Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945

ICT Based Services of Selected NAAC Accredited College Libraries in the District ofBirbhumunderthe : An Evaluative Study


Md. Alamgir Khan Librarian, , Khujutipara.Birbhum.W.B.. E-mail- [email protected] & Research Scholar, Department of Library & Information Science SSSUTMS, Sehore (M.P.)

& Dr. Arun Modak Research Guide& Associate Professor Department of Library & Information Science SSSUTMS, Sehore (M.P.)

Abstract: The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have brought changes in library services in a massive way. ICT helped libraries to achieve its goals like management of information, providing effective services to its users and extending services beyond boundaries, to say, from the four-walls to the globe. The functions of college libraries are changing due to the application of ICT, especially services provided to library users. The purpose of the present study is to survey and assess the status of ICT based library services of selected National Assessment and Accreditation Council accredited college libraries in the jurisdiction of Birbhum under the University of Burdwan.

Keywords: College Libraries, Information & Communication Technology, Digital Reference Service,NAAC. Type of Article: Research Paper


Volume XII, Issue IX, September/2020 Page No:2022 Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945

1. Introduction Libraries are containing books, periodicals and other information sources. In early times people borrowed books and copied information from library. Later, libraries became noticeably influenced by information technology and computers, especially in the last five decades of the 20th century. Naturally they started to impart effective and unexpected services to their users. The emergence of ICT is one of the wonderful gifts of modern science and technology which has brought great changes in the history of library services. It has revolutionized the traditional concept of Libraries from a store house of books to an intellectual information centre. It has made library communication easier and has spread knowledge and information world-wide. This novel device plays an important role to build a progressive world. 2. Concept of ICT based Library Services The library is an organization that offers reference and information services to its users. Library service is the combination of the services-process and its delivery. In a library, the service offered from acquisition section, technical section, maintenance section, etc. are the processes carried out there and thereafter delivered to the users. The quality of service starts from the acquisition section, which carried uniformly to circulation section. Therefore, it is very necessary for librarian to understand the users, what they want, how they want and when they want the documents and information. The libraries have transformed drastically from storehouses for books and journals to the powerhouses of knowledge and information since the middle of the 20th century. The information and communication technology is responsible for this revolution. The library services have changed very fast in the last twenty years and at the same time electronic resources, networks and the World Wide Web represent a large portion of the library services. The very existences of libraries are dependable on users‟ satisfaction. Users are getting satisfied when the library is able to rise to his or her expectation or meet the actual needs. The librarians must manage staff, information in several supports and technical activities to produce quality services. Quality service means resources and services, which satisfy users‟ expectations and perceptions. Throughout the history, libraries were mainly concerned with collection development and processing. The library professionals gave less concern to quality in product and services never checked whether the users are satisfied or not. The library being a service organization, its prime objective is to provide the right documents, information and services to its users.


Volume XII, Issue IX, September/2020 Page No:2023 Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945

ICT based Best practices of the library users are: Library automation with library software Library websites/web page Online public access catalog (OPAC) Electronic document delivery services CAS and SDI services E-mail Electronic resources Institutional repository (IR) Full-text online service E-Library/Virtual library Social media networks Online reader consulting services& so on.

3. National Assessment and Accreditation Council

India possesses one of the world‟s largest and diverse education systems. Access to higher education has been improved by privatization, expansion, growing autonomy and introduction of Programmes in new areas. Simultaneously, much concern has been shown on the quality & relevance of the higher education. The National Policy on Education (NPE, 1986) and the Programme of Action (PoA, 1992), regarding these concern, spelt out strategic plans for the policies. They advocated the establishment of an independent National accreditation agency. As a result, the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) was established in 1994. It is an autonomous institution of the University Grants Commission (UGC). Its Head Quarter is situated in Bengaluru. The mandate of NAAC is an integral part of the effectual functioning of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).


