Vol. 144, No. 1 · Research article

Characterisation of the Rota Wewa DIE ERDE Journal of the tank cascade system in the vicinity Geographical Society of Berlin of ,

Brigitta Schütt1, Wiebke Bebermeier1, Julia Meister1, Chandana Rohana Withanachchi2

1 Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Earth Sciences, Physical Geography, Malteserstr. 74-100, 12249 Berlin, Germany, brigitta.schuett@fu- berlin.de, [email protected], [email protected] 2 Department of Humanities, Archaeology and Heritage Management, University, Mihintale, Sri Lanka, [email protected]

Manuscript submitted: 2 October 2011 / Accepted for publication: 5 January 2012 / Published online: 2 September 2013

Abstract A complex and sustainable watershed management strategy was implemented in Sri Lanka during the ancient ­, from the 5th century BC to the 11th century AD. Like modern watershed management strategies, it focused on flood prevention, soil erosion control, water quality control and water storage for ir- rigation. Tank cascade systems were the key element of these ancient watershed management installations. The wewas investigated were constructed in valleys characterised by fluvial accumulation. Sedimentologi- cal analyses of these tank cascade systems show that a precise age determination and the reconstruction of sediment and water fluxes as triggered by human-environment interactions are difficult. This is caused by the shallow character of the wewas leading to the steady redeposition of the tank sediments by wave motions dur- ing the wet season and agricultural use of the desiccated wewas during the dry season. Beyond, the sediments analysed allow to distinguish between the weathered ­parent bedrock and the overlying sediments. A differen- tiation between wewa deposits and the underlying fluvial deposits remains challenging.

Zusammenfassung In Sri Lanka wurde seit der antiken Anuradhapura-Periode (5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. – 11. Jahrhundert n. Chr.) ein

- schränktkomplexes und System die Wasserqualität kaskadenartig kontrolliertmiteinander werden;in Beziehung durch stehender Wasserspeicherung Talsperren konnteinstalliert. Bewässerungswasser Hierdurch konnte zurebenso Verfügung wie bei gestelltmodernen werden. Wassermanagementstrategien Diese Talsperren-Kaskaden die warenHochwasser- die zentrale und Bodenerosionsgefährdung Maßnahme dieser antiken einge Ein- zugsgebietsbewirtschaftung; sie stehen in unmittelbarer Beziehung zur Einführung des Reisanbaus in Sri Lanka. Die exemplarisch untersuchten Wewas wurden alle in Tälern angelegt, die bereits vor den Baumaßnahmen durch eine zuverlässige Altersdatierung ebenso wie die Rekonstruktion des Sediment- und Wasserhaus­haltes schwie­ fluviale Akkumulation gekennzeichnet waren. Die sedimentologischen Analysen dieser Talsperren zeigten, dass einer beständigen Umlagerung der Talsperrensedimente durch Wellenbewegung führt. Weiterhin wird während derrig ist.Trockenzeit Dies ist im das Wesentlichen Sediment durch eine FolgeEntnahme der flachen und landwirtschaftliche Geometrie der Talsperren, Nutzung die gestört. während Trotz der der Regenzeit fehlenden zu

Eignung der Wewa-Sedimente für eine hochauflösende Umweltrekonstruktion erlauben die aufgeschlossenen KeywordsSedimente eine Watershed Differenzierung management; zwischen water verwittertem harvesting; sediment Ausgangsgestein characters; und sustainability; hangenden fluvialen traditional Sedimenten. knowledge

Schütt, Brigitta, Wiebke Bebermeier, Julia Meister and Chandana Rohana Withanachchi: Characterisation of the Rota Wewa tank cascade ­system in the vicinity of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka – DIE ERDE 144 (1): 51-68

DOI: 10.12854/erde-144-4

DIE ERDE · Vol. 144 · 1/2013 51 Characterisation of the Rota Wewa tank cascade system in the vicinity of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

