www.northchelt.org.uk www.allsaintschelt.net

We realise you might be feeling lonely, isolated or anxious at this time. If you would like a quiet personal chat on the phone with a member of the clergy please contact Revd Mary Bowden on 07921 315894. If you don’t get an immediate reply please leave your name and number and Revd Mary will get back to you.

This week’s readings, Collect and Post Communion Prayer

Sunday 13h September 2020 Holy Cross Day

Please use this service sheet in conjunction with the online Service booklet

Today’s Collect Almighty God, who in the passion of your blessed Son made an instrument of painful death to be for us the means of life and peace; grant us so to glory in the cross of Christ that we may gladly suffer for his sake; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

First Reading Numbers 21: 4-9 4 From Mount Hor they set out by the way to the Red Sea, to go around the land of Edom; but the people became impatient on the way. 5 The people spoke against God and against Moses, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and we detest this miserable food.” 6 Then the LORD sent poisonous serpents among the people, and they bit the people, so that many Israelites died. 7 The people came to Moses and said, “We have sinned by speaking against the LORD and against you; pray to the LORD to take away the serpents from us.” So Moses prayed for the people. 8 And the LORD said to Moses, “Make a poisonous serpent, and set it on a pole; and everyone who is bitten shall look at it and live.” 9 So Moses made a serpent of bronze, and put it upon a pole; and whenever a serpent bit someone, that person would look at the serpent of bronze and live.

Second Reading Philippians 2: 6-11 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, 7 but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, 8 he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death— even death on a cross. 9 Therefore God also highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Alleluia, alleluia. We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you, because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world. Alleluia

Gospel John 3 :13-17 13 No one has ascended into heaven except the one who descended from heaven, the Son of Man. 14 And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.

16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.

17 “Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

Post Communion Prayer Faithful God, whose Son bore our sins in his body on the tree and gave us this sacrament to show forth his death until he comes: give us grace to glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, for his is our salvation, our life and our hope, who reigns as Lord, now and for ever. Amen.

For your Prayers For those at St Mary’s: Our prayers are asked for: William and his family, Roger and Gill, Mary, Revd Elizabeth and Revd Howard, Father Mike, Colin, Keith and Lorna, Lucy and boys, Margaret, Stephen, Gerald, Lorraine, Pamela, Hazel, Tracey, Sue, Val, Alexandra, Baby Elizabeth, Laura and George, David and Maria, Wendy, Kevin and family, Ken, John, David, Roy, Marion, William, Alan, Jessica, Lydia and Spencer, David, Kate, Andy and Amy, Joshua and Jon, Jess

For those at St Nicolas: Our prayers are asked for : William and his family, Revd Elizabeth and Revd Howard, Father Mike, Martyn, Di

Those whose anniversary of death is today: Margaret Walford, Elsie Lawrence, Avril Keen, Bob Jones

Those whose anniversary of death is this week: 14th Richard Cleaver, Nen Smart, Peter Wright, Barbara Lumbard, Donald Slack, Barbara Lumbard, Jenny Hall 15th Margaret Buchanan, John Harrison, Edwin Robinson, Leslie Cowley, George Parker 16th Marjorie Daubeny, James Foot, Ronnie Phipps, Linda Shaw, Roger Norris 17th Maureen Stotten, Joyce Wilsdon 18th Irene Ayres, Denis Cozens 19th Eveline Walker, Kathleen MARY Pegg

For those at All Saints: Our prayers are asked for: William and his family, Sandra and her daughter, Revd Elizabeth and Revd Howard, Father Mike, Josephine, Mark, Colin, Nicola, June, Fr William, Sasha, Shari

Those whose anniversary of death is today: Eddie Kaminski

Those whose anniversary of death is this week: 14th Heather Beddow 15th Henryk Chocieswynski 16th Henry Stevens 18th Sister Winifred, Reginald Adams

For those at St Lawrence: Pray for all who suffer in mind or body: William and his family, Pat Eady and family, Revd Elizabeth and Revd Howard, Father Mike, Geoffrey and Caroline, Rose, Jackie, Mala, Rose

