The Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel 611 Knowles Avenue Southampton, Pennsylvania 18966 Phone: 215-357-1300 Website: Fax: 215-357-4452 Office Email:
[email protected] October 14th/15th, 2017 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time My Dear Parishioners, I hope that all of you had a peaceful and enjoyable summer. We can all look forward to an eventful fall here at O.L.G.C. Our parish school is off and running with great enthusiasm under the direction of our new principal Mrs. Barbara Riley, our PREP is back in session, and our many parish organizations are meeting and active once again. The OLGC School Alumni Association is holding its homecoming weekend, and our annual 40 Hours Devotions will be held from October 22 to October 24. I encour- age everyone to spend some time with the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Although we Christians are not called to be “of” the world, we are required to live and function within the world. As a large and active parish, this means that we incur many ongoing expenses, and our facilities require constant maintenance. Repairs were recently needed for the roofs of both the church and the school. Expenses were also incurred from a termite problem in the church and Trinity Center. The largest recent expense was the resurfacing and repainting of the parking lot which cost $30,365. The above is all in addition to our regular operating expenses. Many of you have been very generous to OLGC for many years. I am truly grateful, and I do not take your generosity for granted.