
Friends of the ABC (NSW) Inc. qu a r terly newsletter Sept. - Oct. 2001 Vol 13, No. 11

in c o r p o r a t i n g ba c k g r ound briefing national magazine up d a t e friends of the abc

THE TOWN CRIER by Greg Struck Once upon a time, there existed a happy little kingdom. It In a departure from serious was different to other kingdoms, because its citizens could political com- choose their king every few years. Another thing that made ment, one of this kingdom different was that, long ago, the people had our members decided to appoint a town crier to tell the citizens what was has written an happening within and outside their kingdom. allegorical tale for your He was paid by the people so the king couldn't tell him enjoyment. PT what to say. His job even had a new word to go with it, a word unknown to the people in the neighbouring kingdoms. The word was “independent”. The crier could find out exactly what was happening and tell the people. This was especially useful to the people each time they chose a new king. Few kingdoms had such on. Naturally, not every king a town crier. liked the town crier and his news. Sometimes a king Of course, he wasn't the who didn't like the crier's only town crier. Rich mer- news even tried to stop him chants also employed their speaking, but without suc- own criers who strolled the cess. The crier continued streets in fine clothes and giving his independent used clever tricks to get the views on events in the king- people to listen. With the dom. Occasionally he made help of magicians, they had mistakes, but everyone also mastered the art of agreed he could be trusted. telling people exactly which Most people in the kingdom goods they should buy. It were happy to have an offi- was, however, said by many ,ABC; Wal Brown,Chair Great Lakes FABC; Tim cial independent crier. Bowden; Penelope Toltz,Pres. FABC (NSW) at Great Lakes Friends that their news was some- times different to the official One day, the king of the crier's news and that they time decided that the town didn't always tell the people crier was receiving too many everything that happened. gold coins for calling the news. So, he cut down the It was even whispered number of coins the crier that the merchants, two was given each year. It powerful ones in particular, became harder for the crier sometimes told their criers to do his job well, but, being to flatter the king in conscientious, the crier exchange for royal favours, struggled on and still man- though all concerned aged to tell the people More than 350 people braved terrible weather to support the Friends denied this. of the ABC Great Lakes. (photos courtesy Manning River Times) And so the years went Continued page 4 The AGM of the Friends of the ABC Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday 6th October 1-4 pm Have you made an appointment to ‘Y On the Park Conference Centre’ see your local Federal Member of 5-11 Wen t wo r th Avenu e , 2010 Parliament... AND THE OTHER CANDIDATES Guest Speaker: . RUNNING IN YOUR ELECTORATE? Please be prompt. Ms Doogue has family Are you unsure what to do? commitments after her speech which will Unsure what to say? commence at 1 o'clock sharp. Phone today: 9990 0600 Leave your phone number and name We are looking for a new secretary and s l o w l y and we'll get back to you committee members with writing/journalism with advice on how to do it. experience and public speaking ability. OR VISIT OUT WEBSITE: www.fabc.org.au/nsw You’ll be able to find out who your Illawarra Friends’ Cabaret local member is and read their reply Friday 28 Sept to our letter. We hope this will encourage you to contact your local 8:00 pm Federal Member/Candidate and Bulli School of Arts, express your concerns. Princes Highway Bulli. This will be a great night of entertain- ment on the South Coast. The very popular local group ‘Funkier than Alice’ will present a S T O P P R E S S review featuring political satire written espe- Threat To Current Affairs cially for the Friends. A proposed new editorial guideline being consid- The group made-up of ‘four women and ered by the ABC board which calls for ‘balance” with- a cello’ were previously known as ‘Cabaret in each program could seriously inhiibit current affairs reporters from doing their job. The Minister for any Politique’ and performed at last year’s portfolio would only have to say “no comment” or Comedy Festival. refuse to appear or be interviewed and the opposition The cost is only $15. spokesperson would not be able to appear on the Make up a table and bring your program either as “balance” would then not be possi- own supper basket and drinks. ble within that program. The same situation would Tea & Coffee supplied. occur were the opposition not willing or able to appear. Bookings are essential The ABC Board has called on the St. James and close Fri 14/9/01 5 pm Ethics Centre to look at the proposed editorial guide- Enquiries: Jean 4284 5740 or lines, described as ”too legalistic”. Julie 4226 2323. We await developments.

Use of the Friends logo In all other ways they are as diverse as the general We have not given permission for any political Australian community. What they have in common is party or candidate to use our logo or implly that we their united support for the independence and proper endorse them. Please let us know if you see our logo funding of Broadcasting Corporation. on any material from any political party or candidate. The Friends of the ABC's task is to let our mem- The Friends of the ABC is not associated with bers know what is happening at and to the ABC and to any political party or other lobbying group. Our organise public support to enable the ABC to survive members have in common their united support for the and function as a fully funded truly independent public independence and proper funding of the ABC. broadcaster. Penelope Toltz

