Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain : with Biographical

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Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain : with Biographical c £( HISTORY OF PAINTING. VOL. 3, (whicTi completes the Work.) 23. LANZl'S . With Portrait of Correggio. 24. MACHIAVELLI'S HISTORY OF FLORENCE, PRINCE, AND OTHER Works. With Portrait. — BOHN’S STANDARD LIBRARY. 25. SCHLEGEL'S LECTURES. ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE AND THE PHILOSOPHY 01' LANGUAGE, translated by A. J. W. Morrison. 26. LAMARTINES HISTORY OF THE GIRONDISTS VOL. 2. Portrait of Madame Poland. 27. RANKE'S HISTORY OF THE POPES, TRANSLATED BY E. FOSTER. Vol. 1. Portrait oj Julius II., after Itapkael. 28. COXE S MEMOIRS OF THE DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH, (to form 3 vols.) Vol. I. With Jme Portrait. *** As Atlas, containing 26 fine large Maps and Plans of Marlborough's Campaigns, being all * n the originai edition at iA2 12s. may now be bad, in one volume, 410 ? for 29. SHERIDAN'S DRAMATIC WORKS AND LIFE. Portrait. 30. COXE'S MEMOIRS OF MARLBOROUGH. VOL. 2. Portrait of the Duchess. 31. GOETHE'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY, 13 BOOKS. PORTRAIT. 32. RANKE'S HISTORY OF THE POPES. VOL. 2. With Index, ami Portrait of Innocent A. 33. LAMARTINE'S HISTORY OF THE GIRONDISTS. VOL. 3 (which completes the work). \\ ith a Memoir of Lamartine, and a Sketch of the last Revolution. 34. COXE S MEMOIRS OF THE DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. VOL. 3 (which completes the work). 35. WHEATLEY ON THE COMMON PRAYER. FRONTISPIECE. 36. RANKE'S HISTORY OF THE POPES. VOL. 3 (which completes the work) With Portrait of Clement VII. 37. MILTON'S PROSE WORKS. COMPLETE IN 3 VOLS. VOL. 1. Portrait. 38. MENZEL'S HISTORY OF GERMANY. COMPLETE IN 3 VOLS VOL * 1 * rortra.it of Charlemagne. * m 39. MILTON'S PROSE WORKS. VOL. 2. Frontispiece. 40. MILTONS PROSE WORKS. VOL. 3. Portrait of Laud. 41. MENZEL'S HISTORY OF GERMANY. VOL. 2. Portrait of Charles V. 42. SCHLEGEL'S AESTHETIC AND MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, CONTAINING Letters on Christian Art, Essay on Gothic Architecture, Remarks on the Romance- loetry ol the Middle Ages, on Shakspearc, the Limits of the Beautiful and on thp Language and Wisdom of the Indians. 43. GOETHE S WORKS. VOL. 2. Containing the remainder of his Autobiography, 1 together with his 1 ravels m Italy, France, and Switzerland. *83 44 - SCHILLER'S WORKS, VOL. 4, CONTAINING “THE ROBBERS," “FIESKO " “Love and Intrigue,” and j “The Ghost-Seer,” translated by Henry G. Bolin 45 ' M E S IS RY GERMANY. VOL. 3 (which completes the work). Y SP,? ,K , ^, T° °l ' °S ® With Portrait of Prince Metternich. Xg 46 - SCHLEGEL'S LECTURES ON MODERN HISTORY. 47 - <Xl L R,T i,4 .E’S HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION OF 1848 ^,^” tin Frontispiece , containing 6 Portraits. 48 - JUNIUS’S LETTERS, WITH ALL THE NOTES OF WOODFALL’S EDITION, and important additions. Complete m 2 vols. Vol A, containing all the Original Letters. BBS The following are in progress : SCHILLER’S WORKS. Vol. 5 containing his Life, Poems, &c. N LAM )K It’S CHURCH HISTORY, and LIFE OF CHRIST. VASARI’S LIVES OF THE PAINTERS. TIIE WORKS OK JEAN PAUL RICHTER, AND TJECK. MEMOIRS OF SULLY, ltETZ, COMINES, V1LLEHARDOUIN. 1 DUR1KG o.v. hJSK SMf Sr S TAYLOR’S HOLY LIVING ® AND DYING. GUERICKE’S MANUAL OF ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, &c. : PORTRAITS OF ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONAGES OF Swat iBritawtu WITH BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL MEMOIRS OF THEIR LIVES AND ACTIONS. BY EDMUND LODGE, ESQ., F.S.A. (L IN EIGHT VOLUMES. VOL. VIII. LONDON HENRY G. BOHN, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. MDCCCL. or; l. cou.- LI 3,1 X) M/h Cq rJr^ ib. i sf * LONDON I BRADBURY AND EVANS, PRINTERS, WQITBFRIARS. $ CONTENTS OF VOLUME VIII. Cotes 1781 1 . Admiral Lord Hawke .... From the Naval Gallery, at Greenwich Hospital. oe 2 . Charles Watson Wentworth, Second Marquis Rockingham Reynolds 1782 Fi•om the Collection of the Right Honourable the Earl Fitzwilliam, at Wentworth House. Reynolds 1786 3 . Admiral Viscount Keppel From the Collection of his Grace the Duke of Bedford, at Woburn Abbey. George Augustus Eliott, Lord Heathfield Reynolds 1790 From the National Gallery. Reynolds 1792 5 . Admiral Lord Rodney From the Collection of the Right Honourable the Earl of Egremont, at Petworth. 6. Frederick North, Lord Guildford . Dance 1792 From the Collection of the Honourable Georgiana North, at Wroxton Abbey. 7. John Stuart, Earl of Bute . Ramsay 1792 From the Collection of the Most Noble the Marquis of Bute, at Luton. CONTENTS. 8 . Lord Chief Justice Mansfield . Reynolds 1793 From the Collection of the Right Honourable the Earl of Mansfield, at Kenwood. 9 . Lord Chancellor Camden . Dance 1794 From the Collection of the Most Noble the Marquis Camden. 10 . Sir William Jones .... Reynolds 1794 From the Collection of the Right Honourable the Earl Spencer, at Althorp. 11 . Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford . Rosalba 1797 From the Collection of Thomas Walpole, Esq. atStagbury. 12 . Jeffery, First Lord Amherst . Reynolds 1797 From the Collection of the Right Honourable Earl Amherst, at Montreal. 13 . Admiral Earl Howe . Gainsborough 1799 From the Collection in the Trinity House, London. 14 . Sir Ralph Abercromby .... Hoppner 1801 From the Collection of the Honourable James Aber- cromby. 15 . Francis Russell, Duke of Bedford . Hoppner 1802 From the Collection of his Grace the Duke of Bedford, at Woburn Abbey. 16 . Admiral Viscount Duncan . Hoppner 1804 From the Guildhall, London. 17 . Admiral Viscount Nelson . Hoppner 1805 From His Majesty's Collection. CONTENTS. 18. Charles, First Marquis Cornwallis . Copley 1805 From the Guildhall, London. 19. William, First Marquis of Lansdowne Reynolds 1805 From the Collection of the Most Noble the Marquis of Lansdowne, at Bowood. 20. William Pitt Hoppner 1806 From the Collection of the Right Honourable Lord Carrington. 21. Charles James Fox .... Opie 1806 From the Collection of T. W. Coice, Esq. at Hollcham. 22. Admiral Viscount Bridport . Abbot 1814 From the Collection of the Right Honourable the late Viscountess Bridport, at Cricket, St. Thomas. 23. Admiral Viscount Hood . Reynolds 1816 From the Collection of the Right Honourable the late Viscmntess Bridport, at Cricket, St. Thomas. 24. Her Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte of Wales . A. E. Chalon, R.A. 1817 From the Collection of A. E. Chalon, Esq., R. A. 25. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., K.B., P.R.S. Lawrence 1820 From the British Museum. 26. Admiral the Earl of St. Vincent . Hoppner 1823 From His Majesty's Collection. 2 7. Robert Banks Jenkinson, Earl of Liverpool Lawrence 1829 From the Collection of the Right Honourable the Earl of Liverpool, at Combe Wood. CONTENTS. 28. Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Knight 1832 In the possession of Mr. Joseph Harding. 29. Admiral Viscount Exmouth . Lawrence 1833 From the Collection of Edward Hawke Locker, Esq. 30. Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, Lawrence In the possession of Mr. Joseph Harding. (The Figure from a Picture by Evans.) 8 A (ED MO RAIL (L (S3) R (Hi MAWKE. OB . I 761 EDWARD, LORD HAWKE. This able and intrepid commander was the only son of Edward Hawke, Esq., a barrister of Lincoln’s Inn, and of Elizabeth, daughter of Nathaniel Bladen, Esq., and widow the of Colonel Ruthven. He was born in 1705 ; entered passed, regular but not rapid Navy at an early age ; and by gradations, to the rank of captain in the year 1734, when he commanded his Majesty’s ship the Flamborough. Although constantly employed, he found no opportunity of distinguish- ing himself until the memorable engagement in which Admirals Matthews, Lestock, and Rowley, commanded the British force against the combined fleets of F ranee and Spain off Toulon. The personal animosity of the commanders, and the want of co-operation which it occasioned, thwarted the result which might have been reasonably expected from the battle. In the disgrace which was that day brought upon the fame of England Captain Hawke had no share. The Captain of El Poder, a Spanish sixty-gun ship of the line, had gallantly engaged the Princesa and Somerset, which, though each of superior force, were compelled to quit the line. Captain Hawke, who then commanded the Berwick, of seventy-four guns, observing their danger, broke the line, bore down upon their assailants, and, after a sharp conflict, the Poder was compelled to strike, and Captain Hawke sent a Lieutenant and twenty-three men to take possession of her. The French fleet having afterwards tacked upon her, and the lieutenant being unable to prevail upon his men to quit the was found to be so disabled that prize, she was retaken ; but vm. p. 0 EDWARD, LORD IIAWKE. they deserted her, and she was burnt the next day, by order of Admiral Matthews. Hawke was tried for disobedience of orders in quitting the line, and it being indisputable that he had done so, he was broke, but was immediately afterwards restored to his rank by order of His Majesty. In July 1747, he was appointed Rear-Admiral of the White, and in the beginning of the following August sailed from Plymouth, with a squadron consisting of fourteen ships of the line, for the purpose of intercepting a fleet of French mei’chantmen, bound for the West Indies. After cruising for some time on the coast of Britany he fell in with the object of his vigilance, which was under the convoy of nine ships of the line, and several frigates commanded by M. De L’Enten- diere. On the 14th of October, soon after day-light, the two squadrons came in sight of each other. Admiral Hawke immediately made signals for forming the line of battle a-head ; but perceiving that time was lost in executing this order, and that the merchant ships were crowding away with all the sail they could set, while the ships of war were endeavouring to protect their escape by forming in line astern of them, he made a signal for the whole squadron to chase, and when, within a proper distance, to engage.
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