For those at St Mary Magdalene: Pray for all who suffer in mind or body: William and his family, Lyubov, Revd Elizabeth and Revd Howard, Harold, Ken, Father Paul, Father Mike, Jean and Eric, Nerys, Soo and Ray, Pauline, Kathleen, Margery, Sally, Michelle

We pray for our families, friends and neighbours; in our cycle of prayer, we remember all those who live in Mandarin Way, Manor Court, Manor Road and Marsh Close (St Lawrence and St Peter’s) and Sandpiper Drive (St Mary Magdalene).

Those who have died recently in the Benefice: Philip Hayman, Titi Stoica, David Webster, Christopher Adams…….and those who mourn their deaths. In addition: Brian Peters

Next Sunday’s readings 15th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Eucharist Evensong Jonah 3: 10-end of 4 Ezekial 33: 23, 30 - 34: 10 Philippians 1: 21-end Acts 26: 1, 9-25 Matthew 20: 1-16

SUNDAY 13th SEPTEMBER HOLY CROSS DAY Continuing online services: 0930 Celebrate! Online Online 1030 Team Service Online Services in our churches: 0800 Said Mass All Saints 0800 Said Eucharist St Mary’s 0915 Said Holy Communion St Lawrence 0930 Said Eucharist St Nicolas 1030 Said Mass All Saints 1045 Said Holy Communion St Mary Magdalene 1100 Said Eucharist St Mary’s 1630 Celebrate! (pre-book only) St Mary’s 1830 Evening Prayer and Benediction St Mary’s 1830 Said Evening Prayer and Benediction All Saints 1830 Evening Prayer St Lawrence

. Thank you Fr Robert and team for a truly fitting Eucharist for our patronal festival * TEAM NOTICES *


There will be two services streamed this Sunday:

9.30 am: Celebrate! Online 10.30 am: A team service led by Father George with help from Revd Howard and Revd Elizabeth, Mary Halliwell, Hugh and Karen Evans

These services are for viewing from your home only! To watch these services, please follow one of the links below

Facebook: ‘https://www.facebook.com/NorthCheltenhamTeamMinistry/ Like’ the NCTM team page on Facebook to be notified when broadcasts start: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/NorthCheltenhamTeamMinistry

Recordings of services in the NCTM Please ‘subscribe’ to our You Tube channel – this is free and we will try and put all recordings on here: https://www.youtube.com/NorthCheltenhamTeamMinistry

Unfortunately due to lack of availability for someone to enable the telephone facility we will be unable to offer this for any of our services. We are sorry for those who rely on this, but please do contact Kate at the office regarding this. We may be able to provide a copy of the service for you to watch on DVD instead. Please do pass this information to anyone you know who uses this service.

PRIVATE PRAYER: Four of our churches are open for Private Prayer as follows:

St Mary’s Church, Prestbury will be open for private prayer: Monday to Saturday from 9.00 am until 1.00 pm

St Nicolas Church, Prestbury will not open for Private Prayer.

All Saints Church, Pittville will be open for private prayer: Wednesdays from 4.00 pm until 7.00 pm Thursdays from 10.00 am until 12.00 noon Saturdays from 10.00 am until 12.00 noon

St Mary Magdalene Church will be open for private prayer: Wednesdays from 7.00 pm until 9.00 pm

St Lawrence Church will be open for private prayer: Wednesdays from 10.00 am – 12.00 noon

If anyone would like to make a donation to any of our churches, please contact Kate on 01242 244373 or by email on [email protected] for details on how to do so.

We are investigating online donations but, at the moment, for technical reasons it is not possible. Please speak to Fr Nick for more information.