Page 2 Pre s i d e n t ’ s Report he Friends of the ABC with elderly and failing equip- At present Friends of the (NSW) Inc has been extremely ment. ABC in all Federal electorates, busy over the last month. The ar e calling on their local Members I believe that whoever is in major events have been two of Parliament, whether they be power after the end of this year - public meetings in July. Politics Coalition, National, Labor or a better way of interacting with in the Pub in Surrey Hills Sydney Independent and letting them members of parliament in an and a public meeting of the know how important the ABC is ongoing way has to be found. Great Lakes Friends of the ABC to them and making them aware Just like some politicians observe in Forster. Our electoral cam- that their party's policies about Army war games to see how the paign has started involving the the future funding of the ABC army works, I'd like the same lobbying of local members of and its independence are going thing to happen with our politi- parliament and known candi- to count when they vote at the cians and the ABC. The job dates for the next Federal elec- end of this year. would an additional one to any- tion and also we have been one who is presently in the ACT Please consider making an involved with the preparation of or other capital cities or regions. appointment to see YOUR the FABC national submission for The ABC is an important part of Member of Parliament to voice the inquiry into ABC board our democracy, and it seems to your concern for the future of the appointments . be woefully misunderstood and ABC and to ask them where they At ‘Politics in the Pub’ in unappreciated by those in power. stand. If enough of us make this Surrey Hills in July, Kirsten effort, we can make a difference Likewise it would be inter- Garrett, Tony Moore (Pluto Press) as all of them care about being esting to find out how many and I spoke about “The ABC elected or re-elected. Board Members have spent a After This Government”. There day being involved in seeing how If possible please try and were more than 150 people in programs get to air – to see how talk to ALL the candidates in attendance and it was an infor- ABC staff manage with old YOUR area before the next mative evening for all. equipment, not enough tapes, Federal Election? You may feel I spoke about future govern- not enough people or time to do more comfortable if you ask a ments and the way they should research. close friend to go to the appoint- interact with the ABC. I also ment with you. Sunday 29th July I went to spoke about what the ABC Forster to speak at a meeting of should be doing in its relations Penelope Toltz. the Great Lakes Friends of the with any future government. ABC. I was in great company Some time ago, with Quentin Dempster and and I spoke about the necessity retired ABC stalwart Tim Bowden of the ABC having someone to and we all spoke passionately liaise on a regular basis with about the ABC. members of the parliament both government and opposition. If anyone thinks the ABC is now not an election issue and From our contact with many people are not seriously con- politicians, it is clear that most cerned about the future of the are not aware of the breadth and ABC, they should consider that depth of the ABC’s program- more than 350 people braved ming. It would be very construc- terrible weather to hear us speak tive if the ABC had a member of The Sydney Showgrounds at the Forster Bowling Club. So staff specially there to organise many turned up that a moveable Homebush Bay MP's to come to the ABC either wall had to be folded back to 10:00 - 6:00 in the ACT or in their capital city, accommodate the large turnout! - to see how programs are put It was a wonderful morning, well Thursday, 20 September together and to understand the reported by the local paper and I huge variety of activities that Friday, 21 September thank the FABC committee in ABC staff are involved with. They Forster for their hospitality and Saturday, 22 September would also see how the ABC making their meeting a huge struggles to put on programs Sunday, 23 September success. The Town Crier (Continued from page 1) what was happening. The next things and didn't ask embarrass- University of Technology king did the same, saying that ing questions. times were difficult. The crier found it even harder to do his job, but Some say the king was fol- was still to be found each evening lowed by another king, but even Forum walking the streets, making sure this king did not give the crier into that the citizens heard the news. enough coins and he still struggled. Public Service Broadcasting Eventually, a particularly hard- But,. others say that the people hearted king came to power. of the kingdom became very angry. Before he became king, he had They liked having an official crier promised that he would not and didn't want only the merch a n t ' s 16th November reduce the number of gold coins views. They rose up and wrote to the crier was given. But, on all the king's courtiers. They went Friday becoming king, he immediately to visit them and told them how told the crier that he would have to they felt. They said "No matter Come along and work with fewer coins. The crier who is king in future, we want the contribute to the replied, "Your majesty, I cannot! I crier protected and looked af t e r . We discussion al r eady struggle to do my job. like his news and information. When I call the news, I wear tat- Guthrie Theatre te r ed clothes. While the merch a n t ' s And we want it without any University of Technology extras." When it was time to criers ride fine horses, I walk the (just up from the ABC) st r eets in worn shoes. And my choose a new king, they made sure that everyone who wanted to Harris Street Ultimo bugle has a crack in it. I need a Time: 9.30 am ne w bugle to announce myself. be king knew that the people Have you priced bugles lately, your demanded an official crier with Registration: ma j e s t y ? " who was paid enough gold coins to do his job well. from 14th September But the king was unmoved, as Cost: $40 for the day Dear reader, how do you think ($20 concession) were the Minister for Town Crying the story should end? and the crier's bumbling supervi- Registration by sor, who had arrived late at the ABC Friends on the Phone: 9514 2311 from meeting after being delayed by a Ce n t r a l Coast 14/9/01 or email difficult decision about whether to will hold a [email protected] come in his personal coach or be Public Meeting October 7 driven in his official carriage. While at the Gosford Leagues Club. Update athorised by P.Toltz 11/17 this supervisor dealt harshly with Quentin Dempster and Buckingham Street Surrey Hills 2010 the town crier, he was always Printed by B.E.E. Printmail, 1/5 polite when he met with the king. ( Penelope Toltz will speak. Waltham St., Artarmon 2964 In fact you could say he became shyer and shyer with the king and the Minister for Town Crying). Back at the meeting, the king said, "Crier, we have to be rational. Not only am I giving you fewer coins, but I am thinking of selling your services to the merchants. You can then sell things as well as announcing the news. If you sell enough things, I won't have to give you any coins at all!"

Storytellers still argue what happened next.

Some say the king had his way and forced the town crier to be just like the merchant's criers who did what they were told, sold

Page 4 Cavalcade to Canberra In June of this year a cavalcade In Canberra, the FABC rally out- until closer to the election for more of buses and cars left Melbourne side Parliament House was concrete promises. to travel to Canberra. On the way addressed by representatives of all As we head towards the elec- they would stop at Seymour, political parties except the tion, the Friends of the ABC will be , Wangaratta and Albury- Coalition partners. pushing all parties to: Wodonga. The trip, organised by The travellers were welcomed • Restore ABC funding to at Friends of the ABC, , was by Brian Hill, Vice President of the least its 1995-6 level (adjusted for aimed at raising the issue of the FABC in the ACT and region. inflation) plus funding to permit the ABC's independence and funding June Factor, Vice President of the ABC to participate fully in the digi- throughout the length and breadth FABC in Victoria, and Darce tal environment. of Victoria, and taking the issue to Cassidy, National Spokesperson, the politicians and people of • Advertising to be prohibited spoke on behalf of the Friends. Canberra. on all ABC activities, including ABC Online, and not just on radio Kim Beazley, Natasha Stott- Before the Canberra trip were and television. Despoja and Bob Brown all visits to other regional areas in expressed support for ABC inde- • An end to the stacking of the Victoria, and a send off rally in pendence, and better funding. ABC Board with people sympa- Melbourne attended by more than They spoke in general terms, and thetic to the government of the 4,000 people. it seems that we will have to wait day. ABC Board appointments “What will your party do for the ABC?” mo r e important than books after the election. It is co s t - appointments to the ‘Will your party support a more fr ee, and it will bring great ku d o s high court transparent method of appointing and votes for the party wh i c h is will- directors to the Board of the ing to put public interest before Max Walsh in The Bulletin ABC?’ This is one of the questions what is perceived as party interest. 19/6/01 writes of “the desire on we shall be putting to all the major While each party has antipathy the part of the government of the parties before the federal election. towards giving up some of its day to assert its control over the power over the ABC, they should We shall put before them the national broadcaster. consider that legislating to do this alternatives for appointing the will in turn curb the other party Board that we made in our sub- In day-to-day political terms, when it returns to government. mission to the Senate inquiry into the government’s power to appoint The crucial fact for the ABC and ABC Board Appointments. the ABC Board members and, Australia is that the destructive and with backroom guidance, the chief The response to this question costly ‘up for grabs’ treatment of executive is considered to be more will be a crucial part of our Report the ABC following a change of important than its appointments to Card on the commitment to the government will end. the High Court.” ABC of the major parties. The Commitment to opening up Report Card will be widely circulat- Board appointments to public We have been successful in ed in the marginal electorates, and scrutiny will be a touchstone for bringing the issue of the appoint- through Update and Background assessing the policy documents ments to the ABC Board into pub- Briefing, and lic debate. We are convinced that voters will be until the system of appointments asked to becomes more transparent the ‘Remember the future of the ABC will not be ABC when you secure. vote’. A commit- ADD YOUR VOICE TO THE ment to setting DEBATE BY WRITING up an open and TO THE LEADERS OF transparent pro- THE MAJOR PARTIES AT : cedure for nomi- PARLIAMENT HOUSE nating and CANBERRA ACT 2600 selecting Board directors does not depend on the state of the

