Non-Residential Planning Commitments at 31 March 2017
NON-RESIDENTIAL PLANNING COMMITMENTS AT 31 MARCH 2017 Information on the progress of residential development between 1 April 2016 and 31 March 2017 in Reading Borough READING BOROUGH COUNCIL – NON-RESIDENTIAL COMMITMENTS 2017 NON-RESIDENTIAL PLANNING COMMITMENTS AT 31 MARCH 2017 Information on the progress of non-residential development between 1 April 2016 and 31 March 2017 in Reading Borough Published May 2017 - 1 - READING BOROUGH COUNCIL – NON-RESIDENTIAL COMMITMENTS 2017 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This publication looks at commitments for non-residential development in Reading Borough at 31 March 2017. It deals with change in the amount of floorspace, based on planning records. It includes those sites that have planning permission (hard commitments) and those that have been identified in principle as being suitable for development (soft commitments). The key net figures for Reading Borough for the monitoring year 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017 are summarised below: With Total hard Newly permission commits Soft Total hard Under const Completed Lapsed permitted but not O’standing commits and soft started (N/S + U/C) A1 -2,244 16,346 -1,646 14,700 3,908 18,608 -15,141 5,192 A2 557 557 0 557 0 557 -48 0 A3 2,033 2,942 185 3,127 0 3,127 359 560 A4 741 801 -548 253 0 253 -395 -452 A5 187 105 0 105 0 105 187 0 B1 -14,017 298,571 21,641 320,212 384 320,596 -18,869 34,604 B2 103 -536 24,200 23,664 0 23,664 5,493 124 B8 5,206 1,459 5,058 6,517 330 6,847 -62 -10,277 C1 3,334 16,836 89 16,925 0 16,925 0 10,451 C2 9,084 26,597 -5,337 21,260 0 21,260 -1,285 0 D1 9,817 -863 24,335 23,472 0 23,472 6,986 2,039 D2 1,471 37,422 -298 37,124 0 37,124 722 129 SG -406 9,162 4,159 13,321 7,981 21,302 -6,989 -288 In terms of new completions, the trend of a loss of offices has continued this year.
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