
Review Management of Intrusion in Coastal : A Review

Mohammed S. Hussain 1 , Hany F. Abd-Elhamid 2,3, Akbar A. Javadi 4,* and Mohsen M. Sherif 5

1 Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Duhok, 1006 AJ Duhok, Kurdistan Region-Iraq; [email protected] 2 Department of Water and Water Structures Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig University, Zagazig P.O. Box 44519, Egypt; [email protected] 3 Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Shaqra University, Duwadimi P.O. Box 11911, Saudi Arabia 4 Department of Engineering, College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, University of Exeter, North Park Road, Exeter EX4 4QF, UK 5 National Water Center, United Arab Emirates Univ., Al Ain PO Box 15551, UAE; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected]

 Received: 25 October 2019; Accepted: 20 November 2019; Published: 24 November 2019 

Abstract: Seawater intrusion (SWI) is one of the most challenging and widespread environmental problems that threaten the quality and sustainability of fresh resources in coastal aquifers. The excessive pumping of groundwater, associated with the lack of natural recharge, has exacerbated the SWI problem in arid and semi-arid regions. Therefore, appropriate management strategies should be implemented in coastal aquifers to control the impacts of SWI problems, considering acceptable limits of economic and environmental costs. The management of coastal aquifers involves the identification of an acceptable ultimate landward extent of the saline water body and the calculation of the amount of seaward discharge of freshwater that is necessary to keep the saline–freshwater interface in a seacoast position. This paper presents a comprehensive review of available hydraulic and physical management strategies that can be used to reduce and control SWI in coastal aquifers. Advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches are presented and discussed.

Keywords: costal aquifers; seawater intrusion; physical barriers; hydraulic barriers; artificial recharge

1. Introduction Under natural conditions, there is a continuous interaction between surface and subsurface water bodies. In humid climates, surface water bodies (e.g., streams, lakes, seas, and oceans) often act as discharge points (outflow boundaries) for groundwater. For example, due to high recharge of groundwater from rainfall events, streams and lakes act as natural drainage systems, and the subsurface flow is mostly towards them. However, in arid and semi-arid regions, as as in other areas where groundwater pumping is significantly higher than the natural recharge, water moves from surface water bodies to the groundwater systems [1]. Therefore, the salinity and contamination levels of these surface water bodies affects the quality of the groundwater. In coastal regions, the groundwater, as a primary or sole source of freshwater, is continuously subjected to surface–subsurface interaction, as well as salinization due to lateral intrusion of seawater into the . The rate and degree of the seawater intrusion (SWI) depend on a number of parameters, including variations in the hydrological cycle components and the quality and quantity of the system inflows and outflows. The natural factors associated with the and anthropogenic factors due to coastal urbanization and human

Water 2019, 11, 2467; doi:10.3390/w11122467 www.mdpi.com/journal/water Water 2019, 11, 2467 2 of 20 activities are the main components that exacerbate the SWI problem. Therefore, remedial measures have to be taken to prevent further degradation of the water quality due to SWI. Remediation of brackish or saline groundwater using biological, chemical, and physical techniques is a very expensive process and can take a long time, depending on the source and level of salinity. Therefore, sustainable water resources management in coastal areas can be achieved through the use of different arrangements and rates of external sources or sinks of water and physical barriers. To control SWI problems, a seaward hydraulic gradient should be maintained, and, hence, a proportion of the fresh or brackish water should be allowed to flow into the sea. This seaward hydraulic gradient provides a hydraulic barrier against SWI [2–4]. Each of these hydraulic (and physical) approaches has its own advantages and limitations in terms of practical operation and control of SWI. Banks and Richter [5], Bruington [6], Todd [7], van Dam [2], Sherif and Hamza [8], Pool and Carrera [9] and Kallioras et al. [10] listed different methodologies that have attempted to control SWI in coastal aquifers. These methods include reduction of pumping rates, relocation of pumping , use of physical surface or subsurface barriers, natural or artificial recharge (pressure or positive barriers), pumping of saline water along the seacoast (abstraction or negative barriers), and combination techniques (mixed barriers). In this paper, the strengths and weaknesses of these methodologies are reviewed and discussed based on recent advances of their theoretical and practical applications. To that end, the available control approaches are categorized into three different groups: (i) conventional methods, (ii) physical barriers, and (iii) hydraulic barriers, as detailed in the following sections.

2. Conventional/Temporary Methods

2.1. Reduction of Pumping Reduction of abstraction from pumping wells is the simplest, most direct and cost-effective measure to maintain the groundwater balance in aquifers and control SWI problems. However, the possibility of reducing the abstraction can be restricted in some regions in terms of water demand requirement, and of course a supplemental source of water should be provided to substitute the imposed reduction on the groundwater pumping plan [6]. The agriculture sector represents the major water consumer all over the world. In most arid and semi-arid regions, such as the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, the water consumption in the agriculture sector represents 88% of the total water consumption [11]. Therefore, a significant reduction in groundwater pumping might be achieved by changing crop patterns and reducing the cultivation of high-demand water crops, such as rice and sugarcane. The use of water-saving irrigation techniques, such as drip and precise irrigation, would also contribute towards the reduction of groundwater pumping. Increasing the general public awareness in terms of reducing the water losses in water consumption and supply networks in residential, agricultural, and industrial sectors, and encouraging them to use renewable or recycling resources (e.g., reclaimed treated wastewater and desalinated water) can contribute to the success of plans, and hence minimize groundwater exploration. However, reduction of water demand may not always be possible due to certain constraints. In addition, the cost of supplying alternative good quality water and making it available in vulnerable areas are other issues that may render this method a temporary measure for protecting aquifers. This is particularly true for areas with high population growth, and thus increasing trends in water demands may not be able to be avoided to achieve the intended objectives [12,13]. The possibility of combining this temporary management approach with other control measures was proposed by Sugio et al. [14] to control the critical conditions of the SWI problem. Reichard and Johnson [15] showed that the application of this methodology could help to reduce the amount (and cost) of in-lieu delivery of surface water for general consumption by local residents or to protect the aquifer against SWI. Based on a sensitivity analysis of SWI versus pumping rate using numerical simulation of the Burdekin Delta aquifer in Australia, Narayan et al. [16] concluded that reducing Water 2019, 11, 2467 3 of 20 groundwater abstraction can effectively control SWI. The methodology was also suggested by Tsanis and Song [3] and Don et al. [17]. Sherif et al. [18] showed that a 50% reduction of groundwater pumping in Wadi Ham aquifer, United Arab Emirates, would cause a retardation of the mixing zone in the order of a few kilometers, and would significantly increase the availability of fresh groundwater resources by the year 2020. Sherif [19] revealed that redistribution of pumping by reducing or switching off the well fields that are less susceptible to intrusion could help mitigate SWI in the Nile delta aquifer. The redistribution of the pumping rates in available wells was also investigated by Zhou et al. [20] in a coastal aquifer in Beihai city in China. It was concluded that the elimination of the wells near the coastline or across the intruded zone with simultaneous reduction of the pumping in wells far from the could protect the aquifer. In terms of rescheduling of pumping, Rejani et al. [21] recommended that increasing the pumping rates upstream and reducing the rates in downstream zones could help to retreat SWI in the Balasore coastal groundwater basin in India, especially in the dry years. Lowering of groundwater levels and the associated increase of salinity due to pumping in dry years were the reasons for limiting pumping in this area [21]. Reduction of the total withdrawals from the Akrotiri aquifer in Cyprus during the wet years was one of the possible solutions that was proposed by Koussis et al. [22] to manage SWI. In wet years, the water demand is met fully by surface water, and therefore high water abstraction from aquifers is not necessary. On the other hand, due to the limited surface water resources in dry years, a large fraction of water demand is provided by abstraction from aquifers. Following the same concept, periodic deactivation of most of the pumping wells in the alluvial aquifer of Katapola, Greece, was suggested by Siaka et al. [23] to control the propagation of SWI.

