Open Session IICSA Inquiry - Internet Hearing 14 May 2019
Open Session IICSA Inquiry - Internet Hearing 14 May 2019 1 Tuesday, 14 May 2019 1 to ask you a little bit about your two children, 2 (10.30 am) 2 starting with your daughter, please, and at 3 (In Open Session) 3 paragraph 20, chair, in the witness statement. 4 THE CHAIR: Good morning, everyone, and welcome to Day 2 of 4 IN-H1, is this right? That, sadly, your daughter, 5 this two-week public hearing. 5 when she was younger, aged 5, was sexually abused 6 Ms Carey? 6 herself at that age? 7 MS CAREY: Thank you, chair. We're firstly going to hear 7 A. She was. 8 this morning from IN-H1. I ask that she now be sworn, 8 Q. I think it happened at a time when you were away for 9 please. 9 a week and it was whilst you were away that the abuse 10 WITNESS IN-H1 (affirmed) 10 happened? 11 (Evidence given via videolink) 11 A. It did. 12 Examination by MS CAREY 12 Q. I think the person that did that was arrested but 13 MS CAREY: IN-H1, good morning. I'm going to ask you some 13 nothing further happened to him; is that right? 14 questions, please, about your witness statement that 14 A. Yes, that's true. 15 I hope you have in front of you. 15 Q. And as well as dealing with that, your daughter was 16 A. I do. 16 bullied at school, she became a little bit of a bully, 17 Q.
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