District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham

Volume II Preparedness, Prevention, Mitigation, Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Action Plan of

Prepared by: District Administration, Prakasam

Supported by: United Nations Development Programme, India

District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Preparedness Plan 1

Contents 1 Preparedness Plan...... 3 1.1. General Preparedness Measures based on SWOT Analysis of Line Departments ...... 3 1.2. Coordination mechanism of DDMA in Pre Disaster Situation ...... 5 1.3. Coordination Mechanism of DDMA in Immediate pre disaster Situation (immediately after receipt of warning) ...... 5 1.3.1. Coordination Mechanism of DDMA during Disaster (Relief Distribution Mechanism) ...... 6 1.3.2. Coordination Mechanism of DDMA in Post Disaster Situation ...... 6 1.4. Standard checklist for Revenue Department: In-charge Officer: DC/ JC/DRO ...... 7 1.4.1. Hazard- Flood ...... 10 1.4.2. Hazard: Cyclonic Storm ...... 24 1.4.3. Hazard- Drought ...... 36 1.4.4. Hazard- Heat Wave ...... 44 1.4.5. Hazard- Earthquake ...... 50 2 Disaster Risk Reduction Plan of Prakasam ...... 54 2.1. DRR Actions in conformity with SFDRR ...... 54 2.2. Capacity Building ...... 62 2.3. Mainstreaming DRR in Development: National Flagship Schemes ...... 65 2.4. Mainstreaming DRR in Development: State level Flagship Schemes ...... 68 3. Climate Change Actions: ...... 77 3.1. Common actions to be taken to Mitigate Climate Change ...... 77 3.2. Sector Specific Activities for climate Change ...... 78

District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Preparedness Plan 2

1 Preparedness Plan Preparedness has been defined as the knowledge and capacities developed by governments, response and recovery organizations, communities and individuals to effectively anticipate, respond to and recover from the impacts of likely, imminent or current disasters. A preparedness plan establishes arrangements in advance to enable timely, effective and appropriate responses to specific potential hazardous events or emerging disaster situations that might threaten society or the environment1. Therefore, this Preparedness Plan includes checklist for all concerned stakeholders of the district to prepare themselves for effective and efficient disaster response. It helps in preparing district administration, departments and other stakeholders for better coordinated response with available resources. Identification of vulnerable areas, emergency shelter sites, evacuation routes, emergency resources, chains of commands, etc, becomes an important part of preparedness. All of these measures will go a long way to improving the quality, timing and effectiveness of the response to a disaster. 1.1. General Preparedness Measures based on SWOT Analysis of Line Departments  Establishment and functioning of the Control Rooms: DCCC (District Command and Communication Centre) is a central command and control facility responsible for carrying out the principles of disaster preparedness and disaster management functions at a strategic level in an emergency. The common functions of the DCCC is to collect, gather and analyze data; make decisions that protect life and property and disseminate those decisions to all concerned agencies and individuals. In this regard, Prakasham District Command and Communication Centre will be strengthened with necessary equipment and dedicated manpower to deal with disaster risk management related communication functions. Respective department having access to alternative communication systems and network including Revenue and Police shall keep their equipment functional and shall send quarterly status report to the DDMA. Other departments shall also make provisions to establish control rooms in case of seasonal hazards where period is defined like floods, heatwaves, cyclone etc particularly Health, Agriculture and Horticulture, Fisheries, Electricity, Irrigation, Roads and Building departments which are critical to reducing loss and damage associated with disasters and climate change.  Plan Updation: Updation of DDMP is a crucial preparedness activity along with departmental plans of respective departments. The plan should be updated atleast once in a year with a focus on checking manpower (transfers and retirements), possible and emerging scenarios (hazards and vulnerability), progress, outcome and challenges etc. This should also include checking specific preparedness elements such emergency stockpiling of essential supplies, emergency communication network and facilities, managing routine overloads and special activities like elections, vip visits etc. The following process should be followed for updation of the DDMP

1 UNGA (2016), Report of the open-ended intergovernmental expert working group on indicators and terminology relating to disaster risk reduction District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Preparedness Plan 3

Desk Review •Progress and DDMP Review meeting Data collection Challneges •Sharing of progress •Department level •Role; Availability of and challenges •Community level manpower and •Finalizing updation equipment agenda •Up-dation agenda

Analysis and Updation of plan Finalizing interpretation •Updating key sections •Roundtable within •Identifying key gaps and sub-sections DDMA •pririty areas •Consultation with departments

The Chief Executive Officer/Convenor of DDMA will be responsible for updation of the plan as per the above the process.  Communication System: Provision of wireless sets at all Department Heads and Tehsildars for effective communication of cyclone/heavy rainfall/ heat waves. Fire Brigades at all the Municipal Offices. All departments shall initiate planning for alternative communication systems for disasters and climatic extreme events  Training for Disaster Management Team Members: Disaster management teams should be formed at three levels such as District, Mandala and Village level. Each of the DMTs shall comprise groups of women and men volunteers and are assigned with a specials task The Search and Rescue Teams, First Aid Teams formed at the three levels should be provided training from time to time so that their timely help can be used during disaster.

No Aspects of Awareness Building 1 Formation of Village Disaster Response Party with functions of SAR, First Aid and coordination to support local administration during disasters 2 Building awareness on Crop Insurance and its benefits 3 Building awareness on Livestock Insurance and its benefits 4 Cyclone and Flood resilient constructions 5 Ecosystem preservation and restoration 6 Interpreting warning and evacuation process 7 Flood and Fire preparedness at household level 8 Do’s and Don’ts regarding various hazards 9 Climate change and livelihood in rural areas

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 Organization of Mock Drills: Mock drill is an integral part of this disaster management plan, as it is a preparedness drill to check the system for emergency response, identify areas of improvement and initiate actions to enhance preparedness thereof. Mock drills should be organized in all the vulnerable villages of the district to activate the DMTs and modification of the DM plan. Mock drill is organized once in six months as per the seasonality calendar of natural disaster events that is likely to occur.

 Community Awareness on Various Disasters: The widespread community awareness program in most hazard prone villages is required so that villages are sensitized about the hazard and there are no problems when there is need for evacuation. The following table reflects key themes for generating community awareness in Prakasham district 1.2. Coordination mechanism of DDMA in Pre Disaster Situation Preparation Objectives Actions Initiated by Convening District Level To suggest the least of relief District Command and Committee on natural calamity work to be undertaken, advise Communication Centre in the month of July on the precautionary measures to be taken, directions for stocking of food grains in strategic or key points. Identification of vulnerable Repairing of breaches, stocking DRO, Executive engineers of points according to the expected of the sand bags, alerting people Irrigation department supported disaster near highly vulnerable pockets. by EEs, R&B Identification & Indent of Stocking of food grains and other Tehsildars and MPDOs essential commodities for the essential things in GP inaccessible/scarcity pockets headquarters Selection of Shelters Arrangements for shelter during Joint collectors, Tehsildars emergency through PRIs and local people Requirement of medicines, Stocking of medicines and DM&HO formation of mobile teams, deputation of personals. identifying epidemic areas Arrangement of food and fodder Stocking of the same Joint Collector with DSO for the cattle Organizing Mock drills Awareness generation and All concerned practice 1.3. Coordination Mechanism of DDMA in Immediate pre disaster Situation (immediately after receipt of warning) Preparation Objectives Actions Initiated by Receipt of information From IMD/SRC control District Command and room/DCCC Communication Centre (DCCC) Dissemination of information From DCCC to all Tehsildars DEOC, Head of line depts. ,DRO, Tehsildars Immediate setting and To evacuate vulnerable people SDRF, Police personals, armed operational of control room to identified shelters and logistic forces, fire officers, red-cross round the clock Rescue and arrangements team ready with rescue kits evacuation which are to be made available

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to them through the DCCC Arrangement of free kitchen To provide immediate feeding to Tehsildars/RDOs/NGOs the evacuated people Sanitation and medicines To prevent epidemics and Executive engineer of infections RWSS/DM&HO Ensuring transportation of relief To ensure that the relief DSO/Joint collectors/BSOs/DTO materials to affected pockets materials reach in time to the affected people Ensuring safety of life and To prevent anti-social activities SP/DSP/Inspector and SI of the belongings affected block/NGOs Ensuring availability of safe To check the onset of epidemics DM&HO/Executive engineers of drinking water, provision of PHED health facilities and minimum sanitation Meeting of field level officers in Better co-ordination DC,JC and AJC at district level every 24 hours to review the and RDO at Revenue-divisional situation level Collection of information by the Triangular linkage between field, Core group of DCCC/Officers of core group of the EOC and daily district and state control room line departments reporting to concerned officers Estimation of number of vehicles To ensure smooth transportation DTO – Light/Medium/Heavy for relief works Arrangement of road To clean the roads, cut the fallen DTO, Executive Engineer, cleaners/power sow and other trees, clear the debris etc. Executive Officer – Nagar essential equipments Panchayat Arrangement of trucks loaded To move to the field immediately DTO with generators after the disaster is over 1.3.1. Coordination Mechanism of DDMA during Disaster (Relief Distribution Mechanism) Preparation Objectives Actions Initiated by Alertness & Readiness to gear To rescue the trapped and All the stakeholders up in action, immediately after injured persons the disaster Control room functional round To mitigate the effects of the District control room, all line the clock disaster depts., Tehsildars Monitoring To review the rescue and relief Collector/JC/RDO work Distribution of relief as per To provide food and other MPDOs/Tehsildars, NGOs provisions essential commodities for survival 1.3.2. Coordination Mechanism of DDMA in Post Disaster Situation Preparation Objectives Actions Initiated by Distribution of relief as per To provide food and other SDC, Tehsildars, NGOs provisions essential commodities for survival Assessment of Damage To ascertain the exact loss for All line depts., Tehsildars, reporting to the govt. Executive engineers, Sub

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Collectors Monitoring the relief To maintain uniformity of relief Collector. JC, RDOs operations organized by administration external agencies/UN agencies/Red Cross / NGOs /Other States etc. by the dist. Authorities Restoration of communication For timely and Prompt Executive engineers of – Roads & Railways delivery/transportation of relief concerned depts., Military and articles/deployment of rescue paramilitary forces, police teams Restoration of electronic To ensure proper coordination BSNL Private Service Providers communication system linkage and Technocrats of police signals Immediate arrangement of free To avoid starvation Sub collectors/Line depts./PSUs kitchen for the effected people Documentation of the entire For reporting purposes and RDOs event-Written, Audio, Video institutional memory Monitoring To review the relief works and DC/JC/DRO remove the bottlenecks

1.4. Standard checklist for Revenue Department: In-charge Officer: DC/ JC/DRO

Sr. No. Key actions Check

1. Convene the meetings of District Disaster Management Authority. 2. Update the District Disaster Management Plan Quarterly. 3. Maintain and activate the District and divisional Control Rooms. 4. Establish communications with all stakeholders for purpose of receiving and sending warning and information exchange through district control room. 5. Establish warning systems between the local to district level and with media. 6. Ensure laying down construction norms for all types of buildings and infrastructure. 7. Ensure identification of safe places for establishment of relief camps and confirming their suitability. 8. Appoint In-charge Officers of Response base. 9. Ensure damage and need assessment through teams formed through concerned departments. 10. Check upon inventory of resources. 11. Ensure capacity building of the community and all departmental staff. 12. Ensure to establish and manage relief camps through life line departments. 13. Call for emergency meeting to take stock of the situation. Develop a strategy and objectives. 14. Check the supplied of food grains through the Public Distribution System.

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15. Prepare a list of relief items to be distributed. 16. Seek tenders / quotations for all the relief items and fix the rates and suppliers. 17. Ensure formalising rate contracts- All departments that require hire of manpower and purchase of material during emergencies. 18. Ensuring to create and pre-dominate teams, transport, material and equipment for responding to the disaster incident. 19. Prepare a transportation plan for supply of relief items. 20. Convene meetings of NGOs, Youth Clubs, Self Help Groups, etc. in the district, and assign them specific responsibilities for relief, recovery and rehabilitation. 21. Constitute / activate Village – Level Preparedness Teams with the help of PRIs, local NGOs, and revenue officials. 22. Prepare an evacuation plan for the villages which are marooned / devastated. 23. Prepare a list of transit / temporary shelters, and check upon their suitability for accommodating people. 24. Ensure disposal of dead bodies and carcasses through Police, Medical, NGOs, Public Health and Forest Department. 25. Ensure general cleaning of the entire city area through water and sanitation, Municipal Corporation, Public Health Department, etc. 26. Ensure collation of expense accounts for sanctions and audits. 27. Activation of help lines through police and health departments and district public relations office. 28. Ensure media briefing through DPRO Appoint. 29. Ensure preparation of rehabilitation plan for displaced population through Town and Country Planning, ULBs/PRIs, etc. 30. Ensure disbursal of Compensation. 31. If pre-quake vibrations are felt and if the central agencies advise, prepare for evacuation plan for population from dangerous buildings. 32. Coordinate with Army, Indian Air Force, and Navy for support towards recue, evacuation and relief. 33. Commence functioning of IRS and ESF systems. 34. Recall important functionaries from leave; communicate to the staff to man their places of duties like the ward and divisional offices and respective departments. 35. Ensure that panic does not occur. 36. Activate all emergency communications. 37. Revenue staff to reconnoiter on ground and send intelligence regarding situation in their areas. 38. Ensure Provision of Nutritional aspects of food for disaster victims.

