·- -Pressure Pa ~Boiling
STUDIES ON METfiODS OF PA~HOILJ ~G . ·~. •, ,~' "< ·- -PRESSURE PA ~BOILIN G. , '' i N.G;C. lENGAR, R: BHASKAR, P. DHARMARA JAN,*,• ABSTRACT .. ··;·, ,f~ . " ' 't~ A meth od of quick parboiling pf paddy has .been worked out using high pre- · ., ,ssure steam wh ich reduces the soaktng and parboiling to 1.5 hrs per batch. The process is cheap in comparison with the methods of parboilmg being carried out _;;. in this country. The method is very suita]Jle for small units located in rural areas, .. -'particularly when combined wi th boilers fired by paddy hu3k, for producing steam and power for parboiling·and drying. ·By this method, breakage of the kernels is ,,, reduced considerably. The mill eut·turn capacity of this method of parboiling is very high and ·a product with a high consumer appeal can be turned out. · Introduction ' ~ .,. ' ·.... At present a large prorortion of rice consumed in India is p1rboiled. Various methods of parboiling are used. In the household method the washed paddy is placed in an open vessel and covered with cold water to a level of 50 mm above the surface of the paddy and heated gently to simmering temperatures just below boiling point of water. This " temperature is maintained overnight. After this, the water is drained off and paddy is steamed until steam emerges at the top. Steaming is done for 5 minutes. The steamed paddy is dried under sun. The product is uniformally soaked and- well parboiled without any off odour, and has an attractive colour. In the commercially adopted, "traditional method", as followed in South !nd!a,_open_air soaking tanks pf larga capacity are used.
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