Friends of the ABC (NSW) Inc. qu a r terly newsletter Sept. - Oct. 2001 Vol 13, No. 11 in c o r p o r a t i n g ba c k g r ound briefing national magazine up d a t e friends of the abc THE TOWN CRIER by Greg Struck Once upon a time, there existed a happy little kingdom. It In a departure from serious was different to other kingdoms, because its citizens could political com- choose their king every few years. Another thing that made ment, one of this kingdom different was that, long ago, the people had our members decided to appoint a town crier to tell the citizens what was has written an happening within and outside their kingdom. allegorical tale for your He was paid by the people so the king couldn't tell him enjoyment. PT what to say. His job even had a new word to go with it, a word unknown to the people in the neighbouring kingdoms. The word was “independent”. The crier could find out exactly what was happening and tell the people. This was especially useful to the people each time they chose a new king. Few kingdoms had such on. Naturally, not every king a town crier. liked the town crier and his news. Sometimes a king Of course, he wasn't the who didn't like the crier's only town crier. Rich mer- news even tried to stop him chants also employed their speaking, but without suc- own criers who strolled the cess. The crier continued streets in fine clothes and giving his independent used clever tricks to get the views on events in the king- people to listen. With the dom. Occasionally he made help of magicians, they had mistakes, but everyone also mastered the art of agreed he could be trusted. telling people exactly which Most people in the kingdom goods they should buy. It were happy to have an offi- was, however, said by many Quentin Dempster,ABC; Wal Brown,Chair Great Lakes FABC; Tim cial independent crier. Bowden; Penelope Toltz,Pres. FABC (NSW) at Great Lakes Friends that their news was some- times different to the official One day, the king of the crier's news and that they time decided that the town didn't always tell the people crier was receiving too many everything that happened. gold coins for calling the news. So, he cut down the It was even whispered number of coins the crier that the merchants, two was given each year. It powerful ones in particular, became harder for the crier sometimes told their criers to do his job well, but, being to flatter the king in conscientious, the crier exchange for royal favours, struggled on and still man- though all concerned aged to tell the people More than 350 people braved terrible weather to support the Friends denied this. of the ABC Great Lakes. (photos courtesy Manning River Times) And so the years went Continued page 4 The AGM of the Friends of the ABC Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 6th October 1-4 pm Have you made an appointment to ‘Y On the Park Conference Centre’ see your local Federal Member of 5-11 Wen t wo r th Avenu e , Sydney 2010 Parliament... AND THE OTHER CANDIDATES Guest Speaker: Geraldine Doogue. RUNNING IN YOUR ELECTORATE? Please be prompt. Ms Doogue has family Are you unsure what to do? commitments after her speech which will Unsure what to say? commence at 1 o'clock sharp. Phone today: 9990 0600 Leave your phone number and name We are looking for a new secretary and s l o w l y and we'll get back to you committee members with writing/journalism with advice on how to do it. experience and public speaking ability. OR VISIT OUT WEBSITE: www.fabc.org.au/nsw You’ll be able to find out who your Illawarra Friends’ Cabaret local member is and read their reply Friday 28 Sept to our letter. We hope this will encourage you to contact your local 8:00 pm Federal Member/Candidate and Bulli School of Arts, express your concerns. Princes Highway Bulli. This will be a great night of entertain- ment on the South Coast. The very popular local group ‘Funkier than Alice’ will present a S T O P P R E S S review featuring political satire written espe- Threat To Current Affairs cially for the Friends. A proposed new editorial guideline being consid- The group made-up of ‘four women and ered by the ABC board which calls for ‘balance” with- a cello’ were previously known as ‘Cabaret in each program could seriously inhiibit current affairs reporters from doing their job. The Minister for any Politique’ and performed at last year’s portfolio would only have to say “no comment” or Melbourne Comedy Festival. refuse to appear or be interviewed and the opposition The cost is only $15. spokesperson would not be able to appear on the Make up a table and bring your program either as “balance” would then not be possi- own supper basket and drinks. ble within that program. The same situation would Tea & Coffee supplied. occur were the opposition not willing or able to appear. Bookings are essential The ABC Board has called on the St. James and close Fri 14/9/01 5 pm Ethics Centre to look at the proposed editorial guide- Enquiries: Jean 4284 5740 or lines, described as ”too legalistic”. Julie 4226 2323. We await developments. Use of the Friends logo In all other ways they are as diverse as the general We have not given permission for any political Australian community. What they have in common is party or candidate to use our logo or implly that we their united support for the independence and proper endorse them. Please let us know if you see our logo funding of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. on any material from any political party or candidate. The Friends of the ABC's task is to let our mem- The Friends of the ABC is not associated with bers know what is happening at and to the ABC and to any political party or other lobbying group. Our organise public support to enable the ABC to survive members have in common their united support for the and function as a fully funded truly independent public independence and proper funding of the ABC. broadcaster. Penelope Toltz Page 2 Pre s i d e n t ’ s Report he Friends of the ABC with elderly and failing equip- At present Friends of the (NSW) Inc has been extremely ment. ABC in all Federal electorates, busy over the last month. The ar e calling on their local Members I believe that whoever is in major events have been two of Parliament, whether they be power after the end of this year - public meetings in July. Politics Coalition, National, Labor or a better way of interacting with in the Pub in Surrey Hills Sydney Independent and letting them members of parliament in an and a public meeting of the know how important the ABC is ongoing way has to be found. Great Lakes Friends of the ABC to them and making them aware Just like some politicians observe in Forster. Our electoral cam- that their party's policies about Army war games to see how the paign has started involving the the future funding of the ABC army works, I'd like the same lobbying of local members of and its independence are going thing to happen with our politi- parliament and known candi- to count when they vote at the cians and the ABC. The job dates for the next Federal elec- end of this year. would an additional one to any- tion and also we have been one who is presently in the ACT Please consider making an involved with the preparation of or other capital cities or regions. appointment to see YOUR the FABC national submission for The ABC is an important part of Member of Parliament to voice the inquiry into ABC board our democracy, and it seems to your concern for the future of the appointments . be woefully misunderstood and ABC and to ask them where they At ‘Politics in the Pub’ in unappreciated by those in power. stand. If enough of us make this Surrey Hills in July, Kirsten effort, we can make a difference Likewise it would be inter- Garrett, Tony Moore (Pluto Press) as all of them care about being esting to find out how many and I spoke about “The ABC elected or re-elected. Board Members have spent a After This Government”. There day being involved in seeing how If possible please try and were more than 150 people in programs get to air – to see how talk to ALL the candidates in attendance and it was an infor- ABC staff manage with old YOUR area before the next mative evening for all. equipment, not enough tapes, Federal Election? You may feel I spoke about future govern- not enough people or time to do more comfortable if you ask a ments and the way they should research. close friend to go to the appoint- interact with the ABC. I also ment with you. Sunday 29th July I went to spoke about what the ABC Forster to speak at a meeting of should be doing in its relations Penelope Toltz. the Great Lakes Friends of the with any future government. ABC. I was in great company Some time ago, Ellen Fanning with Quentin Dempster and and I spoke about the necessity retired ABC stalwart Tim Bowden of the ABC having someone to and we all spoke passionately liaise on a regular basis with about the ABC.
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