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1.4.1. Hazard- Flood

The above image shows the blocks in Prakasam district within flooded and or waterlogged areas. VILLAGE LIKELY TO BE MAROONED AND INUNDATED DUING CYCLONE PERIOD IN KANDUKUR DIVISION OF COASTAL MANDALS Sl. Name of Name of Name of the How many households existing Population No the the Habitation i.e., category wise likely to Mandal village affected in each habitation Perman Semi Tatche Total ent Pucca d 1 S.Konda Pakala Pallepalem 395 107 116 618 2352 Chellemagari 40 53 26 119 440 pallepalem Pothaiahgari palem 67 53 49 169 676 Kranthinagar 56 37 40 133 488 Woolla B.V.Palem 30 15 16 61 199 palem Basinpallepalem 115 67 58 240 953 Devalampallepalem 107 59 54 220 807

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Sanam Patikanenipalem 14 12 6 32 152 pudi Total 824 403 365 1592 6067 2 Ulava Karedu Tenkayachetla 1988 213 652 2853 500 padu palem Kothapallepalem 0 500 Alagayapalem 0 575 Battisomayapalem 0 252 Chinapallepalem 0 350 Pallipalem 0 550 Pedapallepalem 0 998 Chaki Peda Pattapupalem 1396 124 357 1877 2073 charla Chintaguntapalem 89 Reddypalem 0 420 Pallepalem 304 Harijanapalem 0 609 Chinapattapupalem 541 North Yanadisangam 131

Subbarayudu 0 321 Sathram Ramaya Pallepalem 382 52 127 561 675 patnam Reddypalem 575 Harijanapalem 1150 Total 3766 389 1136 5291 10613 3 Gudlur Karla 153 5 40 198 659 palem Avulavari 45 0 26 71 280 palem Mondiva 40 4 30 74 261 ri palem Total 238 9 96 343 1200 4 Jarugum Jarugum Jarugumalli 326 344 74 744 3030 alli alli Pangulurivaripalem 26 64 4 94 355 Chintalapalem 204 312 22 538 2234 K.Bitra K.Bitragunta 486 544 80 1110 4347 gunta Vavileti Vaviletipadu 168 222 53 443 1895 padu Nandana Nandanavanam 204 274 39 517 2152 vanam

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Name of Name of Name of the No. of House holds existing i.e., Category Populatio Sl. the the Habitation wise n likely to No. Mandal Revenue be Village Permanent Semi Tatched Total affected Pucca 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 Division 28631 22246 23761 7679 285902 2 Kandukur Division 6242 2561 1869 10670 31893 Total: 34873 24807 25630 87462 317795 2

The below given hazard wise checklists are based on discussion with departments, recommendations made by officials and analysis of Hazard, Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment Exercise. This checklist should be updated based on experience of implementing the plan in the year 2016-17 and is indicative. This can be strengthened based on clarity achieved amongst the departments on their role in disaster risk management in Prakasham district.

Preparedness Steps/Checklist for Floods Department Actions To follow-up with Water Resources Department about the repair and maintenance of the embankments & act accordingly To follow-up with Water Resources Department about the status of prevention, mitigation and preparedness related programmes and activities & act accordingly To follow-up with DMs/DDMAs about the shelters and the facilities available there & act accordingly To follow-up with Food & Civil Supplies Department for the positioning of supply of grains and fast food stuff etc. in the area & act accordingly

To follow-up with Department of Transport and Department of Cabinet Coordination (Civil Aviation wing) about the availability of transportation facilities & act accordingly.


- To arrange for the storage and packaging of the relief materials. D To follow-up with Department of Science & Technology and Indian Meteorology Department about the functioning of the gadgets and equipments at the ground and EOCs level and do the needful. To follow-up with NDRF & APSDRF about their preparedness & organize periodic meetings with them. To form the Incident Management Team consisting of officers from the Lead and Support Departments. To form Damage Assessment Team. Check the equipments, telephone, wireless etc. are functional and ready.

Seed and fertilizers stored at safe places? Awareness on the fertilizer management, promoting the bio-fertilizer programme by the soil conservation department.

Agriculture Agriculture

Department Training in adopting new agriculture practices, farmer's exposure visit to centers of excellence, institutes, training in cropping practices and use of modern technology. District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Preparedness Plan 12

Ensuring there is sufficient stock of seeds and other agriculture resources in disaster prone areas. Also there is availability of preventive measures. Check and ensure there is sufficient stock of equipments and tools for the repairing of non-functional machines and equipments. Identify the crops which are vulnerable to flood developing the alternate cropping system to mitigate the risk of crop destruction. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipments and for this placement of the items at safe places. Identify potential emergencies. Refer to contingency specific action plans for the same. Ensuring there is sufficient stock of seeds and other agriculture resources in disaster prone areas. Also there is availability of preventive measures. Functioning of Rainfall measurement centers to be checked and ensuring there is sufficient stock of equipments and tools for the repairing of nonfunctional machines and equipments. Keep the equipments, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready.

Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and dissemination. Check vaccination before the seasonal disasters such as flood to be held regularly.

Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Check supply of life saving vaccines in advance and safe storage for them. Arrangement of vehicle for transport of injured animals Identification of the safe place in the Panchayat with the help of community and field staff of the department.

Animal Husbandry Animal Fodder storage at safe places. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipments and for this placement of the items at safe places. Renovation of the fishponds and ox-bow lakes. Ensuring that the protection has been provided to the fishponds. Stockpile and preposition other necessary repairing material at vulnerable locations for the immediate repairs. Setting up of model farms in the districts and the exposure visit of the Panchayats so that they gain knowledge Poultry farms and cattle farms should be clean and availability of water and fodder should be throughout the year Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Ensure sufficient preparedness is there for emergency response.

Fisheries Department Fisheries Ensuring that the protection has been provided to the fish ponds. Stockpile and preposition other necessary repairing material at safe place for the immediate repairs. Keep the equipments, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipments and for this placement of the items at safe places. District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Preparedness Plan 13

Nominate a nodal officer for disaster management. Have you identified safe areas for installing the BSNL towers or setting-up a unit during disaster? Standby arrangements for temporary electric supply or generators Have you established Mass Massaging services to update the society on weather forecast and early warning? Sending alert messages during emergencies. Location of equipments, wires at safe places to rectify the technical problems in time. Is the department monitoring the line department's telecom infrastructure regularly?

Power backup for the continuation of the uninterrupted telecommunication signals. Keep the equipments, telephone, wireless etc. functional and ready. Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and dissemination. Training of departmental staff in DRR knowledge. Identification of safe areas before installing the BSNL towers or setting-up a unit. Ensuring that the power back up is there for the continuation of the work. Computerization of rural and remote extension offices. Insertion of DRR features in telecom training which is provided by the BSNL. Taking initiative in starting SMS services to update the society on weather forecast.

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited Nigam Sanchar Bharat Sending alert messages during emergencies. Location of equipments, wires at safe places to rectify the technical problems in time. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Ensure sufficient preparedness is there for emergency response. Identify potential emergencies. Refer to contingency specific action plans for the same. Ensure the safety of own building and property. Regular monitoring of the line department's telecom infrastructure. An officer to be appointed as nodal officer for Disaster management Arrangement of extra vehicles/ heavy equipments, such as front-end loaders, towing vehicles, earth moving equipments, cranes etc. Ensuring there is sufficient stock of construction material in disaster prone areas. Also there is availability of preventive measures Stockpile and preposition other necessary repairing material at safe place for the immediate repairs. Inspection and emergency repair for roads, road bridges, underwater inspection /piers/concrete and steel work. Identifying the buildings that are vulnerable to flood, earthquake, water logging and developing the plan to avoid any damage to the building. Identification of the safe building (govt.) in the panchayat and block. The safe places must be identified as per the disasters (flood, earthquake).

Public Works Dept. (PWD) Dept. Works Public Route strategy for evacuation and relief marked Clearance of blocked roads. Community assistance mobilized for road clearing. All staff informed about the disasters, likely damages and effects.

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Selection of site for the construction of school building shall be done with the level of flooding water in mind.

n ent Open space for emergency construction of sheds etc. shall be left to the extent

Educatio Departm possible. Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and dissemination. Identification and assessment of power generating units at the panchayat level block level and district level. To promote the schemes on non- conventional energy sources. Location of such units away from the water logging areas. Installation of biogas units or windmill at safe places in the villages. The department must identify the power units, which are located in disaster prone areas, arrange proper route connectivity for relief, emergency logistic, and provide alternate connectivity to reduce damage. Based on latest or previous emergency or crisis experience the department should frame an outline of future action plan including disaster risk reduction preventive measurements. Allocation of separate fund for disaster management, so that the essential reconstruction work can be started early after any emergency. Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Ensure sufficient preparedness is there for emergency response. Identify potential emergency situations. Make references to contingency specific

Electricity Department Electricity action plans for the same. Ensuring there is sufficient stock of construction material in disaster prone areas. Also there is availability of preventive measures. Availability of vehicle to transport the electric equipments. The executive engineer must ensure the temporary construction work has taken place before the disaster forecast (flood, storm etc). Ensuring the availability of equipments like cables, wire, transformers, generators etc. at key locations. Identifying the power units which are vulnerable to flood, earthquake, water logging and developing the plan to avoid any damage to the building. Stockpile and preposition other necessary repairing material at safe place for the immediate repairs. Keep the equipments, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipments and for this placement of the items at safe places.

Road Construction Department should specifically tell Fire Department about the road diversions and maintenance of the roads before head Ambulance Siren should be different from Fire Bridged Siren. Assess the vulnerable points in the infrastructure, especially hazardous industries and take measures like timely repairs etc. Maintenance of firefighting equipments etc and installation of fire alarm and water Fire Department pumps like hydraulic, sprinkler etc. District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Preparedness Plan 15

Scope the budget for the maintenance of fire fightingequipments and structural measures etc under different categories. Protect the life and property from fire break and other disasters like flood. Promotion of fire safety standards Organising awareness and training Ensure to install fire safety measures like fire alarm, hydraulic pump, sprinkler etc. Ensure that the fire fighters are equipped with effective and modernized weapons, safety measures like fire proof gloves and suits etc. Identify the vulnerable areas, buildings etc and make an action plan to reduce its risk. Assess the risk vulnerability of the areas and promote fire safety measures according to the need. Conduct regular mock drill, training and awareness camp on fire safety measures and DRR to the fire fighters and among the masses. Define standards to measure departments' performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Ensure to keep the force alert and sufficient preparedness is there for emergency response Identify potential emergencies. Refer to contingency specific action plans for the same. Identify the most vulnerable areas to floods, create awareness, and training among the people on fire safety measures, prepare the force for emergency search and rescue operation. Implementation of fire safety measures in the private, government and own buildings and establishments. Provide regular training in primary health care and in evacuation, search and rescue to the fire brigades to make them alert. Periodically inspect the vulnerable areas like hazardous chemical and other industries. Stockpile and preposition sufficient number of fire fighting equipments and vehicles to combat any emergency. Stockpile and preposition other necessary repairing material at safe place for the immediate repairs. Keep the equipments, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipments and for this placement of the items at safe places. To involve in disaster management activity, identify the voluntary workers from NGOs, Educational institutions and provide them training. Sensitivity towards people (those who give the resources whom they have to give it)

Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and dissemination. Ensure effective integration of health concerns with determinants of health like sanitation & hygiene, nutrition, and safe drinking water through the district health

Health Health plan.

Department Prepare and Implement inter-sectoral District Health Plan including drinking water,

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sanitation & hygiene and nutrition. Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Ensure sufficient preparedness is there for emergency response. Home Guard District based training centre for the training of the solders Department There should be arrangement of proper mess for the preparation of food Irrigation Improve in the field of more tube well facilities to the people so that people total Department dependence on the monsoon should reduce. Floods in this district are really need to be taken care of at the same time we also need to look upon the poverty and illiteracy which is prevailing in this District. Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and dissemination. Establish mechanisms for the delivery of safe drinking water, halogen tablets, and bleaching powder in the relief camps/shelters in disaster probable areas. Establish a contingency fund in the department. The Department must try to construct hazard specific sanitation so that the available services can be utilized in a proper manner. Identification of suitable land for solid waste management and awareness in the community on this subject. Most of the diseases during the emergency are water born vector diseases, keeping community health and hygiene could only be possible through safe drinking water supply and eco-friendly sanitation facility. The department must also stress for the provision for management of issues like disposal of solid/liquid waste. Raise prior awareness amongst the community about how to treat water sources, using chlorine tablets, store safe water etc. Construction of toilets and installing hand pumps or other water resource structure Sanitation facility. Design and implementation of solid waste disposal program. Identification of safe solid waste management sites. Take measures to reduce erosion risks. Assess disaster risks due to any new construction or maintenance activity.

Public Health Engineering Department Engineering Health Public Protection of embankments of the ponds and rivers. The hand pumps should be installed on raised platforms. The toilet should be constructed on elevated grounds or raised platform. While construction of sanitary facility or hand pumps the PHED should also keep genders and disabled community in their technical operation. Allocation of separate fund for disaster management, so that the essential reconstruction work can be started early after any emergency situation. Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures

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to reduce the risk. Ensure sufficient preparedness is there for emergency response. Identify potential emergency situations. Make references to contingency specific action plans for the same. Identify disaster affected areas in the district and install/repair sufficient number of hand pumps to ensure regular supply of pure drinking water among the community. Review the stock of hand pump repair tool kits and bleaching powder at every quarter and ensure pre positioning of sufficient stock in the department. Promote usage of low cost sanitary toilets in the disaster affected areas in the district. Preposition sufficient stock of hand pump and low cost sanitary toilet models to be distributed and used in the relief camps and shelters. Stockpile and preposition other necessary repairing material at safe place for the immediate repairs. Keep the equipments, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipments and for this, placement of the items at safe places. Building Look for the areas which get water inundated, flood affected most of the time. There Construction is a need to make those area infrastructurly stronger. Department (PWD) Women Structure should be made stronger for the anganwadi centres development Try to make reach easy specially during disasters, like Flood. and child welfare department District Rural Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and dissemination. Development The DoRD should prioritize area of development with the area of interest. Under the Agency (DRDA) MNAREGA work, embankment must be reinforced, sustainable and resistive plantation and periodically siltation dug out and settlement. The use of flood resistant techniques/ structures in the construction of roads, community centre, rural building etc. Guidance and helping the DM committees in developing the disaster management plan. Capacity building of community in the rural areas regarding DRR. Allocation of separate fund for disaster management, so that the essential reconstruction work can be started early after any emergency situation. Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Ensure sufficient preparedness is there for emergency response. Identify potential emergency situations. Make references to contingency specific action plans for the same. Ensuring there is sufficient stock of construction material is available in disaster

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prone areas. Also there is availability of preventive measures. Temporary construction work or retrofitting to the vulnerable buildings. Plantation, repairing of drainage system, small canals, embankments etc. Protection of the ponds and water bodies. Stockpile and preposition other necessary repairing material at safe place for the immediate repairs. Keep the equipments, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipments and for this placement of the items at safe places. Rather taking staff on daily wages, staff should be taken as a permanent staff. Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and dissemination Ensure that food supplies are safe from any adulteration and any sort of intended poisoning or damage. Ensure that the expired gas cylinders are replaced from the system. Coordinate with Supply Department to ensure that all safety measures are in place for proper storage, transportation and distribution of supplies. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Coordinate with the Supply Department to ensure enough food and other necessary supplies are available in disaster prone areas. Ensure availability of at-least one spacious go down in each block to keep enough food and necessary supplies. Ensure that enough food stock is available in the PDS shops in each Panchayat, and that the stock can be used in emergency situations also. Coordinate with Supply Department and Transport Department to ensure enough

Food Corporation Food vehicles are available during the disaster time for transport of food materials. This arrangement can be done in advance. In Coordination with Supply Department prepare action plan for emergency transportation and distribution of food supplies. Prepare action plan for adequate safety (and relocation if required) of food materials stored in the godowns in case of flood or other disasters. Keep the equipments, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready.

Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipments and for this placement of the items at safe places. Have a proper solid water management

Have a Proper Drainage Sytem

on Provide clean drinking water


Municipal Municipal

Assess the vulnerable points in the infrastructure, especially embankments and take measures like timely repairs etc. Maintenance of sluice gates etc and construction of channels for distributing river waters to ponds.

Department Water Ways Ways Water Scope the budget for the maintenance of embankments, sluice gates, lock gates etc

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under different categories. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Periodically inspect the embankments for cracks, holes and other potential wear and tear. Stockpile and preposition sufficient number of sandbags to repair the cracks in the embankments. Stockpile and preposition other necessary repairing material at safe place for the immediate repairs. Keep the equipments, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipments and for this placement of the items at safe places.

Thus, the risk of flooding in the district is to be essentially mitigated. The following recommendations are made for mitigating flood risk in the district

Structural Mitigation Measures for Flood Probable Mitigation Implementing Convergence with Time Frame Measures Departments Scheme/ Program De-Siltation drives to Irrigation Departmental Program, 0-3 Years increase carrying MGNREGS, Municipal capacity of canals Scheme Structural audit and Irrigation Department, Departmental Program 0-3 years strengthening of Dams APGENCO, NHPC and Barrage Construction/ repairing Rural Development, Departmental program 0 to 5 years / strengthening of Forest & MGNREGS, embankments/ watershed, Integrated protection wall as and coastal zone where necessary management programme Departmental program Rural Development, Departmental program Regularly & MGNREGS, R&B department & MGNREGS watershed, Integrated coastal zone management programme Repair and Irrigation department Departmental or special 0-1 years maintenance of Flood Concerned Municipality plan Channels, canals, natural drainage, storm water lines Construction of Safe R&B, DRDA and District PMAY Regularly and raised Shelters Panchayat (New constructions

District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Preparedness Plan 20 under PMAY) Construction/ R&B & DDMA with ICZRMP/ APSDMA 0-3 years upgradation of flood P&RD and MCs initiative shelters in risk prone areas Construction of check Irrigation and RKVY 1-3 Years dams, Dams in the Agriculture department upstream. Protection wall and Forest and Rural Department schemes, 0-6 months bamboo and vegetative development, MGNREGS, IWMP cover against river level Agriculture department intrusion and land erosion

Non-Structural Mitigation Measures for Flood Probable Mitigation Implementing Convergence with Time Frame Measures Departments Scheme/ Program Safety audit of existing R&B with Revenue, PMAY One time study and and proposed housing Irrigation, VMC, MMC frequent follow ups constructions in flood prone areas of the district Study of the major rivers Irrigation Department Departmental Scheme 0-1 yrs in terms of carrying with CWC capacity and issues in the context of extreme rainfall events Preparation and DDMA APSDMA awareness Regular dissemination of generation program education and awareness generation materials in high risk areas on flood safety Identify and undertaking DDMA with VMC and Departmental Program 0-2 years massive encroachment MMC, Police and and support of clearance drives to Irrigation APSDMA revive flow of water in rivulets particularly in urban Promotion of DDMA, DRDA, Training and capacity Regularly Traditional, local and Panchayat, Sports and building plan for innovative practices like youth, SHGs and disaster management bamboo/plastic bottle youth groups, NGOs At all level rafts etc, clean city Volunteers green city Capacity building of DDMA Training and capacity Regularly volunteers and building plan for

District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Preparedness Plan 21 technicians disaster management At all level Street plays on urban VMC with Departmental program Once before monsoon flooding in low lying DDMA/APSDMA season areas Awareness generation Veterinary officer, Departmental Scheme Regularly on health and safety of rural development livestock Implementation of weed Agriculture RKVY 0-3 years Control Measures Department

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Cyclonic Storm

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1.4.2. Hazard: Cyclonic Storm

The above image shows dams or reservoirs in Prakasam district in various Cyclone Wind zones

Sl. No Mandal Name No.Of. No.in No.in Good No.in Under Cyclone Required Condition Construct ion Shelters Minor Repairs 1 Chinaganjam 8 7 1 2 7 6 1 3 Gudlur 6 4 2 4 Kothapatnam 19 11 6 2 5 N.G.Padu 6 5 1 6 Ongole 5 5 7 S.Konda 11 8 1 2 8 Tangutur 11 11 9 Ulavapadu 12 5 4 3 10 13 11 2 Total 98 73 15 10

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Preparedness Steps/Checklist for Cyclonic Strom Department Actions

Agriculture Department Check the equipment, telephone, wireless etc. are functional and ready. Seed and fertilizers stored at safe places. Awareness on the fertilizer management, promoting the bio-fertilizer programme by the soil conservation department. Training in adopting new agriculture practices, farmer's exposure visit to centers of excellence, institutes, training in cropping practices and use of modern technology. Ensuring there is sufficient stock of seeds and other agriculture resources in disaster prone areas. Also there is availability of preventive measures. Check and ensure there is sufficient stock of equipment and tools for the repairing of non-functional machines and equipment. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipment and for this placement of the items at safe places. Allocation of separate fund for disaster management, so that the essential reconstruction work can be started early after any emergency. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Animal Husbandry Establish coordination and liaison with District and Mandal Control Rooms, other relevant departments, support agencies, community level committees. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Arrangement of vehicle for transport of injured animals Identification of the safe place in the Panchayat with the help of community and field staff of the department. Fodder storage at safe places. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipments and for this placement of the items at safe places. Fisheries Department Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and dissemination. Renovation of the fish ponds and ox-bow lakes. Ensuring that the protection has been provided to the fish ponds. Open the fisheries departmental office on block level to understand the ground realities Improve the better functioning among the people. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Supply of life saving vaccines in advance and safe storage for them. Identification of the safe place in the Panchayat with the help of community and field staff of the department.

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Bharat Sanchar Nigam Nominate a nodal officer for disaster management. Limited Communication establishment with District and Block control rooms and departmental offices. Have you identified safe areas for installing the BSNL towers or setting-up a unit during disaster? Standby arrangements for temporary electric supply or generators Sending alert messages during emergencies. Location of equipments, wires at safe places to rectify the technical problems in time. Is the department monitoring the line department's telecom infrastructure regularly? Power backup for the continuation of the uninterrupted telecommunication signals. Keep the equipments, telephone, wireless etc. functional and ready. Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and dissemination. Training of departmental staff in DRR knowledge. Identification of safe areas before installing the BSNL towers or setting-up a unit. Ensuring that the power back up is there for the continuation of the work. Computerization of rural and remote extension offices. Insertion of DRR features in telecom training which is provided by the BSNL. Taking initiative in starting SMS services to update the society on weather forecast. Sending alert messages during emergencies. Location of equipments, wires at safe places to rectify the technical problems in time. The BSNL Company must ensure there is inclusion of DRR features in telecom instruments and services. Functioning of BSNL office from safe building in order to provide the unhindered telecom services to the people. Allocation of separate fund for disaster management, so that the essential reconstruction work can be started early after any emergency situation. Ensure the safety of own building and property. Regular monitoring of the line department's telecom infrastructure. The BSNL Company must ensure that the temporary construction work or retrofitting has been done to the vulnerable buildings. Power backup for the continuation of the uninterrupted telecommunication signals. Keep the equipments, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipments and for this placement of the items at safe places. Public Works Dept. An officer to be appointed as nodal officer for Disaster management (PWD) Arrangement of extra vehicles/ heavy equipments, such as front-end loaders, towing vehicles, earth moving equipments, cranes etc. Ensuring there is sufficient stock of construction material in disaster prone

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areas. Also there is availability of preventive measures Stockpile and preposition other necessary repairing material at safe place for the immediate repairs. Inspection and emergency repair for roads, road bridges, underwater inspection /piers/concrete and steel work. Community assistance mobilized for road clearing. All staff informed about the disasters, likely damages and effects. Education Department Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and dissemination. Ensure disaster management be part of curriculum in all schools, colleges. Ensure sufficient preparedness is there for emergency response. Ensure that all furniture of the schools, colleges are strong enough and can be used as hiding places in case of earthquake. Place sign boards, marks indicating nearest exit routes, safe places, first aid, and other necessary services. Keep the equipments, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipments and for this placement of the items at safe places. Electricity Department Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and dissemination. Identification and assessment of power generating units at the panchayat level block level and district level. To promote the schemes on non- conventional energy sources. Location of such units away from the water logging areas. Installation of bio gas units or wind mill at safe places in the villages. Taking measures to check the soil erosion and water logging when laying canal for the purpose of electricity generation. The department must identify the power units which are located in disaster prone areas and arrange proper route connectivity for relief, emergency logistic and also provide alternate connectivity to reduce damage. Based on latest or previous emergency or crisis experience the department should frame an outline of future action plan including disaster risk reduction preventive measurements. Allocation of separate fund for disaster management, so that the essential reconstruction work can be started early after any emergency. Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Ensure sufficient preparedness is there for emergency response. Ensuring there is sufficient stock of construction material in disaster prone areas. Also there is availability of preventive measures. Availability of vehicle to transport the electric equipment. Ensuring the availability of equipment like cables, wire, transformers,

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generators etc. at key locations. Stockpile and preposition other necessary repairing material at safe place for the immediate repairs. Keep the equipment, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipment and for this placement of the items at safe places. Fire Department Fire department should have their own workshop for the repair of the vehicles Road Construction Department should specifically tell Fire Department about the road diversions and maintenance of the roads before head Ambulance Siren should be different from Fire Bridged Siren. Assess the vulnerable points in the infrastructure, especially hazardous industries and take measures like timely repairs etc. Maintenance of firefighting equipment etc. and installation of fire alarm and water pumps like hydraulic, sprinkler etc. Scope the budget for the maintenance of firefighting equipment and structural measures etc. under different categories. Promotion of fire safety standards Organising awareness and training Ensure to install fire safety measures like fire alarm, hydraulic pump, sprinkler etc. Ensure that the fire fighters are equipped with effective and modernized weapons, safety measures like fire proof gloves and suits etc. Identify the vulnerable areas, buildings etc. and make an action plan to reduce its risk. Assess the risk vulnerability of the areas and promote fire safety measures according to the need. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Identify the most vulnerable areas to fire and other disasters, create awareness, and training among the people on fire safety measures, prepare the force for emergency search and rescue operation. Implementation of fire safety measures in the private, government and own buildings and establishments. Provide regular training in primary health care and in evacuation, search and rescue to the fire brigades to make them alert. Periodically inspect the vulnerable areas like hazardous chemical and other industries. Health Department Sensitivity towards people (those who give the resources whom they have to give it) Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and dissemination. Ensure effective integration of health concerns with determinants of health like sanitation & hygiene, nutrition, and safe drinking water through the district health plan.

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Prepare and Implement inter-sectoral District Health Plan including drinking water, sanitation & hygiene and nutrition. Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Ensure sufficient preparedness is there for emergency response. Irrigation Department Improve in the field of more tube well facilities to the people so that people total dependence on the monsoon should reduce. Public Health Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and Engineering dissemination. Department Establish mechanisms for the delivery of safe drinking water, halogen tablets, and bleaching powder in the relief camps/shelters in disaster probable areas. Establish a contingency fund in the department. The Department must try to construct hazard specific sanitation so that the available services can be utilized in a proper manner. Identification of suitable land for solid waste management and awareness in the community on this subject. The department must also stress for the provision for management of issues like disposal of solid/liquid waste. Construction of toilets and installing hand pumps or other water resource structure Sanitation facility. Design and implementation of solid waste disposal program. Identification of safe solid waste management sites. Take measures to reduce erosion risks. Assess disaster risks due to any new construction or maintenance activity. Protection of embankments of the ponds and rivers. The hand pumps should be installed on raised platforms. While construction of sanitary facility or hand pumps the PHED should also keep genders and disabled community in their technical operation. Allocation of separate fund for disaster management, so that the essential reconstruction work can be started early after any emergency. Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Women development Structure should be made stronger for the anganwadi centres and child welfare Try to make reach easy especially during disasters, like cyclone. department District Rural The DoRD should prioritize area of development with the area of interest. Development Agency Under the MNAREGA work, embankment must be reinforced, sustainable (DRDA) and resistive plantation and periodically siltation dug out and settlement. Guidance and helping the DM committees in developing the disaster management plan. District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Preparedness Plan 29

Capacity building of community in the rural areas regarding DRR. Allocation of separate fund for disaster management, so that the essential reconstruction work can be started early after any emergency. Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Temporary construction work or retrofitting to the vulnerable buildings. Plantation, repairing of drainage system, small canals, embankments etc. Protection of the ponds and water bodies. Keep the equipment, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipment and for this placement of the items at safe places. Rather taking staff on daily wages, staff should be taken as a permanent staff. Food Corporation Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and dissemination Ensure that food supplies are safe from any adulteration and any somewhat intended poisoning or damage. Coordinate with Supply Department to ensure that all safety measures are in place for proper storage, transportation and distribution of supplies. Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Identify potential emergencies. Refer to contingency specific action plans for the same. Coordinate with the Supply Department to ensure enough food and other necessary supplies are available in disaster prone areas. Municipal Corporation Have a proper solid water management Have a Proper Drainage System Water Ways Develop new ideas for erosion control Department Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and dissemination Assess the vulnerable points in the infrastructure, especially embankments and take measures like timely repairs etc. Maintenance of sluice gates etc. and construction of channels for distributing river waters to ponds. Scope the budget for the maintenance of embankments, sluice gates, lock gates etc. under different categories. Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Preparedness Plan 30

Ensure sufficient preparedness is there for emergency response. Periodically inspect the embankments for cracks, holes and other potential wear and tear. Stockpile and preposition other necessary repairing material at safe place for the immediate repairs. Keep the equipment, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipment and for this placement of the items at safe places.

