The Phi Kappa Tau Fratern ity Founded at Miam1 University, Oxford, Ohio, March 17, 1906 National Officers NATIONAL PRESIDENT - Edward A Marya, Jr , 50 Broadway. Mt Sterling, Ky 40353 NATIONAL VICE PRESIDENT - F L. McKtnley, Ltberty Tower, Suite 2800, Oklahoma Ctty, Oklo 73102. EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR - To be announced HOUSING AND FINANCIAL ADVISER - Thomas E Hendncks, 5723 Memphis St. , New Orleans, La 70124 DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT - C. Brent DeVore, • o Hiram College, Htram, Ohto 44234 NATIONAL CHAPLAIN- Rev Fredenck J Johnson, 620 W 19th St , Pueblo. Colo. 81003 The National Council The Nattonal Prestdent, Vice Prestdent, Houstng, and F1- nanc1al Adv1ser. and .,. Annual Report Issue: 1975 Thomas C Cunntngham, Xerox Corporatton HeadquMers. Stamford, Connecttcut 06904 Robert D Leatherman, Office of Regtonal Counsel, Dept of .,. 42nd Convention Highlights Housmg & Urban Dtv , Federal Bldg . Denver, Colo 80202 Jim K. Heilmeter, 2649 Hawthorne Rd ., Cuyahoga Falls, .,. Chapter Installations Ohio 44221 John M Green, Box 81008, Ltncoln, Nebraska 68501 Michael J Raleigh, t 105 Arden Road. Pasadena, Cahfornta .,. The Chapters Initiate 11 07 91106 Ray A Clarke, 2201 Rtverstde Dr , Valdosta, Georgta 31601 .,. Phi Tau Faces in the Crowd Mtchael S Morgan , 1800 Lake Ave., S. W Knoxvtlle, Ten nessee 37916. Wtlham J Hughes, 21 t 2 Ltncofn Ave , Evansvtlle, lndtana .,. Directory of Chapters 47714 Reed Panos, 2335 Ptedmont Ave , Berkeley. Cahfornta 97404 • Raymond A Btchtmer, 50 W. Broad, Columbus, Oh to 43215. • Ex-Officto, non-voting. Founders Taylor A Borradatle, Lewts Apartments. Apt 4 2214 S Kanawha St., Beckley, W Va , 25801 : Dwtght Douglass, Wtlliam H Shtdeler, Clinton D. Boyd National President-Emeritus Roland Maxwell, 628 Mutual Savtngs Bldg , Pasadena, Cahf.
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