Arketok'd Supervision in the Home Nursing Care & 24 Hour Backup

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Arketok'd Supervision in the Home Nursing Care & 24 Hour Backup November 6,1996 The Chronicle Employment I Vol. 108, No. 46 Wednesday, November 13,1996 CRANFORD'GARW001>KFNllwnPTH A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents. 5080 COMMUNITY CARE CERTIFIED HOME Part-Time Employment FREELANCE WRITERS PROVIDERS HEALTH AIDES I Briefs PSI is seeking special people with background In the • •••', , ' i; helping profession to provide community care homes for ImmerJate work. Interim* NEEDED persons with developmental disabilities. The provider Healthcare is recruWng . $1,000'S POSSIBLE.' must want to care for persons with developmental dis- Certified Home Health Aides TYPING. Part-time. At-. Customer service abilities and must be a home owner with enough space Home. Toll free 1-8QQ- for additional persons to live in their home. to join ITs professional 21B-9000 Ext. T-5139 for . To Cover Community News & Events PSI staff Will provide case management, day treatment, nursing team. We offer; ^ listings/directory. S, nominees sought arketOK'd supervision In the home nursing care & 24 hour backup. ' Is there a merchant or em- • % For AH Newspapers Vacation and sick time will be available to the community Excellent Pay ADMINISTRATIVE care provider. ployee in the downtown busi- Desirable Work ASSISTANT . An annual stipend ofupto$14,400willbepaldforeach Work part time In a ness district .who delivers a resident. Flextoaity.ol hours 24-hour store approved in late-night Planning Board vote pleasant but busy churfchf CALL CHERYL FENSKE Call PSrs information line 1 -800-764-0703 & leave your Convenient locations offico, general clerlrti; high quality of service? name, number & county of residence. Indicate that you and receptionist duties;', 'Send nominations for the By ELLEN M. FEUCETTA voting after he made a motion to continue meeting hall was standing room only, as op- 908-722-3000 EXT. 6330 want information about becoming a community care Car and telephone a must computer skill* a mu»t : Ms. Robertiello secured a petition with sig- provider. Chamber of Commerce's an- THE CHRONICLE. ~ ' ~" ' the 31/2-hour hearing until the next sched- ponents and supporters rallied •Bound Brook Chronlcle'FranldinFocus'GreenBrook-NorthPlalnlieldJoumal (908) 549-2210 competitive hourly rate,' natures from 165 senior tenants who favored send letter end resume- hual Customer -Service Awards uled Planning Board meeting. - Dozens of senior citizens from nearby resi- • HighlandParkHeraJd • HBls-BedmlnsterPress • Metuchen-Edison Review (908) 725-1820 ' k the application.. to Pluckomln. Presbyni- CRANFQRD — In a late-night vote Nov. "The 11 p.m. curfew, which had been ad- dences packed the room. Wearing name tags • Middlesex-Ounellen Chronicle • Piscataway Review • Somerset Messenger-Gazette 5050 5050 (609) 443-1711 rikn Church, P.O. Box- by Friday4o: Cranford Chamber 6, the Planning Board approved the 24-hour Nat Amsterdam, a Meeker Avenue resi- •SouthPlainfJeldReporter*Warren-WatchungJoumal 402, PJuckenlm. NJf. ..of Commerce, 8 Springfield hered to at prior meetings, had passed. The marked "Edwards," the group showed their Employment- Employment- Edwards Super Food Store application. The Planning Board had until Dec. 15 to act on dent and committeeman for the 13th Dis- General General Interim' 07878. Fax: 008^58-9000- Ave., Cranford, NJ. 07016. support for the store. 44VetefafBMerrwtalDr.East,POB(K699,SornervilleNJ 08876 store will be built oh South-Avenue East this application."! found ho reason why it trict, said when the area was surveyed five II [ A tt II C A « I AN8WER PHONES' -' ' Awards will be given at the Speaking amid loud applause and cheer- years ago for the Waldbaums application, 908-72^3000 • F»(9O8) 231-1385 Local aroa. Flexible between Lincoln and Hollywood avenues. couldn't hold. This would also have given . 102WdnutAve,P.O.Box626Cranford,NewJersey07016 HOMEWORKERS. WANT- MANUFACTURING 25 South Main St., Downtown Management Corpo- irjg from the audience, Helen Robertiello, the majority of people wanted the market ED! 1000 envelopes = 2nd SHIFT Edison. NJ 08837 hours. Part Tlmo. - - The application, which carried by a major- residents additional-time to nask questions (908)276«00'Fax(908)27&6220 SETUP PERSON- $10.25 plus/hour. No ex- ration and Chamber of Com- president of the Gill Tenants Association, NEWSPAPERS' 55,000. Receive $5 for fequal Opportunity Employ* l ity of seven, got a negative nod from mem- that weren't answered and to appear before Thomas Street resident Nicholaus Mon- every envelope you stuff Hardware mfr. seeks perience. Call now. ' '• merce Holiday Party Tuesday said the store would "allow seniors to re-' talto believes the seniors are benefiting from with my sales materials. mechanically inclined 313-458-6289 >•« ber James Murphy. Member and Township the Township Committee," Mr. Sails said. main independent" and,shop when they person w/1-5 yrs. exp. at the Hanson House. the serenity of the neighborhood as it is now 5000 1 5050 For free