ONLINE SERVICES GOING FORWARD We have been delighted to be able to bring you online services since the beginning of lockdown in March. While this has kept us together as a church (even if we couldn’t physically meet) with the easing of the lockdown and people going back to work and trying to get back to some ‘normality’, we are finding we are struggling for time, resources and people to put these together. These services can take up to 12 hours a week to edit and put together and that is once all the various recordings have been done and uploaded to our shared video drive. There are also service sheets to be prepared, hymns and music to be chosen, readers, intercessors and preachers to organise. Once these videos have been prepared, they then have to be uploaded to You Tube and Facebook separately, taking up to an hour for each platform.

As such, we will continue with the current rota of an online service on a Sunday morning at 10.30 am until Sunday 4th October, this being our last one of this kind. Celebrate! will continue with their online service, as well as their afternoon ‘service’ detailed in this News Sheet also. We are very aware that there are several members of our congregations who are still ‘shielding or self-isolating’ for health reasons, so we are looking at ways to still provide an online service for them, and others, who are enjoying watching from the safety of their home.

We are fortunate to have had a benefactor donate funds to enable a permanent ‘camera’ to be set up at St Nicolas Church, which will enable us to ‘live stream’ services going forward. However, this is still in the planning stages, but we are hopeful that we will have this up and running in the not too distant future. In the meantime, after the 4th October, we are planning to record one of our Sunday morning services while it is happening and then upload this video on a Sunday afternoon, sending out the link for this to be watched. If you are attending one of our services at any of our churches, and don’t want to be videoed, please do let someone know. By recording a service this way, we won’t have any editing to do and the load of recording and uploading can be shared around.

Please bear with us as we make these slight changes over the next few weeks. Please note that we are still planning to keep our week day online services going, although there may be some slight changes which we will keep you informed about.

TEA WITH TOM – every Tuesday at 11.00 am My name is Tom and I am a curate joining you from the West Parish on placement for a little while. I have enjoyed my first year as deacon and look forward to learning more from everyone across the North Cheltenham Team. It would be great to get to know more of you.

Therefore, I am happy to invite you to, "Tea with Tom". This is a light hearted time to have a drink and a cake from the comfort of your home. I look forward to getting to know you better! Tuesdays from 11.00 am via Zoom. Zoom ID: 819 1394 0076 Password: 346 649

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81913940076?pwd=d3ltL0N3dmxrWi9aT0JqTGJxa3ppZz09

One tap mobile +441314601196,,81913940076#,,1#,346649# +442030512874,,81913940076#,,1#,346649# United Kingdom Dial by your location +44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom +44 203 051 2874 United Kingdom +44 203 481 5237 United Kingdom +44 203 481 5240 United Kingdom Meeting ID: 819 1394 0076 Password: 346649

ANNUAL APCMS Our annual APCMs at all our churches have been fixed as follows: Prestbury APCM: Wednesday 23rd September 2020 at 7.30 pm at St Nicolas Church Elmstone Hardwicke APCM: Sunday 11th October 2020 at 12.00 noon following the morning service (10.45 am) at St Mary Magdalene Church. Swindon Village APCM: Monday 12th October 2020 at 7.00 pm at St Lawrence Church. All Saints APCM: Sunday 18th October 2020 at 11.30 am following the morning service (10.30 am) at All Saints Church. Notices for each church are within the News Sheet below:


HERITAGE/WE’VE GOT TALENT WEEKEND Saturday 12th September: 11am – 4pm Sunday 13th September: 12 noon – 4pm Restrictions permitting, we are inviting the villagers of Elmstone Hardwicke and Uckington to display their talent over the weekend, either their crafts, collections, flower arranging, compilations of history etc. to be on display in the church, or their talented performances of singing, playing, dance, gymnastics etc on Facebook. We are particularly seeking the talent of those adept in the baking department, to both display their skill and offer their products to be sold to raise money for the church. We will be pleased to receive contributions from the talented bakers and gardeners from the around the Team. Please come and visit over the weekend, wearing your masks, and being patient with us as we manage the numbers of people admitted into the grounds and church. For your talent to be included, please phone Mary: 680291. For help in adding your performance to the church Facebook page, please email Sarah: [email protected]. Prizes from The Lost Sheep Trail will be available for collection at the weekend. There will also be the opportunity to hear the story of the Lost Sheep and attend a short service outside on the Sunday morning. The plan is to hold an all-age service outside on 13th September outside at the usual time of 10.45 am.

