General Gonferenge Bulletin Thirty-Fourth Session
.THE... GENERAL GONFERENGE BULLETIN THIRTY-FOURTH SESSION Vol.. IV. BATTLE CREEK, MICH., FIRST QUARTER, APRIL 2, 1901. No. 1. 6. Committee on Credentials and Li- PUBLISHERS' CONVENTION. THE GENERAL CONFERENCE censes. Meet in Elder Irwin's room. BULLETIN 7. Committee on Education. Meet in THE committees of the Publishers' west end of south vestry of Tabernacle. Convention were:- PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY 8. Foreign Mission Board. Meet in 1. On Attendance and Reporting: W. The Seventh-day Adventist General room west of President's office. C. White, P. T. Magan, W. T. Knox. Conference 9. Woman's Gospel Work. Meet in 2. On Plans: C. H. Jones, W. D. office, West Building. Salisbury, W. C. Sisley, W. W. Prescott, PRICE: 10. International Sabbath-school As- W. a White, L. R. Conradi, 0. A. For the DAILY BULLETIN during General sociation headquarters. East end of Olsen, I. H. Evans, W. A. Spicer. Conference session 50c south vestry of Tabernacle. The plans recommended will appear For the biennial term including daily and in a later number of the Bulletin. quarterly issues 75c 11. International Religious Liberty Subscriptions at the 75-cent rate, for the next Association headquarters. Center of volume, will include all issues during 1901 and east vestry of Tabernacle. TOPICS CONSIDERED. 1902. 12. International Tract Society head- quarters. South end of east vestry. THE first meeting of the Publishers' Entered at the post Rhea in Battle Creek, Michigan. 13. Canvassers' headquarters, Review Convention was called at 9 A. M., March 25, 1901, in the Review and Herald BATTLE CREEK, MICR., FIRST QUARTER, 1901.
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