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O.S. TOWNLAND COUNTY DIVISION MAP PARISH REF Faccary Tyrone Maine 26, Cappagh 27, 35 & 36 Falgortrevy Londonderry Tullykeeran 36 Maghera Fallagh Middle Tyrone Fallagh 18, Bodoney Lower 19, 26 & 27 Fallaghearn Tyrone Fallaghearn 42 Donacavey Fallaghearn Tyrone Foremass 44 & Errigalkeerogue 52 Fallagloon Londonderry Tullykeeran 31, Maghera 32, 35 & 36 Fallahogy Londonderry Lislea 27 & Kilrea 33 Fallinerlea Antrim Glendun 15 Layd Falloward Londonderry Eglinton 15 Faughanvale Fallowvee Antrim Ardclinis 20 Ardclinis Falls Fermanagh Drumderg 23 Enniskillen Fallylea Londonderry Tullykeeran 32 & Killelagh 36 Falmacrilly Antrim Glendun 14 & Layd 19 Falnaglass Antrim Glendun 15 Layd Falrusklin Antrim Ardclinis 20 & Ardclinis 25 Fardross Tyrone Ballagh 64 Clogher Demesne Fardrum Fermanagh Monea 15 Devenish Fargrim Fermanagh Magheraveely 40 Galloon Fargrim Fermanagh Kesh 5 Magheraculmoney Farkland Londonderry Drum 23 & Bovevagh 24 Farlough Antrim Sharvogues 43 Drummaul Farm Fermanagh Mullynagowan 40 & Galloon 43 Farmacaffly Armagh Ballyards 12 & Lisnadill 16 Farnaconnell Fermanagh Old Barr 21 Boho Farnaght Fermanagh Derrybrusk 27 Derryvullan Farnaloy Armagh Crossmore 15 & Derrynoose 16 Farnamullan Fermanagh Derrybrusk 27 Cleenish Farra Armagh Breagh 5 & 9 Drumcree Farranaconaghy Fermanagh Castlebalfour 34 Aghalurcher Farranacurky Fermanagh Kilmore 34 Aghalurcher Farranacushog Antrim Clogh 27 Dunaghy Farranalessary Antrim Stranocum 12 & Ballymoney 17 Farranamucklagh Armagh Lisnadill 16 & Lisnadill 20 Farranasculloge Fermanagh Castlebalfour 34 Aghalurcher Farrancassidy Fermanagh Aghamuldowney 8 Inishmacsaint Farranetra Tyrone Clogher 59 Clogher Farranfad Down Clough 37 Loughinisland Farranlester Londonderry Bannbrook 3 & 7 Dunboe Farranlester Londonderry Somerset 7 Mascosquin Farranmacallan Antrim Glenmakeeran 10 Culfeightrin Farranmacarter Antrim The Fair Head 9 Culfeightrin Farranseer Londonderry Drumcroon 7 Mascosquin Farranshane Antrim Antrim Rural 50 Antrim Farrantemple Londonderry Slaght 26 Errigal Glebe Farrest Tyrone Mountjoy Forest 26 Cappagh East Farriter Tyrone Aghnahoe 53 Killeeshil Farsnagh Tyrone Mullanahoe 40 Arboe Fartagh Fermanagh Monea 21 Devenish Fartagh Fermanagh Ederny 2 Drumkeeran Fasglashagh Tyrone Clonavaddy 53 Killeeshil Fassagh Fermanagh Aghamuldowney 7 & 8 Inishmacsaint Faughanvale Londonderry Faughanvale 15 & Faughanvale 15a Faughard Fermanagh Lisbellaw 27 & Cleenish 28 Faugher Fermanagh Old Barr 21 Boho Faugher Fermanagh Monea 21 Devenish Faughil Antrim Glenaan 20 Layd Faurkagh Fermanagh Aghakillymaud 33 Kinawley Favour Royal Tyrone Favour Royal 59 Errigaltrough Demesne Fawney Londonderry Tamnaherin 22 & Cumber Lower 23 Fawney Tyrone Tullyard 3 Donaghedy Feagh Tyrone Ballyclog 39 Arboe Feagh Fermanagh Carnmore 35 & Clones 36 Fedany Down Garvaghy 28 Garvaghy Feddan Fermanagh Garvary 22 Derryvullan Feddan Tyrone Favour Royal 59 Errigalkeerogue Feddans Fermanagh Drumrush 5 Drumkeeran Federnagh Armagh PoyntzPass 18 Ballymore Fedian Fermanagh Rahalton 15 Devenish Feegarran Tyrone Oritor 29 Derryloran Feehogue Antrim Randalstown 43 Drummaul Rural Feenan Tyrone Ecclesville 50 Donacavey Feenan Beg Londonderry Moneymore 46 Desertlyn Feeny Londonderry Feeny 30 Banagher Feglish Tyrone Moorfield 49 Kilskeery Feigh alias Antrim Dunseverick 3 Billy Dunseverick Feigh Carrick Antrim Dunseverick 3 Billy Feigh Mountain Antrim Dunseverick 3 Billy Fenagh Antrim Tullaghgarley 32 Craigs Fenaghy Antrim Galgorm 32 Craigs Feney Down Moira 13 Magheralin Fergort Armagh Derrynoose 19 Derrynoose Ferguson's Land Antrim Donegore 51 Donegore