NOTICE OF ELMSTONE HARDWICKE APCM – SUNDAY 11TH OCTOBER 2020 The Annual Meeting of Parishioners, which begins at 12.00 noon following the morning service, is a short meeting to elect two Churchwardens for Elmstone Hardwicke. Candidates must be nominated and seconded before the meeting begins and nomination lists will also be displayed on the notice boards of both churches. Anyone who lives within the parish or who is on the church electoral roll may attend and vote at this meeting.

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting, which follows the Annual Meeting of Parishioners, will take place on Sunday 11th October at St Mary Magdalene Church. This is a chance to come to hear a review and reports of what has taken place during the last year, together with plans for the future and an opportunity to ask questions.

At the meeting elections to the Parochial Church Council (PCC) take place. Nominations for PCC members will be displayed on the notice boards of both churches for at least the two Sundays prior to the meeting. Candidates must be proposed and seconded by a person who is on the Electoral Roll of the parish and they should also be asked if they are willing to stand! PCC Secretary


GLOUCESTERSHIRE HISTORIC CHURCHES TRUST RIDE & STRIDE - ST LAWRENCE'S This annual fundraising event (a sponsored walk, bike ride or anything else) is taking place on Saturday 12th September. We are keen to support it because the Trust has given us generous donations in the past and we hope for more help in the future, especially with our current tower roof project. You can find information at https://ghct.org.uk. If anyone from St. Lawrence's would like to take part I can supply details and sponsorship forms. May and I are taking part and are looking for sponsors. May is going to walk around St. Lawrence's 100 times while being on hand to greet visiting participants. I am going to walk between our five Team churches, starting from All Saints. Both of us have sponsorship forms and there is also a Just Giving page online at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/St-Lawrence-s-Church-Swindon-Village-Cheltenham or go to www.justgiving.com, search for Ride & Stride and look for a photo of our church. The Trust will pass half of the money we raise directly to St. Lawrence's. Thank you. Karen Evans (tel. 241678)

CHANGES TO SERVICES AT ST LAWRENCE CHURCH From the beginning of September, there will be some temporary changes to the rota of morning services at St Lawrence Church for the foreseeable future: First Sunday of the month: 10.30 am: Morning Prayer 6.30 pm: Said Holy Communion

All other Sundays of the month: 9.15 am: Said Holy Communion 6.30 pm: Evening Prayer

The 9.15 am on the second Sunday of the month will be BCP Holy Communion.

On the fifth Sunday of the month the usual rotation of Songs of Praise will continue. So there is one on Sunday 30th August at St Mary Magdalene, with the next one planned for Sunday 29th November at St Lawrence.

At the current time Together @ Ten Thirty won’t be operating and in its place Morning Prayer will be said. This is being looked at and it is hoped that this will be re-introduced in the future, once there are less restrictions due to the current pandemic. Together@ The Table will also be looked at in the future. Please do keep an eye on the News Sheet and website for updates about services.

NOTICE OF SWINDON VILLAGE APCM - MONDAY 12TH OCTOBER 2020 The Annual Meeting of Parishioners, which begins at 7.00 pm, is a short meeting to elect two Churchwardens for St Lawrence.

Candidates must be nominated and seconded before the meeting begins and nomination lists will also be displayed on the notice boards of both churches. Anyone who lives within the parish or who is on the church electoral roll may attend and vote at this meeting. The Annual Parochial Church Meeting, which follows the Annual Meeting of Parishioners, will take place on Monday 12th October 2020 at St Lawrence Church. This is a chance to come to hear a review and reports of what has taken place during the last year, together with plans for the future and an opportunity to ask questions.

