STATISTICAL TABLES Statistical Tables 233
STATISTICAL TABLES Statistical Tables 233 TABLE 2.1 Number of Banks and Near-Banks in Hong Kong 31 December 1969 30 June 1980 Licensed banks: No. of main offices 73 113 No. of total offices, 362 1,078 including branches Representative offices 21 104 Registered deposit-taking companies (including merchant banks and finance nil 283 companies) Source: Banking Commissioner's Office. N W .j:>.. TABLE 2.2 Consolidated Balance Sheet of Licensed Banks, 1969-79 (million Hong Kong dollars) ~ ;:::: !::> End ofyear 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 ;:::: <"') Liabilities "-!::>-. Total deposits 12,297 18,785 26,191 36,343 53,019 88,014 CI) Amount due to banks abroad 1,845 3,000 8,911 21,243 36,850 73,685 .... ~ Other liabilities 2,385 3,070 5,148 8,011 10,497 24,159 <"') ~ 16,527 24,855 40,250 65,597 100,366 185,858 Assets ~ "" Cash 333 358 574 775 924 1 ,495 R<> Amount due from banks abroad 5,299 9,384 10,201 21,045 34,152 66,435 Loans and advances: a::::: ;:::: Hong Kong 7,680 11 ,197 21,578 24,998 36,856 73,690 ~ Abroad 204 639 1,685 10,077 18,793 20,778 Ei ~ Investments: Hong Kong 659 1,051 1,922 2,891 3,836 5,462 "-~ Abroad 10 30 62 50 101 180 -.<"') Other assets 2,342 _ 2,196 ---4,228 5,761 5,704 17,818 -.~ 24,855 40,250 65,597 100,366 185,858 "" 16,527 -.;:::: Yl Source: Hong Kong Mon th ly Digest of Statistics and The 1975-76 Budget: Economic Background.
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