State Licensing Boards Under Close Scrutiny IRS Offices Deluged With

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State Licensing Boards Under Close Scrutiny IRS Offices Deluged With The Daily Register VOL.97 NO. 175 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1975 TEN CENTS State licensing boards under close scrutiny By HENRY GOTTLIEB be a certified public accoun- hearings and can punish li- Gov. Byrne, in a recent doled out purely on a partisan which regulates druggists. ing with the doctors who macies as well as otherwise tant and who can be a realtor censees by closing their busi- speech at Seton Hall Law basis." But if successful, the suit wrote them. interfering with the operations NEWARK (AP) - A quiet or an engineer, or a doctor, in nesses and assessing fines. School. Ketterson said Byrne has could cause a rewriting of the But according to documents of existing Rite-Aid phar- revolution sparked by "post- New Jersey. Now the question is being inaugurated a study aimed at laws governing all the boards. filed by Rite-Aid attorney macies," the suit said. Watergate mortality" is be- Since Watergate, there has raised, not only by consumer "Is this a legally sanction- ferreting out possible con- The suit was brought by Donald A. Robinson, the According to an undercover ginning in an obscure but im- been a growing focus on how advocates, but by the Byrne ed, yet potential conflict of in- flicts of interest among board Rite-Aid, a chain of 37 drug board's real beef with Rite- investigation by a detective portant corner of state gov- the legal profession regulates administration itself, whether terest?" Ketterson asked. members and plans to sug- stores in New Jersey. It Aid is the chain's ability to agency commissioned by ernment — the departments itself through bar associ- the board members interests "Assuming it is not, is the gest legislation to put more claims the law setting up the sell drugs at lower cost than Rite-Aid, 68 per cent of a that regulate New Jersey's ations. Now, the focus is wid- are too close to the people public interest best served by consumers on the boards. pharmacy board is uncon- small, independent druggists. group of independent phar- self regulation?" 270,000 licensed professionals. ening to other professions. they regulate to be effective. If the study lags, a unique stitutional. The members of the phar- macies sampled also dis- For years, it's been the job The boards have sweeping "Those boards have always "These positions have tra- federal court law suit may The license of a druggist at macy board are small, inde- pensed prescription refills of the state's professional powers. They establish cri- been completely controlled by ditionally been considered push the state to act faster to a Rite-Aid store in Bergen- pendent druggists. without checking with the boards to regulate jobs ranging teria for admission to prac- members of the same profes- prime political patronage," change the rules. field was recently suspended "The New Jersey Board of physicians who wrote the or- from architect to veter- tice. They investigate charges sion which is being regu- Ketterson said. "Many politi- The suit is aimed specific- by the board for 90 days after Pharmacy has a personal in- ders. inarian. The boards decide of unethical conduct. They lated," said Jeffrey C. Ketter- cal observers have charged ally at challenging the rights the druggist allegedly refilled terest in preventing ex- The suit asks for a rewrit- who can be a barber, who can can summon violators to son, a special assistant to that these posts are too often of the Board of Pharmacy, prescriptions without check- pansion of Rite-Aid phar- See Licensing, page 2 IRS offices deluged with N.J. tax returns By BOB HI Kit I might expect because of er- original notices are mailed Klinsman contends that this Associated Press rors in filing. He said mis- back in the coded self-ad- may not be so -advantageous takes have been turning up in dressed envelopes." this year. The Internal Revenue Ser- 10 per cent of all returns. There is traditional reluc- President Ford and Con- vice is being deluged with tax "Some of these mistakes, tance among taxpayers not gress are working out a sys- returns from New Jersey. such as simple arithmetical entitled to refunds to wait un- tem of tax rebates designed More than 1^-mUlion 1974 errors or the miscalculations til April 15 before filing. to spur the economy. returns have been mailed in of tax, are corrected auto- already, surpassing by far the matically as returns are pro- amount of early filings in pre- cessed by the HoltsvUle com- vious years. puters, according to Klins- "It's a phenomenon for man. "These corrections usu- which there is no single ex- ally will change the tax liabi- planation," Elmer H. Klms- lity of erring taxpayers, man, director of the IRS for which means they will