

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Local Population Studies

The Old Poor Law in : the experience of , 1574-1845

An Act for the punishment of vagabonds, and for relief of the poor and impotent, 1572

The Scottish Poor Law, 1745-1845 in Scotland: an outline of the growth and administration of the Poor Laws in Scotland, from the Middle Ages to the present day

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies The Old Poor in Scotland circa Charity and mutual aid in Europe and North America since 1800

Second report of evidence from the Select Committee on the State of the Poor in The Christian and civic economy of large towns

Journal of the Statistical Society of London

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies The origins of the British state: society, state and social welfare in and , 1800-1945 Report on Scotland The Old Poor Law in Scotland

Government and social conditions in Scotland, 1845-1919

Social Policy and Administration

Medical History

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies People and society in Scotland. II. 1830-1914

Census of England and Wales, Vol IV: General Report, with Summary Tables and Appendices


The Scottish nation: a modern history My Scotland, our Britain: a future worth sharing ibid. The New Poor Law in the nineteenth century

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care

Ethics and Social Welfare My Scotland, our Britain .

The Oxford Handbook of modern Scottish history


Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Statistical Account of Scotland

First Annual Report of the Board of Supervision for the Relief of the Poor in Scotland Journal of the Royal Statistical Society

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Second Annual Report of the Board of Supervision for the Relief of the Poor in Scotland Appendix Volume VI. Minutes of Evidence (95 to 110th days and 139th and 149th days) with Appendix Eighth Annual Report of the for Scotland Report on Scotland

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Table 1. in Scotland, 1859-1914

Annual Reports Annual Reports


Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Annual Reports

Table 2. Poor law expenditure in Scotland, 1847-1914

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Annual Reports Annual Reports

Appendix Volume VI

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Annual Report


Annual Reports

Nineteenth Annual Report of the Local Government Board for Scotland, 1913 From pauperism to poverty

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Table 3. The incidence and cost of pauperism in Scotland and England and Wales, 1860-1914

Annual Reports Annual Reports

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Table 4. Pauperism in Scotland and England and Wales, by category, 1860-1914

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies From pauperism to poverty

Annual Reports From pauperism to poverty

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Report on Scotland

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Table 5. Expenditure under different headings per had of population in Scotland and England and Wales, 1860-1914

Annual Reports Annual Reports

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Ibid. Ibid.

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Table 6. Child and adult paupers as percentage of the population in Scotland and England and Wales

Annual Reports

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Table 7. Ages of paupers in Scotland and England and Wales, 31 March 1906

Report of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Report on Scotland

Report on Scotland Scottish Historical Review

Report on Scotland

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Report on Scotland

Report on Scotland

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Table 8. Gender and pauperism in Scotland and England and Wales at higher ages, 31 March 1906

Report of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Report on Scotland

Report of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Report on Scotland

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Table 9. Comparison of day-counts and annual pauper totals, Scotland and England and Wales, 1907.

Average number of days during Ratio of annual total to the year on which each pauper Day-count Annual total day count received assistance Scotland 92,870 149,058 1.61 227.41 England and Wales 793,519 1,709,436 2.15 169.43 Great Britain 886,389 1,858,494 2.10 174.08

Thirteenth Annual Report of the Local Government Board for Scotland, 1907 Report of the Royal Commission on the Poor Laws and Relief of Report on Scotland

Appendix Volume XXV. Statistics relating to England and Wales

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Table 10. Pauperism and poor law expenditure in different-sized parishes, 1894/5

First Annual Report of the Local Government Board for Scotland, 1894-5

Census of England and Wales, 1901. Preliminary report and tables of the population and houses enumerated in England and Wales and on the islands of the British Isles on 1st April 1901

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Report on Scotland

Report on Scotland ibid. Appendix Volume VI. Minutes of Evidence (95 to 110th days and 139th and 149th days) with Appendix

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Report from His Majesty’s Commissioners for enquiring into the administration and practical operation of the Poor Laws

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Journal of the Statistical Society of London

Scottish poor laws: their history, policy and operation

Ibid. Poverty and poor law reform in nineteenth-century Britain

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies First Annual Report of the Board of Supervision Second Annual Report of the Board of Supervision

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Table 11. accommodation in Scotland, 1848-1911

Appendix Volume VI. Minutes of Evidence (95th to 110th days and 139th and 149th days) with Appendix Seventeenth Annual Report of the Local Government Board for Scotland, 1911

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Fifth Annual Report of the Board of Supervison for the Relief of the Poor in Scotland Scottish Historical Review

Government and social conditions in Scotland, 1845-1919 From pauperism to poverty

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Report on Scotland ibid. Appendix Volume VI The solidarities of strangers: the and the people, 1700-1948

The system, 1834-1919: the history of an English social institution

From pauperism to poverty

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Report on Scotland

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Table 12. Pauperism in Scotland, Wales and English regions, 31 March 1906

Social Science History Report on Scotland Appendix Volume XXV. Statistics relating to England and Wales Supplement to Registrar-General’s seventy-fifth annual report. Part III. Registration summary tables, 1901-10


Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Social Science History

Fourth Report of the Royal Commission on Friendly and Benefit Building Societies Abstract of British historical statistics


Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Ibid.

Journal of British Studies Ibid.

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Lancet

The aged poor in England and Wales Journal of

Government and social conditions The workhouse system The hospitals, 1800-1948: a study in social administration in England and Wales , Report on Scotland

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies Poverty and welfare in Scotland, 1890-1948

Scottish Historical Review ibid. Twentieth Century British History

Journal of Scottish Historical Studies