2.2. Relocation of Pumping Wells In this approach, the pumping wells are commonly relocated further inland away from the coast to provide a proper seaward hydraulic gradient, by keeping the groundwater levels above the sea level in the vicinity of the shoreline and reducing the excessive losses of fresh groundwater by outflow [2–4]. This approach could also be limited in some cases due to unavailability of land or conflicts with other strategic projects in the public sector, or even with private infrastructures that will terminate the process. In some cases, and under high levels of contamination, the size (length) of the aquifer needed to accommodate the new locations of wells far from the intruded seawater wedge is another obstacle to manage with SWI. Moreover, the cost associated with transportation and in-lieu delivery of water from the new pumping wells (far enough from the coastline) to the predeveloped areas near the coastline (susceptible zones) could be another constraint. Therefore, this technique might also be regarded as a temporary solution [24]. The spatial distribution of the new pumping wells in the system should be carefully designed in order to control the problem rather than accelerating it. Datta et al. [25] studied the effects of spatial variations of pumping from a set of five wells and in three different locations in a real study area in India. The locations of this set of wells in two different pumping zones along the coastline showed better results in terms of controlling the intruded body of saline water than their locations in the middle area, which also had the potential to reduce the negative impacts. The problem of finding the optimal pumping patterns (locations and rates of abstraction wells) for controlling SWI has been mainly studied in the literature within simulation optimization frameworks. For example, Mantoglou and Papantoniou [26] studied the optimal design of a pumping network for the management of aquifers using two different schemes of optimization. A genetic algorithm (GA) was used in one of the schemes to optimize both the pumping rates and locations of wells simultaneously, whereas in the second scheme a combination of GA and sequential quadratic programming (SQP) was utilized in two stages. The GA was first used to identify the optimal well locations at any generation point and then SQP was applied to calculate the optimal pumping rates for the new specified well locations. The superior performance of GA than SQP in identification of better optimal solutions was highlighted. A review of the research efforts related to the application of simulation optimization modelling in management of Water 2019, 11, 2467 4 of 20

SWI in coastal aquifers was presented by Werner et al. [27], Ketabchi and Ataie-Ashtiani [28,29], and Singh [30,31]. Planning of the pumping in the middle of the Nile Delta aquifer was suggested by Sherif and Al-Rashed [32] to ensure groundwater sustainability. The management plan for a coastal aquifer by installation of a new well system away from the coastal area was also highlighted by Maimone and Fitzgerald [33] as a reliable technique compared to another approaches that assumed a deeper drilling plan for the old-existing well fields along the coast. The old wells in this system abstracted brackish water that was used (after desalination) for domestic purposes.

3. Physical Barriers

3.1. Physical Subsurface Barriers In physical subsurface barriers, concrete, grout, bentonite, slurry walls, and sheet piles are commonly designed in front of seawater along the coast (Figure1). The e fficiency of injecting cement grout was examined by Sugio et al. [14] in Okinawa-Jima Island in Japan following experimental and numerical simulations, including experimental sand box tests and finite difference modelling. Moreover, the positive role of these barriers in controlling and delaying the SWI was reported by Galeati et al. [34] through 2D simulation of a case study in southern Italy using an implicit Eulerian–Lagrangian finite element model. Basri [35] performed simulation of a 2D vertical section of a hypothetical aquifer, and Nishikawa et al. [36] simulated a 2D vertical section of Dominguez Gap coastal area of Los Angeles, California, using SUTRA (Saturated-Unsaturated variable-density ground-water flow with solute or energy TRAnsport) code developed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The Komesu underground concrete dam (cut-off wall) in Japan, with dimensions of 2320 m 0.54 m and a depth × of 70 m below mean sea level, can be considered as a good example of physical barriers successfully developed at a large scale to protect an aquifer from saltwater intrusion [37]. Through experimental and numerical simulations, Luyun et al. [38] and Abdoulhalik and Ahmed [39] showed that the application of deep physical barriers located closer to the coast and in front of the toe location are more effective. Numerical models and approximate analytical solutions were used by Kaleris and Ziogas [40] to study the influence of a cut-off wall on progression of SWI in scenarios with and without groundwater extraction. The analytical approximations are based on the inputs and outputs of the SUTRA model. In the absence of abstraction, the physical barrier showed a high protective potential when it was located at greater depths and much closer to the coast. In the second scheme, the ability of this cut-off wall to retard the saline wedge was illustrated in systems with limited number of wells, and in cases where pumping was carried out at smaller distance from the shoreline and at a relatively greater depth. Under this pumping action and in the aquifer systems where the inland boundary was specified with a lower inflow velocity than the intruded velocity of saline water, and also in cases with high anisotropy, Waterthe design2019, 11,of x FOR physical PEER REVIEW barrier control was proven to be of immense benefit in the mitigation of5 SWI. of 20

Figure 1. An illustration of a physical subsurface barrier. Figure 1. An illustration of a physical subsurface barrier.

Although, the development of such barriers has high initial installation and material costs, they have still been suggested by Allow [41] to be the most cost-effective strategy, since they do not require maintenance and repair activities over their life time. This claim was based on the comparison of the results obtained from two different management options, namely physical barriers and injection wells, where the need to provide the essential source of recharge water and the potentially high future repair costs of the injection process reduced the functionality of the second management option. The two scenarios were applied on the Damsarkho coastal aquifer in Syria and the simulations were conducted in 3D using finite-difference based variable density groundwater flow and transport code (SEAWAT) developed by the USGS. Generally, the application of a physical subsurface barrier is an expensive process for deep aquifers [42]. Another issue that has been highlighted by Nawa and Miyazaki [37] and Allow [41] is the stagnant condition of the intruded saline water that remains behind the barrier at the time of its construction (Figure 1). According to Nawa and Miyazaki [37], in cases with steep seaward hydraulic gradient, the flow of freshwater can force this residual saltwater to diffuse through the barrier and also to intrude below its foundation toward the sea, increasing the total volume of freshwater. However, under extensive pumping and low hydraulic gradient conditions of the flow system, the reverse diffusion of seawater through the barrier and beneath its base, and hence mixing with this plume of stagnant saltwater, can cause some sort of deficiency in the process. In a totally different and new technique, James et al. [43] introduced a biological barrier to work against SWI. The methodology was based on the injection of bacteria or nutrient solutions to reduce the hydraulic conductivity of sub surface layers, and hence to reduce the risk of SWI. During the subsequent growth of the bacterial biofilms with time, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) were produced that tended to clog the pores of the porous matrix and reduce its permeability. It has been projected that the application of biofilm barriers would reduce the economic cost by about 24% compared with the more traditional deep physical barriers, such as injection of recharge water.

3.2. Physical Surface Barriers (Land Reclamation) Coastal land reclamation involves the artificial extension of the coastline towards the sea. In this technique, new land is introduced by artificial filling of the appropriate type of soil at the desired geometry and slope (Figure 2). It is mainly constructed to provide the land area required to meet growing urbanization and population increase. However, from a hydraulic point of view, coastal reclamation creates a foreland that may develop a new zone for a freshwater body, helping to delay the advancement of SWI [42]. In this framework, and in order to maintain the hydraulic equilibrium of the system, the freshwater body starts to penetrate into the newly reclaimed soil, and hence it delays the inflow rates of saline water. Increasing the distance between inland production wells and the coastline, and also providing a larger area to deal with the natural rainfall, are the other beneficial terms of reclamation against SWI [44–46].

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Although, the development of such barriers has high initial installation and material costs, they have still been suggested by Allow [41] to be the most cost-effective strategy, since they do not require maintenance and repair activities over their life time. This claim was based on the comparison of the results obtained from two different management options, namely physical barriers and injection wells, where the need to provide the essential source of recharge water and the potentially high future repair costs of the injection process reduced the functionality of the second management option. The two scenarios were applied on the Damsarkho coastal aquifer in Syria and the simulations were conducted in 3D using finite-difference based variable density groundwater flow and transport code (SEAWAT) developed by the USGS. Generally, the application of a physical subsurface barrier is an expensive process for deep aquifers [42]. Another issue that has been highlighted by Nawa and Miyazaki [37] and Allow [41] is the stagnant condition of the intruded saline water that remains behind the barrier at the time of its construction (Figure1). According to Nawa and Miyazaki [ 37], in cases with steep seaward hydraulic gradient, the flow of freshwater can force this residual saltwater to diffuse through the barrier and also to intrude below its foundation toward the sea, increasing the total volume of freshwater. However, under extensive pumping and low hydraulic gradient conditions of the flow system, the reverse diffusion of seawater through the barrier and beneath its base, and hence mixing with this plume of stagnant saltwater, can cause some sort of deficiency in the process. In a totally different and new technique, James et al. [43] introduced a biological barrier to work against SWI. The methodology was based on the injection of bacteria or nutrient solutions to reduce the hydraulic conductivity of sub surface layers, and hence to reduce the risk of SWI. During the subsequent growth of the bacterial biofilms with time, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) were produced that tended to clog the pores of the porous matrix and reduce its permeability. It has been projected that the application of biofilm barriers would reduce the economic cost by about 24% compared with the more traditional deep physical barriers, such as injection of recharge water.