Page 5 The Senate Inquiry into ABC Board Appointments “A new, open and transpar- proposed that the taint be eliminat- selection criteria, and the public ent method of appointment, ed by the disinfectant of sunlight. advertisement of vacancies. cleansed by the disinfectant of * Or by an Independent sunlight." Friends of the ABC put forward Appointments Commission follow- a range of five options. Their com- ing the development of selection The Friends of the ABC sub- mon feature was transparency. criteria, and the advertising of mission to the Senate Inquiry into We argued that since one of the vacancies. the way in which members of the functions of the ABC is to lay open ABC Board are appointed is now the processes of government, it * Or by the method described available through the FABC SA was inappropriate that the board in Recommendation 22 of the website at . Management and Operations (that The submission suggested that is, by a committee of both Houses Our submission demonstrated appointments to the ABC board of Parliament) that condemnation of the current should be taken seriously. * Or by a two thirds majority of practice is almost unanimous. We Selection criteria should be devel- all members of the federal parlia- quoted criticism of board stacking oped, vacancies should be widely ment. by the Prime Minister and by advertised, and a short list of suit- DARCE CASSIDY Senator Alston. We quoted able candidates published. It is attacks on board stacking by the not good enough for the names of Shadow Minister for a few mates to be tossed around Communications, Mr Stephen the Cabinet table. Smith, and by Labor Senators Gareth Evans and Chris Schacht. We proposed that Former Chairmen of the ABC, future appointments to and Professor Mark the ABC Board be Armstrong, have also condemned made either : the practice. So have a host of * By the govern- independent commentators includ- ment from a short list ing Stewart Fist, Michelle Grattan selected by a joint par- and the Canberra Times. liamentary committee following the develop- Everyone agrees that the pro- ment of selection crite- cess is crook, except for the party ria and the advertising in power at the time (and perhaps of vacancies. the party that expects to enjoy the * Or by the govern- spoils of office in a few months ment from a short list time). selected by an Independent Having demonstrated conclu- Appointments sively that the current method of Commission following appointment was on the nose, we the development of

On the evening of Monday 20 August, as Darce Cassidy, our national spokesperson, was presenting and speaking to our submission to the Senate inquiry , Channel 2 was running the celebratory 40th anniver- sary Four Corners program. The Four Corners program was moving witness to the part the ABC has played in exposing corruption, corporate irresponsibility, callous indifference and politi- cal chicanery in our national life. It was also a potent reminder of the hatred of the ABC by governments and parties who see these pro- grams simply in an adversarial light, as being politically motivated. Cartoon courtesy Krygsman

Page 6 Commitment of The Board’s Restructure of corporate plan a restructure the Chairman of Since Mr McDonald was the Board The Board publishes its corpo- appointed to the chair of the ABC rate plan in the ABC’s Annual Bo a r d he has overseen not one but Donald McDonald is set to Reports. This is the guideline for two re-structures of the ABC. spend another five years as new directions. From the Annual In only five years. chairman of the ABC. In this Report 1999-2000 we find that a term it is to be hoped he strives new Corporate Plan was developed The first was ‘One ABC’, man- aged by Mr Shier’s predecessor, vigorously towards the goal of and approved by the Board for the Brian Johns. At the time, Mr ensuring the ABC is a better new triennium. The document sets McDonald pointed out [in a letter to institution at the end of those out five major objectives for the ABC from 1999 to 2002: The Australian 3/3/98] that the five years than it is now. There is Corporation’s “radical, determined little evidence he seriously pur- In addition to fulfilling its responsi- and successful” new structure is all sued such a goal during his first bilities under the ABC Act, and about positioning the broadcaster term, and quite a lot of evidence pursuing maximum efficiency and for “the digital revolution”. It was the ABC is adrift and in need of effectiveness, the Board articulat- also about accommodating the the steady course only a com- ed other key areas for attention: $66m cuts. mitted chairman can achieve. transforming ABC services in the Er r ol Simper commented in 1998 Brisbane Courier Mail 9/7/01 digital age; developing Australian content; and ex-panding services on the high cost of that restructure: Mr Howard disagrees. He is to local and regional communi- The ABC has, of course, seen fit reported as saying that the ABC ties.These five key objectives form to part with millions in order for the basis of reporting in this year’s chairman had done a 'first-class .. consultancy firms to craft its latest Annual Report. absolutely outstanding job'. strategies. In truth, enough consul- The Corporate Plan is more tancy guided ABC documentation The Board, whose directors interesting in what it leaves out. has reached the scribe over the last are selected solely by the govern- Th e r e is no mention of Mr McDonald’s few months to enable him to make ment in power, is responsible for plans for radical cultural change at the considered judgement that great - and probably beautiful - the direction and performance of the ABC. Yet a list of ‘essential forests have been irresponsibly the ABC, and for maintaining its attributes’ for a new managing direc- slain so that highly rem u n e r a t e d independence from political and tor as required by the ABC Board included: people can state the obvious, else commercial pressures. It is respon- draw conclusions dozens of corpo- sible for seeing that the ABC “A change manager, able to lead ration insiders could have drawn meets its Charter obligations. an organisation through significant without charge. cultural transformation.” The Australian 7/3/98 The chairman and the Board Where has the Chairman clearly endorse the actions of the On his appointment Mr Shier explained or justified this? From immediately set about his radical managing director, . which sections of the community The granting of a $20,000 perfor- restructure, to ‘reinvent public has there been any demand for broadcasting’ [SMH 27/10/00] and mance bonus - despite the “significant cultural transforma- change the culture of the ABC. widespread condemnation of Mr tion”? Shier’s record - confirms this belief. Before Mr Shier abandoned his Mr Shier, cutting a swathe chaotic restructure, the Chairman through staff and programs at the Guest journalist on Sydney 702, had ‘pledged to see through the ABC, would appear to be follow- Margot Kingston, commented extensive restructuring of the public ing an undisclosed corporate plan bro a d c a s t e r . Mr McDonald de- on whether Mr Shier’s perfor- of the Board. mance bonus had been earned: scribed criticism of Mr Shier and his “If this man’s brief was to destroy With the defining fact of his first ref o r m s as “misguided and unfair” the ABC he deserves perfor- term being that he had friends in and “coming from those who are among our principal competition. mance pay. Collapsing rates, the high places, little attention was We will see it through,”Mr McDonald death of any form of morale, the paid to Mr McDonald’s actual per- told the ABC’s Media Watch.’ exodus of senior talent.” formance as ABC Chairman. But while he insists that he and the The Australian 7/11/00 SMH 15/8/01 rest of the ABC Board bring no Included in the costs of these two political agenda to its meetings, Further than this, we must restructures over five years are Mr McDonald has not been much assume that what has happened redundancy payments of $76 million. help in enlightening Australians as [ABC Annual Reports] under Mr Shier has been at the to what agenda is at work inside behest of the Board. the corporation. Imagine the programs that could Brisbane Courier Mail 9/7/01 have been made with that amount of money.

