Building Faster Better
BUILDING FASTER BETTER A guide to inclusive instant payment systems Nov. 2019 January 2021 William Cook, Dylan Lennox, Souraya Sbeih ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank the many experts and organizations without whose invaluable help this techni- cal guide would not have been possible. Partner organizations who provided comments and helped to workshop multiple iterations of the guide: Harish Natarajan, Holti Banka, Nilima Ramteke (World Bank); Kosta Peric, Miller Able, Matt Bohan, Dilwonberish Aberra (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation); Ruan Swanepoel, Bart-Jan Pors, Anant Nautiyal (GSMA); Ghiyazuddin Mohammad, Ivan Ssettimba, Kennedy Komba (Alliance for Financial Inclusion); Ahmed Dermish, Amani Itatiro (UNCDF); Shakila Kerre (FSD Africa); Victor Malu, Juliet Mburu (FSD Kenya); Daniel Mhina (FSD Tanzania); Renita Nabisubi, Jean Bosco Iyacu (Access to Finance Rwanda); Rashmi Pillai, Juliet Tumuzoire, Joseph Lutwama, George Muga (FSD Uganda); Betty Wilkinson (FSD Zambia); and David Porteous (Digital Frontiers Institute). Subject matter experts who provided technical information: John Maynard, Dick Mabbott (UK Faster Payments); Mirjam Plooij (European Central Bank); Arthur Cousins (SADC Bankers Association); Ramachandran Sundaresan (National Payments Corporation of India); Katrina Stuart (New Payment Platform Australia); Miguel Arce, Fernando Barrios (Pagos Digitales Peruanos, Peru); Maha Bahou (Jo-PACC, Jordan); June Ruweza (Central Bank of Kenya); Seun Owoeye (Integrated Payment Services Limited, Kenya); Raymond Estioko, Bridget Romero (Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas); Gisèle C. Keny Ndoye, Ndèye Fatou Dieng Gueye, Kuassi Ayikué Satchivi (Banque Centrale des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest); Charles Niehaus; Martin Warioba; Ariadne Plaitakis; Paul Makin; Alaa Abbassi; and Anand Raman. Consultative Group to Assist the Poor 1818 H Street, NW, MSN F3K-306 Washington, DC 20433 Internet: Email: Telephone: +1 202 473 9594 Cover photo: Nicolas Réméné, for CGAP via Communication for Development Ltd.
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