3.2. Physical Surface Barriers (Land Reclamation) Coastal land reclamation involves the artificial extension of the coastline towards the sea. In this technique, new land is introduced by artificial filling of the appropriate type of soil at the desired geometry and slope (Figure2). It is mainly constructed to provide the land area required to meet growing urbanization and population increase. However, from a hydraulic point of view, coastal reclamation creates a foreland that may develop a new zone for a freshwater body, helping to delay the advancement of SWI [42]. In this framework, and in order to maintain the hydraulic equilibrium of the system, the freshwater body starts to penetrate into the newly reclaimed soil, and hence it delays the inflow rates of saline water. Increasing the distance between inland production wells and the coastline, and also providing a larger area to deal with the natural rainfall, are the other beneficial terms of reclamationWater 2019, 11, x against FOR PEER SWI REVIEW [44–46 ]. 6 of 20

Figure 2. An illustration of coastal land reclamation. Figure 2. An illustration of coastal land reclamation.

The hydro-geochemical properties of subsurface water of a coastal aquifer in Shenzhen city in China during the rapid urbanization period were studied by Chen and Jiao [44]. The city has undergone massive and large scale land reclamation during the last decades due to its rapid ()+ urbanization. In their study, the reduction in the ionic ratios of r Ca/ r HCO34 r SO and the enrichment of sodium (Na+) relative to chloride (Cl−) were considered as two indicators to claim that the system had experienced a significant retardation of SWI over the urbanization and coastal reclamation period. In the first term, r stands for concentration. Accordingly, the monitoring results of the observed groundwater levels in another aquifer located in the same city (Shenzhen) in China showed that during the land reclamation the groundwater level had raised [47]. Furthermore, they conducted a numerical study using FEFLOW (Finite Element subsurface FLOW system) code, in which they emphasized that increasing the seaward recharge (submarine ground discharge) to the newly reclaimed zones of the flow system could offset the impacts of SWI. Uplifting of the groundwater level and the seaward movement of SWI were also proven analytically by Guo and Jiao [45,46], using steady state simulation of the freshwater-saltwater interface movement under the land reclamation conditions. The cost of equipment and materials for designing such a surface barrier at a large scale is the main limitation to this technique. In addition, the land subsidence that may occur due to the new overburden pressure imposed by the mass of the reclaimed material in the areas that are underlined by soft layers of old soil is another concern. The engineering properties of the filling soil should be reasonably well defined. Also, the environmental impact should be considered as another constraint of this technique, where the reclamation may affect marine life, fishing, and tourism activities in these areas.

4. Hydraulic Barriers The application of hydraulic barriers to control SWI has gained more popularity than other management strategies. Recharge, abstraction, and combination of abstraction and recharge are the three main types of hydraulic barriers. Treated wastewater (TWW), desalinated seawater, and desalinated brackish water are three possible sources of water that can be used to recharge aquifers. TWW is the reclaimed wastewater that is appropriately treated in treatment plants. All the microbial pathogens, suspended solids, oxygen-depleting organic matters, and nutrients (i.e., nitrogen and phosphorus) from treated effluents produced from sewage treatment plant are significantly reduced through combined mechanical, biological, and chemical treatment processes. Desalination is a removal process of dissolved minerals (mainly salts) from either seawater or brackish groundwater to produce of potable water quality. The desalination can be accomplished by different techniques that can be classified under two main processes—thermal (distillation) processes and membrane processes [48]—although other methods (e.g., freezing and solar humidification) have also been developed. A summary of different desalination technologies

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The hydro-geochemical properties of subsurface water of a coastal aquifer in Shenzhen city in China during the rapid urbanization period were studied by Chen and Jiao [44]. The city has undergone massive and large scale land reclamation during the last decades due to its rapid urbanization. In their + study, the reduction in the ionic ratios of rCa/(rHCO3 + rSO4) and the enrichment of sodium (Na ) relative to chloride (Cl−) were considered as two indicators to claim that the system had experienced a significant retardation of SWI over the urbanization and coastal reclamation period. In the first term, r stands for concentration. Accordingly, the monitoring results of the observed groundwater levels in another aquifer located in the same city (Shenzhen) in China showed that during the land reclamation the groundwater level had raised [47]. Furthermore, they conducted a numerical study using FEFLOW (Finite Element subsurface FLOW system) code, in which they emphasized that increasing the seaward recharge (submarine ground discharge) to the newly reclaimed zones of the flow system could offset the impacts of SWI. Uplifting of the groundwater level and the seaward movement of SWI were also proven analytically by Guo and Jiao [45,46], using steady state simulation of the freshwater-saltwater interface movement under the land reclamation conditions. The cost of equipment and materials for designing such a surface barrier at a large scale is the main limitation to this technique. In addition, the land subsidence that may occur due to the new overburden pressure imposed by the mass of the reclaimed material in the areas that are underlined by soft layers of old soil is another concern. The engineering properties of the filling soil should be reasonably well defined. Also, the environmental impact should be considered as another constraint of this technique, where the reclamation may affect marine life, fishing, and tourism activities in these areas.

4. Hydraulic Barriers The application of hydraulic barriers to control SWI has gained more popularity than other management strategies. Recharge, abstraction, and combination of abstraction and recharge are the three main types of hydraulic barriers. Treated wastewater (TWW), desalinated seawater, and desalinated brackish water are three possible sources of water that can be used to recharge aquifers. TWW is the reclaimed wastewater that is appropriately treated in treatment plants. All the microbial pathogens, suspended solids, oxygen-depleting organic matters, and nutrients (i.e., nitrogen and phosphorus) from treated effluents produced from sewage treatment plant are significantly reduced through combined mechanical, biological, and chemical treatment processes. Desalination is a removal process of dissolved minerals (mainly salts) from either seawater or brackish groundwater to produce fresh water of potable water quality. The desalination can be accomplished by different techniques that can be classified under two main processes—thermal (distillation) processes and membrane processes [48]—although other methods (e.g., freezing and solar humidification) have also been developed. A summary of different desalination technologies can be found in Xevgenos et al. [49]. The desalination method can be selected based on three main aspects: technical aspects, environmental aspects, and economic aspects. The challenge in the desalination process is the reduction of the energy used, and thus the total cost of the produced water. Reverse osmosis (RO) is currently one of the fastest-growing techniques in water desalination, which is based on membrane processes. RO consumes less energy, so it is cheaper and has lower carbon emission, requires relatively simple equipment, does not need to be linked to a power plant, and requires small areas of land [50]. RO is a pressure driven technique, wherein dynamic pressure is used to overcome the osmotic pressure of the salt solution. Water is forced to flow through small pores under high pressure through semi-impermeable membranes, while concentrated brine solution is rejected [49]. The pressure difference must be high enough to overcome the natural tendency of water to move from the low salt concentration side of a membrane to the high concentration side, as defined by osmotic pressure. The major energy consumption comes from creating pressure. The quality of the produced water depends on the efficiency of the membranes, the pressure, and the degree of salinity. Sola et al. [51] studied the quality of the feed water at a RO desalination plant, considering the physical, chemical, and microbiological composition of water samples taken from direct seawater Water 2019, 11, 2467 7 of 20 intake and others from drilled boreholes over the aquifer shoreline. It was concluded that due to infiltration through the aquifer media, the quality of brackish or saline water abstracted from coastal boreholes is considerably better than direct seawater intakes. Low organic carbon and dissolved oxygen contents, low turbidity, and silt density index are other positive characteristics of the abstracted saline or brackish water, which play a role in the selection of these sources to feed RO desalination units over direct seawater intake [51,52]. According to Miller [53] and Stein et al. [54], the majority the seawater desalination costs using RO re attributed to the high energy consumption. The total cost and energy consumption of brackish water is less than 50% of the seawater desalination method. The contribution of energy (electric power) to the unit cost of seawater desalination is four-fold higher than that of brackish water [53].