Page 7 No Friends of the ALP The political cost or any political party of damaging the In an effort to discredit We loudly criticised our attempts to depoliticise Gareth Evans’ proposal ABC the method by which the that the ABC be funded by ABC Board is appointed, advertising, and we joined we have been accused of with Senator Alston and While the ABC Board bears signifi- failing to advocate this the Coalition in condemn- cant responsibility for the present state of when Labor was in power. ing the back door sponsor- the ABC, it is the government that will [eg PP McGuinness SMH ship deals in ABC televi- take the weight of audience and public 4/8/01] sion under a Labor admin- outrage. istration. In October 1985 the Not only for the crippling effect of its President of the Friends in failure to fund the ABC adequately but , Walter In our next - pre-election also for its perceived pressure on the Bass, wrote in our newslet- - issue we will assess the Board. te r : positive and negative "The Corporation is actions during the peri- As Edith Waller wrote in a letter to under fire from a Labor ods of responsibility for The Australian: administration which is the ABC of the Labor When considering the politicisation of proving to be a greater governments from 1983 the ABC board, attention must be threat to the ABC's inde- to 1996 and of the paid to the power of the minister - pendence than the Howard government from the extent to which a board made up Fraser government ever 1996. of Liberal supporters is prepared to was... Politicians have Without fear or favour. sit by and allow him to take charge tried stacking the Board when it suits their political purpose. with their nominees... In Senator Alston the ABC is repre- I also appeal to all the sented, for the first time in its history, Friends of the ABC to by a minister who is unconcerne d make their disapproval about its well-being. known on any and every The national occasion when the FABC submission ...the ABC chairman persists in deny- Government’s intrusion to the ing that political pressure influences into ABC activities Senate Enquiry Board decisions. The minister, who appears to be motivated into exerts the pressure, doesn’t even by political rather than ABC Board Appointments bother to deny it. 9/8/01 community considera- is available at tions." ww w. f a b c . o r g.au Max Walsh writing in the Bulletin In the Spring 1989 19/6/01 has some interesting specula- issue of the newsletter he tions on the election fallout of the wrote: Mc D o n a l d / S h i e r governance: "The second of the For a government facing an election, ABC's foes - by far the the wave of viewer indignation is more sinister - is the unnerving. The core ABC audience politician... Both Hawke is the very constituency the govern- and Peacock make no ment feels it is losing. Howard has, secret of their dislike of in the past, been heard to grumble the ABC... Hawke was that the ABC is a case of “my not exactly enamoured of enemy talking to my friends”. This Four Corners programs may have been the case in the past scrutinising the business but those friends continued to vote activities of Sir Peter for the Coalition. Now the govern- Abeles and Alan Bond, ment runs the risk of being blamed with whom Hawke is on for the destruction of the ABC. good terms."

Page 8 Misleading claims What the Howard REDUNDANCY PAYO U T S for the ABC’s 2001 Government hasn’t $76 million total under Budget given the ABC in 5 Howard/Alston Claims have been made by years in office The 12% cut in 1996-97 led to the both the Minister, Senator Alston, departure of nearly 1000 of the and the Chairman, Donald It has given NO funding for broadcaster’s staff. Redundancy McDonald, that the appropriations these expenses and initiatives: payments cost $23m in 1996-97 in this year’s budget are a record • Expansion in the field of New and $25m in 1997-98. These costs amount for the ABC, exceeding Media, that is, ABC Online. This dropped to $2.5m in 1998-99 and those for the last year of the has been considerable. $3.4m in 1999-2000. • Funding for content produc- Keating government, 1995-96. Few expected the figure would tion for the new ABC Kids’ digital return to anything like $22m in Clever spin - but misleading. channel. 2000-01 when about 230 people • Rises in the cost of buying in left. As we understand it, the appro- overseas programs. Overseas pro- ABC Annual Reports priations - or ‘revenues from gram expenditure rose by $10 mi l - Government’ - comprise operating lion between 1996 and 1998-99. revenue for domestic services, • The development of News ATV ret u r ned to the ABC operating revenue for Radio Radio, which has been funded Australia, money for transmission since its inception from the base The original Australia Television service, which broadcast by satel- services, plus some capital funding funding. lite to the Asia-Pacific region, was and government loans. (The latter And since Mr Shier began to items create the biggest variations taken away from the ABC by the ‘change the culture’ NO funding Howard government in 1997 and when comparing budgets of differ- for these expenses: ent years.) sold to the 7 Network. The service • Increased salaries for new has now been given back to the managers and for an increased The key figures, in terms of ABC, with a grant of $75 million number of managers. over five years. what services the broadcaster can • Money for consultancies, provide, are the operating rev- staff recruitment agencies and This time the money is coming enues for domestic services and increased marketing. from the Department of Foreign for . Over the first • $22 million in redundancy Affairs and Trade, rather than being two years of the Coalition govern- payments. Yes, $22 million - more included in Parliamentary ment appropriations for broadcast- than the increase in funding for this Appropriations. It will also rely on ing services were reduced by 12% year. advertising and sponsorship, as or $66 million. This cut remained the earlier version did, with only until May of this year except for the So where did the money come limited success. return of some funding to Radio from? From the operating bud- Australia - $3m for three years. get for domestic services. How much money - and good Every year the content will in the Region - could have This year $17.8m was added to providers, television and radio, been saved had ATV been left with the ABC budget (for domestic ser- get a smaller cut of the cake. the ABC? vices), in a limited way. It is not part of the triennial funding arrangement and runs out after Forget a popularly four years. This money is ear- elected president. How marked for regional services. There about a popularly elect- were other amounts for transmis- ed head of the ABC? sion, capital funding and loans I propose a B1 and B2 which the Minister and the joint administration - Chairman included in their mis- maybe we’d get some- leading claims of record funding. thing good on TV at last - but better give The simple fact is that the one of them pink $66m cut - which would be stripes so everything’s $73.6m in today’s money - has nicely balanced. only been restored by about $3m GORDON WAKELIN- plus the $17.8m targeted for KING, regional broadcasting. Clifton Hill, Vic.