Volume XII, Issue IX, September/2020 Page No:2024 Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945

4. Objectives of the Study:

The main objectives are as follows:  To know the current status of computer-based library services offered by constituent college libraries.  To know the present grade status of NAAC in the college libraries affiliated to the University of Burdwan in the Jurisdiction of Birbhum.

5. Scope of the Study: As on 31.03.2019, there are 16 Government aided general degree colleges in the district of Birbhum under the University of Burdwan. Out of which 12 Government aided colleges are NAAC accredited. This study is limited only to 9 Govt. aided day section general degree colleges as 3 colleges such as , Suri (EC date-10/03/2012), , Murarai (EC date 15/06/2009) and , Rampurhat (EC date 31/03/2007) have already over/expired validity status of the NAAC accreditation. It is valid for a period of Five years with effect from EC date as guided by the NAAC. Data has been considered up to 31st March 2019. The Colleges other than the general degree colleges have not been included in the present study.

6. Methodology: The present study mainly focuses on identifying the prospects of Library Services of the NAAC accredited Colleges in the district of Birbhum affiliated to the University of Burdwan, . Both primary and secondary data has been explored for the study. A structured questionnaire was designed to collect the related primary data by personal visits and personal interaction with the library professionals of the respective colleges.


Volume XII, Issue IX, September/2020 Page No:2025 Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945

7. Data Analysis: 7.1 Colleges Covered Under the Study: Table 1: Colleges Covered under the Study SL Name of the College Year of the No Establishment 1 (BC) 1950 2 ChandidasMahavidyalaya(CM) 1972 3 HiralalBhakat College(HBC) 1986 4 (KCC) 1896 5 PurnideviChowdhury Girls' 2004 College(PCGC) 6 SailajanandaFalguniSmritiMahavi 1998 dyalaya(SFSM) 7 (SC) 1963 8 SuriVidyasagar College(SVC) 1942 9 Turku Hansda Lapsa Hemram 2006 Mahavidyalay(THLHM)

The questionnaire was distributed among the librarians/library-in-charge of 09 Govt. aided valid NAAC accredited college libraries which were established during the period 1896-2006, Among these colleges 02 (22.22%) college have been established during the year 1896-1946 followed by 04 (44.44%) colleges in 1947-1997 and 3 (33.33%) colleges after 1998. Turku Hansda Lapsa Hemram Mahavidyalay library is the latest and Krishna Chandra College library is the oldest one.


Volume XII, Issue IX, September/2020 Page No:2026 Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945

7.2 Locality of the College: Table 2: Locality of the College Area Name of the College Libraries No. of College Percentage Libraries Rural Area CM,KCC,SFSM,SC,THLHM 5 55.56

Urban Area BC,HBC,PCGC,SVC 4 44.44 Total 9 100.00

Table 2 focuses that 5 colleges are situated in rural area i.e. 55.56% whereas 4 colleges are situated in urban area i.e. 44.44%. It may be shown by the following figure:


Rural Area Urban Area

44.44 %

55.56 % 0

Figure 1: Locality of the College


Volume XII, Issue IX, September/2020 Page No:2027 Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945

7.3 Accredited Status of Cycle-1: Table 3: Accredited Status of Cycle 1 Sl. Accredited Total No. of Name of the Colleges Percentage No. Status Colleges 1 A Nil 0 0 2 B++ Nil 0 0 3 B+ BC,SVC 2 22.22 4 B KCC,PCGC,SC,THLHM 4 44.44 5 C++ HBC 1 11.11 6 C CM,SFSM 2 22.22 Total 9 99.99=100

Table 3 denotes that accredited status of cycle 1. Out of 9, 2 colleges have got „B+‟ grade i.e. 22.22%, 4 colleges is accredited by NAAC „B‟ i.e. 44.44%, 1 college is accredited „C++‟by NAAC i.e. 11.11% and 2 colleges is accredited „C‟ by NAAC i.e. 22.22%. 7.4 Accredited Status of Cycle-2: Table 4: Accredited Status of Cycle 2 Sl. No. Accredited Name of the Total No. of Percentage Status Colleges Colleges 1 A NIL 0 0 2 B++ SVC 1 25 3 B+ SC 1 25 4 B CM,HBC 2 50 5 C Nil 0 0 Total 4 100

Table 4 shows that accredited status of cycle 2. Out of 4, 1 college has got „B ++‟ grade i.e. 25%, 1 college is accredited by NAAC „B+‟ i.e.25% and two colleges is accredited „B‟ by NAAC i.e.50%.


