District Office P. O. Box 2900 Mt. Gay, West Virginia 25637 (304) 792-7160
[email protected] Boone/Lincoln Campus Williamson Campus HC 81, Box 51 Armory Drive Danville, West Virginia 25053-9614 Williamson, West Virginia 25661 (304) 369-2952 (304) 235-6046 Logan Campus Wyoming/McDowell Campus P. O. Box 2900 P. O. Box 638 Mt. Gay, West Virginia 25637 Pineville, West Virginia 24874 (304) 792-7098 (304) 294-8346 Serving Boone, Logan, Lincoln, McDowell, Mingo, Raleigh, and Wyoming, West Virginia and by Interstate Agreement Serving Martin and Pike, Kentucky The catalog is for information purposes only and is not considered a binding contract between Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College and students. The College reserves the right to make changes in fees, course offerings, graduation requirements, academic policies and procedures, or polices and procedures governing student life. ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2002-2003 FALL 2002 August 2 Last Date for Pre-registered Students to Pay August 12 All-College Day August 13 Registration - 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM August 14 Registration - 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM August 15 NO REGISTRATION August 16 NO REGISTRATION August 19 Classes Begin August 19-26 Add/Drop Period and Late Registration ($15 fee charged for late registration). NOTE: Add/Drop and Late Registration end Monday, August 26. August 24 Saturday Classes Begin September 2 Labor Day Holiday - College Closed October 11 Mid-Semester Reports Due (1st eight weeks completed) October 14 Second Eight Weeks Classes Begin October 31 Last Day to Withdraw with a Grade of “W” (11 weeks completed) November 4 *Registration for Spring 2003 Begins November 8 Deadline for Graduation Applications for Fall 2002 and Spring 2003 November 25-30 Thanksgiving Holiday - No Classes.