Supplementary material BMJ Global Health


Meeting name and Declaration date Maternal, Newborn and From Germany, , , UK, USA, : Child Health Muskoka “G-8 countries commit to mobilize $5 billion of additional funding over the next five years towards Initiative maternal, newborn and child health, in addition to $4.1 billion that G-8 members already contribute annually. It is anticipated that the Initiative will mobilize significantly more than the $10 billion over the June 2010 period 2010-2015. “ Source : Global Strategy for From Germany: Women's and Children's In 2010, Germany began developing a new initiative on Voluntary Family Planning with resources to Health – be made available for family planning and reproductive health and rights as part of Germany’s Germany 2010 and ongoing annual commitment in the area of mother and child health of 300m euros per year and 2012 commitments Germany’s commitment made in June at Muskoka of an additional €400 million until 2015. At the 2012 London Family Planning Summit Germany committed €400 million (US $491.6 million) to 2010 MDG Summit reproductive health and family planning over four years, of which 25% (€100 million or US $122.29 million) was dedicated directly towards family planning, depending on partner countries’ priorities. September 2010 Source: 2012-commitments G-7 Brussels Summit- From Germany, , France, Italy, , , USA : the Muskoka Initiative “We remain committed to the Muskoka Initiative on maternal, newborn and child health, and on maternal, newborn welcome the call made at the Saving Every Woman, Every Child Summit in Toronto to accelerate and child health progress on this global priority. In addition we are committed to ensuring sexual and reproductive commitment health and reproductive rights, and ending child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation and other harmful practices. The health and well-being of women and children are June 2014 improved through ensuring universal access to affordable, quality, essential health services, strengthening health, education and child protection systems and improving nutrition and access to ]immunisation. […]” Source: health-commitment G-7 Elmau Summit Germany reaffirmed its continuous commitment role as a partner for achieving these goals, indicating that it would continue to make at least 380 million euros a year available in the future. June 2015 Source: contribution_Muskoka-Initiative.pdf

Goyet S, et al. BMJ Global Health 2019; 4:e001562. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2019-001562