Page 9 Heroes and Martyrs - 40 years of Four Corners Darce Cassidy I was one of hundreds of pre- the rest of the team, we would program was in 'bad taste' and sent and former Four Corners staff gather in a conference room to should not be made. Mr Semmler to attend a function to celebrate review last week’s program, and then issued a statement saying the 40th anniversary of the pro- plan programs for the coming that Four Corners was not making gram in Sydney in August. weeks. One week our meeting a program about the forthcoming was enlarged to include the ABC's execution of Cooke. Most of us enjoyed ourselves, Assistant General Manager, but there were two people there Clement Semmler. The press, on hearing this who looked quite uncomfortable. statement, went back to Penlington. They were in ABC heartland, but He came to complain about an What was going on they asked. A neither ABC Chairman Donald item in last week’s program. It was nervous Penlington replied cau- McDonald, nor ABC Managing a story about claims by Manfred tiously, but firmly, "I stand by my Director Jonathan Shier, seemed Cross MP that womens' stockings statement of Tuesday" - meaning to be at home. were deliberately designed to lad- that yes, he was making a pro- der, as a way of boosting sales. gram about the Cooke execution. Donald McDonald spoke, and The program's Executive Prod u c e r , gave one of his usual smooth and It was a pretty run of the mill Alan Ashbolt, backed Penlington. urbane performances, but without item, but at one point the film much in the way of feeling. showed a model putting on a The next we heard was that Jonathan Shier kept a low profile stocking. As she rolled it up her Alan Ashbolt, the Executive on the sidelines. thigh, the camera lingered for a lit- Pro d u c e r , John Power, the Prod u c e r , tle longer than strictly necessary. and John Penlington, had all been Only recently Senator Alston Mr Semmler came to complain removed from Four Corners. Their had questioned the competence that he had been distressed by the offence - contradicting a senior of the ABC legal department. program, having seen it, as he put officer in the press. No matter that Jonathan Shier had pulled off the it, in mixed company. they had spoken the truth, no mat- air a program cleared by ABC ter that there were ten or more Legal, so that he could get a third, After listening solemnly to the witnesses, that Penlington had and external, opinion. This night, Assistant General Manager’s view been specifically commissioned to speaker after speaker praised ABC about what was appropriate view- make a program about Cooke - legal, and its head, Judith Walker. ing for mixed company, the meet- they had publicly contradicted the ing proceeded to discuss upcom- Assistant General Manager. Speaker after speaker referred ing programs. to past instances where political It looked very grim indeed. interference in the program had One item concerned the forth- Things got blacker. We asked the been attempted, and resisted. Again coming execution of Eric Edgar Union for support. A conservative and again the heroes and martyrs Cooke, who had been convicted union in those days, they refused. of Four Corners were honoured. of murder in Perth. While hanging This is a program matter, not an was still practised in some Australian industrial issue, they said. As the night wore one, Jonathan states, it was now rare, and public Shier seemed to become more feeling was growing against it. Then we were saved. The and more uncomfortable. Eventually, Secretary of the Council of according to press reports, he It was decided that John Salaried and Professional Assoc- exploded, publicly abusing a Four Penlington, one of the program’s iations, John Baker, had complained Corners producer as a 'stupid reporters, should take a camera to the ABC Chairman, Sir James Pom' who had made a 'boring crew and fly to Perth to cover the Darling, about the removal of program'. The producer in ques- controversy. Penlington, Power and Ashbolt. tion, Quentin McDermot, had made Before replying, Darling had con- the very program that Mr Shier Penlington was something of a sulted senior ABC management, had temporarily taken off the air. celebrity in Perth. Until recently he who it appears drafted a reply for had had his own local current Darling's signature. In the letter For me, and the others in the affairs program there. When he Darling wrote: room, this recalled another occa- arrived in Perth the local press “The officers concerned, against sion, thirty seven years earlier, asked him what he was doing standing instructions, and when another program had been back in Perth. He told them he against all decent practice, con- taken off the air for political rea- was there to make a program tradicted their senior officer in sons. The hero of this battle was about the proposal to hang Cooke. the public press. They have Four Corners reporter John been returned to their previous Penlington, and the martyr was News of this leaked out, and positions because they have Four Corners Executive Producer, the West Australian Premier came shown a lack of the res p o n s i b i l i t y Alan Ashbolt. to hear about it. He complained to necessary to conduct a program local ABC management, who con- of the type of Four Corners." I was a young Four Corners veyed his complaint to the Assistant Continued on page 11 researcher in 1964, and every General Manager. It seemed that Monday morning, together with the Premier thought that such a Page 10 Heroes and Martyrs - 40 years of Four Corners Shier cornered by politics Continued from page 10 The political row engulfing the It somehow didn’t come as an Baker gave a copy of the letter withdrawal of Monday’s Four immense shock when Budget to Ashbolt. With a copy of this let- Corners program is, in reality, a night delivered extra money. That ter in the hands of the Four barometer of just how inexpertly just shows, said Shier’s strongest Co r ners team, the ABC was ad- the Coalition has managed the supporter, Liberal Party luminary vi s e d that an action for defa m a t i o n ABC. The broadcaster, particularly , what a ‘success’ was being contemplated. its managing director, Jonathan Shier was proving. Shier, has become a powder keg. Suddenly the ABC wanted to Shier has also basked in the negotiate. It would be very emba- A media executive withholding obvious approval of the rrassing if the Chairman lost a defamation suit on the basis of his a story pending legal advice Communications Minister Richard signing a letter drafted by one of wouldn’t normally be very exciting. Alston, who should have realised the ABC's most senior managers. It happens in this building every long ago that publicly siding with few weeks. The Four Corners Shier is politically foolish. There were hurried talks, and a problem is that Shier has, largely The result is that everything deal was done. After a short time though a series of avoidable blun- Shier now does, be it sensible or in purgatory, Power and Penlington ders, delineated himself as a legiti- otherwise, is automatically coloured would be quietly reinstated. The mate political target. program on Cooke would be with politics. The Coalition, which broadcast, but only after he had Yet, despite his own ham-fisted frequently accused Labor of politi- been killed and the issue had lost mistakes, it isn’t entirely his fault. cising the ABC, has taken politici- immediacy. The Government, notwithstanding sation to a dangerous level, a dan- the excellence of some board ger which will probably not abate Ashbolt however was to be appointees, has filled the board- until Shier changes his job. sacrificed. The Executive Prod u c e r room with people perceived as of Four Corners since its incep- ERROL SIMPER having Coalition sympathies.The tion, and a distinguished actor, The Australian 20/7/01 author and foreign correspondent, perception has been that Shier, a Ashbolt was to be marginalised former Liberal party worker, is just Welcome back to The and demonised. He survived as a as political as the board. Never senior executive in the ABC for was this perception more alive Australian , Errol Simper, another ten years or more, but was than when, pre-Budget, Shier after an absence of under constant attack. He retired deliberately publicised his request months.You were missed. prematurely for health reasons. for additional ABC funding. The history of the ABC is full of Happy birthday, 4 Corners going to be in the program?” Moses asked. stories like that, and it's full of “They won’t, “ Raymond rep l i e d . In 1960, when ran the he r oes and martyrs like Penlington Silence. Then Moses gave the nod, ABC, Bob Raymond and announcer and Ashbolt. It's full of villains too. though with a proviso. “You will never be Michael Charlton found themselves under The program has survived, and able to do it through the normal chan- interrogation as Moses asked, “And what gone on to greater things, because nels. The only way it can be done is if Penlington, Ashbolt and many like makes you two think you can get this pro- gram off the ground, when all the advice I you two just go ahead and do it. If it’s a them have believed in the public's get is that it won’t worK?” success the ABC will take the credit. right to know The program? Four Corners. The pair And if it’s a failure, I personally will kick you both all the way up William Street.” As long as that history remains were suggesting a live broadcast once a week. BOB RAYMOND in his memoirs alive in the minds of ABC staff, “How will senior officers know what’s ‘Out of the Box’ and in the minds of the ABC's friends, like ourselves, then “stupid producers” will still try to make programs that politicians think are "boring", and in "bad taste". DARCE CASSIDY FABC National Spokesperson

