Christine S. Richard | 336 pages | 15 Apr 2011 | John Wiley & Sons Inc | 9781118010419 | English | New York, Hedge Fund Manager

Wall Street was happy to deal with both the bond insurers and AIG because they appeared to be among the most creditworthy counterparties in the world. They got inside the house and scratched at the walls, keeping Washington awake at night. The Worst That Could Happen. Do you like that better than a model? Hedge fund managers and especially short sellers are all too often portrayed in a negative light. The model was dangerous. In recent months, Ackman had shared his analysis of MBIA with Einhorn, who had meanwhile been unusually public in his criticism of another company called Allied Capital Corporation, a firm that provided debt and equity financing to midsized companies. Why did the number of insured bonds guaranteed by MBIA and Confidence Game: How Hedge Fund Manager Bill Ackman Called Wall Streets Bluff below investment grade double in the last few quarters? The next afternoon, with the list of Caulis Negris properties in hand, I went out to see more. Where are they filed with the SEC? The financial markets, only recently recovered from the upheaval caused by the failure of Long Term Capital Management, could be thrown into turmoil again. By insuring a bond and stamping the triple-A credit rating on it, companies such as MBIA and Ambac turned the security into a kind of commodity that could be easily traded. Then came the spark of inspiration. The meeting, held in Omaha, Nebraska, has been called the Woodstock of Capitalism and generally draws more than 20, people. The company had encountered serious problems in the late s, and the only way it kept investors believing in its zero-loss business model was by using deceptive accounting and disclosure. It borrowed the money to pay for the loss and accounted for it improperly as insurance. Larry E Swedroe. It also had an agreement with the city allowing it to charge 18 percent interest on overdue balances. Time Runs Out. Any doubts? When MBIA announced third-quarter earnings on November 8,there was no news about a resolution. Then he told Ackman that sometimes the right kind of press coverage had done the trick in the past. The reinsurance contracts magically erased the loss. Butler and Lopp had worked together on a deal in Omaha, Nebraska, several years earlier that became their blueprint. It was important that the analysts not appear to be downgrading a stock because they were pressured to do so, Schroeder says. The insurer would collect the insurance premium up front Confidence Game: How Hedge Fund Manager Bill Ackman Called Wall Streets Bluff exchange for guaranteeing the bonds and would invest the premiums over the long term. He was determined not to let all that research to go waste. Tarnoff said nothing during the proceedings, but he assumed expressions of surprise and indignation when witnesses for the defense, including Ackman, testified. So he spent a few hours in a one-way conversation. Richard's book also brings to light a few pertinent issues that still seem to bluff Wall Street itself. Incentives, however, pushed management to take more risk. Yet MBIA always sought to give the impression that nothing new ever happened in its business. If the portfolio was successfully constructed to a triple-A level of safety, then the Monte Carlo simulation would find that the insurer had enough capital to cover claims Berkowitz was not called back. I ask. The SEC might find it interesting, Ackman offered, that when he had talked to Alice Schroeder at she had told him that a rating-company downgrade of MBIA would have a Confidence Game: How Hedge Fund Manager Bill Ackman Called Wall Streets Bluff impact on the capital markets. The real reason MBIA was selling protection on itself, Ackman suggested to regulators, was to drive down the price of its CDS contracts and create Confidence Game: How Hedge Fund Manager Bill Ackman Called Wall Streets Bluff impression of stability. Of the many helpful sources I called on in my reporting on the bond insurers, three stand out for their patience and willingness to share their insights: Ed Grebeck, Dick Larkin, and Matt Fabian. Leucadia National Corporation had agreed to let Ackman take on outside investors a year ahead of schedule. Even with the investigation hanging over his head, Ackman kept trying to interest people in his MBIA research. And then if you really dig into something, you can really know more than the market. Whitney Tilson, the hedge fund manager who oversees T2 Partners, spotted the article first as he was reading the New York Times on a Sunday morning just before Christmas in It was an advance payment for housing state prisoners. Not him! Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. These would be worth less if MBIA were down- graded. Because the CDOs were considered even safer than the highest-rated securities, the premiums MBIA received to insure the securities were tiny. Ackman faced an uphill battle from the start as he was labeled a fraud by the media and was even investigated by and the SEC. The Question. The CDS market had another near miss with regulation, also inwhen bond insurers sought permission to enter the market. Whistleblowers should be taken seriously, even if they have something to gain from drawing attention to problems at a company, he wrote. They were wrong. It was detrimental when their arguments were seen as personally motivated. Being short a company is one thing. Indeed, plans were made on a Friday for Steingart to attend a meeting with Gotham at the insurance department the following week, Ackman told Waldman. A hurricane was barreling up the coast, and the MBIA executives had to get to the airport. These tax certificates also gave holders the right to collect interest and penalties and, if the debt went unpaid, to foreclose on the property. Was Gotham seeking to manipulate perceptions about a regulated insurance company by taking positions in the unregulated CDS market? It provided a lesson about risk, however, which is that one should never risk a business on a situation with a large downside even if it appears that the chance of winning is nearly percent. Berkowitz is not a member? After reading about Gotham in the newspapers, I assumed charges were pending against Ackman. The development stood incomplete decades after it was first conceived by Ben Carpenter, a wealthy Texan who sought to turn 12, acres of ranchland along the Trinity River into a sprawling community of offices, homes, resorts, and golf courses. I explained to a taxi driver that I was taking a look at a portfolio of properties owned by a New Confidence Game: How Hedge Fund Manager Bill Ackman Called Wall Streets Bluff insurance company. Reviews Schrijf een review. Under the program, Farmer Mac promised to buy individual farm loans out of a pool of loans designated by a bank. After lunch, the SEC attorneys turned on the air conditioning before questioning continued.