4.1. Artificial Recharge Within the positive or pressure barriers, the aquifer is artificially recharged by high-quality water (e.g., surface water, rainwater, extracted groundwater, treated wastewater, or desalinated water) to maintain the seaward gradient in the system by increasing the inland piezometric heads. Generally, the artificial recharge of water aims to reduce flood flows, store freshwater water in aquifers, raise groundwater levels, relieve over-pumping, and finally, improve water quality and suppress the saline water body [7,55]. This methodology is among the most popular techniques, which have been widely suggested and assessed in the literature. Results of the numerical modelling of SWI in the Burdekin Delta aquifer, Australia [56], show that extensive pumping and lower recharge rates are factors that accelerate the landward encroachment of the seawater wedge. A summary of the more recent works is presented below. Mahesha and Nagaraja [57] and Narayan et al. [16,56], through a parametric study, concluded that uniform natural rainfall can effectively repulse the saline wedge. Mahesha [58,59] suggested that artificial recharge through injection wells represents an efficient methodology for retardation of SWI in any geological condition of confined or unconfined aquifers, with single or multiple layers (Figure3). This positive potential of deep recharge barriers in repulsion of SWI has been analyzed by Luyun et al. [38] through experimental, analytical, and numerical modelling. They concluded that the effectiveness of the recharge system is reduced if it is implemented farther and higher from the toe of the saltwater wedge. The methodology has been numerically assessed by Paniconi et al. [60,61], Papadopoulou et al. [62], Narayan et al. [56], and Allow [41] for a range of global real-world case studies. The benefits of freshwater reinjection through a deep-well system located between the interface toe and the production well was analytically affirmed by Lu et al. [63] through introducing a parallel injection–extraction system to control SWI. By re-injecting part of the freshwater into the coastal aquifer, the net extraction rate of freshwater from the production well was increased up to 50% compared with cases without the injection well (single extraction well system), while at the same time mitigating against the SWI problem. Sun and Semprich [64] compared the efficiency of freshwater injection to that of air injection to manage SWI risks. However, in spite of the lower effectiveness of the deep air injection in providing an efficient pressure gradient against the intruded saltwater wedge, they concluded that relying on the air injection can be a good option (as it readily available) in areas where access to freshwater is limited. Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 20 mitigating against the SWI problem. Sun and Semprich [64] compared the efficiency of freshwater injection to that of air injection to manage SWI risks. However, in spite of the lower effectiveness of the deep air injection in providing an efficient pressure gradient against the intruded saltwater wedge,Water 2019 they, 11, 2467concluded that relying on the air injection can be a good option (as it readily available)8 of 20 in areas where access to freshwater is limited.

Figure 3. Figure 3. AA generalized generalized sketch sketch of of a a recharge recharge well well system. system. Surface reservoirs, lakes, , and other spreading recharge basins can also be used as recharge Surface reservoirs, lakes, canals, and other spreading recharge basins can also be used as systems to recharge (only) the unconfined aquifer systems through infiltration of collected water. recharge systems to recharge (only) the unconfined aquifer systems through infiltration of collected Abdalla and Al-Rawahi [65] studied the effects of a large dam (Al Khod dam) in the Sultanate of Oman water. Abdalla and Al-Rawahi [65] studied the effects of a large dam (Al Khod dam) in the Sultanate on retardation of SWI. The dam was purposely constructed to mitigate the depletion of subsurface water of Oman on retardation of SWI. The dam was purposely constructed to mitigate the depletion of during the over-pumping periods and to collect the Wadi flows during intensive rainfall and runoff subsurface water during the over-pumping periods and to collect the Wadi flows during intensive events. The monitoring of the piezometric head and measuring of the electrical conductivity indicated rainfall and runoff events. The monitoring of the piezometric head and measuring of the electrical that the recharge dam was effective and contributed positively toward improving the groundwater conductivity indicated that the recharge dam was effective and contributed positively toward quality in the coastal zone. Yuansheng and Zhaohui [66] introduced the artificial recharge of water as improving the groundwater quality in the coastal zone. Yuansheng and Zhaohui [66] introduced the an efficient measure to control SWI and elevate the groundwater levels. By transporting river water to artificial recharge of water as an efficient measure to control SWI and elevate the groundwater levels. inner lakes through a pre-constructed , they developed an integrated methodology for future By transporting river water to inner lakes through a pre-constructed canal, they developed an sustainability of the flow system in the coastal city of Haihou, China. integrated methodology for future sustainability of the flow system in the coastal city of Haihou, The cost of providing high quality water (e.g., desalinated water) and its in-lieu delivery for China. recharging purposes is among the main limitations of recharge barriers using desalinated water. The cost of providing high quality water (e.g., desalinated water) and its in-lieu delivery for In addition, unavailability of such water locally, especially in dry years or in regions that suffer from recharging purposes is among the main limitations of recharge barriers using desalinated water. In scarcity of water, constitutes another major restriction [67]. Therefore, in recent years more emphasis addition, unavailability of such water locally, especially in dry years or in regions that suffer from has been placed on renewable sources of water, such as treated wastewater, as the sources of recharge scarcity of water, constitutes another major restriction [67]. Therefore, in recent years more emphasis for seawater intrusion mitigation (e.g., [13,15,22,68–74]). Application of for common has been placed on renewable sources of water, such as treated wastewater, as the sources of recharge utility sectors or artificial storage in subsurface layers can help to satisfy part of the water demands, for seawater intrusion mitigation (e.g., [13,15,22,68–74]). Application of reclaimed water for common resist drought, and also protect the system against SWI in coastal aquifers. utility sectors or artificial storage in subsurface layers can help to satisfy part of the water demands, resist4.2. Abstraction drought, and Barriers also protect the system against SWI in coastal aquifers.

4.2. AbstractionIn negative Barriers barriers, the brackish or saline water is continuously pumped through deep abstraction wells located near the coast (Figure4). The extracted water can be directly disposed of into the sea or it In negative barriers, the brackish or saline water is continuously pumped through deep may be used as a water source for desalination plants. Ray et al. [75] and Hubbs [76] elaborated that abstraction wells located near the coast (Figure 4). The extracted water can be directly disposed of subsurface intake systems of desalination plants represent green intake that can be utilized to improve into the sea or it may be used as a water source for desalination plants. Ray et al. [75] and Hubbs [76] the quality of feed water delivered to reverse osmosis seawater desalination plants. This type of intake elaborated that subsurface intake systems of desalination plants represent green intake that can be is similar in concept to riverbank filtration, wherein the native geological media is used to naturally utilized to improve the quality of feed water delivered to reverse osmosis seawater desalination filter the raw water before entering the treatment facility. Wright and Missimer [77], Schwartz [78,79], plants. This type of intake is similar in concept to riverbank filtration, wherein the native geological and Rachman et al. [80] indicated that subsurface intakes provide physical and biological mechanisms media is used to naturally filter the raw water before entering the treatment facility. Wright and for filtering the feed water by straining and biodegrading organic matter and other particulates, while Missimer [77], Schwartz [78,79], and Rachman et al. [80] indicated that subsurface intakes provide passing through marine sediments and seabeds similar to the sand filters that are used in freshwater physical and biological mechanisms for filtering the feed water by straining and biodegrading treatment plants. organic matter and other particulates, while passing through marine sediments and seabeds similar The extracted groundwater can also be used in industrial activities, for example for cooling to the sand filters that are used in freshwater treatment plants. purposes, to develop green lands in coastal areas, and for irrigation of certain types of crops [2,8]. The extracted groundwater can also be used in industrial activities, for example for cooling The direct disposal of large quantities of extracted saline water (or its waste after industrial use and purposes, to develop green lands in coastal areas, and for irrigation of certain types of crops [2,8]. desalination processing) into the sea could bring other environmental problems that affect the marine life, fishing, and tourism activities [2,12].

Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 20

The direct disposal of large quantities of extracted saline water (or its waste after industrial use and desalination processing) into the sea could bring other environmental problems that affect the marine life,Water fishing,2019, 11 ,and 2467 tourism activities [2,12]. 9 of 20

Figure 4. A generalized sketch of an abstraction barrier. Figure 4. A generalized sketch of an abstraction barrier. The abstraction of brackish water from the dispersion zone as a measure of SWI control in leaky aquifersThe abstraction was first evaluated of brackish by Sherifwater from and Hamza the dispersion [8] using zone a two-dimensional as a measure of SWI finite control element in model.leaky aquifersTheir results was first showed evaluated a significant by Sherif reduction and Hamza in the [8] width using of a the two-dimensional mixing zone owing finite to element brackish model. water Theirpumping. results The showed quality a significant of the pumped reduction water in the was width better of in the cases mixing where zone the owing barriers to brackish were screened water pumping.away from The the quality sea or inof thethe upperpumped horizons water ofwas the better mixing in zone.cases However,where the thisbarriers was associatedwere screened with awaythe reduction from the andsea lossor in of the a portionupper horizons of freshwater, of the whichmixing was zone. reported However, as the th majoris was drawbackassociated of with this thetechnique. reduction The and same loss principle of a portion of pumping of freshwater, brackish which and was saline reported water nearas the the major coast drawback was assessed of this by technique.Mahesha [ 81The] and same Kacimov principle et al.of pumping [82] using brackish the sharp and interface saline theory,water near and bythe Sherif coast andwas Kacimov assessed [by83] Maheshausing the [81] SUTRA and codeKacimov in a 2Det al. vertical [82] using section the of sharp a hypothetical interface confinedtheory, and aquifer. by Sherif and Kacimov [83] usingPark the et al. SUTRA [84] used code the in multidimensional a 2D vertical section hybrid of a Lagrangian–Eulerianhypothetical confined finite aquifer. element model [85] to studyPark the et al. eff [84]ects ofused diff theerent multidimensional parameters on the hybr qualityid Lagrangian–Eulerian of the water pumped finite from element another model production [85] towell. study The the effects effects of pumping of different rates parameters from the barrier on the well, quality the horizontal of the water distance pumped of this barrierfrom another from the productioncoast and from well. the The production effects of well,pumping the depth rates offrom the the barrier barrier in the well, aquifer the horizontal system, and distance the number of this of barrierthese barriers from the were coast investigated and from the in di productionfferent cases well, using the a depth hypothetical of the barrier model. in the aquifer system, and theIn number an attempt of these to reduce barriers the were upconing investigated problem in that different occurs cases under using freshwater a hypothetical production model. wells, vanIn Dam an [attempt2] proposed to reduce the application the upconing of the problem scavenger that techniqueoccurs under for thickfreshwater aquifers. production The new wells, set of vaninstalled Dam [2] (scavenger) proposed wells the application are screened of nextthe scaven to, orger nearby, technique the production for thick aquifers. well, and The at somenew set depth of installedbelow the (scavenger) freshwater–saltwater wells are screened interface next to extractto, or nearby, saline water the production only, and thuswell, reduce and atthe some upconing depth belowof the the interface freshwater–saltwater toward the production interface well. to extract The protectionsaline water of only, the inland and thus wells reduce (for withdrawalthe upconing of offreshwater) the interface using toward a series the of production negative barriers well. The was protection investigated of numericallythe inland wells in several (for researchwithdrawal papers of freshwater)within simulation using optimizationa series of negative frameworks barriers (e.g., wa [25s ,72investigated–74,86–94]). numerically in several research papersIn within general, simulation extraction optimization barriers cause frameworks a drop in the (e.g., piezometric [25,72–74,86–94]). head near the coast, which enhances the seawardIn general, hydraulic extraction gradient barriers and cause protects a drop the aquifer.in the piezometric However, duehead to near this seawardthe coast, gradient, which enhancesthe process the often seaward ends hydraulic in abstraction gradient of much and more protects freshwater the aquifer. than salineHowever, water, due which to this may seaward cause a gradient,reduction the in theprocess freshwater often storageends in capacity abstraction of the of aquifer. much more Therefore, freshwater with controlled than saline rates water, of pumping, which maythe methodcause a canreduction be applied in the as freshwater a temporary storage management capacity strategyof the aquifer. in cases Therefore, where the with intrusion controlled is not ratesextensive of pumping, (i.e. saline the water method body can is be far applied from the as pumping a temporary wellfield), management and also strategy to control in salinitycases where in the thesystem intrusion before is applying not extensive other methods(i.e. saline [3 water]. To overcome body is far this from problem, the pumping Pool and wellfield), Carrera [9 ]and proposed also to a controlnew method salinity using in the double system negative before applying barriers inother cases methods where urban[3]. To aquifersovercome are this the problem, only viable Pool option and Carreradue to space[9] proposed limitation. a new One method of the using barriers double abstracts negative the saline barriers water in cases near where the coast, urban while aquifers the other are thepumps only freshwaterviable option further due to inland. space Thelimitation. idea behind One of this the methodology barriers abstracts is to createthe saline a low-velocity water near zone the coast,between while the the two other abstraction pumps freshwater zones with further an almost inland horizontal. The idea hydraulic behind this gradient, methodology which willis to helpcreate to aprotect low-velocity and increase zone between the productivity the two abstraction of the inland zones freshwater with an well. almost They horizontal showed hydraulic that this model gradient, will whichhave awill high help effi tociency protect in and shallow increase aquifers, the productivity and its efficiency of the wouldinland freshwater be even increased well. They in theshowed cases thatwhere this the model seawater will wellhave pumpsa high theefficiency saline waterin shallow at higher aquifers, rates and in a its zone efficiency closer to would the sea. be Iteven was increaseddemonstrated in the that cases screening where the the seawater inland freshwater well pumps well th ate saline the top water and theat higher seawater rates well in a at zone the bottomcloser increases the overall performance of the proposed control measure.

Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 20 toWater the2019 sea., 11It, was 2467 demonstrated that screening the inland freshwater well at the top and the seawater10 of 20 well at the bottom increases the overall performance of the proposed control measure. Combined Combined Barriers Barriers TheThe combination combination of of some some of of the the aforementioned aforementioned strategies strategies can can help help to to better better control control SWI SWI by by combiningcombining the the merits of thethe individualindividual methodologies. methodologies. For For instance, instance, the the combination combination of of reduction reduction in thein thepumping pumping rates rates and and recharge recharge barrier barrier [95 ][95] and and controlling controlling the the pumping pumping rate rate with with artificial artificial recharge recharge [61] [61]has has been been reported reported in the in literature the literature as a possible as a po solutionssible solution for SWI. for Cherubini SWI. Cherubini and Pastore and [96Pastore] proposed [96] proposeda solution a based solution on reductionbased on ofreduction well density of well (number density of (number pumping of wells pumping per unit wells area) per coupled unit area) with coupledartificial with recharge artificial for arecharge regional for aquifer a regional in Italy. aquifer Another in Italy. possible Another scheme possible under scheme this approachunder this is approachthe combination is the combination of positive andof positive negative and barriers, negative known barriers, as a known mixed barrieras a mixed (Figure barrier5). This(Figure mixed 5). Thisbarrier mixed (which barrier is the (which main is focus the main of this focus section) of this uses: section) (a) applicationuses: (a) application of repeated of repeated cycles of cycles recharge of rechargeand abstraction and abstraction through the through same well thesystem; same well and (b)system; injection and of (b) freshwater injection while of freshwater abstracting while saline abstractingwater. Some saline variants water. of the Some latter variants scheme of have the beenlatter suggested scheme have by a been number suggested of research by a studies number as theof researchmost eff ectivestudies barrier as the methodmost effective (e.g., [3 barrier,22,24,69 method,71–73, 81(e.g.,,97 ,[3,22,24,69,71–73,81,97,98]).98]).