Cartoon courtesy Bill Leck Page 11 Bad News Time to storm According to the Sydney ‘Really Bad News’ reports that the Bastille Morning Herald 13/8/2001, the television coverage of a strike by Alston, Howard and their col- news editor of ABC NewsRadio, Glasgow garbage collectors in leagues comfortably dismiss any Mark Henderson, has told rep o r t e r s 1975 focused almost exclusively criticism as politics, whether from that the main angle when covering on inconvenience to the public. Of the unions, the Labor Party or the industrial disputes should be the more than 14 reports in news bul- Friends. Thus they put themselves impact on the public. letins, only one report - on the in the position of being able to A leaked email from Mr BBC - mentioned the reason for accuse their critics of attempting the strike: the fact that the drivers Henderson states: to politicise the very body which received substantially less than If we are covering, for example, they have brought under the their counterparts in private indus- tightest control in its history. a dispute in the banking indus- try. The main thrust of reporting try, we should focus on whether was public inconvenience and We are not talking about Four banks will be closed. That should alleged health risks. When the Corners here; staff from the very include details about where and strike was only a couple of days for what period of time. top of the national television net- old, the media showed library work down to the lowly ranks of footage of piled up garbage from a Details of the dispute, for exam- regional radio presenters have ple rates of pay, are very much strike in 1974. At that point, early been intimidated into toeing the in the strike, there was not yet a secondary and our coverage line. Station managers have been risk to health. should reflect that. If an industri- threatened with dismissal if they al dispute does not impact on The authors noted: "If the news allow critical voices in marginal the public, we should be seri- was so concerned to provide a government seats. The intimida- ously considering why we are context and background to the tion may or may not have sub- covering it. dispute, why could more pertinent stance, but in the present climate facts not be given?" of fear few staffers are prepared Mr Henderson appears to be to try and call the bluff. The result saying that strikes should only be Reacting angrily to Mr is a resentful and cowed organi- reported when they depict unions Henderson's email, the Secretary sation, ideologically cleansed by a causing public inconvenience. of the NSW Labor Council, John vindictive government which Robertson, said: This, of course, has long been a increasingly regards anything practice in the commercial media. The Australian public have an short of fulsome praise as a dec- It has been comprehensively docu- absolute right to be fully laration of war. mented by a group of Glasgow informed about industrial dis- academics (The Glasgow Media putes and make their own minds The ABC has always been Group) in a three volume study up. If this direction was to be fol- seen as government’s natural published in the early 1980s. In lowed, the ABC would not have adversary. But it has seldom had ‘Bad News’, ‘More Bad News’ and covered the waterfront dispute, to confront an administration ‘Really Bad News’ the group made issues of workers’ entitlements eager to pluck out its very roots a detailed study of industrial rep o r t - or many other disputes which and then sow the ground in in g in the British electronic media. inform the political landscape. which it grew with salt.

Howard and Alston have praised McDonald for doing an outstanding job as chairman; McDonald vigorously supports Shier as a great reforming direc- tor. The team is united as a kind of reincarnation of Louis XIV: L’ABC, c’est moi.

It’s their ABC, and as with the Sun King, it might take a revolu- tion to take it back from them. And it will need more than the Friends, well-meaning as they are, to storm the Bastille. MUNGO MacCALLUM Cartoon courtesy Byron Shire Echo 24/7/01 Michael Atchison

