Celebrating 1,000,000 miles sailed FOLLOWING SEA 2006-2007 Annual Report Issue Winter/Spring 2008 Inside Captains Without Borders TABLETABLE OFOF CONTENTSCONTENTS Winter/Spring 2008 Cover Story Captains Without Borders Humanitarian Work of Three SEA Captains . .1 Features Rechristened An Onboard Salute to Cramer’s 20th – By John Bontrager . .5 Messages in a Bottle An Experiment of 30 Years . .26 In Every Issue Passages Events and news of general interest . .6 Scuttlebutt Alumni news from around the world . .8 Currents Olympian Heather Petri, W-178 . .28 Science Corner NASA grant awarded to SEA . .29 Special Report 2006-2007 Report to Donors From the desk of Board Chair, Linda Cox Maguire . .14 Annual Report . .15 Following SEA Winter/Spring 2008 Editor: Jan Wagner Cover Photo: Ryan Maneri, W-169 Design: MBDesign Photography: Courtesy Sean Bercaw, Michael J. Colella, Courtesy Sarah Das, Ryan Maneri, Courtesy Heather Petri, Justin Smith, Jan Wagner, Laurie Weitzen Become an alumni enrollment volunteer! For more information, contact Laurie Weitzen at (800) 552-3633, ext. 12 or
[email protected] Following SEA is available online. If you’d like your prints, slides, or digital images considered for the next issue contact: Kerry Sullivan, ext. 20 or
[email protected]. Sea Education Association, Inc., PO Box 6, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 Phone 800-552-3633 Fax 508-457-4673 www.sea.edu Recycled Chlorine-Free Paper / Soy Ink Captains Without Borders I can’t begin to describe the situation here. I arrived in Juba, South Sudan not quite two weeks ago, and then flew to Aweil two days later.