Society of Antiquakies of Scotland
or THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUAKIES OF SCOTLAND. SESSION MDCCCXCVII.-XCVIII. VOL. XXXII. EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOSOCIETE RTH KEILY YCOMPANB D LAN Y LTD. MDCCCXCVIII. ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEENTH SESSION 1897-98 VOL. VIII.—THIRD SERIES € 0 f it b u r g I) PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY NEILL AND COMPANY LTD. MDCCCXCVIII TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Anniversary Meeting, 30th November 1897, ..... 1 James Robertson's Tour through Westere somth f eo n Islands, &c. f Scoto , - r ARTHUlanSi n 1768i dy B R. MITOHELL, K.C.B., M.D., LL.D., Foreign Secretary, ....... 11-19 David Loch's Tour in Scotland in 1778. By Sir ARTHUR MITOHELL, K.C.B., M.D., LL.D., Foreign Secretary, .... 19-28 Note regardin a Budg e Stone Implement from Uyea, Shetlandr Si y B . AMHU . R MITCHELL.2 . 8 . , K.C.B. , &c,, Not n Spade-liko e e Implement r ARTHU Si f Stone o sy B R. MITOHELL, K.C.B., &c., .......0 3 . Notic Polishea f eo d Ston ewell-shapea Axed an , d Hint Arrow-head, found ARTHU ir Cavna Si Mayn ey i B R. MITCHELL6 3 , K.C.B. , &c. , Note regardin gMoula d makine useth n di Bronzf go ARTHUr e AxesSi y B .R MITOHELL, K.C.B., ....... 39 Recent Manufacture and Use of Querns in Ireland. By Sir ARTHUR MITOHELL,'K.C.B., &c., . .42 Notic Discovere th f eo Cisa f yo t wit hDoubla e Buria t Eathla o Quarryy B . FEED . COLESR . , Assistant-Keeper . 44-5 of0 . the Museum, . Note on a Stone bearing an Incised Cross, from the Site of St Colm's Chapel, Walls, Orkney.
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