Fernagh Tyrone Mullaghslin 35 Cappagh Fernaghandrum Tyrone Newtownsaville 51 Clogher Fernagreevagh Armagh Loughgall 4, 5, Loughgall 8 & 9 Fernamenagh Tyrone Errigal 52 & Errigalkeerogue 59 Ferney Tyrone Drumharvey 49 Kilskeery Ferney Fermanagh Newporton 16 Magheracross Fernisky Antrim Kells 44 Connor Ferny Island Fermanagh Castlecaldwell 8 Belleek Feroy Tyrone Crossdernot 46 Donaghmore Ferryquarter Down Strangford 32 Ballyculter Feugh Fermanagh Mullynagowan 40 Galloon Feumore Antrim Ballinderry 58 & Glenavy 62 Fifty Acres Antrim Kilbride 51 Kilbride Fincarn Londonderry Feeny 30 Banagher Fincarn Londonderry Waterside 14 Clondermot Findermore Tyrone Clogher 58 & Clogher 64 Findrum Tyrone Ballygawley 52 Errigalkeerogue Finelly Tyrone Benburb 61 Clonfeacle Finglen Londonderry Bancran 35 & Ballynascreen 40 Finglen Londonderry Owenreagh 30 & Banagher 34 Finglush Tyrone Caledon 66 & Aghaloo 67 Finiskin Armagh Camly 28 Creggan Finlane Fermanagh Florence Court 32 Killesher Finnabrogue Down Inch 30 & Inch 31 Finner Fermanagh Belleek 8 Belleek Finner's Islands Fermanagh Aghakillymaud 33 Kinawley Finnis Down Crossgar 28 & Dromara 35 Finnis Island Fermanagh Belle Isle 33 Derrybrusk North Fintona Tyrone Fintona 51 Donacavey Fintonagh Fermanagh Monea 21 & Devenish 22 Finulagh Tyrone Clonavaddy 45, Donaghmore 46, 53 & 54 Finvey Tyrone The Sandholes 38 Desertcreat Fireagh Tyrone Loughmuck 34 & Drumragh (Gardiner) 42 Firs Fermanagh Brookhill 5 Drumkeeran Fish Loughan Londonderry Knockantern 7 & 8 Kildollagh Fish Quarter Down Kircubbin 18 Inishargy Five Acres Antrim Carnmoon 12 Billy Fivemiletown Tyrone Fivemiletown 63 & Clogher 64 Flanders Londonderry Ballyharigan 24 Bovevagh Florence Court Fermanagh Florence Court 32 Killesher Demesne Flower Hill Antrim Dunluce 7 Dunluce Fod Island Fermanagh Drumrush 5 Drumkeeran Fofannybane Down Fofanny 42, Kilcoo 48 & 52 Fogart Tyrone Killyfaddy 58 Clogher Foglish Fermanagh Mullaghfad 24 Aghalurcher Foley Armagh Lisnadill 16 & Lisnadill 20 FollumBig Fermanagh Carnmore 35 Clones Foremass Fermanagh Kilmore 34 Galloon Foremass Lower Tyrone Foremass 44 Errigalkeerogue Forfey Fermanagh Castlebalfour 34 Aghalurcher Foriff Antrim Glenariff 20 Layd Formil Tyrone Creggan 19, Bodoney Lower 20, 27 & 28 Formil Londonderry Gelvin 25 Bovevagh Formil Fermanagh Clonelly 1 & 5 Drumkeeran Formil Fermanagh Crum 42 Kinawley Formoyle Londonderry Letterloan 6 & Formoyle 10 Formullen Londonderry Letterloan 6 & 7 Formoyle Fort Town Antrim Kirkmoyle 11 & Ballymoney 12 Forthill Antrim Connor 44 Connor Forthill Fermanagh Irvinestown 11 Derryvullan Foughill Etra Armagh Drumintee 29 & Jonesborough 32 Foughill Otra Armagh MoyraCastle 29 & Jonesborough 32 Four Score Acre Antrim Carncastle 35 Carncastle Foy Beg Armagh Breagh 5 Drumcree Foydragh Fermanagh Greenhill 23 Aghavea Foygh Tyrone Donaghmore 46 Donaghmore Freeduff Armagh Dorsy 27 & Creggan 28 Freehall Dunlop Londonderry Downhill 2 Dunboe Freehall or Londonderry Aghanloo 6 & Aghanloo Moneyvennon 10 Freemanstown Antrim Donegore 50 & Donegore 51 Freugh Londonderry Ringsend 17 & Errigal 18 Freughmore Tyrone Clogher 58 & Clogher 64 Freughmore Tyrone Seskinore 51 Donacavey Freughmore Tyrone Loughmuck 43 Drumragh Frevagh Fermanagh Garrison 19 Devenish Friar's Island Fermanagh Kilmore 34 Aghalurcher Friary Antrim Ballyhoe 13 & Loughguile 18 Frosses Antrim Glenbuck 23 & Grange of 27 Dundermot Fruithill Londonderry Fruithill 9 & Drumachose 10 Furnish Fermanagh Cross 18 & Enniskillen 24 Fyagh Fermanagh Derrybrusk 27 Derryvullan Fyfin Tyrone Listymore 16 Ardstraw Fyfin Tyrone Glenmornan 5 Leckpatrick Fymore Moutray Tyrone Favour Royal 59 Errigaltrough .