Contingency plan for Cyclone Management: Immediately after receiving cyclone warning from IMD and Department of Revenue the Control Room set up at OMC and Joint Collector’s office will get activated. The warning will be disseminated through various modes to the different line departments and community without delay. The following modes of communication like telephone, telegraph, police wireless/VHF, radio, television and internet will be used. Office of Police Commissioner, Ongole and Municipal Corporation Ongole will arrange for communicating the warning messages through wireless across the city. It shall be the responsibility of the officer in-charge of Control Room at Municipal Corporation and Joint Collector’s office to ensure that all instructions and provisions contained in the cyclone plan are communicated to all concerned key stakeholders. Immediately after receipt of cyclone warning messages, CDMC will meet to review the preparation for emergency procedures. In addition to CDMC members, other line department representatives from Praksam District may also be called upon. Revenue and Health Department personnel will remain alert round the clock. The Medical Officer of OMC and the Chief District Medical officer shall obtain sufficient stocks for purifying of drinking water wells and tanks with chlorine. The Municipal authorities shall take steps to keep maximum possible quantity of water in overhead reservoirs of the Municipal water works wherever existing. The Health Department shall also keep a team of Doctors ready with stocks of medicine required to undertake relief measures. The District level Roads and Building Department and Engineering Department will keep sufficient men and truck to clear the roads of all obstructions due to fallen trees etc. The Regional Transport Officer (RTO) shall make requisition of adequate number of trucks and buses and keep ready. The RTO in consultation with the Joint Collector, Praksam District and Municipal Commissioner, Ongole place requisitions for sufficient government vehicles from various departments and keep them ready. Post cyclone measures: The following measures shall be taken immediately after the cyclone. 1. Clearing up of roads: The Engineering Department will take a lead in this along with Department of Roads and Bridges and Public Works Department. District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Preparedness Plan 31

2. Clearing up of fallen electric poles: The Electricity Department shall take steps to clear the roads of fallen electric poles and to restore power supply on priority basis unimportant public buildings in the city and adjacent areas.

3. Restoration of telephone connections: The Sub divisional Engineer, Telephones shall take steps to restore connections most expeditiously. The connections will be given on priority basis to Municipal Corporation’s office, Joint Collector’s Office, Office of the Police Commissioner, Civil Hospital and Office of Chief District Medical Officer etc.

4. Arrangement for Medical Teams: The Chief District Medical Officer and Health Officer, OMC shall arrange moving of Medical Teams with sufficient medicines to the affected areas, to initiate health measures in the Municipal area.

5. Damage Assessment: The Revenue Officer concerned shall take immediate steps to assess the damages caused.

6. Coordination with Air Force and Navy if required: The Control Room shall take steps to enlist the services of AIR FORCE or NAVY HELICOPTORS, for air dropping of food and other supplies to the marooned areas if necessary.

For mitigation of cyclone risks the following actions are proposed

Structural Mitigation Measures for Cyclonic Storms Probable Mitigation Implementing Convergence with Time Frame Measures Departments Scheme/ Program Conduct safety assessment Revenue, PR&RD, ICZRMP, GPDP, 0-5 years and Construction/ R&B MGRENGS and Repairing/ retrofitting and departmental Programs regular structural maintenance of Cyclone Shelters for making them multi-hazard resilient Assessment and Electricity Departmental Programs 0-3 years Retrofitting of existing Department and PR and electrical supply &RD infrastructure such as poles, transformers which are vulnerable to falling

District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Preparedness Plan 32 against high speed wind Enhance mangrove tree Forest and PR&RD Departmental Program 0-3 years plantation in coastal belt and MGNREGS by a target of 20% Assess structural safety of R&B, DDMA and APSDMA program, 0-5 years life line buildings in coastal Revenue ICZRMP and areas particularly Departmental Program Machalipatnam city to withstand wind speed upto 300 KMs and retrofit as needed particularly hospitals, schools and key government Offices Assess and implement BSNL and other Departmental scheme, 0-3 years structural retrofitting to prominent private ICZRMP Mobile communication network operators towers in high risk areas as shown in the map Identification and repair/ R & B, Education, Departmental Scheme, Every year retrofitting of houses and Health, DRDA SSA buildings unsafe for (District Panchayat) cyclone Construction of Post- PR&RD & Agriculture GPDP and MGNREGS 0-5 years harvest plot forms in low Department laying areas Construction of Cattle Revenue Department ICZRMP, GPDP 0-5 Years Shelters in identified with PR&RD &MGNREGS Villages- Feed and Fodder storage godowns Creation of shore based Fisheries Dept with ICZRMP, Departmental 0-5 Years facilities at all fish landing R&B and PR&RD Program centers for storage of fishing nets and equipment

Non-Structural Mitigation Measures for Cyclonic Storms Probable Mitigation Measures Implementing Convergence with Scheme/ Time Frame Departments Program Mock Test Early warning DDMA, NIC District administration Line Regularly Dissemination mechanisms department Training and awareness DDMA DDMA, DDMP, Regularly generation for use of safety SDMP,APSDMA,RDMD jackets/rings/buoys/rope etc. for fisher folks

Awareness regarding hazard DDMA DDMA, DDMP, Regularly SDMP,APSDMA,RDMD Regulate and issue orders for R & B Department, DDMA, Municipality, CDP Regularly

District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Preparedness Plan 33 poor quality hoardings/buildings Municipality or any other objects Advancement of Planting season PR &RD, MGNREGS Regularly (Use of Non Lodging Varieties. Agriculture and Switching to Short duration Forest Department Varieties) Enhance multiple usability of DDMA with Departmental Program Regularly exclusive cyclone shelters PR&RD through community outreach planning and activities Encouragement of short duration Agriculture and RKVY Regular variety of seed and crop PR&RD diversification instead of paddy cultivation to avoid cyclone season

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1.4.3. Hazard- Drought Indian Meteorological Department has defined drought as ‘the consequence of a natural reduction in the amount of precipitation over an extended period of time, usually a season or more in length, often associated with other climatic factors (viz. high temperatures, high winds and low relative humidity) that can aggravate the severity of the drought event.’2

The above image shows blocks with Drought Index within Prakasam district. The majority of blocks in district fall in Moderate Drought Zones and a few blocks in Severe Drought Zones.

2 IMD, Frequently Asked Questions, PP-14 available at http://imd.gov.in/section/nhac/wxfaq.pdf District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Preparedness Plan 36

Preparedness Steps/Checklist for Drought Department Actions D- Section Drought being a slow on-setting hazard, response to it may be coupled with mitigation measures to hold it from further intensification Drought has to be viewed from flood point of view, on the one hand, and from rain harvesting point view, on the other Encourage Water Resources Department, Department of Minor Irrigation, Department of Agriculture & PHED and other specialized agencies to take up drought prevention and mitigation measures. To coordinate with Urban Development Department/Panchayati Raj Department/PHED/Rural Development Department/ Building Construction Department/ Education Department/ Health Department etc. for promotion of rain water harvesting measures as a drought prevention measure and encourage them to incorporate rain harvesting measures in all building construction works undertaken by the District Administration. In association with Department of Agriculture, Rural Development Department and Department of Environment and Forest & through other specialized agencies work out drought prevention, mitigation and preparedness measures from crop State of Bihar State Disaster Management Plan 189 management and social forestry point of view and get the same implemented Agriculture Identification of drought prone areas through GIS mapping, rainfall estimation etc. Department Survey and study of identified drought prone areas

Formulation of prevention, mitigation and preparedness measures along with budget allocations Formulation of policy and strategizing the implementation of rain harvesting programme & activities Working out Crop Contingency Plan Providing Agriculture Input subsidy Strategizing the storage and supply of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides Working out ecological betterment of the areas Organizing the irrigation facilities Working out alternative cropping programme and activities Animal Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and dissemination. Husbandry Check supply of life saving vaccines in advance and safe storage for them. Arrangement of vehicle for transport of injured animals Identification of the safe place in the Panchayat with the help of community and field staff of the department. Fodder storage at safe places. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipment and for this placement of the items at safe places. Fisheries Renovation of the fish ponds and ox-bow lakes. Department Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Ensuring that the protection has been provided to the fish ponds. Stockpile and preposition other necessary repairing material at vulnerable locations for the

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immediate repairs. Open the fisheries departmental office on block level to understand the ground realities Improve the better functioning among the people. Animal Breeding Programme and Vaccination must be done after doing the awareness programmes in the Panchayats since most of the people remain unaware of the schemes, Schemes such as control of FMD, control of liver fluke disease should be done after giving information to the GP's Training and exposure to fish farmers in scientific aquaculture, Renovation of water bodies through Panchayats, Awareness on marketing for the fish farmers Setting up of model farms in the districts and the exposure visit of the Panchayats so that they gain knowledge Poultry farms and cattle farms should be clean and availability of water and fodder should be throughout the year Allocation of separate fund for disaster management, so that the essential reconstruction work can be started early after any emergency situation. Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Ensure sufficient preparedness is there for emergency response. Identify potential emergency situations. Make references to contingency specific action plans for the same. Vaccination before the seasonal disasters such as flood to be held regularly. Supply of life saving vaccines in advance and safe storage for them. Identification of the safe place in the Panchayat with the help of community and field staff of the department. Fodder storage at safe places. Ensuring that the protection has been provided to the fish ponds. Stockpile and preposition other necessary repairing material at safe place for the immediate repairs. Keep the equipment, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipment and for this placement of the items at safe places. Bharat Nominate a nodal officer for disaster management. Sanchar Have you identified safe areas for installing the BSNL towers or setting-up a unit during Nigam disaster? Limited Standby arrangements for temporary electric supply or generators Sending alert messages during emergencies. Is the department monitoring the line department's telecom infrastructure regularly? Power backup for the continuation of the uninterrupted telecommunication signals. Keep the equipment, telephone, wireless etc. functional and ready. Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk.

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Ensure sufficient preparedness is there for emergency response. Identify potential emergency situations. Make references to contingency specific action plans for the same. Ensure the safety of own building and property. Regular monitoring of the line department's telecom infrastructure. The BSNL Company must ensure that the temporary construction work or retrofitting has been done to the vulnerable buildings. Public Works An officer to be appointed as nodal officer for Disaster management Dept. (PWD) Arrangement of extra vehicles/ heavy equipment, such as front-end loaders, towing vehicles, earth moving equipment, cranes etc. Ensuring there is sufficient stock of construction material in disaster prone areas. Also there is availability of preventive measures Stockpile and preposition other necessary repairing material at safe place for the immediate repairs. Education Ensure disaster management be part of curriculum in all schools, colleges. Department Ensure that school buildings are constructed with appropriate standards and guidelines and provide safety during school time and safe exit in case of emergencies Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Keep the equipment, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipment and for this placement of the items at safe places. Electricity Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and dissemination. Department Identification and assessment of power generating units at the panchayat level block level and district level. To promote the schemes on non- conventional energy sources. Location of such units away from the water logging areas. Installation of bio gas units or wind mill at safe places in the villages. The department must identify the power units which are located in disaster prone areas and arrange proper route connectivity for relief, emergency logistic and also provide alternate connectivity to reduce damage. Based on latest or previous emergency or crisis experience the department should frame an outline of future action plan including disaster risk reduction preventive measurements. Allocation of separate fund for disaster management, so that the essential reconstruction work can be started early after any emergency situation. Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Identify potential emergency situations. Make references to contingency specific action plans for the same. Ensuring there is sufficient stock of construction material in disaster prone areas. Also there is availability of preventive measures. Ensuring the availability of equipment like cables, wire, transformers, generators etc. at key locations. Identifying the power units which are vulnerable to flood, earthquake, water logging and

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developing the plan to avoid any damage to the building. Keep the equipment, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipment and for this placement of the items at safe places. Fire Fire department should have their own workshop for the repair of the vehicles Department Assess the vulnerable points in the infrastructure, especially hazardous industries and take measures like timely repairs etc. Maintenance of firefighting equipment etc. and installation of fire alarm and water pumps like hydraulic, sprinkler etc. Scope the budget for the maintenance of firefighting equipment and structural measures etc. under different categories. Health Medical camps in affected areas. Department Checklist of medicines and medicals facilities to have in the camps. Arrangements for the running of the camps on long term basis. Making arrangements for community centered medical services rather than camp centered services. Irrigation Identification of drought prone areas, availability of water resource in the area, level of Department ground water in the area. Formulation of prevention, mitigation and preparedness measures. Strategizing the cropping pattern in association with Department of Agriculture and Creation of Irrigation facilities accordingly. Monitoring and supervision of the watershed and rain water harvesting facilities in the drought prone areas. Public Health Installation of extra hand pumps to sustain the supply of drinking water Engineering Formulating rain harvesting practices and promoting the same in vulnerable areas. Department Food In consultation with Department of Disaster Management, setup centers for supply of food Corporation grains on subsidized rates or free, as decided. Water Ways Maintenance of sluice gates etc. and construction of channels for distributing river waters Department to ponds. Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Ensure sufficient preparedness is there for emergency response. Identify potential emergency situations. Make references to contingency specific action plans for the same. Periodically inspect the embankments for cracks, holes and other potential wear and tear. Keep the equipment, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipment and for this placement of the items at safe places.