Figure 5. A generalized sketch of an abstraction–recharge barrier system. Figure 5. A generalized sketch of an abstraction–recharge barrier system. 4.3.1. Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) 4.3.1. Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) is a technique introduced by Cederstrom [99] and has been widelyAquifer used storage in many and countries recovery for (ASR) management is a techniqu of watere introduced resources by as Cederstrom an alternative [99] to and surface has waterbeen widelystorage used in dams in many and reservoirscountries [for100 management]. ASR is one of water several resources techniques as usedan alternative for management to surface of aquiferwater storagerecharge. in Thedams term and “management reservoirs [100]. of aquifer ASR is recharge” one of several was introduced techniques to used describe for management the “intentional of aquiferbanking recharge. and treatment The term of water “management in aquifers” of [ 101aqui].fer ASR recharge” methodology was involvesintroduced continuous to describe storage the “intentionalof excess water banking by deep and injection treatment through of water recharge in wellsaquifers” into deep[101]. aquifers ASR methodology or other water-bearing involves continuousformations, storage either whenof excess water water is available by deep orinjection during through the wet recharge and low wells demand into season deep aquifers of the year or other(Figure water-bearing6). The stored formations, water is either then recovered when water when is available needed or using during the the same wet wells and low to meet demand the seasonwater demandof the year of (Figure the community, 6). The stored and during water theis then next recovered dry or high when demand needed season using of the the same year wells [102]. toDepending meet the water on the demand quality ofof thethe nativecommunity, groundwater and duri inng the the aquifer next dry and or also high the demand quality of season the recharge of the yearwater, [102]. the Depending recovered water on the may quality need of to the go native through groundwater a short treatment in the processaquifer beforeand also use. the quality of the rechargeThe ASR water, process the isrecovered repeated water continuously may need over to go time, through depending a short ontreatment the levels process and durations before use. of waterThe scarcity. ASR process These repeated is repeated cycles continuously of recharge over and abstractiontime, depending also contribute on the levels to the and improvement durations of of waterwater scarcity. quality [ 100These,103 repeated,104]. Typically, cycles of the recharge volume and of the abstraction extracted also water contribute is less than to thatthe improvement of the injected ofwater. water A quality buffer zone[100,103,104]. with marginal Typically, water the quality volume is created of the [105extracted]. The buwaterffer zoneis less basically than that holds of the the injectedrecoverable water. fraction A buffer of water.zone with Therefore, marginal ASR water can quality be considered is created as one[105]. of The the buffer management zone basically options holdsto control the recoverable seawater intrusion, fraction of besides water. Therefore, its other positive ASR can roles be considered in issues related as one toof waterthe management production optionsand demand to control and maintainingseawater intrusion, the seasonal besides fluctuation its other in groundwaterpositive roles storagein issues [106 related,107]. Misutto water and productionVoss [105] investigatedand demand theand beneficial maintaining aspects the season of ASRal in fluctuation controlling in seawater groundwater intrusion storage by defining[106,107]. a Misutseries and of ASR Voss wells [105] in investigated different confined the beneficial or unconfined aspects aquifers of ASR asin acontrolling regional case seawater study inintrusion the United by definingStates. The a series simulations of ASR wells were in conducted different inconfined 3D using or unconfined SUTRA. The aquifers positive as aspects a regional of ASR case system study in in thetheir United results States. were The attributed simulations to the were increase conducted in the net in storage3D using of SUTRA. the aquifers The andpositive continuous aspects seawardof ASR systemmovement in their of theresults seawater were attributed wedge. They to the concluded increase in that the net there storage are several of the aquifers factors that and threatencontinuous the

Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 20

Water 2019, 11, 2467 11 of 20 seaward movement of the seawater wedge. They concluded that there are several factors that threaten the effectiveness of the hydraulic barrier (using ASR wells). For example, installation of wells in,eff ectivenessor in the vicinity of the hydraulic of, unconfined barrier (usingareas allows ASR wells). the injected For example, waterinstallation to leave the of wellsaquifer in, through or in the upwardvicinity of,flux unconfined and evaporation areas allows processes the injected or as coastal water tooutflow. leave the Also, aquifer in througheach of the upward ASR fluxcycles, and applicationevaporation of processes a long-time or as storage coastal outflow.(or pause) Also, phase in each between of the recharge ASR cycles, and application abstraction of allows a long-time the injectedstorage (orwater pause) to drift phase beyond between the recharge buffer zone. and abstraction Similarly, allowsmixing the and injected dispersion water of to injection drift beyond water the withbuff erambient zone. Similarly,water and mixing application and dispersion of high rates of injection of injection water and with abstraction ambient water reduces and the application efficiency of ofhigh ASR rates system. of injection and abstraction reduces the efficiency of ASR system. TheThe commonly commonly used used measure measure to to evaluate evaluate the the perfor performancemance of of ASR ASR systems systems isis recovery recovery efficiency, efficiency, whichwhich is is defined defined as as the the total total volume volume of ofrecovered recovered water water as asa percentage a percentage of the of theinjected injected volume volume in eachin each of the of operating the operating cycles cycles while while satisfying satisfying a target a target water waterquality quality criterion criterion in the abstracted in the abstracted water [102].water The [102 ].impacts The impacts of different of diff erenthydrological hydrological factors factors on recovery on recovery efficiency efficiency have have been been assessed assessed by by LowryLowry and and Anderson Anderson [108] [108 ]through through a a set set of of parametr parametricic studies. studies. The The enhancement enhancement of of ASR ASR efficiency efficiency withwith multiple multiple ASR ASR cycles cycles has has been been reported reported by by Lu Lu et et al. al. [106] [106] and and Sherif Sherif and and Shetty Shetty [104] [104 ]using using numericalnumerical methods. methods. Lu Lu et et al. al. [106] [106 ]investigated investigated the the efficiency efficiency of of an an ASR ASR system system under under various various hydrogeologicalhydrogeological and operationaloperational conditions, conditions, considering considering the the mass mass transfer transfer parameters parameters of dual-domain of dual- domainaquifers. aquifers. They concluded They concluded that the capacitythat the ratiocapacity (ratio ratio of immobile (ratio of to immobile mobile domain to mobile porosity) domain and porosity)the mass and transfer the mass time scaletransfer (defined time scale as 1/ α(defined, where asα is1/ aα, first-order where α is mass a first-order transfer ratemass coe transferfficient) rate are coefficient)among the are main among variables the main that avariablesffect the that recovery affect e thefficiency recovery of ASR. efficiency The increase of ASR. ofThe capacity increase ratio, of capacitywhich is ratio, equivalent which tois theequivalent size of the to the immobile size of domainthe immobile in aquifers, domain causes in aquifers, reduction causes of the reduction recovery ofeffi theciency. recovery This efficiency. reduction This in recovery reduction effi inciency recovery is also efficiency observed is also in aquifers observed with in aquifers slow mass with transfer. slow massASR, transfer. similar toASR, any similar other management to any other strategy,manageme hasnt some strategy, economic has some cost andeconomic quality cost limitations, and quality and limitations,its implementation and its implementation needs further attention. needs further For instance,attention. the For high instance, rates the of mixing high rates of injected of mixing water of injectedwith a poorwater quality with anative poor quality groundwater native groundwa tend to reduceter tend the to total reduce recoverable the total volume recoverable of freshwater volume of(recovery freshwater effi ciency).(recovery In additionefficiency). to thisIn addition water–water to this interaction, water–water the qualityinteraction, of the the injected quality water of the can injectedalso be threatenedwater can by also water–rock be threatened hydrochemical by wa interaction.ter–rock hydrochemical Numerical simulations interaction. were Numerical performed simulationsby Sherif and were Shetty performed [104] and by Sherif Hussain and et Shetty al. [100 [104]] to and study Hussain the eff ectset al. of [100] an ASRto study system the oneffects inland of anadvancement ASR system of on saline inland water advancement in the Wadi of Ham saline aquifer, water United in the Arab Wadi Emirates. Ham aquifer, It was United shown Arab that a Emirates.significant It reductionwas shown in that salinity a significant levels occurred reductio inn areasin salinity surrounding levels occurred the system, in areas which surrounding was mostly theattributed system, towhich the application was mostly of attributed ASR management to the application scenarios. of ASR management scenarios.