At the meeting elections to the Parochial Church Council (PCC) take place. Nominations for PCC members will be displayed on the notice boards of both churches for at least the two Sundays prior to the meeting. Candidates must be proposed and seconded by a person who is on the Electoral Roll of the parish and they should also be asked if they are willing to stand! Karen Evans, PCC Secretary


CELEBRATE! BACK IN CHURCH We are very excited to share with you how we are going to be running Celebrate! in a new and creative way during the bizarre time we are currently living in. Firstly we would like to announce that we are changing the time of celebrate to 4:30 pm. In an attempt to ensure that we are providing a safe environment for everyone we are limiting the numbers at each session of Celebrate! DON'T PANIC, because we are going to be running the same session multiple times over different weeks. Sessions will include creative challenges, crafts, talks, prayer, and a whole bunch of other exciting things. You can book a table for your household/bubble via Eventbrite so you know you have your own socially distanced space to keep you and your loved ones safe. You can book your table for FREE RIGHT NOW for either the 13th/20th/27th of September (all three dates are now fully booked). We look forward to welcoming you back to church once again! Revd Tom Cook 07539 551 398

RIDE AND STRIDE 2020 The second activity for you to get involved with this year involving sharing the riding of an exercise bike outside church in return for sponsorship, in aid of Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust ... Sunday 13th September: At St Mary's 7.45am -12.15 pm Everything will be arranged, all you need to do is sign up and turn up for a minimum of a 15 minute exercise slot, to be conducted at your own preferred speed and intensity! To reserve your exercise slot, or for more info call Helen today on 07814 638990

PRESTBURY MAGAZINE We cannot print the Prestbury Parish Magazine at the current time. For those of you with access to the internet a PDF version can be found at http://www.prestbury.net/magazine. If anyone would like a PDF version of the magazine emailing to them then please let Kate know on [email protected]. However we have put together an Omnibus edition featuring articles from our July, August and September magazines which we have printed and which will be available in church this weekend.

The Swindon Village news magazine, Village News, is back in production and is available on the Parish Council's website - www.swindonparish.org.uk

PARISH MAGAZINE DEADLINES The deadline for the next Prestbury parish magazine is Sunday 13th September 2020. Prestbury Parish Magazine is usually published on the last Sunday of the month. The deadline for copy is the Sunday 2 weeks before this. We are hoping to begin printing the magazine for October, but we will keep you informed about this. Copy may be sent in a clearly marked envelope to ‘Prestbury Parish Magazine’ 2 Honeysuckle Close, Prestbury, Cheltenham, GL52 5LN or by email to [email protected]. The theme for the Prestbury magazine for October is ‘After the Lockdown’. Please note that the current time production of the All Saints Magazine has been suspended.

NOTICE OF PRESTBURY APCM – Wednesday 23rd September 2020 The Annual Meeting of Parishioners, which begins at 7.30 pm, is a short meeting to elect Churchwardens: two for St Mary’s and two for St Nicolas’. Candidates must be nominated and seconded before the meeting begins and nomination lists will also be displayed on the notice boards of both churches. Anyone who lives within the parish or who is on the church electoral roll may attend and vote at this meeting.

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting, which follows the Annual Meeting of Parishioners, will take place on Wednesday 23rd September at St Nicolas Church. This is a chance to come to hear a review and reports of what has taken place during the last year, together with plans for the future and an opportunity to ask questions.

At the meeting elections to the Parochial Church Council (PCC) take place. Nominations for PCC members will be displayed on the notice boards of both churches for at least the two Sundays prior to the meeting. Candidates must be proposed and seconded by a person who is on the Electoral Roll of the parish and they should also be asked if they are willing to stand! Stella Caney, PCC Secretary


GLOUCESTERSHIRE HISTORIC CHURCHES TRUST RIDE & STRIDE – ALL SAINTS CHELTENHAM John McElroy is undertaking a circular walk taking in the 5 churches in the North Cheltenham Team as part of the annual Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust fundraising event on Saturday 12th September. He will be starting off from All Saints’ around 10.00 and using the Cheltenham Circular Path for some of the route. Anyone from any of the team churches is welcome to join John for all or part of the walk – socially distanced, of course! We are keen to raise funds for the Trust because of the support we have received from them over the years. Most recently, the Trust has contributed to the development costs of a major project we are planning to refurbish the historic William Hill organ at All Saints’. Information on ‘Ride & Stride’ is available at https://ghct.org.uk. There will be sponsorship forms available at All Saints’ for those who wish to sign up to support John and any others wishing to join him for the walk. However, by far the easiest and secure way to donate is online through https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/All-Saints-Church- Cheltenham. Donations will be shared equally between the Trust and All Saints’ Church.

