County GOP Survives, but Meyner Gets Margin
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For All Departmenti Call RED BANK REGISTER SHadyside 1-0010 4 Wieklr, enttred u Second Clui Mmtter U the Port VOLUME LXXX, NO. 20 OHIO•* at Red Bank. N. J., under toe Act ol March 3. 1879. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1957 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Meyner Captures Red Bank Still Champions County GOP Survives, Despite Strong GOP Trend But Meyner Gets Margin Red Bank, sines the depression who manages a' Broad st. rug years a Republican stronghold, store. But still Mr. Scottl trailed gave a surprising eight-vote mar- Mr. Oakley by 311 votes and Mr. FREEHOLD—Monmouth coun- Police departments throughout gin to Democratic Gov. Robert Malchow by 231. Golf Course ty voters Tuesday gave plurality the county which had public ques- B. Meyner Tuesday. Among out-of-towners, Republi' Variance Issue of 318 votes to Governor Robert tions on the ballot relative to pay' At the same time, the voters can Freeholder Victor E. Gros- Law Returned B. Meyner, making it the first raises—as well as Long Branch's acted to return local, county and singer of Middletown, the coun- time In 20 years a Democratic paid firemen—were universally , •tats GOP office holders to their ty's public welfare director, poll- Goes to Court candidate was thus favored. successful. In none of the mu- ' posts. ed 2,236. He was 24 ahead of his To Planners HIGHLANDS—The mayor and Unofficial statewide tallies as nlcipalltles were the police re- Evidence was clear that while mate, Freeholder Earl L. Wool- council last night authorized its ot this morning showed the gov- fused pay hikes. The only publlo the citizenry was satisftdled with ley, Neptune, public property di- 8 A. M. Provision attorney to answer a summons ernor re-elected by 1,098.004 votes question which was given a "no" the people running Monmouth's rector, Mr. Woolley's vote was charging the.borough with act- over State Sen. Malcolm S. answer was In Union Beach, fairs, it saw no need to change 2,212. ing illegally in granting a zon- Forbes' 895,191. It marked the where the voters decided against Galled Harmful first time any N. J. governor a $30,000 municipal building, tenants in the state house. Beadleston Does Well ing variance here last month Gov. Meyner was given 2,037 The variance, obtained by Er- ever received more than a mil- lion votes. County voters also went along votes to 2,029 for Sen. Forbes. Faring well, as in the past, was By Two Owners Ijf nest A. Vaughan, 18 Navesink with tho rest of the state in over- High man on both tickets was Assemblyman Alfred N. Beadles- ave., permits operation of a rest- Following one of tho most In- SHREWSBURY — This bor- tensive campaigns In recent whelming approval of a constitu- Councilman Thomas F. Oakley, ton of Shrewsbury, who headed aurant and recreation room in a tional change to permit new resi- up Sen. Forbe's "truth squad' ough's proposed golf course ordi- residential zone. years, county Democratic candi- of the Cook and Oakley plumbing nance is headed back to the dents to vote after living in the firm, with 2,264 votes, That was drive, receiving 2,230 votes. Tha It has been challenged by Luke dates for assembly and freehold- planning board—at the request er were not victorious, but they state for alx month*; tho county, 80 more than went to Council- beat by just one the 2,129 votes J. Penta, who owns a rooming 60 days. The present residence Red Bankers gave Assemblyman of one of its most interested par- cut deeply into the winners' to- man Harry Malchow, Fred D. Wi- ties, Francis H. Marzulla. house at 22 Navesink ave. Penta requirement Is: in the state one Clifton T. Barkalow of Freehold. has filed a civil suit in Superior tals. koff Co. executive, who received The ordinance, up for public yoar; the county five months. 2,184. Mr. Oakley, street and san- Freeholder Grossinger beat out court naming the Borough of Majorities Reduced The question In the county was his best-running Democratic op- hearing before borough council Highlands and Mr. and Mrs. itation chairman, will start his last night, would allow construc- Republican Assemblymen Clif- approved, 35,654 to 19,161. ; fourth term in January; Mr. Mal- ponent, Philip H. Fluhr, Manas- Vaughan as co-defendants. Sum- ton T. Barkalow and Alfred N. "quan, by 352, a comfortable mar- tion of a nine-hole golf course in monses were Berved Saturday. Lnst Time In 1937 . chow, senior councilman and wa- any R-l zone in the borough. Beadleston Were re-elected by a ter and sewer chairman, his sev- gin. Mr.. Fluhr finished 328 be- The defendants have 20 days 6,848-vote margin compared