Figure 6. Schematic sketch of aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) system. Figure 6. Schematic sketch of aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) system. 4.3.2. Abstraction, Desalination, and Recharge (ADR) 4.3.2. Abd-ElhamidAbstraction, Desalination, and Javadi [67 and] and Recharge Javadi et(ADR) al. [109 ] proposed a combined methodology known as abstraction,Abd-Elhamid desalination, and Javadi and recharge[67] and Javadi (ADR) et to al control. [109] SWI.proposed ADR a is combined based on continuousmethodology abstraction known asof abstraction, brackish water desalination, near the coast, and recharge desalination (ADR) of the to abstractedcontrol SWI. brackish ADR wateris based (e.g., on using continuous reverse abstractionosmosis), andof brackish using the water excess near desalinated the coast, desalination water as a source of the ofabstracted artificial brackish recharge water through (e.g., injection using reversewells, whileosmosis), the restand of using the desalinatedthe excess desalinated water is used water to meet as a somesource of of the artificial water demandrecharge (Figure through7). injectionThey showed wells, that while this the method rest of represents the desalinated an effective water and is economic used to meet method some for controllingof the water SWI. demand Lower (Figureenergy consumption,7). They showed lower that cost, this and method lower environmentalrepresents an impacteffective have and been economic characterized method as for the

WaterWater2019 2019, ,11 11,, 2467 x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of12 20 of 20

controlling SWI. Lower energy consumption, lower cost, and lower environmental impact have been major advantages of this methodology in controlling SWI. This methodology also led to an increase in characterized as the major advantages of this methodology in controlling SWI. This methodology thealso total led availableto an increase freshwater in the that total is producedavailable fres byhwater desalination that is of produced the extracted by desalination saline water. of In the arid orextracted semi-arid saline regions water. where In arid the or totalsemi-arid amount regions of desalinated where the total water amount and abstracted of desalinated freshwater water and does notabstracted satisfy thefreshwater demand, does it wouldnot satisfy not the be possibledemand, toit would use desalinated not be possible water to as use a rechargedesalinated source water for theas a aquifer recharge system. source Infor addition, the aquifer desalinated system. In water addition, is a relativelydesalinated expansive water is a source relatively of water expansive that is producedsource of throughwater that an energy-intensiveis produced through process. an ener In ordergy-intensive to address process. this problem,In order low-costto address effl thisuents reclaimedproblem, fromlow-cost municipal effluents wastewater reclaimed treatment from munici plantspal can wastewater be used to treatment recharge theplants aquifer. can be This used guided to Javadirecharge et al. the [73 aquifer.] and Hussain This guided et al. [ 72Javadi,74] to et propose al. [73] aand new Hussain extension et ofal. ADR [72,74] and to a newpropose methodology, a new calledextension abstraction, of ADR and desalination, a new methodology, and recharge called by treatedabstraction, wastewater desalination, (ADRTWW), and recharge to control by treated SWI in coastalwastewater aquifers. (ADRTWW), to control SWI in coastal aquifers.

Figure 7. Schematic sketch of ADR system. Figure 7. Schematic sketch of ADR system. 4.3.3. ADRTWW 4.3.3. ADRTWW The abstraction, desalination, and recharge by treated wastewater (ADRTWW) methodology concernsThe theabstraction, use of more desalination, economic and sources recharge of water, by treated such as wastewater biologically (ADRTWW) treated wastewater methodology (TWW) andconcerns collected the use rainwater, of more economic or transferring sources good of wate qualityr, such water as biologically from rivers, treated canals, wastewater lakes, and (TWW) ponds thatand existcollected in the rainwater, vicinity ofor thetransfe coastalrring regions. good quality The ADRTWWwater from methodologyrivers, canals, lakes, consists and of ponds three that steps: (a)exist abstraction in the vicinity of brackish of the water coastal from regions. the saline The wedgeADRTWW using methodology deep negative consists barriers of (abstraction three steps: wells); (a) (b)abstraction desalination of brackish of the extracted water from brackish the saline water wedge using using a small-scale deep negative reverse barriers osmosis (abstraction (RO) plant wells); and use (b) desalination of the extracted brackish water using a small-scale reverse osmosis (RO) plant and of the desalinated water as a supplement for an urban system; and finally (c) recharge of use of the desalinated water as a supplement for an urban water supply system; and finally (c) the aquifer using an external source of TWW [72,73]. The main concept of this management approach is recharge of the aquifer using an external source of TWW [72,73]. The main concept of this schematically shown in Figure8. Treated wastewater (TWW) can provide a continuous and long-term management approach is schematically shown in Figure 8. Treated wastewater (TWW) can provide supply of water in developed urban areas. However, the availability of the other sources is dependent a continuous and long-term supply of water in developed urban areas. However, the availability of upon the pre-existing hydrological features and hydro-environmental formations of the coastal site. the other sources is dependent upon the pre-existing hydrological features and hydro-environmental Low economic and environmental costs are the two factors that allow the ADRTWW to offer greater formations of the coastal site. Low economic and environmental costs are the two factors that allow potential in controlling SWI than ADR and conventional barriers (either alone or combined). The other the ADRTWW to offer greater potential in controlling SWI than ADR and conventional barriers inherent(either alone difference or combined). between The ADRTWW other inherent and ADR difference is the total between volume ADRTWW of the water and thatADR will is the be ototalffered forvolume use by of the water population. that will In be ADR, offered a part for use of theby the desalinated population. water In ADR, is used a part for of recharge the desalinated purposes andwater the is rest used is for off eredrecharge for urbanpurposes uses. and However, the rest is in offered ADRTWW for urban all of uses. the desalinatedHowever, in waterADRTWW is directly all allocatedof the desalinated to different water sectors is directly of the developed allocated urbanto different area, sincesectors the of recharge the developed is dependent urban onarea, reclaimed since waterthe recharge [73,110 ].is dependent on reclaimed water [73,110]. OneOne ofof the the main main limitations limitations of of any any hydraulic hydraulic barrier barrier with with deep deep injection injection (recharge) (recharge) wells wells is theis the high costhigh and cost energy and energy burdens burdens of the waterof the injectionwater injectio process.n process. Therefore, Therefore, especially especially for unconfined for unconfined aquifers, rechargeaquifers, using recharge pond using water pond could water be a goodcould alternative be a good (Figurealternative9). In (Figure this approach, 9). In this the approach, collected TWWthe iscollected allowed TWW to percolate is allowed through to percolate the unsaturated through zone the unsaturated to the underlying zone aquifer.to the underlying Although aquifer. the TWW containsAlthough greater the TWW salinity contains than greater desalinated salinity water, than desalin it helpsated to retardwater, theit helps saline to retard water the by increasingsaline water the seawardby increasing hydraulic the seaward gradient, hydraulic as shown gradient, by Hussain as shown et al. by [72 Hussain,74]. The et initialal. [72,74]. costs The of various initial costs artificial of rechargevarious artificial schemes recharge in an alluvial schemes area in inan Indiaalluvial were area reported in India towere be 551,reported 8, and to 1be $ /551,1000 8, mand3 of 1 recharge$/1000

Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 20 Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 20 Water 2019, 11, 2467 13 of 20 m3 of recharge structure for recharge wells, spreading channel, and percolation tank (pond) approaches,m3 of recharge respectively. structure Also, for rechargethe running wells, costs sp ofreading the recharge channel, through and thpercolatione same structures tank (pond) were 21,approaches,structure 20, and for 1 $/1000respectively. recharge m3 wells,/year, Also, spreadingrespectively, the running channel, showing costs and of the percolationthe great recharge economic tank through (pond) advantage th approaches,e same of surface structures respectively. recharge were ponds21,Also, 20, the and[111–113]. running 1 $/1000 costs m3/year, of the respectively, recharge through showing the the same great structures economic were advantage 21, 20, and of surface 1 $/1000 recharge m3/year, pondsrespectively, [111–113]. showing the great economic advantage of surface recharge ponds [111–113].

Figure 8. Schematic sketch of abstraction, desalination, and recharge by treated wastewater Figure 8. Schematic sketch of abstraction, desalination, and recharge by treated wastewater (ADRTWW) (ADRTWW)Figure 8. Schematic using a recharge sketch wellof abstraction, system. desalination, and recharge by treated wastewater using a recharge well system. (ADRTWW) using a recharge well system.

