Census of Population 1961
GOVERNMENT OF NORTHERN IRELAND Census of Population 1961 COUNTY AND COUNTY BOROUGH OF LONDONDERRY Printed and presented pursuant to 9 Eliz. 2, Chap. 8 BELFAST: HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE PRICE 17s. 6d. NET GOVERNMENT OF NORTHERN IRELAND GENERAL REGISTER OFFICE Census of Population 1961 COUNTY AND COUNTY BOROUGH OF LONDONDERRY Printed and presented pursuant to 9 Eliz. 2, Chap. 8 BELFAST: HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE 1964 INTRODUCTION In accordance with the Census Act (Northern Ireland), 1960, a Census of the population was taken on the 23rd April, 196ly which was also the date of Censuses in the other parts of the United Kingdom. It was the fourth since the establisiixnent of the Government of Northern Ireland, previous Censuses having been taken in 1926, 1957 and 1951. The 1961 Census was much fuller,/as regards the number and scope of the questions, than any of its predeces£i<>rs. Compared with the 1951 enumeration, the basic questions were much the same /but enquiries about nationality, education, occupation and employment were sul9'6tantially modified. New questions asked for information concerning persons wi/th certain scientific and technological qualifica tions, the number of children of/women who were or had been married, the type of accommodation occupied by priva]tie households, whether such accommodation was owned or rented and the extent to which piped water, cooking and toilet facilities were available, i ' / In November, 1961, a Preliminary Report was published giving population figures for each county, county boro'ugh and administrative area, together with information on the ages and religious,denominations of the people by counties and county boroughs, and the numbers of private dwellings and households in each administrative area.
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