NOTICE OF ALL SAINTS' PITTVILLE APCM - SUNDAY 18TH OCTOBER 2020 The Annual Meeting of Parishioners, which begins at 11.30 am following the morning Mass, is a short meeting to elect two Churchwardens. Candidates must be nominated and seconded before the meeting begins and nomination lists will also be displayed on the notice boards of both churches. Anyone who lives within the parish or who is on the church electoral roll may attend and vote at this meeting.

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting, which follows the Annual Meeting of Parishioners, will take place on Sunday 18th October 2020 at All Saints' Church. This is a chance to come to hear a review and reports of what has taken place during the last year, together with plans for the future and an opportunity to ask questions.

At the meeting elections to the Parochial Church Council (PCC) take place. Nominations for PCC members will be displayed on the notice boards of both churches for at least the two Sundays prior to the meeting. Candidates must be proposed and seconded by a person who is on the Electoral Roll of the parish and they should also be asked if they are willing to stand! PCC Secretary SUNFLOWERS AND FAITH

The sunflower head is well and truly developed now and fully open. Picture of Minnie sat in front of the sunflower whose how tall it is. Kate


The 2021 Admissions Policies for St Mary’s Infant School and Prestbury St Mary’s Junior School Our schools have church attendance criteria for admissions, but since the churches have been closed some parents may be worried about meeting the criteria. The policies are being changed to formalize the concept that if parents are attending regularly when the church is open, they should meet the criteria. (see https://www.prestburystmarysfederation.co.uk/) Please note that watching livestreams or private prayer does not qualify for school admissions purposes. If you have any comments or questions about the policies, please contact me at [email protected] . Fiona Hall (Chair, Admissions Committee)

Wurzel (Father Robert and Lindy’s cat) decided to come and visit me when I was in the office last week. Kate

LOCKDOWN COMMUNITY PROJECT An exciting new project Gloucestershire Libraries are running in collaboration with other local organisations to capture the experience of people living, working and studying in Gloucestershire during lockdown 2020. A Life in Lockdown: In Your Words focuses on collecting a creative response to lockdown. We are inviting people to create, write, reflect and share their personal experiences. People can submit work in a wide range of formats from poems and short stories to vlogs, blogs, comic strips, short films and animations. Anything which uses words to record your own unique experience. Selected submissions will be featured on our webpage, on our social media and in displays in our Libraries once they are open again. Visit our website to find out more www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/libraries/life-in- lockdown-in-your-words Your voice is unique and we want to hear it! We welcome entries from the whole community and this project is open to people of all ages. We really want to champion diversity and ensure that our project is as representative as possible. It’s important to us that every voice is heard and celebrated. Please spread the word amongst your staff/members/volunteers/customers and share on social media or in newsletters and magazines. We’d love to hear from you and you can contact us at [email protected] If you know someone who isn’t online they can also make a submission by writing to Library, Sun Street, GL20 5NX NOTICE ABOUT FUNERALS While funerals can now take place in church, the Church of guidelines are that no more than 30 people may attend. Bearing this in mind and the limits placed on funerals at the Crematorium (no more than 20 mourners), we ask that you continue to remain at home and light a candle at the time of the funeral as listed on this sheet and say a prayer (please see our website for some prayers you may wish to use). We are offering all families who have lost loved ones at this time a memorial service in the future if they so wish. Please also remember at this difficult time for many the families and friends, who are mourning loved ones, as well as the Funeral Directors who are dealing with arranging funerals under difficult circumstances, and the clergy who are supporting those in mourning.