Figure 9. Schematic sketch of ADRTWW using a recharge pond system. Figure 9. Schematic sketch of ADRTWW using a recharge pond system. All the positiveFigure aspects 9. Schematic of TWW sketch make of it ADRTWW suitable as using a recharge a recharge source pond in system. coastal areas around the world.All Thethe qualitypositive of aspects treated of e fflTWWuents make produced it suitable from as the a sewagerecharge treatment source in plant coastal should areas reach around the thetertiary world.All standardsthe The positive quality (without aspects of treated chlorination) of TWW effluents make prior produc it tosuitable theired from use as inathe recharge recharging sewage source treatment aquifers. in coastal Shammasplant areasshould [ 69around ]reach used thea three-dimensional tertiaryworld. The standards quality flow (without of andtreated solute chlorination) effluents advection produc prior transport edto theirfrom model usethe in tosewage assessrecharging treatment the future aquifers. plant effectiveness Shammas should reach of [69] the usedthedeep tertiary a injection three-dimensional standards of treated (without water flow and in chlorination) the solute Salalah advectionaquifer prior to transport in their Oman. use model The in recharging recharge to assess system aquifers.the future was Shammas establishedeffectiveness [69] in ofusedthe the area. a three-dimensionaldeep The injection treated wastewater of treatedflow and waswater solute returned in advection the fromSalalah transport the aquifer available model in central Oman. to assess sewage The the recharge treatmentfuture effectivenesssystem plant withwas establishedofTotal the Dissolved deep ininjection the Solids area. of (TDS) Thetreated treated at 1000water mgwastewater in/L the and Sa waslalah was injected aquiferreturned into in from wellsOman. the in The aavailable line recharge parallel central system to the sewagecoast. was treatmentestablishedThe enhancement plant in the with ofarea. theTotal piezometricThe Dissolved treated water Solidswastewater levels (TDS) (around wasat 1000 returned rechargemg/L andfrom wells) was the injected and available the reductioninto central wells of insewage inlanda line paralleltreatmentflow of salineto plantthe water coast. with from TheTotal theenhancement Dissolved coastline Solids were of the the (TDS) piez main ometricat outcomes 1000 mg/Lwater of and thislevels project.was (around injected Vandenbohede recharge into wells wells) etin al. a andline [13] theparallelemployed reduction to anthe artificialof coast. inland The recharge flow enhancement of saline system water usingof the from two piez th rechargeometrice coastline pondswater were tolevels the recharge main (around outcomes the dunesrecharge of of this thewells) westernproject. and VandenbohedetheBelgian reduction coastal of plaininlandet al. and[13] flow to employed of develop saline water a an safe artificial from and sustainable th erecharge coastline water systemwere extraction the using main outcomestwo system recharge against of this ponds seawater project. to rechargeVandenbohedeintrusion. the Tertiary dunes et treatedal.of the[13] western wastewateremployed Belgian an effl uent artificialcoastal produced plain recharge and from tosystem thedevelop combination using a safe two and of recharge ultra-filtrationsustainable ponds water and to extractionrechargereverse osmosis the system dunes (TDS against of the= 500 seawaterwestern mg/L) Belgianintrusion. was used coastal Tert in theseiary plain treated two and ponds.to wastewater develop Bekele a effluentsafe et al.and [produced114 sustainable] presented from water the the combinationextractionbeneficial system aspects of ultra-filtration against of passing seawater secondary and intrusion.reverse treated osmosis Tert wastewateriary (TDS treated = 500mg/L) through wastewater a was multi-media effluent used in produced these filtration two from ponds. system the Bekelecombination(final TDS et al.= [114] 755of ultra-filtration mg presented/L) in recharging the and beneficial reverse groundwater aspects osmosis of systems(TDS passing = 500mg/L) usingsecondary surface was treated basins.used wastewaterin Monitoringthese two through ponds. of the aBekelewater multi-media qualityet al. [114] offiltration thepresented percolated system the beneficial(final TWW TDS in theaspects = 755 vadose mg/L)of passing zone in highlightedrecharging secondary groundwatertreated significant wastewater reductions systems through using were surfaceaachieved multi-media basins. in the Monitoringfiltration amounts ofsystem of several the water(final constituents TDSquality = 755of (30% the mg/L) reductionpercolated in recharging for TWW phosphorous, in groundwater the vadose 66% zone for systems fluoride, highlighted using 62% significantsurfacefor iron, basins. and reductions 51% Monitoring for total were organic of achievedthe water carbon) qualityin ofthe the amouof recycledthe ntspercolated of water, several TWW implying constituents in the the vadose general (30% zone enhancement reduction highlighted for of phosphorous,significant reductions 66% for fluoride,were achieved 62% for in iron, the and amou 51%nts for of total several organic constituents carbon) of (30% the recycled reduction water, for phosphorous, 66% for fluoride, 62% for iron, and 51% for total organic carbon) of the recycled water,

Water 2019, 11, 2467 14 of 20 the water quality obtained through the filtration of TWW in porous media. Therefore, it is reaffirmed that TWW can be used as a reliable source for subsurface water storage.

5. Conclusions and Future Prospects This paper presented a comprehensive review of the common methods that can be used to control and mitigate SWI in coastal aquifers. The presented methods include some conventional methods that can be adopted as temporary solutions prior to the application of the main control scheme. Installation of surface and subsurface physical barriers in front of the intruding seawater body constitutes another control methodology. However, due to the costs related to equipment, materials and installation of physical barriers at a large scale, hydraulic barriers have become more popular. Depending on the level of risk of SWI and its impact on the quality of the groundwater in the coastal aquifer, different combinations of these control methods can be used. In order to highlight the environmental impacts of these control methods, an environmental impact assessment should be undertaken during the planning stage. In this study, the advantages and disadvantages of each methodology are highlighted. It is shown that different combinations of control methodologies allow their advantages to be combined to introduce much more efficient control techniques. Effective and efficient control of SWI should be regarded as an important task for any groundwater exploration project in coastal regions. In addition, the limitations in terms of the economic cost and the water demands of growing populations in coastal areas should be taken into account. In order to implement these cost-effective solutions, which satisfy the above conflicting objectives, there is a need for simulation optimization studies. Simulation models should be linked to robust optimization tools in order to provide optimal solutions with a variety of design variables. For future planning and management of SWI in coastal aquifers, good quality treated wastewater or reclaimed surface water should be used for recharging groundwater systems. Based on the current review, the application of these cost-saving water resources would help mitigate the risks of SWI and flooding simultaneously. In coastal areas, there is a need to develop modern monitoring systems consisting of observation wells with multiple screens at a range of depths, along with sensors and automatic database storage systems to monitor inland advancement of saltwater [115]. Another possible field for future management of SWI is the development of a robust decision support system, encompassing a wide range of hydraulic components of surface–subsurface water interactions (e.g., evaporation, natural recharge, artificial recharge, and groundwater pumping). This decision tool should be integrated with numerical models in order to simulate the aquifer responses to different management scenarios. This integrated tool can be extended to identify the optimal arrangements of each management scenario. The effects of parameter uncertainty on model calibration [116] and the optimal results of each SWI control measure should be studied before implementation.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.S.H., and A.A.J.; methodology, M.S.H., and H.F.A.-E.; validation, M.S.H., H.F.A.-E., A.A.J. and M.M.S.; formal analysis, M.S.H., A.A.J. and M.M.S.; investigation, M.S.H., H.F.A.-E. and A.A.J.; resources, M.S.H., A.A.J. and M.M.S.; data curation, M.S.H., H.F.A.-E., and M.M.S.; writing—original draft preparation, M.S.H. and H.F.A.-E.; writing—review and editing, M.S.H., A.A.J. and M.M.S.; visualization, M.S.H.; supervision, A.A.J. and M.M.S.; project administration, M.S.H. and A.A.J.; funding acquisition, M.M.S. and A.A.J. Funding: The authors would like to acknowledge their gratitude to the British Council, UK to support this research under Water Security scheme (Project Code: SH- 04509). The authors would also like to acknowledge the support of United Arab Emirates University towards the publication of this paper. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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