observing all the coronavirus pro- for a future in sport. tocols established by the government, “We take children from the age of 6 to 14-years-old and have been in exis- tence for 13 years,” Barnes noted. He continued that on Saturdays at the Rising Sun Ground where the acade- my is based, they pay special attention to teaching the fundamentals of cricket cricket in 2007 when he taught Physi- and football with emphasis on kiddy’s cal Education at the St. Michael’s Pri- cricket. mary School. Barnes was drawn to coaching youth With the new reality of COVID-19 and its implications on the future of sport, he remarked that the children have demonstrated a great cooperative attitude in the practice sessions. The Young Masters Sports Club and Academy participated in ten Under-13 Kiddy cricket matches in 2019 and were successful in all their outings. Alzarri Joseph to participate in 2020 IPL Leeward Hurricanes fast Trinidad and Tobago. an average of 14.50 with an Eventually, the World Un- bolwer Alzarri Joseph will The Wesst Indies pacer rep- economy rate of 10.03. der-19 cricket champion dis- return to the Mumbai Indians resented the Mumbai Indians In March 2019 Joseph was located his shoulder ending for the 2020 Indian Premeir in three matches during the selected as a replacement for his season. league (IPL) immediately af- 2019 edition before a serious Adam Milne and on April 6 Joseph stayed in India and ter he completes his mission injury ended his season in he made his IPL debut against rehabilitated his injury suc- with the St. Kitts/Nevis Patri- three outings. Sunrisers Hyderabad and cessfully. ots in the 2020 CPL played in He bagged six at took 6 wickets for 12 runs in The Antiguan is expected 3.4 overs, breaking the IPL to fly out immediately after record for most wickets in a the Patriots’ final game in the game. CPL to India with the IPL slated to start on September Editor : Everton Barnes, Published by Pointville Communications, Lower North Street, St. John’s, Antigua Tel:-1- 19 in the United Arab Emir- 268-562 4989, Editor: [email protected] Advertisement: [email protected], Reporting: [email protected] ates (UAE).