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The following are probable mitigation measures that will be implemented against the existing drought risk: Structural Mitigation Measures for Drought Probable Mitigation Implementing Convergence with Time Frame Measures Departments Scheme/ Program Development of Pasture DDMA, DRDA Rural Departmental Scheme, 0-3 years land in common property, Development, MGNREGA seed farms and trust land in Panchayat areas with moderate risk Construction of Rain Water DDMA, DRDA, APRLM MGNREGA, NRLM 0-3 years Harvesting storage tanks at household level and public buildings Structures for water PWD, DDC, Rural MGNREGA ,Watershed 0-3 years harvesting and recharging development, program, departmental like wells, ponds, check irrigation department, schemes dams, farm ponds, etc water resource Development of fodder DDMA, Agriculture DDMP, Development Regularly plots/banks department , animal plan husbandry department Repair and maintenance, de- Irrigation, Rural MGNREGA, Watershed 0-3 years silting of water sources, Development, water check dams, hand pumps resources etc. Structural improvements or Irrigation and VMC Departmental Program 0-3 Years upgrades to meet dam safety requirements in NS Dam Regular dredging of existing Irrigation and PR&RD MGNREGS and Regularly reservoirs Departmental program Install and use water meters Municipal VMC, MMC and 0-3 years in case of urban water Corporations and departmental program supply as well as in farm use Agriculture Construction of New or PR&RD, Irrigation and MGNREGS, NRLM, 2-5 Years improved aquifer Agriculture GPDP, RKVY and other storage Department departmental Programs recovery/conjunctive use programs/groundwater recharge Rehabilitation of existing or Irrigation department Departmental program, 2-5 Years Construction of New with MCs and PR&RD MGNREGS Diversion Structures Additional groundwater RWSS, PR&RD and MGNREGS, GPDP, 2-5 Years storage and/or aquifer VMC and MMC NRLM, RWSS, Muncipal storage recovery Program, AMRUT, (led by Panchayat/ municipal MEPMA

District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Preparedness Plan 41 interests) Lining of ditches and canals Agriculture and RKVY and Departmental 2-5 years (led by agricultural interests) Irrigation program

Non-Structural Mitigation Measures for Drought Probable Mitigation Implementing Convergence with Time Frame Measures Departments Scheme/ Program Listing/developing shelf of Rural Development, MGNREGS Regularly work for drought DDMA proofing/scarcity works including Identification of potential sites of water bodies Farmer education to practice Agriculture & Departmental schemes Regularly drought resistant crops and horticulture efficient water use department Set up control mechanism for Panchayats GPDP Regularly regulated water use (ponds, small dams, check dams) on the early unset. Education and RWSS and Municipal Swajaldhara and other Regularly awareness of the public Corporations departmental schemes with respect to water, water supply and water supply planning Evolve enhanced Agriculture and MCs departmental schemes 0-1 year water conservation methods and measurement techniques (municipal or agricultural) Preparation and DDMA and departmental schemes Regularly dissemination of Drought Information and mitigation tips in form of Public Relation brochures to public in moderate risk prone areas Conduct of Drought response DDMA In the month of coordination meeting on March every year yearly basis Devising and promotion of DDMA with Public PMFBY 0-2 Years community based insurance Sector Insurance against drought Companies, Agriculture and PR&RD Enhance investment to Agriculture Ongoing enhance and evolve drought tolerant variety of crops

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1.4.4. Hazard- Heat Wave Heat-wave is a condition of atmospheric temperature that leads to physiological stress, which sometimes can claim human life. Heat-wave is defined as the condition where maximum temperature at a grid point is 3˚C or more than the normal temperature, consecutively for 3 days or more. World Meteorological Organization defines a heat wave as five or more consecutive days during which the daily maximum temperature exceeds the average maximum temperature by five degrees Celsius. If the maximum temperature of any place continues to be more than 45° C consecutively for two days, it is called a heat wave condition (NDMA, 2016)3 Prakasham district is witnessing more frequent and devastating heat wave conditions over the past years as explained in the section of HVCA. Major portion of the district has been found witnessing and exposed to extreme heat wave conditions. This has resulted in to serious concerns and has become a major hazard for the district and the state as a whole. These are having negative impacts on personal health by contributing to heat illnesses such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke, and death. Extreme heat events are consistently related to mortality; cardiovascular, respiratory and other underlying diseases. The true rate of mortality associated with heat waves is often greater than initially attributed, as heat related deaths are not always recorded as such (for example, some are attributed to heart attack, cardiovascular or respiratory disease4. Vegetable vendors, auto repair mechanics, cab drivers, construction workers, police personnel, road side kiosk operators and mostly weaker sections of the society have to work in the extreme heat to make their ends meet and are extremely vulnerable to the adverse impacts of heat waves such as dehydration, heat and sun stroke.

The above image shows the blocks in Prakasam district with heat wave zones.

3 NDMA (2016), Guidelines for Preparation of Action Plan – Prevention and Management of Heat-Wave available at http://ndma.gov.in/images/guidelines/guidelines-heat-wave.pdf 4 Lowe et al. (2011(, Heatwave Early Warning Systems and Adaptation Advice to Reduce Human Health Consequences of Heatwaveshttp://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/8/12/4623/pdf District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Preparedness Plan 44

Preparedness Steps/Checklist for Heatwaves Department Actions Agriculture Working out Crop Contingency Plan Department Providing Agriculture Input subsidy Strategizing the storage and supply of seeds, fertilizers and pesticides Working out ecological betterment of the areas Organizing the irrigation facilities Working out alternative cropping programme and activities Animal Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and dissemination. Husbandry Check vaccination before the seasonal disasters such as flood to be held regularly. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Arrangement of vehicle for transport of injured animals Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipment and for this placement of the items at safe places. Fisheries Training and exposure to fish farmers in scientific aquaculture, Renovation of water Department bodies through Panchayats, Awareness on marketing for the fish farmers Setting up of model farms in the districts and the exposure visit of the Panchayats so that they gain knowledge Identify potential emergency situations. Make references to contingency specific action plans for the same. Identification of the safe place in the Panchayat with the help of community and field staff of the department. Fodder storage at safe places. Ensuring that the protection has been provided to the fish ponds. Keep the equipments, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready. Bharat Nominate a nodal officer for disaster management. Sanchar Standby arrangements for temporary electric supply or generators Nigam Sending alert messages during emergencies. Limited Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipments and for this placement of the items at safe places. Electricity To promote the schemes on non- conventional energy sources. Department Location of such units away from the water logging areas. Installation of bio gas units or wind mill at safe places in the villages. Based on latest or previous emergency or crisis experience the department should frame an outline of future action plan including disaster risk reduction preventive measurements. Ensuring there is sufficient stock of construction material in disaster prone areas. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipments and for this placement of the items at safe places. Fire Promotion of fire safety standards Department Organising awareness and training

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Ensure to install fire safety measures like fire alarm, hydraulic pump, sprinkler etc. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipments and for this placement of the items at safe places. To involve in disaster management activity, identify the voluntary workers from NGOs, Educational institutions and provide them training. Health Prepare and Implement inter-sectoral District Health Plan including drinking water, Department sanitation & hygiene and nutrition. Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Home Guard District based training centre for the training of the solders Department Proper toilets should be provided Government Quarters should be provided to the staff Garage for the Vehicles of Home Guard Departments There should be arrangement of proper mess for the preparation of food Irrigation Improve in the field of more tube well facilities to the people so that people total Department dependence on the monsoon should reduce. Public Health Establish and practice protocols for Early Warning approval and dissemination. Engineering Establish mechanisms for the delivery of safe drinking water, halogen tablets, and Department bleaching powder in the relief camps/shelters in disaster probable areas. Establish a contingency fund in the department. The Department must try to construct hazard specific sanitation so that the available services can be utilized in a proper manner. Protection of embankments of the ponds and rivers. Keep the equipment, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipment and for this, placement of the items at safe places. Food Coordinate with Supply Department to ensure that all safety measures are in place for Corporation proper storage, transportation and distribution of supplies. Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Prepare action plan for adequate safety (and relocation if required) of food materials stored in the god owns in case of flood or other disasters. Keep the equipment, telephone, telex, wireless etc. functional and ready. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipment and for this placement of the items at safe places. Municipal Provide clean drinking water in vulnerable areas Corporation Water Ways Scope the budget for the maintenance of embankments, sluice gates, lock gates etc Department under different categories.

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Define standards/ benchmarks to measure department's performance on risk reduction activities and emergency response capacities. Build awareness among the departmental staff, communities and the key stakeholders engaged with the department on potential disaster risks and measures to reduce the risk. Awareness to the officials for the safety of life, material, equipments and for this placement of the items at safe places.

Structural Mitigation Measures for Heat Wave Probable Mitigation Implementing Convergence with Time Frame Measures Departments Scheme/ Program Construction/ upgradation Transport, R&B and Infrastructure 2-4 Years shelters/ sheds, MCs development projects bus stands with proper and Departmental cooling provisions Scheme

Creating Medical and Health Heat Wave Action Plan/ Regularly during Medical posts at with DDMA DDMP heat wave season places of mass gathering including religious functions and regular markets Construction of Cooling VMC and MMC AMRUT 0-3 years Centres in crowd Construction of Vending MCs Infrastructure 0-5 years Zones with provision of development cooling Construction/ Upgradation of MCs Infrastructure 0-5 years Traffic points with possible development cooling options for Police men on duty Improving the Forest and Departmental Schemes 3-6 Years forest coverage Environment and green areas in towns and cities

Non Structural Mitigation Measures for Heat Wave Probable Mitigation Implementing Convergence with Time Frame Measures Departments Scheme/ Program Preparing and implementing Municipal Corporation 0-1 Year Heat Wave Action Plan and Local Bodies Issue Heat wave alerts and DDMA, MCs and Regularly weather forecasts on Short / Panchayats Medium / Long range duration based on warning received from IMD Provide drinking MCs and respective Regularly

District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Preparedness Plan 47 water points at Companies worksites Extensive IEC DDMA, Medical and Regularly campaigns to Health, I &PR create awareness through print, electronic and social media Promote rooftop gardening MCs Regularly and vegetable cultivation in urban areas Training of departmental All departments By Medical and Health 0-2 years manpower on Heat wave department DO’s and Don’ts for self safety

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1.4.5. Hazard- Earthquake Prakasam is in comparatively safer zone as per the seismic map of India, the experience of earthquake. An Earthquake of magnitude of 5 or more is likely to cause deaths and injuries to human beings and damages total kinds of property both private and public. Unfortunately there is very little warning available preceding the earthquake. Therefore planning should cater for a quick response at all levels to reduce the effects of the earthquake to the minimum. The occurrence of an earthquake may be reported by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD)/the National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI) APSRAC to the commissioner for Relief by the fastest means. The district Level be activated immediately on the occurrence of any major earthquake (Major earthquake being defined as one where there is damage to property and/or loss of life).

The above image shows population distribution in earthquake seismic zones for Prakasam district.

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General Preparedness Measures for earthquake Preparedness Measures Check Revision and adoption of model building bye-laws for construction both in urban and rural area. Wide dissemination of earthquake-resistant building codes, the National Building Code 2005, and other safety codes. Training of trainers in professional and technical institutions. Training professionals like engineers, architects, and masons in earthquake resistant construction. Launching demonstration projects to disseminate earthquake-resistant techniques. Launching public awareness campaigns on seismic safety and risk reduction and sensitising all stakeholders to earthquake mitigation. Establishing appropriate mechanisms for compliance review of all construction designs submitted to ULBs. Undertaking mandatory technical audits of structural designs of major projects by the respective competent authorities. Developing an inventory of the existing built environment. Assessing the seismic risk and vulnerability of the existing built environment by carrying out structural safety audits of all critical lifeline structures. Developing seismic strengthening and retrofitting standards and guidelines for existing critical lifeline structures. Undertaking seismic strengthening and retrofitting of critical lifeline structures, initially as pilot projects and then extending the exercise to the other structures (as detailed in a phased manner. Preparation of DM plans by schools, hospitals, main buildings visited by large number of public etc., and carrying out mock drills for enhancing preparedness. Strengthening the EOC network and flow of information. Streamlining the mobilisation of communities, civil society partners, the corporate sector and other stakeholders. Preparing community and village level DM plans, with specific reference to management of earthquakes. Carrying out the vulnerability assessment of earthquake-prone areas and creating an inventory of resources for effective response. Introducing earthquake safety education in schools, colleges and universities and conducting mock drills in these institutions. Strengthening earthquake safety research and development in professional technical institutions. Preparing documentation on lessons from previous earthquakes and their wide dissemination. Developing an appropriate mechanism for licensing and certification of professionals in earthquake-resistant construction techniques by collaborating with professional bodies. Preparing an action plan for the upgradation of the capabilities of the IMD and BIS with clear roadmaps and milestones. Developing appropriate risk transfer instruments by collaborating with insurance companies and financial institutions. Operationalising the local companies of Home Guards and IRBs/Police for disaster response. Strengthening the medical preparedness for effective earthquake response, etc. Enforcement and monitoring of compliance of earthquake-resistant building codes, town planning bye-laws and other safety regulations.

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Structural Mitigation Measures for Earthquake Probable Mitigation Implementing Convergence with Time Frame Measures Departments Scheme/ Program Screening and Retrofitting of Medical and health Infrastructure 0-5 Years major hospitals and R&B Development Schemes Retrofitting (if required) of R & B (State and DDMP, SSA 0-5 Years public utility buildings like Panchayat), education offices, schools/ banks/ SSA DDC,DRDA markets etc department Retrofitting of unsafe rural DDMA, DRDA, R&B, Rural housing schemes Regularly houses State and panchayat and departmental programs Identifying and safely R & B departmental programs Regularly dismantling unsafe structures Issue permission for DDMA, Municipality DDMP, CDMP Regularly Earthquake registrant Non Structural Mitigation Measures for Earthquake Probable Mitigation Implementing Convergence with Time Frame Measures Departments Scheme/ Program Capacity building of DDMA, DRDA R & B (State and Regularly architects, engineers and Panchayat) DDMA masons on earthquake resistant features Registration of trained and R & B (State and Regularly certified mason Panchayat), DDMA Strict enforcement of DDC, DDMA, Rural housing schemes Regularly guideline pertaining to Tehslidars, Fire and seismic safety for emergency services government rural housing, urban development structure Mock-drills for Schools, DDMA, Health, SSA, NSSP DDMP and Regularly Hospitals and , Public Education and PWD other developmental Buildings and trainings for schemes mason, engineers and architects

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Disaster Risk Reduction Plan

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2 Disaster Risk Reduction Plan of Prakasam Disaster risk reduction is aimed at preventing new and reducing existing disaster risk and managing residual risk, all of which contribute to strengthening resilience and therefore to the achievement of sustainable development. Disaster risk reduction strategies and policies define goals and objectives across different timescales and with concrete targets, indicators and time frames. In line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, these should be aimed at preventing the creation of disaster risk, the reduction of existing risk and the strengthening of economic, social, health and environmental resilience.