1. Introduction shortages predominantly occur during the dry pe- riod from June to August. The rainfall pattern in Sri The ancient Ceylonese kingdom with its capital Anu- Lanka is generally determined by the topography and radhapura existed in the dry-subhumid north-central by two monsoonal periods. The central highlands of part of Sri Lanka from the 5th century BC until the Sri Lanka build an orographic barrier for the south- 11th century AD. A growing urban and rural popula- west monsoon (May-September) bringing rainfall to tion required a well-organised water management the southwestern part of the island and to the wind- system, facilitating water supplies for domestic needs, wardfacing parts of the highland. The northeast mon- ore processing and other early economic purposes soon (December-­February) provides the northeast-­ as well as . Already more than 2000 years exposed slopes of the highlands and the eastern parts ago, settlers applied techniques to store rainfall and of Sri Lanka with precipitation. Due to the location surface runoff in reservoirs, locally known as ­wewas, in the north-central part of Sri Lanka the spatial and during the wet season to use this water for irrigation temporal rainfall ­pattern in the study area does not during the dry season. In the following, the terms show a strong connection to the monsoonal periods. wewa and tank are used synonymously. Continuously, Rainfall occurs mainly in the intermonsoonal peri- since ancient times these systems have been a major ods during the short rainy season from March to May and a main rainy season from October to November - (Domrös and Ranatunge 1993). At Anuradhapura tion.measure At present, of floodwater more than harvesting 10,000 ancientfor the localwewas water are weather station, the annual average temperature for supply and have enabled an effective flood preven the ­period of 1960-1990 is 27.1°C, and annual rainfall ­watershed management systems (Dahdouh-Guebas et averages 1198 mm (FAOCLIM 2001). al.still 2005, in use, ­Amarasinghe confirming and the Nguyenhigh sustainability 2010). of these Geologically the area is almost completely built of It is assumed that the small tank systems, built by lo- Precambrian crystalline rocks, mainly consisting of cal villagers and communities, were the origin of Sri granitic gneisses and quartzites (Sri Lanka Survey ­Lanka’s wewa systems (Panabokke et al. 2002). This Department 1988). In the metamorphic rock region of paper describes a small wewa system northeast of the Anuradhapura area, the groundwater is stored in Anuradhapura as a case study on the functionality two different rock zones, namely the weathered rock - zone (regolith) and the deeper zone of the unweath- vention. As information on the sediment character ered basement. Whereas the regolith aquifer is shal- of thesethese measuressmall reservoirs of water is harvesting sparse, some and overviewflood pre- low and usually located at 2-10 m depth, the ground- ing sedimentological investigations were conducted. water of the deep fracture zone is found at various In order to evaluate whether the deposits of minor depths of more than 30 m (Panabokke and Perera ­wewas are suitable as archives for the reconstruction 2005). The ­potential natural vegetation in the north- of regional human-environmental interaction and central region is characterised by moist deciduous the reconstruction of the wewa history, undisturbed - sedi­ments from the wewas were investigated. tled for a long time, potential natural vegetation can beforest. found However, only in the as Srinational Lanka parks, has already while rice been is setthe main crop cultivated in the north-central part of the 2. Natural character and settlement history of the country. Locally, chena agriculture is widespread and Sri Lankan North Central Province is traditionally practised as shifting cultivation.

2.1 Location and natural character 2.2 Settlement history The city of Anuradhapura is located in the north-­ central part of Sri Lanka (8°21’ N, 80°23’ E; 89 m asl), From 437 BC to 1017 AD, Anuradhapura was the capi- in the present-day Sri Lankan North Central Province. tal of the Kingdom of Anuradhapura, which governed Local climate corresponds to an As climate accord- most of Sri Lanka (Dahdouh-Guebas et al. 2005). The Kottek et al. 2006). Annual evaporation totals 1,290 mm and thus centralised empire in South Asia. Today, the Anurad- exceedsing to the average Köppen-Geiger annual classificationrainfall, leading ( to water hapuraAnuradhapura archaeological Kingdom site, is comprisingconsidered 40to bekm the2, is first one stress during the year (Panabokke et al. 2002); water of the largest archaeological sites known (Coningham

