Meeting Minutes SOUTHWEST FLORIDA REGION CFASPP STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING May 20, 2008, 12:00 p.m. Charlotte County

1. Call To Order / Introductions – Chair Mattingly called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m. and asked everyone to introduce themselves.

Name Representing Bob Mattingly, Chair Sarasota/Bradenton International Airport Gary Quill, Vice-chair Charlotte County Debra Lemke Lee County Port Authority Bob Tweedie Collier County Phil Norris Naples Airport Authority James Parish Charlotte County Airport Authority Fred Watts

In addition, the following people were in attendance:

Name Representing Kristi Smith FDOT District 1 Tim Parker DMJM, Inc. Michelle Grasso DY Consultants, Inc. Nick Nesta CDM, Inc. Thomas M. Wilcox HDR, Inc. Luc Carriere Hole-Montes, Inc. Dave Goode LPA Group, Inc. Jim Midzalkowski RWA, Inc. Ben Siwinski VHB Airport Services Group Dan Afghani CFASPP Administrator

Agencies/Organizations Not Represented:

Airglades/La Belle Municipal Airports Buchan Airport

2. Approve Last Minutes – Chair Mattingly asked for a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Mr. Fred Watts made a motion to approve the minutes; it was seconded by Mr. James Parish and passed by acclamation.

3. Airport Updates / Roundtable • – Ms. Debra Lemke stated that the Lee County Port Authority (LCPA) has just started work on the Page Field Master Plan. She mentioned that they plan to have the Master Plan adopted into the Local Comprehensive Plan once it is complete. Ms. Lemke added that they are waiting for an FAA grant to begin the apron rehabilitation project. • Southwest Florida International Airport – Ms. Lemke stated that the LCPA is still working to get new noise contours adopted into local regulations. She noted that they are underway with design of an apron expansion and that design continues on the new parallel . Ms. Lemke mentioned that the LCPA Planning Staff was successful in getting the Airport Master Plan into the Lee County Local Comprehensive Plan.

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Southwest Florida Region May 20, 2008

• Venice Municipal Airport – Mr. Fred Watts stated that they are still working on the Airport Master Plan Update. He added that on Tuesday of last week the City Council voted to hire a new consultant to finish or update the existing Master Plan in progress. • Sarasota/Bradenton International Airport – Chair Mattingly stated that they have been working on a Master Plan Update now for about four (4) months and are studying the value of a terminal area parking deck. He added that they are designing a new ticketing area and that the FAA is planning to move the VORTAC. The VORTAC relocation will open up about forty (40) acres for aviation development. Chair Mattingly added that USA 3000 has left the airport and that DayJet has started service at SRQ. • Naples Municipal Airport – Mr. Phil Norris stated that service from three (3) airlines is now down to one (1) at Naples. He noted that the airport wide paving project is underway with borings being pulled on taxiways and runways. There is a new hangar project underway and a greenway project including footbridges for bikers and runners is being constructed. • Charlotte County Airport – Vice-chair Quill stated that Skybus Airlines ceased operations in early April and that they are looking for another at the present time. • Immokalee Airport – Mr. Bob Tweedie stated that they have received a water management development permit to allow development to begin on the southwest side of the airport. They are also designing an apron expansion and working on a new Airport Master Plan. • Marco Island Executive Airport – Mr. Tweedie stated that the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) update has been submitted to the FAA for approval. He added that a taxiway improvement project funded by the FAA should begin soon. Mr. Tweedie stated that they are planning to relocate the terminal to open up additional space for the apron and a new parking lot. • – Mr. Tweedie stated that a taxiway extension is underway at Everglades Airpark. The airport will have a full length taxiway once the project is complete.

4. Regional Issues / Concerns y New Air Traffic Pattern in Southwest Florida – The group spent a few moments revisiting this issue that was raised at the last meeting by Mr. Bill Horner of the Lee County Port Authority (LCPA). It seems that the FAA plan to reroute arrival traffic in the region is moving forward and airports will be left to deal with any changes in noise impact areas that this new operation may cause.

5. FDOT Aviation • Aviation Office o Airport Land Use Compatibility Project – The Administrator stated that this project is now underway. A letter inviting participation from various State agencies has been sent out and they hope to have all stakeholders at a kick- off meeting in July or August. o Next Generation Aircraft Project Update – The Administrator stated that the study is now underway and that surveys requesting information for the project

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have been distributed to General Aviation and Commercial Service airports. The Administrator requested the assistance of the airport sponsors in returning these surveys to the consultant in a timely manner so the most recent data is available for use on the project. The Administrator stated that there will be three (3) final products from the study and he noted that a draft PowerPoint presentation is planned for the July Statewide meeting in Palm Beach. o Pavement Management Program – The Administrator stated that the inspection phase of the project is pretty much complete. He noted that final reports are currently being prepared for distribution to airports sponsors, FDOT District Offices and the FAA. District reports that identify the ten (10) most deficient pavements in a district are also being prepared and will be delivered to staff in person by the aviation pavement consultant. Training will be held for airport staff two times in FDOT FY 2008/2009 and letters will be sent to airport managers once dates and locations are determined. o UNICOM Frequency Expansion Project – The Administrator updated the group on this project noting that approximately seventeen (17) airports have expressed interest in changing frequencies. The Administrator noted that Mr. Keith plans to contact the FCC about the possibility of streamlining the frequency changes for the participating airports. • FDOT District Announcements – Ms. Kristi Smith stated that airports should update their JACIP as gaming for the new 5th year will begin very shortly.

6. FAA Announcements – None.

7. MPO Comments – Chair Mattingly stated that MPO funds are running low these days and as a result a project to widen a portion of I-75 in Sarasota County has been delayed.

8. Old Business – None.

9. New Business • Regional By Laws Review – The Administrator reviewed the final bylaws with the committee highlighting the changes that had been proposed since the last meeting. After a brief discussion, the committee adopted the bylaws by a unanimous vote of the members present.

10. Time & Place Next Meeting – Mr. Keith stated that the next scheduled meeting of the Southwest Region Steering Committee is September 23, 2008. The Committee determined that the meeting would be held at the Sarasota/Bradenton International Airport on that date beginning at 12:00 p.m.

11. Adjournment – Hearing no further business for the committee to consider, Chair Mattingly adjourned the meeting at approximately 1:25 p.m.

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