2.1. DRR Actions in conformity with SFDRR A global, agreed policy of disaster risk reduction is set out in the United Nations endorsed Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, adopted in March 2015, whose expected outcome over the next 15 years is: “The substantial reduction of disaster risk and losses in lives, livelihoods and health and in the economic, physical, social, cultural and environmental assets of persons, businesses, communities and countries”. Based on this policy framework, Government of India has also prepared the National Disaster Management Plan, 2016 in line with SFDRR. This section of the DDMP will elaborate and build upon the ethos of the Policy with potential local implication in the district as follows: SFDRR Planned Action Responsible Timeframe Priority Department Area Collection, regular updation, analysis of disaster DDMA with Regularly and climate related L&D data of the district support of all concerned departments. Creating Disaster related database (Loss and NIC with Regularly damage, hazard and vulnerability maps, resource support of inventory,) in the District Website DDMA Print and use of Hazard maps in all forms of All departments 0-6 months Understand decision making at district level ing disaster risk To document existing traditional, indigenous and DDMA with 0-1 year local knowledge and practices related to flood, support of cyclone, drought and other risk management from PR&RD and communities Revenue department Conduct Workshop with major industries in the DDMA 2-3 days district to encourage CSR investments in workshop innovation and technology development in long- term, multi hazard and solution-driven research in disaster risk management to address gaps, obstacles, interdependencies and social, economic, educational and environmental challenges and disaster risks; Conduct regular consultation with CSOs and CBOs DDMA Regularly to act as agents for dissemination early warning and disaster risk reduction education at grass-root level

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Organize consultations with all stakeholders on DDMA with 2-3 status of implementation of the Disaster support of consultations management Act with focus on accomplishments APSDMA and within 2017 and areas of improvement and devising district NIDM (Southern level action plan for implementing the Act in true Branch) spirit

Strengtheni ng disaster Encourage local bodies who strictly monitor and DDMA with 0-2 years risk prevent/prohibit construction (public/private) in support of governance hazard prone and vulnerable locations APSDMA to manage Organize workshops for PRI and ULB members on DDMA with 0-1 year disaster their role in Disaster Risk Reduction support of risk APSDMA Facilitate and appreciate PRIs and ULBs for taking DDMA with 0-1 year strong action on flood/drought/heat wave/road support of accident risk reduction APSDMA Establish GO-NGO platform at district level for DRR DDMA 0-6 months and CCA with protocols and role sharing Formulate Municipal policy, where applicable, VMC 1-2 years aimed at addressing the issues of prevention or relocation, where possible, of human settlements in disaster risk-prone zones, subject to national law and legal systems. Investing in Identify and allocate the necessary resources, DDMA with 0-6 months disaster including finance and logistics, as appropriate, at support of risk all levels of administration for the development APSDMA reduction and the implementation of the DDMP for Promote up-take of existing insurance (Crop, DDMA, NRLM, 1-5 Years resilience livelihood, health and life insurance) by the NULM, LICI and vulnerable population and to encourage other companies to evolve tailor made products for prominent PS Prakasam district specially targeting livelihood Insurance Companies Pilot structural and non-structural retrofitting in 5 DDMA with 2-3 years of the old hospitals through mobilizing local Industry Sector investment from CSR and other sources Assess structural and non-structural safety of DDMA with 3-5 years Kanak Durga temple and other sites of historical, Tourism cultural heritage and religious interest; with focus Department on earthquake, fire, food poisoning and stampede as prominent hazards Undertake multi-hazard mitigation actions on the DDMA with R&B 1-3 years Collector’s Office at Machalipatnam against and APSDMA Cyclone, Fire, Stampede and Earthquake Mainstream disaster and climate risk assessment in Municipal 1-3 years city and rural development planning and Corporations

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development planning (Identification of safer areas with support of for expansion/ relocation) DDMA and APSDMA Identify ways and means for implementation of DDMA 0-6 months DDMP and preparing bi-annual progress report with updation of the existing plan

Create and promote district level social media NIC and DDMA 0-6 months platform for mass dissemination of weather and disaster warnings and also for collection ground Enhancing report disaster preparedn Assess and prepare assessment report pre-cyclone Concerned Regularly ess for on safety status of critical infrastructure including department effective water, transportation and telecommunications response infrastructure, educational facilities, hospitals and and to other health facilities and implement “Build Back strengthening measures Better” in recovery, rehabilitati Promote existing Panchayat Offices/AWCs or other PR&RD with 2-5 Years on and prominent government institutions (as applicable) support of reconstruct in cyclone prone areas as community centres for DDMA and ion the promotion of public awareness and the APSDMA stockpiling of necessary materials to implement rescue and relief activities Conduct regular disaster preparedness, response All ESFs Regularly and recovery exercises, including evacuation drills, training and the establishment of area-based support systems, with a view to ensuring rapid and effective response to disasters and related displacement, including access to safe shelter, essential food and non-food relief supplies, as appropriate to local needs; Develop guidelines for preparedness for disaster DDMA 0-1 year reconstruction, such as on land-use planning and structural standards improvements at district level

Take measures to strengthen emergency DDMA Regularly evacuation systems with all stakeholders

Establish a mechanism of case registry and a DDMA, Medical 1-2 years database of mortality caused by disaster in order and Health; and to improve the prevention of morbidity and NIC mortality

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To strengthen capacity of BPHCs, city hospitals and Medical and -2-3 years hospitals in coastal areas to provide psychosocial Health support and mental health services for all people in need post disaster

Name of Vulnerable Location/Area/village Mitigation Measure Hazard Short term Long term Road Accident Cherlopalli(V), Pamuru road, Kandukur Based on material involved in the Fire accident Industrial Idupulapdu (V) Inkollu (M) Based on material Provision of Fixed fire Accidents Old (V&M), involved in the Fire fighting installation i.e Inkollu(V&M) accident Fire Pernmitta(V), S.N.Padu(M) Extinguisher/Water Challareddypalem (V), Vetapalem (M) Buckets / Fire Pumps Challareddypalem(V), Vetapalem (M) etc Pothurajukandi, (M) Gurujepalli(V),Santhamangulru(M) Gundlapalli(V), Maddipadu(m) Northby pass road, Ongole Vipparlavaripalem(V), Addanki(M) Tangutur (V&M)

Name Vulnerable Location/Area/village Mitigation of Measure Hazard Short Long term term Cyclone Chintala, Dasaravaripalem, Timma samudram Madduluru, Mangamuru, Patch Road Rachapudi, Badevaripalem, Ponnaluru, Muttarasupalem, Ollapalem, renewal work Ramapuram,Hazipuram, H.M.Padu, Gayamvaripalli, Botlaguduru, Gundla samudram S.C.Colony, Sivaraju Village, Darsi,Lankojanapalli, Venkatachalampalli, Chennareddypalli, Nagellamudipi, Seethanagulavarm, , Ramachandrakota, Chinnadornala, Kothapalli, Peddaraveedu, Tripuranthakam Mallapalem, Pathacheruvu thanda, Thallapalli, Doddampalli, Sanjeevaraopeta, Akaveedu, Araveetikota, Anumalaveedu,Turimella Kakarla, Lakshmipuram, Nagulavaram, Mhiddinapuram, Mittameedipalli, CherloDonakonda

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CYCLONE SHELTERS IN PRI DIVISION, ONGOLE S. Mandal Habitation Present condition of the Shelter No .1 2 3 4 1 Chinaganjam Motupalli Requires Minor repairs 2 Chinaganjam Pedapallepalem of Requires Minor repairs Chinaganjam 3 Chinaganjam Turpupallepalem Requires Minor repairs (Bapaiah Nagar) 4 Chinaganjam Ramachandranager Requires Minor repairs 5 Chinaganjam Rudhramabapuram Requires Minor repairs 6 Chinaganjam AVDK Gollapalem Requires Minor repairs (Pedaganjam) 7 Chinaganjam Gonasapudi Requires Minor repairs 8 Chinaganjam Pallipalem of Sanctioned and to be constructed Pedaganjam Chinaganjam 8 Total 1 Chirala Kavurivaripalem Requires Minor repairs 2 Chirala Vijayalakshmi puram Requires Minor repairs 3 Chirala Patcha Mogili Requires Minor repairs 4 Chirala Thotavaripalem Requires Minor repairs 5 Chirala Devangapuri Requires Minor repairs 6 Chirala Kunkalamarru Requires Minor repairs 7 Chirala Vodarevu New building in Good condition Chirala Total 7 1 Gudlur Chevuru Requires Minor repairs 2 Gudlur Elurupadu Requires Minor repairs 3 Gudlur Avulavaripalem Requires Minor repairs 4 Gudlur Mocherla Requires Minor repairs 5 Gudlur Salipeta New building in Good condition 6 Gudlur Mondivaripalem New building in Good condition Gudlur Total 6 1 Kothapatnam Chenchupapayapale m Requires Minor repairs

2 Kothapatnam Ethamukkala ST Requires Minor repairs Colony

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3 Kothapatnam Gundamala Requires Minor repairs 4 Kothapatnam Rajupalem Requires Minor repairs Pattapupalem 5 Kothapatnam Pedapattapupalem Requires Minor repairs 6 Kothapatnam Pinnivaripalem Requires Minor repairs 7 Kothapatnam Rajupalem Requires Minor repairs 8 Kothapatnam Vijjireddypalem Requires Minor repairs Pattapupalem 9 Kothapatnam MT.Rajucolony Requires Minor repairs 10 Kothapatnam Gadepalem Requires Minor repairs 11 Kothapatnam Sankuvanigunta Requires Minor repairs 12 Kothapatnam Gamallapaem New building in Good condition 13 Kothapatnam K.Pallepalem New building in Good condition 14 Kothapatnam Madanuru New building in Good condition

15 Kothapatnam Motumala New building in Good condition

16 Kothapatnam Padarthy New building in Good condition

17 Kothapatnam Rangayapalem New building in Good condition

18 Kothapatnam Pathuru of Sanctioned and to be constructed E.Pallipalem 19 Kothapatnam Gundamala Sanctioned and to be constructed

Kothapatnam 19 Total 1 N.G.Padu Chinnammagaripatta Requires Minor repairs 2 N.G.Padu Mattigunta Requires Minor repairs 3 N.G.Padu Machavaram Requires Minor repairs 4 N.G.Padu Raparla Requires Minor repairs 5 N.G.Padu Cyclone Shelter Requires Minor repairs Ammanabrolu 6 N.G.Padu Thopupalem of New building in Good condition Kanuparthy N.G.Padu Total 6 1 Ongole Chinthayagaripalem Requires Minor repairs 2 Ongole Gundayapalem Requires Minor repairs 3 Ongole Pathapadu Requires Minor repairs

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4 Ongole Ulichi Requires Minor repairs 5 Ongole Chejerla Requires Minor repairs Ongole Total 5 1 S.Konda Devalampallipalem Requires Minor repairs 2 S.Konda Harijanawada of Requires Minor repairs Binginapalli 3 S.Konda ST Colony of Requires Minor repairs Bonginapalli 4 S.Konda Cyclon Shelter at Old Requires Minor repairs Singarayakonda 5 S.Konda Somarajupalli Requires Minor repairs 6 S.Konda Kranthi Nagar Requires Minor repairs 7 S.Konda Pallipalem of Pakala Requires Minor repairs 8 S.Konda Mulaguntapadu Requires Minor repairs 9 S.Konda Pakala New building in Good condition 10 S.Konda Pothaiahgaripattapu Sanctioned and to be constructed palem 11 S.Konda Chellammagaripatta Sanctioned and to be constructed pupalem S.Konda Total 11 1 Tangutur Pasukuduru Requires Minor repairs 2 Tangutur Ananthavaram Requires Minor repairs 3 Tangutur Tetupuram Requires Minor repairs 4 Tangutur Ravivaripalem Requires Minor repairs 5 Tangutur Velagapudi Requires Minor repairs 6 Tangutur Tallapalem Requires Minor repairs 7 Tangutur Vasepallipadu Requires Minor repairs 8 Tangutur T.Naidupalem Requires Minor repairs 9 Tangutur Jayavaram Requires Minor repairs 10 Tangutur Tangutur Requires Minor repairs 11 Tangutur Mallavarappadu Requires Minor repairs Tangutur Total 11 1 Ulavapadu Tenkayachetlapalem Requires Minor repairs 2 Ulavapadu Alagayapalem Requires Minor repairs Reddypalem 3 Ulavapadu Chinapattapupalem Requires Minor repairs 4 Ulavapadu Peddapattapupalem Requires Minor repairs 5 Ulavapadu K.Rajupalem Requires Minor repairs

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6 Ulavapadu Chakicherla New building in Good condition 7 Ulavapadu Alagayapalem New building in Good condition 8 Ulavapadu Kothapallepalem New building in Good condition 9 Ulavapadu Pedapallepalem New building in Good condition 10 Ulavapadu Ramakrishnapuram Sanctioned and to be constructed 11 Ulavapadu Balakotaiah sangam Sanctioned and to be constructed 12 Ulavapadu Pallepalem of Sanctioned and to be constructed Ramayapatnam Ulavapadu Total 12 1 Vetapalem Pathareddypalem Requires Minor repairs 2 Vetapalem Kothareddypalem Requires Minor repairs 3 Vetapalem Utukuri Requires Minor repairs Subbayapalem 4 Vetapalem Battulavariaplem Requires Minor repairs 5 Vetapalem Kothapalem Requires Minor repairs 6 Vetapalem Vijayanagar colony Requires Minor repairs 7 Vetapalem Challareddypalem Requires Minor repairs 8 Vetapalem Prasad nagar Requires Minor repairs 9 Vetapalem Pandillapalli Requires Minor repairs 10 Vetapalem Ramnagar Requires Minor repairs 11 Vetapalem Jeevarakshanagar Requires Minor repairs 12 Vetapalem Ramachandrapuram Sanctioned and to be constructed 13 Vetapalem Katarivaripalem Sanctioned and to be constructed Vetapalem Total 13

