Minority Rights Abuse in Communist Poland and Inherited Issues
Title Minority Rights Abuse in Communist Poland and Inherited Issues Author(s) Majewicz, Alfred F.; Wicherkiewicz, Tomasz Citation Acta Slavica Iaponica, 16, 54-73 Issue Date 1998 Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/40153 Type bulletin (article) File Information 16_54-73.pdf Instructions for use Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP Mimorigy R ftghits Abwse im CogeeRffgm"nist Pekaredi apmdi llpmheffiged ffssaxes ARfred E Majewicz, 'Ibmasz Wicherkiewicz I. Throughout most of its independent existence Poland was a multiethnic country. In the interwar period 1918-1939 approximately one third ef its 36,OOO,OOO population consisted of non-Poles (mainly Ukrainians, Byelorussians, Lithuanians, Jews, Germans and Russians) who inhabited predominantly over half of its territory. The consequence of World War II was what was labeled as the reduction (or "return" ) ofPoiand to "its ethnic borders" forced by the allied powers. Poland was thus officially proclaimed a monoethnic state with no national minorities and this procla- mation was an essential and sensitive, though minor, part ofthe ideology imposed by the Communist ruiers .in spite of the fact that some twenty ethnic groups identified themselves as such and emphasized their (cultural, religious, linguistic, historical, etc.) separateness from others. "Ib secure firm control over these undesirable sentiments, after the post-Stalin Thaw the rulers created authoritatively certain institutional possi- bilitiesforsomecultivatingbysomeethnicgroupsofsomeaspectsoftheirethnicselfi identification. Nevertheless, the repertory of persecution and abuse of ethnic minority rights was quite impressive. It included: 1.1. Theso-called"verificationofautochthons"onterritoriesfbrmerlybe- longing to the German state (esp. Kashubian, Slovincian, the so-called Pomeranian, Mazurian population). l.2. Forceddeportations,displacements,resettlements,settlementsofnomadic groups, prohibition or administrative obstacles in granting rights to emigrate.
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