Katie Assael J458 Final Campaign Book Index

1.Creative brief 2.Spring board 3.Brand statement 4.Brand personas 5.swot analysis 6.rough drafts 7.media schedule 8.final campaigns Creative brief

Client: Tazo

Brief: Tazo Tea has always been a well-known tea company and is always doing the unexpected to be recognized. The plan is to reposition this tea brand with the goal of becoming the tea of the Gen Z generation. Tea is always being overlooked or seen as the drink of elderly people. By remarketing this tea to the younger generation, it can show that this company represents you and is also delicious.

Brand History: The name Tazo came from a mating dance performed by the Pharaohs in ancient Egypt. This is how founder Steven Smith explains the name of the company, and he wants it to represent the creativity, spirit and adventure that the Tazo brand encompasses. Smith founded the company in 1994 in Portland, Oregon. Smith was known to “go off the map” of things and wasn’t afraid to do the unexpected, and that is exactly what he did. By using a strange palette of flavor blends, mixed with unconventional ingredients, he created what he believes are the perfect flavors of tea blends.

The company was bought by in 1999 for $8.1 million, and Starbucks later opened a Tea-branded tea shop in November of 2012. That store closed and turned into what a lot of people know as stores. In 2017 Starbucks sold Tazo to for $384 million.

Current Brand Status: Today, Tazo is still a brand under Unilever and they just recently launched a new lineup of teas called the ready-to-drink lineup in January of 2020. The flavors are passion, zen, and awake, and are available in single or multi-serve bottles. However, this launch was not as known about, even though it has a lot to offer and promote. The bottles are made from 100% recycled materials and contains 20% less sugar. By marketing this and designing a campaign targeted towards the younger generation, this launch would have been much more popular if this product was properly marketed towards them because these are all values Gen Zers gravitate towards. Target Audience: That being said, the target audience for this campaign will be our Gen Z generation. This is for males, females, whoever you choose to identify as, ages 14-24. Most of these individuals will be students who are in high school and college. A lot of these individuals are still finding their way in life and are trying to figure out what they want to do in this world. These individuals are just starting out and have a lot to offer in life if given the opportunity.

Words that Describe Tazo Tea:

Sustainable: With the new line of ready-to-go drinks being made from 100% recycled bottles, the company plans to continue to use recycled materials for their bottles to further their steps in becoming a more sustainable and environmentally friendly brand.

Adventurous: This company was branded on being adventurous and taking steps out of your comfort zone to find the unexpected.

Free-spirited: Tazo wants you to explore and fully be yourself. This brand has prided themselves on being curious, seeking and always questioning the world. Tazo says the unforeseen is what drives them, so being free-spirited is exactly what this company is all about.

Unique: Tazo has worked hard to create different and unique blends of teas by discovering different flavors of spices to be added to their teas. By using unconventional ingredients, Tazo has created some of the most flavorful teas that were not expected.

Healthy: By using 20% less sugar in their new drinks, having organic blends of teas, and even “skinny’ tea options, Tazo has always valued being a healthy brand.

Media Assignments: Traditional Non-traditional Social Media Spring Board Brand Statement

Tazo is in the business of tea to support young users achieve freeing connection by delivering fearless messaging, to be inspired to live unexpectedly. The solution needs to key in on the brand’s organic drinks. Brand personas Brand personas cont. swot analysis

Strengths Strong company values Informative website Comes in many forms Many unique, premium flavors Weaknesses Committed to clean, renewable energy sources More expensive than some Blend their own tea competitors Identifiable package design Weak media presence Tea is not as favored as coffee products The many varieties of Tazo tea Opportunities can be intimidating to some Increasing demand for health consumers remedies Tazo's target market is more health conscious than ever Increasing consumer demand for premium tea products Threats Society is increasingly sustainably When looking for a caffeine source, conscious, and cares about where people turn to coffee before tea as a first their products come from and how choice they are made Tea leaves are more expensive than Increasing sales of Keurig brewers coffee beans Premium teas are a fast growing tea segment in grocery and natural food stores, which adds competitors to the market Top competitors such as Twinings, Red Diamond, and China Mist Tea Rough drafts Media Schedule

Traditional *Print ads for Time, Cosmopolitan, Us Weekly, and National Geographic magazines



Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Final campaign: traditional

*Traditional print ads that will be used to promote the Tazo pop-up truck traveling across the country. Most of the print ads will be in magazines like Us Weekly, Time, and Cosmopolitan, but also in National Geographic to encompass the brands outdoorsy roots. The print ad size will be 1/4 of a page and will use the colors seen in the example below. final campaign: non-traditional

*The Tazo pop-up truck will travel from city to city in the United States promoting the different kinds of organic and delicious drinks that Tazo has to offer. final campaign: Social Media

*By using the hashtag #findthetazotruck on Instagram, people can us show their best photos of them enjoying the truck with their community in their home city!