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2.2. Capacity Building Capability Building is skill development. Skill development is either in relation to self or other than the self. For example, swimming is a skill in relation to the self, whereas, the skill to operate a fire extinguisher is a skill in relation to the fire extinguisher. Capability Building: At the Community Level: Capability building at the community level has to be largely self-orientated like swimming, firmly thatching of roofs, taking out an injured lying under debris and carrying safely for medical aid, rescuing a person while drowning etc. Capability Building: At the Ground Level Institutions: Capability building at the ground level institutions one has to build around self as well as simple technologies based equipments: For example, plying of motorized boats, debris removal, fire extinguishers, first aid, snake/dog bite treatment, driving two wheelers, four wheelers setting up of tents, operating communication equipments, repair and maintenance of the same. The institutions that have to deal directly with the first respondent, that is communities, are.  Police Mitras  Village and Mandal level officials  PACs  Local CBO, & NGOs  Urban Local Bodies For this category of institutions, the capacity development programme and activities have to deal with:  Comprehensive understanding of hazard wise disaster caused  Hazard wise impact of disaster on people, livestock, property structures, agriculture, infrastructure etc.  Segment of impact wise operation to provide help and support with rescue, relief and shelter.  Keeping people alert and prepared on a periodic basis for the eventualities, that is, organizing drills and rehearsals. The programme and activities have to be in training and skill development mode coupled with practical and demonstrative exercises supported by IEC materials. As these institutions are also slated to play important roles in disaster mitigation and disaster preparedness exercises, their capacity has also to be built in: i. Disaster wise mitigation measures and their repair and maintenance ii. Disaster wise preparedness measures and their applications within the institutions as well as at the community level. Institutional Capacity Building The District Administration, having support from DDMA, shall work out its own district level Disaster Management Plan, its mitigation and preparedness need, the plan implementation strategy and its upward linkages to the State and downward linkages to the communities. From the district side, the officers shall be engaged in: I. The organization and assisting of District Disaster Management Authority, its functioning, its roles and responsibilities, the making of District Disaster Management Plan, the involvement of local bodies in the plan preparation and implementation in coordination with states and villages. II. The formation and running of Emergency Operation Centres at the district and panchayat levels, the modalities of its functioning, its roles and responsibilities at Lo, L1, L2 period in coordination with states and villages. III. The upkeep of equipment and materials and management of stores and manpower. All these orientations through well-structured programmes are specifically required because of the whole exercise of disaster management still being relief centre with states and villages.

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Capacity development is a resultant output of a set of inputs provided to increase understanding of issues and in the light of the increased understanding and appreciation, to act in a desired manner in a given situation. The response is not wooden but enlivened by the use of intelligence if the situation happens to be at variance. It is a modulation which will be required, in the context of disaster management, by the district level institutions, and government departments, the district level agencies, stakeholders other than the state and its agencies, and the people in the unit of a community. Capacity Building: Other Stakeholders Stakeholders in disaster management other than the state, from ground level upward, are the communities, PRIs, the local bodies, CBO, s & NGOs, the block level functionaries, the District administration, the corporate bodies. Of these the PRIs are the constitutional bodies and have well defined roles to play in disaster management.

Communities are the victims as well as first respondents of any disaster. As such, disaster preparedness of a state is required to be measured in terms of community preparedness. But, before preparing people, the state itself, its machinery, its concerned institution, it functionaries at all level shall have to be prepared. That is, before the disaster preparedness is initiated at the community level, the Gram Panchayat bhawans shall be in place and functional, the District Disaster Management Authority, the District Command and Communication Centre, the District Disaster Management Plan shall be ready; the State Disaster Management Authority, the State Disaster Response Force, the National Institute of Disaster Management (Southern Centre) and State level Emergency Operation Centre all shall be ready to get engaged to support community empowerment. Some common areas for building knowledge and capacity are highlighted in the following table on which actions need to be taken Based on the SWOT analysis and general understanding following are capacity building steps needs to be conducted;

Training in Disaster Management S. State Level / Name of the Course Participants No. District Level

1. District & State Orientation course for first Home Guards, Civil Defence volunteers, responders to disasters Forest Protection Force, Police

2. State Joint staff course in Disaster District Magistrate, Additional District Response for middle-level Magistrates, Sub-Divisional Magistrates, officers Superintendents of Police, Additional Superintendents of Police, Deputy Superintendents of Police 3. State Basic training for Para-medics Medical officers and para-medics and medical personnel of NDRF nominated by various state governments battalions and states 4. State Search & Rescue and Safe Civil Defence volunteers, SDRF, Forest Evacuation Protection Force, Fire & Emergency Services, Home Guards, NSS, NYKS, NCC 5. State Training of Trainers on Incident 4 key and resourceful officers

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Response System (IRS)

6. State Training on Incident Response Selected personnel of Response Staff and System General Staff of IRS to train people identified for various roles in pre-disaster period 7. State Training of Trainers (TOT) on Masons Earthquake Resistant Technology for Masons 8. District Hospital Preparedness & Mass Doctors and Hospital Administrators Casualty Management including Hospital Management Plan 9. District Mass casualty management Paramedics / Response Force (Police, Fire & Emergency Services, Civil Defence) 10. District Role of PRIs / ULBs in Disaster PRIs and ULBs Management 11. District Training of teachers on School Teachers safety including School DM Plans and conduct of mock drills 12. District Training for Village Defence Village volunteers Party’s 13. State TOT - Earthquake Resistant Engineers, Trainers from technical Technology for Engineers institutes, colleges, etc. 14. State TOT - Rapid Visual Screening for Junior Engineers Masonry Buildings 15. State TOT - Role of PRIs / ULBs in PRIs and ULBs Disaster Management 16. State State Disaster Resource SDO (Civil), Revenue Circle Officers Network (SDRN) 17. State Application of GIS Mapping of ADC, DPOs, Line Departments Utilities 18. State Damage and Needs Assessment ADC or DPO, District Disaster Management Authority; CMO, Health Department; District Food & Civil Supply Officer, Project Director, DRDA; Exec. Engineer or Assistant Exec. Engineer, Public Health Engineering, Exec. Engineer, Public Works – Building & Roads, Town Committee and S.P. or A.S.P. or D.S.P. 19. District Shelter and Camp Management District Food & Civil Supplies Officer;, District Disaster Management Authority 20. District Collapsed Structure Search and Civil Defence volunteers, Forest Protection Rescue and Medical First Force, Fire & Emergency Services, Home Response Guards, SDRF 21. District Public Health in Emergencies Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (Safe drinking water and sanitation, Alternative water

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resources identification during emergency conditions, Supply management).

2.3. Mainstreaming DRR in Development: National Flagship Schemes Sr. Name of the Actions DRR Activities for DRR No. schemes 1. Member of Each MP has the - Mitigation and - Construction of flood Parliament choice to suggest prevention control embankments Local Area to the District through creation - Construction of Development Collector for, of durable common shelters for Scheme works to the tune community assets cyclones, Floods and (MPLADS) of Rs.5 Crores per based on the handicapped annum to be taken locally felt needs - Purchase of motor Utilise 10% to up in his/her - As per Para 2.8 of boats for flood and 25% for DDR constituency. the guidelines on cyclone prone areas measures 5 The Rajya Sabha MPLADS, Hon’ble - Fire tenders for Member of MPs can Government Parliament can recommend up to organization recommend works a maximum of Rs. - Retrofitting of in one or more 1 crore for essential lifeline districts in the rehabilitation buildings, viz Govt. State from where work for the hospitals, Govt. he/she has been e- affected areas Schools and public lected. anywhere in the buildings to be used country in the as shelters in an event of calamity emergency. of severe nature. - Early Warning Systems for effective disaster mitigation. - Construction of roads, approach roads, link roads, Pathways. - Drinking water facility 2. Indira Awas Provides financial - Providing disaster - Construction of Yojana (IAY) assistance to rural resilient housing disaster-resilient

5 Office Memorandum F. No 55 (5)/PF – 11/2011, dated on September 6, 2016, Ministry of finance, department of expenditures plan Finance-II Division District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Disaster Risk Reduction Plan of Prakasam 65

poor for in areas prone to houses Utilise 10% to constructing their natural calamities 25% for DDR houses themselves - To reducing risk measures of vulnerable population in Pre- disaster situation 3. Mahatma Legal guarantee - To minimise - Construction of river Gandhi National for one hundred economic embankments Rural days of vulnerability of - Construction of roads Employment employment in the people Pre- in remote areas Guarantee every financial disaster situation - Construction of multi- Scheme year to adult - Useful for hazard shelters (MGNREGS) members of any livelihood Utilise 10% to rural household generation in 25% for DDR willing to do public Post-disaster measures work-related situation unskilled manual work 4. Swarnjayanti Bring the assisted - To minimise - Creation of SHGs Gram Swarojgar poor families economic Yojna (SGSY) above the poverty vulnerability of line by organising the people Pre- Utilise 10% to them into Self Help disaster situation 25% for DDR Groups (SHGs) - Useful for measures through the livelihood process of social generation in mobilisation, their Post-disaster training and situation capacity building and provision of income generating assets through a mix of bank credit and government subsidy. 5. Pradhan Mantri Good all-weather - Useful in pre as - Construction of roads Gram Sadak road connectivity well as post in remote areas Yojana (PMGSY) to unconnected disaster situation

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Utilise 10% to villages for road 25% for DDR connectivity measures 6. National Health To provide - One of the most - Rapid Action Force Mission (NHM) accessible, important for Emergency (NRHM and affordable and component in Pre Medical Response NUHM) quality health as well as post - Emergency care to the urban disaster situation ambulances Utilise 10% to and rural to provide - Preparedness for 25% for DDR population, universal access mobile Field Hospitals measures especially the to health care vulnerable groups. facilities 7. Scheme for Schemes under - To control Animal - Vaccination drives Animal Health Department of epidemics Care in the Animal Husbandry State Utilise 10% to 25% for DDR measures 8. JnNURM To improve the - To develop and - Development of river Utilise 10% to quality of life and strengthen urban embankments 25% for DDR infrastructure in infrastructure to - Construction of roads measures the cities minimise urban - Storm water drainage risk 9. Rashtriya To provide health - Insurance and - Insurance (Disaster Swasthya Bima insurance coverage Risk Transfer Insurance) Yojana for Below Poverty Line (BPL) families. Utilise 10% to 25% for DDR measures 10. Pradhan Mantri To enable better - Minimising risk by - Construction of Awas Yojana living and drive constructing disaster resistant (PMAY) economic growth Disaster Resistant houses stressing on the housing in Urban Utilise 10% to need for people areas 25% for DDR centric urban measures planning and

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development. 11. Pradhan Mantri An accidental - Insurance and - Insurance Suraksha Bima Death and Risk Transfer Yojana (PMSBY) Disability insurance scheme Utilise 10% to 25% for DDR measures 12. The Pradhan A term life - Insurance and - Insurance Mantri Jeevan insurance policy Risk Transfer Jyoti Bima and it will provide Yojana (PMJJBY) life insurance coverage on the Utilise 10% to death of the 25% for DDR policyholder. measures

2.4. Mainstreaming DRR in Development: State level Flagship Schemes S. Scheme Actions Eligibility Department No . 1. PavalaVaddi Interest subsidy The scheme is Department of scheme was started during applicable to all Rural Utilise 10% to the year 2004-05 with an loans extended by Development 25% for DDR objective of providing banks on or after 1st measures interest subsidy on the loans July 2004, under taken by the Self Help SHG Bank Linkage Groups. Programme

2. AndarikiAarogya Under this scheme under which People will be able Department of m health insurance will be provided to get a health Health to all families that are currently Utilise 10% to not covered under the Central insurance by 25% for DDR Government’s scheme. spending just Rs 100 measures as premium per head in the family.

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3. SwastaVidyaVa Under this scheme healthy Schools Students Department of hini food will be offered to Health Schools in the State, Utilise 10% to nutritious food will be 25% for DDR distributed to the students measures studying in various schools at over 222 locations across the state. Apart from providing healthy foods, the scheme aims at inculcating healthy habits in children. 4. ArogyaRaksha This scheme would cover People ‘above the Department of Health people Above Poverty Line to poverty line’ (APL) Health Insurance provide them an insurance Scheme coverage of up to Rs. 2 Lakh per annum. Utilise 10% to 25% for DDR measures 5. Energy This scheme is for the Every person is Department of Efficient distribution of energy eligible to buy the Energy Tubelights at efficient tube lights at tubelight at the cost Rs. 250 in subsidized rates. The of Rs 250. Andhra government would launch Pradesh the new scheme to distribute Scheme (To be energy efficient tube lights at launched soon) kiosks across the state. Utilise 10% to 25% for DDR measures 6. Health for All- The scheme will be aimed at People who are not Department of Insurance covering those outside of the covered under any Health Scheme ChandrannaBimaYojana. healthcare policy Utilise 10% to are eligible. 25% for DDR measures

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7. Free This scheme will enable the Students belonging Department of Smartphone youth in the state to transect to the BPL (Below Social Welfare Scheme for and connect digitally. Poverty Line) Students category. Utilise 10% to 25% for DDR measures 8. Badiki Vastha – Under this Scheme the state Girl students Department of Free Bicycle government would provide studying in class 9. Social Welfare Scheme for Girl free bicycles to every girl (Women & Child Students child studying in class 9th in Development) Utilise 10% to the state. 25% for DDR measures 9. ChandrannaBi This Scheme will benefit People working in Department of maYojana- For labours in unorganized unorganised sector. Social Welfare labourers sectors such as agricultural Utilise 10% to labourers, artisans, small self- 25% for DDR employed people, petty measures traders, vendors, hamals and shop employees and people working in similar sectors. 10. AP FiberNet This scheme aims to provide Everybody (from AP Department of Project for 15- affordable high speed State) Telecommunicati 100 MBPS broadband connectivity to on Broadband at the households and Low Cost workplaces across the state. Utilise 10% to 25% for DDR measures 11. Rashtriya Krishi Comprehensively, taking Department of Vikas Yojana agro-climatic conditions, Agriculture Utilise 10% to natural resource issues and 25% for DDR technology into account, and measures integrating livestock, poultry and fisheries more fully.