The North Cheltenham Team Ministry is following current Church of England advice - which can be found at https://www.churchofengland.org/more/media-centre/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-churches

Please be aware that all of our churches sadly remain closed to anyone other than our clergy apart from for Sunday services and for individual private prayer as indicated above.

We are endeavouring to keep in contact with you all through various platforms and by offering online services and prayers. Please keep checking our website: www.northchelt.org.uk For further information, please email [email protected] or call 01242 244373 and leave a message and this will be picked up

This news sheet is produced by the North Cheltenham Team Ministry Office The office is open: Monday to Friday: 9.00 am – 12.00 noon ☎244373 Email: [email protected] The deadline for entries is 1200 each Wednesday This news sheet is available electronically. To sign up to receive it by email, please go to: www.northchelt.org.uk/news

Baptisms (Christenings) & Weddings may be arranged at the Team Office on 01242 244373 (opening hours as above)

PRAYER LISTS AT ALL CHURCHES If you would like to be prayed for by name on the service sheet, or know of someone who would like to be prayed for, or needs to be prayed for, please contact Kate at the office, either by email, [email protected] or by telephone on 01242 244373. You can of course, speak to any of the clergy or wardens at your church who will contact Kate on your behalf. We only ever put someone’s first name on the prayer list, Any names added to the prayer list will then remain on the list for a period of three months. After that time the name will be removed, UNLESS you have contacted Kate or a member of clergy to ask to stay on for another three month period. THIS WEEK’S DIARY DATES MONDAY 14th SEPTEMBER 0900-1300 Church open for Private Prayer St Mary’s 1000-1200 Monday Club -suspended Uckington Village Hall 1000 Prestbury URChins - suspended Prestbury URC

TUESDAY 15th SEPTEMBER Cyprian, bishop, martyr, 258 0900-1300 Church open for Private Prayer St Mary’s 1030-1200 Coffee Drop In - suspended St Mary’s 1030-1200 Chatterbox - suspended St Lawrence 1100 Tea with Tom Online via Zoom 1830 Evening Prayer with Father Robert Online

WEDNESDAY 16th SEPTEMBER Ninian, bishop, apostle of the Picts, c. 432 Edward Bouverie Pusey, priest, 1882 0945 Bible Study - suspended 320 Prestbury Road 0900-1300 Church open for Private Prayer St Mary’s 1000-1200 Church open for Private Prayer St Lawrence 1230 Soup Lunch - suspended All Saints 1600-1900 Church open for Private Prayer All Saints 1900 Russian Orthodox Akathist Service - suspended All Saints 1900-2100 Church open for Private Prayer St Mary Magdalene 2030 Evening Prayer with a Celtic Flavour with Rev Mary Bowden Online

THURSDAY 17th SEPTEMBER Hildegard, abbess, visionary, 1179 0900-1300 Church open for Private Prayer St Mary’s 1000-1200 Church open for Private Prayer All Saints 1830 Evening Prayer with Father Robert Online

FRIDAY 18th SEPTEMBER 0900-1300 Church open for Private Prayer St Mary’s 1000 Prestbury Friday Circle - suspended Prestbury URC

SATURDAY 19th SEPTEMBER Theodore, archbishop, 690 0900-1300 Church open for Private Prayer St Mary’s 1000-1200 Church open for Private Prayer All Saints 1730 Said Eucharist - suspended All Saints

SUNDAY 20th SEPTEMBER 15th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Continuing online services: 0930 Celebrate! Online Online 1030 Team Service Online Services in our churches: 0800 Said Mass All Saints 0800 Said Eucharist St Mary’s 0915 Said Holy Communion St Lawrence 0930 Said Eucharist St Nicolas 1030 Said Mass All Saints 1045 Said Holy Communion St Mary Magdalene 1100 Said Eucharist St Mary’s 1630 Celebrate! (pre-book only) St Mary’s 1830 Evening Prayer St Mary’s 1830 Said Evening Prayer and Benediction All Saints 1830 Evening Prayer St Lawrence