Page 12 “Top-level management in a state of This blood letting must stop constant confusion” Ros Cheney, Arts Editor for ABC Radio, was told on Tuesday 12 Staff churn, public cost, public loss June that her position had been No one in the ABC should be departments across the country abolished. She was then told to surprised that Jonathan Shier are being dismantled. Much noise leave the building. pulled last week’s Four Corners is made about the pursuit of excel- Ms Cheney is a distinguished st o r y , then decided to air it tonight. lence in program-making, yet some broadcaster and manager who has It is just one more in a growing list of the main departments to which worked for the ABC for thirty years. of examples of how the ABC’s top- program-makers turn for texture There is no basis for sacking level management appears to be in and context in stories - the arch i v e s Ros Cheney. Second, given the a state of constant confusion. departments - are being downsized. requirements of the ABC Charter, it does not make sense to abolish the At the moment program direc- I left the ABC in the wake of position of Arts Editor. tion is unclear; as a consequence, much more talented and experi- quality is being compromised and enced people. Left behind, there From a FABC Media Release a long line of program-makers is will always be young, enthusiastic 13 June 2001 leaving. I’m one who has already journalists, producers and techni- gone. cians to take our places. Their new Cheney’s demise is another nail perspective and energy can always in the coffin of the ABC Across the network, Shier’s strengthen the ABC. But they can- A few weeks ago I had the upper management team (not not yet replace the life experience pleasure of being guest speaker at those managers who have regular that is being leached from the the International Radio Features contact with program-making but organisation. It will take these young Conference in Sydney. Hosted by those faceless managers tucked broadcasters twice as long to get the now sacked head of ABC Radio away upstairs) has slashed the the skills they need without experi- Arts, Ros Cheney, the event brought budgets without regard for the enced people to support them. together distinguished arts broad- consequences. casters from around the world. They will have the curiosity to There are daily reminders of th i s Ros Cheney’s high standing question, but not yet the knowl- management style as rep o r t e r s and with the delegates was obvious, as edge to challenge. At the end of producers wander around the was the high regard for ABC Radio the day, perhaps that’s what senior offices for 10 minutes to find a Arts broadcasting, which she has management’s future for the ABC spare notepad or a stapler that led with distinction for the past six is all about. works. The photocopier that con- years. A fierce defender of arts pro- stantly breaks down. The smoke CHRIS RICHARDS worked at grams, Ros Cheney is a significant that occasionally rises from the the ABC for the past five years loss to the national broadcaster. radio panel. The weekly, sometimes on Four Corners and reporting The astoundingly shabby way in daily, emails reporting on the latest for Radio National, Triple J and which she has been treated indicates employee squeezed out of the or- other networks. She resigned that the ABC board and senior man- ganisation. The steadily rising un- last month to work as agement are determined to destroy paid overtime of those who rem a i n . Australasian editor of an inter- the broadcaster’s intellectual capital. national magazine. ABC program-makers know BOB DEBUS that broadcasting is a privilege The Australian 23/7/01 NSW At t o r ney-General demanding effort and comprom i s e . SMH 13/6/01 So many think that this slow decline in resources is bearable, provided NZ Public Broadcasting loss you know and understand why it’s happening, and appreciate the could happen soon in Australia benefits that will flow from it. The In our last issue we talked about the assets being stripped out of direction of the ABC used to be the ABC - principally its experienced resource and production staff - clear to staff. It’s not any more. and the impact this has on the quality of broadcasting. We have in the past talked about the near total loss of pu b lic broadcasting in New There has been a long list of Zealand and the likely impossibility of restoring it - as their present gov- examples. For instance, upper er nment has pledged to do. management promotes the organi- sation as leading the way in multi- Experienced public broadcasters have long gone in NZ; in televi- media. One wonders how staff is sion especially all that those involved in the industry have known is to keep up with the technological commercial television; corporate memory of how public broadcasting competencies such a pledge works has been lost. requires when ABC training The ABC is rapidly approaching a similar state.

Page 13 Corporatised logo no go ably connected to its audience. Managing director Jonathan to 11.4. There is no sign of any Symbols have been used for Shier has attracted criticism upward movement. millennia to show faithful followers from many quarters but it may where to rally and to whom. That be that the one that hurts most The first serious sign that the is what brands are, even to this is that from the world of market- ABC was doomed to decline was day. Once one has one’s symbol ing. Bob Miller, principal of the suicidal decision to change the perfected as a visual communica- Australia Street Consulting and logo and its format of delivery on tion, it is not good communication visiting professor at the Business our television screens. ABC TV to change it. Heraldry and brand- Department of Macquarie had its own form of Toyota’s suc- ing have much in common. University, has harsh words for cessful ‘Oh, What a feeling!’ and it Mr Shier’s marketing skills in the worked like a charm. Welcome Jonno to marketing journal Ad News. communications in the 21st centu- What surprised me was the ry! And thank you for the wonder- In his role as CEO, Shier set a chilling machismo of the glittering ful object lesson you’ve provided perfectly reasonable, if ambitious, new stainless steel ABC logo. It all those ambitious young market- goal of 20% market share for ABC twirled on one’s screen as a ing executives who are the hope of TV. This is the kind of goal that demonstration of management’s our future in a global economy. makes senior executives stretch ignorance of how properly to com- The lesson of your catastrophe at themselves and their resources. municate with a previously pas- the ABC will be fodder for text- Just the thought of its achievement sionately loyal audience. books for years to come. makes the whole ghastly process of going to work every day a This brutal symbol replaced the A is for Always provide loyal worthwhile challenge. remarkably customer-connected customers with the product they ‘your ABC’, with its relaxed musi- want. What can we, as commercial cal mnemonic including personal B is for Be loyal to your cus- marketers, learn from the failure of delivery by fingertips as crayons. tomers if you expect them to be ABC TV to achieve its goal or even The cold new logo told what was loyal to you. maintain its existing market share? left of the ABC audience ‘you can C is for Can’t see you making Recent ratings show the ABC has go and get stuffed, it’s my ABC your 20% market share goal any collapsed to a 12.6 rating national- now, baby. Like it or lump it!’ time in the near future. ly from a high of 16.8 in the first ratings week of this year. In The intimate symbolism ‘you’ BOB MILLER Melbourne, Australia’s second made the ABC’s corporate com- Ad News 22/6/01 largest market, the share has fallen munication in its original form envi-

BACKGROUND BRIEFING is published by Friends of the ABC Australia All opinions expressed in Update or BACKGROUND BRIEFING do not necessarily reflect the views As if being beaten by Big of Friends of the ABC Australia.Material may be freely quoted or reproduced from this newsletter pro- Brother was not enough, Aunty vided the source is acknowledged. is now struggling to stay abreast Visit us at www.fabc.org.au Current and past Background Briefings can be accessed at our website along with other current information.Links on our website will take you to all state sites. of its multicultural rival, SBS.

ABC TV last week posted its worst ratings result since man- aging director Mr Jonathan Shier took the helm, with a national audience of just 11.7% in the crucial 6pm-midnight time slot.

Its share of the national audi- ence has been in decline all year, and it has been recording some of its worst results since the introduction of people- meters 10 years ago.