info. Call .24 5050 EAT A SHOP FOR FREft Commissioner Richard Sails abstained from Earh/ in the evening before the vote, the want , 5050 hour recording (310) 514- setting up production FORBES NEWSPAPERS Part Time people needed (Please turn to page A-2) EMPLOYMENT j Employment- Employment- 5895. equipment. Full bnfts. Employment- to evaluate restaurant*,' pkg, wages based op General Free herbal seminar immawaammwawammmkt General General J DENTAL ASST— F/T, 4 exp. Call 908-789-1400 and stores In your local, days/wk no nights, no ext 654.. EMPLOYMENT GUIDE area.. $10. +Mr. FREE,: food and products. Call set for Nov. 21 DRIVER- Tractor trailer, Sats. Exp helpful but not 'art Time AUTO TECHS nee. 469-9050 , 313-4584630 > Expld & entry level OTR. '96 conventional MODELS The Cranford Leave 1 Mochnnlcj , & General tractors. Home wknds. B hotiri^op'byfiho "mile? •Iry 2 evoi. 1150. No in- seminar 7-9 pin. • »M_«*MAa>t (Mil ttfl ,*|fUl* • 800-344r0579r:.-~.-,.-,v-.-:.-, •I • • • • IE *»udedTnalgaieF ® mm 1 E The Matheny School ant) Employment- • Learn how To fed bet To work Oh-Call basis Sears, Stems, NBC. ABC, Hospital, a1 specialized py In S: Plalnflold, Tuos & 1 Weekdays. Experienced.. Fox etc. Model Mgmt, General General Employment Thur* Eve 4 to 8:30 pm. healthier and help your body to MFO/SAMPLEMAKER residential facility for CHILD CARE- Worfc in Own transportation Well estb. Ltg Co. loc. 908-632-9545. Matuchen developmental^ disabled every other Sal. 9 td 1 overcome disease faster 5010 • Career Training your own home. Apply at 908-469-0281 pm. computer morale & Services . within 5 miles 6f NYC children and young through the use of herbs and Monday Morning, Inc. seeks exp. samplemaker. SECRETARY- TEMPO- VAN DRIVERS Catl 753-1144 or Fax ro- 5020 Child Care * FENCE INSTALLERS adults, currently has sev- •um« 753-0094 ' . 526-4084, In Hunterdon Helpers/ Sub contrac- This Is "hands on" posi- eral part-time shifts avail- RARY F/T POSITION • 3 (Substltutas-Per Dlern) nutrients. The public is invited. alone, Wanted AdvtiVtaln tin CkulfMl 788-8(138 ors. Well established tion. Must be able to in- able for Drivers & Trans- to 6 month position at The speaker will be herbalist 5030 • Agencies Raritan Valley Com- Qual: CbL License 5040 • Domestic CLEANER NEEDED company. Exp. pref. terpret "thumbnail" portation Aides., _ Susan Kemp. Eaglo Fence & Supply sketches Into actual sam- munity College. Excellent (Class B or C) with pas- P/T Telfmarkettr Ploas- PARKING • ;- 5050 • General For cleaning & repairing senger endorsement,- ATTENDENTS >-. 5060 ollico trnilors. Work Tn 906-526-5775 ples. Must-ber well organ- NATIONAL PARKS HIR- Must have own transpor- word processing and anl tpuklng volet with For more information, call • Health Cars ING— Positions are now spreadsheet skills re- salos ability nooded for Earn $5-$10 per hr. Qr»«f 5070 'Managerial S.PIainliold 7:00 am to ized. Heavy vendor & tation with a valid NJ town says P/T job parKIno car» In' 709-7272. 5080 3:30 pm. S7.50 per hr. Intra/lnter company con- available at National drlvers's license. Collage quired. J10-$11/hour. In- Send resume with refbr- our Cranford offico from • Part-Time Parks, Forests & Wildlife terested applicants oncos to: Ms. R. Mraz, 6:00-9:00 P.M. Minimum local areas. Nights 4 *k- 5090 • Employment Call Mike: 755-8851 Advertise tact, both written, verbal, students, homemakers & in person, therefore Preserves. Excellent ben- and retired individuals Should call 908-526-1200, H.R. Mgr., So. Plainfioid 15 hra.per week salary •ml*. Rotp. matur* ofrty By ELLEN M. FEUCETTA Wanted CNA-F/T P/T, 7am-3pm In the Classified! efits bonusesl Call 1- ext. 8301 for application. Public Schools, 305 commission. For more apply. 874-5454 '*•'• 5100 • Career must have own car (to are encouraged to apply. Booster Club and 3pm-1,1pm. Only travel to vendors), 206-971-3622 ext. N89- Cromwell PI., So Plaln- Info pleas* call (908) Investments & SECURITY GUARDS PART TIME- Peopte Opportunities Certified Nurses aides have good- command of 698 Refundable Fee. Matheny is located in fleld, NJ 07080 EOE/AA 722-3000 ext. 6830 nt«d«d for local atorat^ meets tonight to' apply ' Good working English language & F/T & P/T for Somerset. HEAD TEACHER NO EXPERIENCE Poapack, NJ (Somerset Middlesex & Union Coun- WORK AT HOME- for $10.25 +/Hr. Plus FREE CRANFORD - The Environ- conditions and'benefl(s. strong communication NECESSARY! $500 to County) near Routes 202/ product*. Call now: . The Cranford Booster Club Raritan Health & CERTIFIED ties. Home phone and local company. As- mental Commission wants to bet- 5020 skills, drafting (hand or S900 Weekly/Potential 206, 78 & 287. Please semble products, pro- .313-9274863 " holds its monthly meeting 8 to- Child Care Wanted . Extended Care For- nursery school in CAD) skijls a definite contact Nancy at: car a must. $6.50 per hr. ter enforce the tree ordinance, a Warren. Full/part time. Processing Mortgage to start. Call Mon-Fri 1- cess mail, typing & many RRCePTIONIST- 'lor night at the community center 633 Route 28, Raritan plus & ability to use com- Refunds.
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