Volume XII, Issue IX, September/2020 Page No:2028 Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945

7.5 ICT Based Services

Table 5: ICT Based Services in the College Libraries





Information Information


LIST services LIST


Computerized Computerized


Lending Service Lending



Digital Reference Reference Digital

Internet Browsing Browsing Internet

Web Based Service Based Web Name of the Colleges the of Name 1 BC N N Y N N N Y 2 CM Y Y Y Y N N Y 3 HBC Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 4 KCC Y N Y Y N Y Y 5 PCGC Y N N N N N N 6 SFSM N Y N Y N N Y 7 SC Y N Y Y Y Y Y 8 SVC N N Y N Y N N 9 THLHM Y N Y N N Y Y Total 6 3 7 5 3 4 7 Percentage 66.67 33.33 77.78 55.56 33.33 44.44 77.78

Table 5 reckons the ICT based services offered to the users. These services may be classified in various terms, i.e. computerized lending service, digital reference service, internet browsing facility, E- information facility, web based service, printing service, N-LIST etc. Out of 9 libraries, 6(66.67%) libraries offer computerized lending service, whereas 3(33.33%) libraries offer no such service. Digital reference service is offered in 3(33.33%) libraries, but the remaining 6(66.67%) have none. Internet browsing facility is supplied in 7(77.58%) except only 2(22.22%) libraries. 5(55.56%) libraries offer E-information services to their users, but the remaining 4(44.44%) libraries impart none. Printing service is availed in 4(44.44%) libraries, but 5 (55.56%) have no such facility. 7(77.78%) libraries offer N-LIST services to their users, whereas 2(22.22%) libraries do not give such facility.


Volume XII, Issue IX, September/2020 Page No:2029 Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945

8. Findings of the Study I. Seven Govt. aided colleges were established after the period of independence and two Govt. aided colleges were established before the period of independence i.e. Krishna Chandra College (1896) & (1942).Near about 56% colleges are situated in rural area where as 44% colleges are situated in urban area. It is found that Govt. has established majority of the colleges in rural area for the upliftment of the backward area of the society under the . II. It is found that not a single college gets the accredited status „A‟ & „B++‟ by NAAC in Cycle 1. III. It is found that not a single college gets the accredited status „A‟ by NAAC in cycle 2. IV. Only 1/3rd Colleges are providing digital reference & web based services. Steps to be taken to cover more Colleges. 9. Suggestions: I. It may be suggested that no, of colleges should be increased in recent times II. Attention should be paid on both areas, rural and urban III. Colleges from both areas, rural & urban should be careful to acquire status “A”& “B++” in NAAC in future. IV. All types of ICT based services should be given to the users 10. Conclusion: The emergence of ICT has brought great changes in the history of library services. Today the scenario in library services is changing and the use of ICT has broken the traditional approach to provide library services and paved a way to transformation of technology based operations and services. Advancements in information communication technologies and their adoption in the present library system have opened up new windows for the libraries and users alike. It has made library communication easier and has spread knowledge and information world-wide.


Volume XII, Issue IX, September/2020 Page No:2030 Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research ISSN NO: 0022-1945

11. References: Kumar, P. (2004). Information Technology Application. New Delhi: B R Publishing Corporation. NAAC. (2018, May). Accredited status. Retrieved April 18th, 2019, from NAAC Website:

NAAC. (2019, February 1st). Affiliated college manual. Retrieved March 31st, 2019, from NAAC website: http:// images/docs/ Manuals/ Affiliated College Ma- nual19-03-2019.pdf

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