ROBERT BOLTON Austalian Financial Review 17/7/01

Cartoon courtesy George Aldridg

Page 14 terbalances the right-leaning com- mercial media. This is to ensure its G l a d y s political independence? Mr Squiggle draws a blank Stylish departure While the revolving door of with the ABC departures continues at the ABC, After 42 years with the ABC Mr no exit has been more stylish than Squiggle’s contract lapsed without that of Gerd Roehlen, who was a word from the ABC. Norman acting NSW resource manager. In Heatherington, Mr Squiggle’s side- May Gerd drove to the airport, kick was eventually told that they parked his ABC car in the long- had no future on television term car park, left the keys at the because the ABC preferred ‘quality How to be sure the FABC desk and caught the next flight to children’s shows’. However, Bill Member Group in your area Melbourne. Once there, he rang in Steamshovel, Blackboard and Mr S can keep you informed of to tell them where they could find were given a reprieve, to be part of their activities. the car and to add that he was the line-up on the digital channel never coming back. ABC Kids. Gladys is happy to Dear members, because of the priva- SMH 9/6/01 know that the publicity has cy laws the Friends of the ABC (NSW) breathed new life into the career of Inc has been unable to provide a num- Pyjama Plot Mr Squiggle who is now appearing ber of our member groups access to our in a TV commercial for a nasal data base so they can contact members A left-wing pollie wants to sack decongestant and has other ad gigs in their areas. These groups have the ABC boss installed by a right- in the offing. requested this information so they can wing government to counteract the Sun-Herald 15/7/01 keep local members advised on their left-wing internal cabal that coun- activities and functions as well as asking for assistance in their efforts to build FABC (NSW) Inc. Executive Committee community support for a fully funded President- Penelope Toltz Phone: 9960 5542 Fax 9960 5767 independent ABC. This is particularly Treasurer- Peter Burke Phone 9144 2668 email [email protected] Secretary- Scott Campbell Phone 9498 7727 important during the coming election Membership Secretary- Dev and Faith Webber Phone 9990 0600 campaign. Please see back page of magazine to find if there is a group in update Print Post Approved PP 245059/00002 YOUR area. Our new membership forms will Update is published four times a year by Friends of the ABC NSW, P.O. Box 1391, North Sydney 2059. include an authorisation form. Phone 9960 5542. Fax 9960 5767 If you are already a member and wish ww w. f a b c . o r g . a u / n s w us to pass on your name, address and Opinions in the newsletter do not necessarily reflect those of the executive contact information to your local group, committee of the Friends of the ABC (NSW) Inc. please fill in the authorisation form at the Update goes to all members of FABC (NSW) Inc., as part of the membership fee. bottom and post to: Update is also supplied to journa l i s t s , politicians and libraries across Australia. It The Membership Secretary is produced and edited in Sydney but contributions are welcome from NSW coun- FABC (NSW) Inc c/o try and interstate branches. PO Box 1391 Material may be freely quoted or rep r oduced from the newsletter provided the source is acknowledged and reproduction is sent to FABC’s President and Editor, North Sydney 2059 Penelope Toltz. Thank you Penelope Toltz (Pres.) FABC Update Post The Editor Facsimile 9660 5767 C/–FABC Update Email [email protected] I authorise the Friends of the ABC (NSW) PO Box 1391 web www.fabc.org.au/nsw North Sydney NSW 2059 Inc to give my details to my local FABC. Cartoon courtesy Bill Leak Signed______Name______Address______City/Town/Suburb______Post Code______Phone No.(W)______Phone No.(H)______Fax______email______

Page 15 State and regional branches of Friends of the ABC New South Wal e s Blue Mountains Northern Rivers AC T Penelope Tol t z Helen Hallett Neville Jennings (int.chair) Monica Pflaum PO Box 1391 P.O . Box 469 PO Box 167 Alstonville 2477 GPO Box 2625 North Sydney 2059 Springwood 2777 Ph: 6674 3830 (H) Canberra ACT 2601 Ph: 9960 5542 Ph: 4751 5465 Fax. 6622 1833 Ph: 6282 1141 (H) Fax: 9960 5767 ad vo i c e @ p n c. c o m . a u nj e n n i n g @ s c u . e d u . a u Fax: 6289 4011 (W) :f a b c n sw @ o p t u s n e t . a u mn b @ ap e x . n e t . a u Eu r o b o d a l l a Or a n g e Al b u r y Michael Tay l o r Alan Sisley ABC Support Grou p 12 Hawkins Rd 52 Casey Stree t Da r ce Cassidy Jim Saleeba Tur oss Head, NSW Orange 2800hh PO Box 7158 Hutt St c/- 621 Lindsay Ave Ph: 4473 8261 (W) Ph: 63623775 SA 5000 Albury NSW 2640 Ph: 4473 8561 (H) al a n s @ i x . n e t . a u t Ph 08 8362 5183 Ph: 6021 5690 Fax: 08 8363 7548 Fax: 6021 0616 tay l o r @ a c r. n e t . a u Port Macquarie/ Mid North Coast da rc e @ c u r p h ey m e d i a . c o m sa l e e b a @ a l b u r y.n e t . a u Great Lakes Drusilla Meggett Wes t e r n Australia Ar m i d a l e Au d r ey Semon (Secret a r y ) P.O. Box 1752 4 Bundacree Place Ka r en Trea n o r Priscilla Connor Port Macquarie, NSW PO Box 179 Forster 2428 41 Judith Stree t Ph: 65 8383 8798 Darlington WA 6070 Armidale NSW 2350 Ph: 6554 8507 dr u s i @ fe l g l o w.c o m . a u Ph/Fax: (08) 9295 1847 Ph: 6772 2217 as e m o n @ t s n . c c ga n d k t re a n o r @ o z e m a i l . c o m . a u cp a n t i n g @ o p t u s n e t . c o m . a u Vic t o r i a Il l a w a r r a Friends of the ABC (Vic ) Tas m a n i a Ba t h u r s t Jan Kent (Secret a r y ) GPO Box 4065MM Austra Maddox Ma u r een Pike (Secret a r y ) Friends of the ABC Illawarra Me l b o u r ne VIC 3001 5 Albuera Stree t 105 Mitre Stree t PO Box 336,Unanderra 2526 Ph: 03 9682 0073 Bathurst 2795 Battery Point, Tasmania 7004 Phone/Fax: 4271 3531 Fax: 03 9682 0074 Ph: (03) 6223 2981 (H) Ph: 6334 2520 fa b c v i c @ v i c n e t . n e t . a u le f evre p @ i x . n e t . a u ja n ke n t @ b i g p o n d . c o m (03) 6211 9314 (W) Qu e e n s l a n d au s t r a m a dd ox @ o z e m a i l . c o m . a u Be g a Ne w c a s t l e Elisabeth McClement Eleanor Beasley Gr eg Struck (Int. Pres ) P.O. Box 1658 No rt h e r n Terr i t o r y 2 Main Stree t PO Box 265 Toowong QLD 4066 Brian Holm Merimbula 2548 Me r ewether 2291 Ph/Fax: (07) 3378 7930 PO Box 25 Ph: 6495 1392 Ph/fax: 4963 5254 (H) si r w a l t e r _ r a l e i g h @ h o t m a i l . c o m Ho w a r d Springs NT 0835 Fax: 6495 3202 st r u c k @ h u n t e r l i n k . n e t . a u Ph: (08) 8983 1251 Gold Coast Fax: (08) 8941 3350 background briefing PO Box 7 Frances E. Rolls editor: Joan Laing 158 Hutt St Adelaide 5000 PO Box 342 Mob: 0409 831 251 [email protected] Unattributed text is by the editor Nerang QLD 4211 ab c f r i e n d s _ n t @ we - wo n t - phone & fax: 08 8271 0751 Visit our website at fabc.org.au Ph: (07) 5596 3835 byt e. c o m

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