to Gov. Meyner's 318-vote margin hind Mr. Woolley. Further back Mr. Marzulla and Thomas Far- enth. rell, local contractor, plan to to file an answer In Superior Iheir 17,000 margin In 1955 and in Monmouth la favorable to the - here was Democrat Richard B. court. Mayor Cornelius Gulney 14,000 margin In 1053. Democratic cause when It ia con- Police Get Raise Burke, Campbell's Junction law- build such a course. The only said last night "It will depend on Police here, as in most other thing holding them up, accord- The tallies for assembly were: sidered that he lost the county yer, whose 1,787 votes were 97 be- developments" as,to whether the Mr. Barkalow, 49,691, and Mr. to Paul Troast by 4,431 votes. places, got what they wanted—a hind Fluhr's. ing to Mr. Marzulla, is a provi- council will "actively" enter tho raise in pay. Voters decided 2,- sion in the ordinance which pro- J3eadleston, 49,599, against John Tho last time a Democratic Assemblyman Beadleston case or let the Vaughans flght it 0. Olordnno, 43,751, and Richard 1B8 to 1,107 that their salary be hibits the course from opening alone. gubernatorial candldatn carried raised 15 per cent. trounced Democrat John C. Gior- before 8 a. m. V. Kouper, 42,261. the county, it was A. Harry Mr. Penta claims In the suit Also favored here 1,907 to 890 dano, Jr., Long Branch lawyer Council had Introduced the The story was about the same Moore. He defeated Rev. Dr. Les- by 356 votes. Mr. Giordano, with ordinance at its Oct. 15 meeting that the borough's action was /or the incumbent Republican ter H. Clee In 1937 by 1,010 votes. was the state question to permit "Illegal," based on its zoning persons with a shorter term of 1,870 votes, ran 42 ahead of his and was only one step away from freeholders, Victor E. Grossing- Democratic partner, Richard V lawaj "a detriment to the pub- A combination of Governor Mey residence to register and vote. passing it into law when Mr. Mar- er and Earl L. Woolley, but they ncr's popularity and taxpayers' Keuper of Wayside. lic," and "arbitrary and capri enjoyed a margin slightly better Democratic council candidates zulla voiced his objection. clous." assorted grievances, such as those showed strength in some areas, On behalf of the police depart- "Limiting the start of play Governor Robert B. Meyner than their assembly counterparts stemminfr from housing develop- ment, Police Chief Frank W practically guarantees operating The council also Introduced a —7,149 votes. but it was not enoug hto alter the controversial amendment to Its ment residents, caused many sur- Red Bank habit of giving Repub- Reuther yesterday released a. in red-ink," Mr. Marzulla said. The tallies for freeholder were: prises throughout tho county. In statement of thanks'in which he He maintained that golfers zoning ordinance permitting the Mr. Grossinger, 40,186, and Mr. licans a sizable push ahead In construction of boat basins along Middletown, where G.O.P. major- the local government, Louis A. said members of the department would show up at the course be- Woolley, 50,408, against Richard ities are perennial "sure things," will "exert our best efforts to fore 8 a, m. and would become Assemblymen the waterfront. E. Burke, 42,037, and Philip H. Scottl, Shrewsbury ave. mer- Public hearing was set for Nov. the tallies wero exceptionally chant, received 1,953 votes, which maintain the high standard of ef- a "nuisance" if they all "congre- Fluhr, 41,644. close, albeit in the Republican ficiency which has existed in the gated around waiting for the 8 19. If the amendment is adopt- were 81 ahead of 1,872 given to ed at that time, as expected, it Year's Difference column. Democrats there want a his running mate, Robert Marks, department in the past." o'clock starting gun." As an Indication of the power- recount, In fact. Another Repub- • Zoning Board Regulation will clear the way for a $200,000 marina to be built by the High- ful Democratic surge In the coun- lican stronghold—Little Silver- The proposed ordinance gives lands Marina, Inc., on property ty, Mr. Fluhr, who also was a will find itself with a Democratlo full regulation of the golf course bordering Bay ave., Sea Drift freeholder, candidate then, last mayor Jan. 1. Freehold town- to the zoning board of adjust- ave. and Atlantic at. year missed the mark hy a 38,352 ship's Republican mayor also Authority to Return margin. At the time, he and Leo was defeated. Countering this, ment. Mr. Marzulla owns 44,5 Mayor Gulney announced that acres of land on the west side as soon as approval is forthcom- Weinstein opposed Republican however, was the defeat of en- of Broad st (rt 35) between ing from the building Inspector Freeholders Joseph C.