ANDERSON COUNTY UNDERGROUND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 2007-2012 Water Management Plan Adopted: July 12, 2007 450 ACR 409, Palestine, Texas 75803 903-729-8066
[email protected] Anderson County Underground Water Conservation District Water Management Plan 2007-2012 CREATION OF THE DISTRICT The Anderson County Underground Water Conservation District is created under the authority ofArticle XVI, Section 59, ofthe Texas Constitution by Senate Bill 1518 on May 15, 1989. RIGHTS, POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE DISTRICT The district was originally governed by Chapter 52, Texas Water Code, which was repealed by the 74th Legislature in 1995. The district is now governed by and subject to Chapter 36, Texas Water Code, and has all the powers, duties, authorities and responsibilities provided by Chapter 36, Texas Water Code. The district is also governed by the Texas Administrative Code: Title 31 Natural Resources and Conservation, Part 10 Texas Water Development Board, Chapter 356 Groundwater Management. 1. The district may prohibit the pumping or use ofgroundwater ifthe district determinesthat the pumpingwould present an unreasonable risk ofpollution. 2. The district may limit the pumping ofgroundwater to uses determined by the board to benefit the district. 3. The district may requirepersonsholdinga permit for an injectionwell to purchase water from the district. 4. The district may adopt regulationsfor the disposal ofsalt dome leachate in the district or may require disposal ofsalt dome leachate outside the district. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Qualifications To be qualified for election as a director, a person must be: 1. a resident ofthe district, 2. at least 18 years ofage; and 3. not otherwise disqualified by Section 50.026, Water Code Composition ofthe Board The board ofthe district is composed ofnine members.