Devastating Verheerende Floods Fluten– – man made politisch European gemacht Trade Policy Violates EU-HandelspolitikRight to Food in verletztGhana – Recht aufChicken Nahrung and in Tomatoes Ghana – Die Beispiele Hühnchen und Tomaten Imprint: Author: Armin Paasch Editorial: Kerstin Lanje Publisher: Germanwatch e.V. Büro Bonn Dr. Werner-Schuster-Haus Kaiserstr. 201 D-53113 Bonn Telefon +49 (0)228/60492-0, Fax -19 Büro Berlin: Germanwatch e.V. Voßstr. 1 D-10117 Berlin Tel. +49 (0)30 / 288 8356-0, Fax -1 Internet: E-mail:
[email protected] Layout: Dietmar Putscher Translation: Jessica G. Ward, Thomas Spencer May 2008 Purchase order number 08-1-02e This publication can be downloaded at This study is part of the dialoque oriented public advocacy project: African smallholder in focus – a voice in EU trade policy (2007 - 2009), by Germanwatch, Both Ends, UK Food Group and FIAN. This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the project partners and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the donors. 2 Contents: Devastating Floods – man made 4 Cheap chicken leads to slim pickings 6 Tomato puree everywhere 12 Structural adjustment at the expense of the poorest 17 A Fateful Economic Partnership 18 Protests by labour unions, farmers associations and non-govern- mental organisations against the conclusion of Economic Partner- ship Agreements with the EU in Accra, Ghana, September 2007. Photo: Ulrich Döring 3 Devastating Floods – man made European Trade Policy Violates Right to Food in Ghana import floods hit precisely those who are already among the poorest in Ghana.