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12. National Food Increasing production of rice, Department of Security wheat, pulses and coarse Agriculture Mission cereals through area Utilise 10% to expansion and productivity 25% for DDR enhancement in a sustainable measures manner in the identified districts of the State. 12. National Quality planting materials, Department of Mission on Oil irrigation and proper Agriculture Seeds And management and mainly on Oilpalm Oilseeds and Oil Palm Utilise 10% to 25% for DDR measures 13. National Restructure & strengthen Department of Mission on agricultural extension to Agriculture Agricultural enable delivery of Extension & appropriate technology and Technology improved agronomic Utilise 10% to practices to the farmers 25% for DDR measures 14. Unified Promotion of appropriate Department of Package measures for risk transfer Agriculture & Insurance and micro insurance Finance Scheme Utilise 10% to 25% for DDR measures 15. Chandranna This scheme is to promote Department of Rythu best agronomic and farm Agriculture Kshetralu management practices for Utilise 10% to achieving increase in 25% for DDR productivity and reducing the measures cost of cultivation. 16. Polambadi To reduce the cost of Department of cultivation and increase Agriculture & Utilise 10% to the productivity duly Finance

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25% for DDR empowering the farmers measures to take economical decisions by adopting practices of integrated crop management.

17. Supply of Supply of quality seed to the Department of Seeds on farmers on subsidy Agriculture Subsidy Utilise 10% to 25% for DDR measures 18. Agriculture Under this scheme Department of Debt Farmers’ welfare and Agriculture & Redemption development activities Finance Scheme and Crop Loans and Agriculture gold loans will Utilise 10% to be made available to the 25% for DDR farmers. measures 19. SarvaSikshaAb Capacity building and Department of hiyan training programmes for Education education functionaries Utilise 10% to 25% for DDR measures 20. Model School Constructing schools Department of resilient to disaster Education Utilise 10% to and climate change 25% for DDR risk measures 21. Strengthening Setting up District Department of of Teacher’s Institutes of Education Education Training and Training Institutes Utilise 10% to 25% for DDR measures

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22. Inclusive Student-oriented Department of Education for components, such as Education Disabled at medical and educational Secondary assessment, books and Stage stationery, uniforms, transport allowance, Utilise 10% to reader allowance, stipend 25% for DDR for girls, support services, measures assistive devices, boarding the lodging facility, therapeutic services, teaching learning materials, etc 23. RastriyaMadhy Providing necessary Department of amikShikshaAb physical facilities, Education hiyan teaching and non – Utilise 10% to teaching staff for 25% for DDR every secondary measures school

24. State Council Preparation of curricula, Department of of Education syllabus, instruction Education Research and material for primary, Training upper Primary, secondary (SCERT) and alternative system of Utilise 10% to education. 25% for DDR measures 25. National The scheme recognizes Department of Afforestation that climate change Forestry Programme phenomena will seriously affect and alter the Utilise 10% to distribution, type and 25% for DDR quality of natural measures resources of the country and the associated livelihoods of the people

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26. Integrated Integrated development Department of Development of wild life habitats for Forestry of Wild Life Seshachalam Biosphere, Habitats Rollapadu Wildlife Sanctuary (Great Indian Utilise 10% to Bustard Conservation) 25% for DDR and Sri Lankamalleswara measures Wildlife Sanctuary (Jerdons Courser Conservation) 27. Seed To improve the genetic Department of Development quality of the Forestry reproductive propagules Utilise 10% to and to supply high quality 25% for DDR seed to cater to the needs measures of Territorial and Special Divisions in the Forest Department 28. Environmental Developmental activities Department of Planting in in the wildlife Forestry Degraded development of National Forests around Parks and Sanctuaries and Urban Areas other issues related to Utilise 10% to wildlife 25% for DDR measures 29. Mixed Increase the forest cover Department of Plantation outside the reserve forest Forestry Scheme and to realize cherished goal of “Haritha Andhra Utilise 10% to Pradesh” under social 25% for DDR Forestry Programme. measures Avenue Plantation raising of tall plants and small bag seedlings anddistributing seedlings to people

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30. Integrated Creating awareness in Department of Forest forestry community for Forestry protection protection of forests and Scheme (IFPS) saving forests from getting degraded Utilise 10% to 25% for DDR measures 31. Wildlife Crime Conduct of research on Department of Control Bureau the endangering spices Forestry and encountering the Utilise 10% to threats 25% for DDR measures 32. Integrated Support to Protected Department of Development Areas (National Parks, Forestry of Wildlife Wildlife Sanctuaries, Habitats Conservation Reserves & Community Reserves) Utilise 10% to 25% for DDR measures 33. NeeruChettu Building capacity for Department of integrated forest Forestry Utilise 10% to management 25% for DDR measures

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Climate Change actions for Disaster Risk Reduction

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3. Climate Change Actions: Climate change is one of the most important global environmental challenges facing humanity with implications for food production, natural ecosystems, freshwater supply, health, etc. While a changing climate poses a challenge to humanity as a whole, the available evidence suggests that the developing countries particularly are more vulnerable. Climate change will seriously hit the agriculture sector in Andhra Pradesh (AP), affecting the incomes of farmers by as much as 20 per cent. According to the latest World Bank report on “The impact of climate change on India”, dry land farmer’s incomes in AP plunge by 20 per cent. Under a modest to harsh climate change scenario of a substantial rise in temperatures (2.30 C to 3.40 C) and a modest but erratic increase in rainfall (4% to 8%), small farmer incomes could decline by as much as 20%. Although an increase in natural disasters like cyclones is considered to be a strong indicator of climate change, there is less evidence that this is happening in the coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh. The incidence of cyclones may have remained largely the same as ever, what may have increased is their intensity and their area of distribution. The last two cyclones to have hit the Andhra Pradesh coast – Cyclone Laila and Cyclone Nilam – have left significant damages in their wake, affecting agriculture and fisheries very badly. Another critical change with respect to the cyclones has been that they too have ceased to be seasonal: until mid-1990s, specific months – May & November – were considered as the ‘cyclone months’ and the administration could be prepared to deal with them in those months. However, over the last 18 years, the seasonal nature of the cyclonic activity has proved to be no longer valid and cyclones have become more erratic. The other natural disaster that can be linked to climate change, and that by 1980s had been considered to have been largely controlled in Andhra Pradesh, is the incidence of flash floods. The sudden and intensive downpours in the upland areas lead to sudden and excessive flooding that the existing flood banks and other preventive infrastructure are unable to cope with. The obstructive constructions built over former water drainage channels in the plains contribute to aggravate the impacts of the floods. Unlike in the case of cyclones, there are no advance warning systems to warn people of the imminent flooding of their areas, which contribute to further increasing the extent of damages. This section of the DDMP builds on these projected and possible impacts of climate change to evolve necessary adaptation measures for sustainability in the long run as follow: 3.1. Common actions to be taken to Mitigate Climate Change Actions related to climate change adaptation Actions related to climate change mitigation Continuous on-going efforts at tracking and Introducing new, more efficient and cleaner disaster risk indicators and developing improved technologies in thermal power generation. early warning systems; Developing and putting in place strategies and Promoting renewable energy generation and action programmes for disaster vulnerability increasing the share of alternative fuels in overall reduction; fuel mix. Extensive information, education and Reducing emissions from transportation sector communication campaigns for the public in general, and specific communications in high risk zones; Improving inter-departmental coordination and Promoting energy efficiency in the economy, communications for improved risk management notably in industry, transportation, buildings and and disaster response; appliances.

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Seamless integration of state disaster Reducing emissions from waste. management machinery with other key stakeholders such as other developmental agencies and civil society for extended capability in all aspects of risk management and disaster response; Provision of all necessary equipment and Developing climate resilient infrastructure infrastructure for speedy and efficient responses to disasters including search and rescue, relief measures, and rehabilitation/reconstruction; Upgradation and retrofitting of key infrastructure Full implementation of Green India Mission and assets in risk-prone zones/areas; other programmes of a forestation. Systematic implementation of the State Disaster Planning and implementation of actions to Management Plan in all its aspects. enhance climate resilience and reduce vulnerability to climate change. Proper waste management practices, particularly biomedical waste management to improve health and laying scenario

3.2. Sector Specific Activities for climate Change Sector Invention type Activities Disaster Coordination and Setting up of Climate Change Sub-cell in the district Manage networking ment Monitoring of various Establish automatic weather stations at critical locations to climate parameters monitor the changes in various climate parameters. Research Training & Community based risk assessment, Preparation of disaster Capacity Building management plan, Training of community members on search and rescue. Training of: - Departmental officials in vulnerability assessment. - Departmental officials in the use of GIS and RS tools for effective resource management. - Engineers in retrofitting of existing structures and safer construction practices. - Mason in safer construction practices. - Formal first responders in search & rescue & first aid. - District level government officers in post-disaster needs assessment. - Media personnel in reporting disaster related issues. - Government officials in preparation of disaster management plans - Government officials in post disaster response and utilisation of IRS principles. Mock drills and table top exercises involving nodal officers of various government departments Awareness Knowledge sharing on Disaster management through various media (performing, print and electronic)

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- Training of schoolteachers in vulnerability assessment and school disaster management plans preparation. - Vulnerability assessments: Structural and Non-structural, - Training, Mock Drills, painting etc. competitions in educational institutions, - Training of doctors in mass casualty management and hospital disaster management plan preparation. - Vulnerability assessments: Structural and Non-structural Vulnerability and risk - Vulnerability assessment of lifeline structure and management demonstrative retrofitting - Relocation of critical infrastructure - Relocation of a few threatened habitations - Assessment of urban vulnerability particularly in case of extreme precipitation events - Vulnerability assessment of all industrial units in the state Agricult Planning Development of agro-climatic zone wise adaptation plans ure Forecasting and early - Establish weather service and early warning system through warning systems enhanced agro-met technology deployment and information dissemination - Facilitating access to information and institutional support by expanding Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) networks to the Panchayat level and linking them to existing insurance mechanisms including Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) and National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS), scaling the returns at that level; Improved varieties and - Development and deployment of improved crop varieties practices (drought and flood tolerant) Irrigation - Promotion of Micro-irrigation systems augmentation - Solar and wind power systems for irrigation Soil and water - Implementing measures to minimize soil and water losses conservation through resource conservation technologies such as agro forestry, integrated watershed management, and water harvesting through check dams, renovation of existing ponds, etc. and building new ones Integrated nutrient and Study on integrated nutrient and pest management based on pest management sector climate vulnerability assessment; development of management options Forests Interventions in forest and Forest/biodiversity protection, conservation, and green cover and Bio non forest areas augmentation Diversit Fire Management Measures for fire management in all forest types y Research Studies on indigenous trees species to assess their vulnerability to climate change Biodiversity conservation Survey, identify, catalogue, document, protect, and improve/enhance the status of biodiversity Water Water - Inventory of and revival/ repair of Ahar-Pynes and traditional resourc infrastructure/resource systems of water initiated e augmentation/conservatio- Conservation and preservation of wetlands and maintenance of

District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Climate Change Actions: 79

n/management optimal wetland hydrology - Groundwater resources regulation and recharge/replenishment - Actions for water use efficiency across sub-sectors - Actions for improving water quality - Actions for adaptive retrofitting of infrastructure assets and O&M improvements Urban Energy demand reduction- Energy efficiency and conservation measures develop and efficiency - Promotion of and codes for green/energy efficient buildings, ment including in urban housing projects under various programmes Adoption of renewable Promotion of renewable energy sources and technologies

Management of water, Comprehensive approach in management of water, municipal municipal solid waste and waste and waste water with a realize their full potential for waste water energy generation, recycling and reuse, composting, rainwater harvesting, Retrofitting of urban infrastructure climate resilience based on vulnerability and risk assessment Urban transportation Evolving integrated land use and transportation plans, achieving a modal shift from private to public mode of transportation, encouraging the use of non-motorised transport, improving fuel efficiency, and encouraging use of alternate fuels

Adaptation in terms of realignment and relocation, design standards and planning for roads, rail and other infrastructure to cope with risks from climate change Promote and foster alternative fuels such as CNG, bio-fuels Transpo Transport Infrastructure, - Improve access to bus services and service quality rt planning, and - Enable and promote public transport management - Improve route and traffic planning, (Enhanced and resilient - Rigorously implement measures for vehicular pollution control transportation - Promote the use and ensure availability of cleaner fuels such as infrastructure and CNG and bio-fuels systems in place) Energy Energy conservation and - Promoting the use of energy efficient pumps and motors efficiency improvements - Promotion of CFLs under the Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY) - Awareness generation about energy efficient equipment and energy conservation measures Industri Promoting Green House - Build awareness for adoption of GHG mitigation options es and Gases Mitigation options mining

Human Building programme - Design and deploy to manage increased vector borne and Health Based resilience water borne disease burden - Design and deploy improved approaches to deal with heat and wave conditions - Design and deploy measures to address drought induced malnutrition, and food security issues

District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Climate Change Actions: 80

Capacity building - Build people’s awareness of health hazards from climatic change through IEC - Developing and strengthening of disaster management teams in district hospital specifically to respond to the effect of extreme climate change Research Study on poverty and equity dimensions of health, disease burden and morbidity as a result of climate change; design of appropriate measures to incorporate findings into health policy and programming Health Reviews of the health infrastructure and potential climate Infrastructure change related vulnerabilities and risks (and where such resilience infrastructure is found to be at high risk, retrofit to make these more climate resilient)

District Disaster Management Plan of Prakasham District, Volume II | Climate Change Actions: 81