re- i New Jersey, said Sunday. ceive refunds in a different "Possibly it's the result of amount than expected. In our campaign to have busi- some cases, they may receive nesses and employers issue bills for additional tax due." MORNING BLAZE — Firemen are silhouetted origin, was brought under control after a couple of W-2 and 1099 forms earlier Errors more serious than against flames atop a six-story apartment building hours. Some firemen suffered minor in|uries, but than usual," Klinsman said. mathematical miscalculations In the Washington Heights section of Manhattan no tenants were hurt. "It could be that taxpayers kick the returns out of the yesterday. The four-alarm blaze, of undetermined realize that their returns processing stream, a virtual must be filed and processed guarantee that refunds will be before any tax rebate which delayed. may be approved by Congress "These will require manual Federal plans for offshore is paid. corrections or correspondence "And it may be that gener- with taxpayers," said Klins- al business conditions, rising man. unemployment and a need for "If you receive notices tax refunds have encouraged about returns submit the re- oil probes at stake in suit early filing," Klinsman quested information added. promptly. It is most impor- tant that copies of the notices WASHINGTON (AP) - The to be heard today by the has agreed to delay its leas- gram. Whatever the reason, the received should be attached Ford administration's plans court. The Ford adminis- ing program until the suit is The Justice Department IRS isn't complaining. firmly to your replies. This to open the Atlantic to oil ex- tration has appealed for a settled. The agreement al- filed the suit in 1969 after Henry D. Seufert, director ploration are at stake before quick ruling because the suit ready has forced the depart- of the IRS Service Center in will insure prompt association Maine announced plans to of the additional information the Supreme Court on a suit is blocking plans to lease 3.5 ment to withdraw one in- lease 3.3 million acres of At- HoltsvUle, NY., said the flood of returns "has kept our full with the original return. to affirm federal ownership of million acres of the Middle vitation for oil companies to lantic mineral rights more' offshore areas. Atlantic to oil companies. recommend areas for leasing, work force busy during a tra- Nearly 15 million tax returns CASE FOR PUPPY LOVE - A Cambodian soldier than three miles offshore. will be received in HoltsviUe Arguments were scheduled The Interior Department a preliminary step in the pro- ditionally slack period." uses a spent shell casing to give a drink to his pup- The suit named all the Atlan- by April 15, and it is almost py during a rest from the battle over the contested tic Coast states as defend- Moreover, taxpayers en- titled to returns are getting impossible to associate re- Cambodian town of Arey Khast, near Phnom ants, but Florida was severed plies and returns unless the Penh. because its case involves , them within a month. Clash looms over police complicated boundary ques- "We're currently approving refunds on properly prepared tions. returns within three weeks, Maine's ptans conflicted which means the Treasury director in Freehold Twp. with the 1953 Submerged Disbursing Office is issuing Pillsbury suit puts Lands Act, which gives the checks within four weeks af- By BARBARA KATELL med a Township Committee chosen to succeed Mr. Weath- states title only to the first ter we receive the returns," meeting to protest hiring a ci- ers whose resignation after a three miles of adjoining said Seufert. "We hope to be FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - vilian director from outside to controverial three and a half seabed. The Atlantic Coast years in the job becomes ef- able to maintain this schedule The question of who should be succeed Alex Nazaruk, the states claim dominion over until March 8. After that, the foes on defensive appointed to replace Theo- former police chief. fective April 15. 100 miles because of pre-Rev- interval between the receipt FREEHOLD - The county dore A. Weathers as head of However, despite their pro- Department man wanted olutionary grants from the against the Democratic free- freeholders from interfering of returns and the approval of Board of Freeholders and the township police depart- tests and numerous petitions However, the majority of English and Dutch. holders. with or denying him exercise the rank and file of 21-mem- refunds will gradually length- Richard T. O'Connor, who Superior Court Judge Mer- of full and complete duties ment is shaping up into a po- demanding that Lt. Robert en." tential confrontation between Riehl be promoted to the Civil ber police force are ready to The federal law empowers was appointed special county ritt Lane Jr.
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