52 DIE ERDE · Vol. 144 · 1/2013 Characterisation of the Rota Wewa tank cascade system in the vicinity of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

et al. 2007, Kohlmeyer 2010). Nowadays, Anuradhapura storage and water distribution, mainly for the cultiva- is listed as a UNESCO world heritage site and is cur- tion of rice (Jayatilaka et al. 2003). rently the capital of the North Central Province. According to the size of the reservoirs and their com- The settlement goes back to the Mesolithic, when the Balangoda Culture inhabited the minor and micro irrigation works. Major wewas are 1972). mand areas, they can be classified as major, medium, During the Early Iron Age (900 to 600 BC) a village- than 50 ha and command areas exceeding 80 ha. By basedisland fromagricultural 48 000 toand 26 000 pastoral BC ( society developed, contrast,defined as the tanks village with tanks reservoir are much surface smaller, areas and larger their also involving household craft production, and the use of mineral resources became common. Findings from smaller; therefore they belong to the class of minor or protohistoric sites indicate that animals had already microcorresponding irrigation command works (Murray areas 2004).are also The significantly wewas are been domesticated. In the hinterland of Anuradha­ located cascade-like along the valley courses and are pura, the settlements of that time had a remarkable connected by canals and spillways. ribbon pattern spreading out alongside the river banks (Deraniyagala 1972). Written sources such as the Mahavasma, the chronicle of Sri Lanka, give evidence that the larger wewa sys- - tems were constructed and directed by various kings cal period, settlements in the Anuradhapura area not from 300 BC onwards (Jayasena and Selker 2004, onlySubsequent lined the to theriver Iron banks Age, but during were the also Early spread Histori out Panabokke et al. 2002). The Bassawakkulama tank in in a cluster pattern which was linked to the location Anuradhapura (107 ha reservoir surface) was built around 300 BC and is assumed to be the earliest large centres. The large-scale irrigation networks formed irrigation reservoir (Brohier 1934). All other ancient theof artificial economic water basis reservoirs for the closely (wewas) related as irrigation complex major irrigation works in Sri Lanka were most likely constructed later, namely in the period from 300 BC to ­(Deraniyagala 1998). After the 4th century BC, the 1200 AD (Chandrajith et al. 2008). During the historical use­settlement of natural patterns resources of the– for Early irrigation Historical agriculture period period of Anuradhapura, the number of wewa systems as well as for processing mineral resources – was in- steadily grew, reaching its peak in the period between the 8th and the 10th century AD in the hinterland of Anu­ coincides with a demographic expansion, the devel- radhapura. In 993 AD Anuradhapura was destroyed by opmenttensified of throughout bigger chiefdoms the area andof Anuradhapura. the establishment This conquerors from South India (Domrös 1976) and the wewa cascade systems fell into disuse (Gilliland et al. 2013). These conquerors founded a new capitel 80 km theof a development diverse social of urban hierarchy. centres In theand Earlylong-distance Historic Parakramabahu, tradeera, state emerged formation (Deraniyagala began and 1998). social stratification, who reigned in the 12th century AD, was famous for his tank-buildingsoutheast in . activities. It isHere documented King that he had built around 2500 major and minor tanks as well as 3. The irrigation system of Sri Lanka more than 4000 canals (Kenyon et al. 2006). The con- struction and service of the large wewa systems was 3.1 History of the wewa systems carried out by a small number of professional engi- neers and administrators (Kenyon et al. 2006). The tank cascade systems of Sri Lanka date back to the ancient Anuradhapura period. They constitute By contrast, the thousands of small village tank sys- a sophisticated watershed management structure tems were designed and built by little village com- enabling irrigation agriculture to be practised in the munities (Panabokke et al. 2002). Due to a lack of dry-subhumid regions of Sri Lanka (Mahatantila et al. historical records it is still unclear when the con- 2008). The system is composed of thousands of hu- struction of these small irrigation systems began. It man-made reservoirs, locally known as wewas, their is widely assumed that the construction of the vil- highest density can be found in the dry zone of Sri lage wewa systems developed out of the operation of Lanka, where they facilitated agricultural production rain-fed ­agriculture (Amarasinghe and Nguyen 2010, for more than 2000 years (Jayatilaka et al. 2003). The Panabokke 2010). Dahdouh-Guebas et al. (2005) es- timate that more than 30,000 human-made tanks wewasDIE ERDE form · Vol. a system144 · 1/2013 of floodwater harvesting, water 53 Characterisation of the Rota Wewa tank cascade system in the vicinity of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Fig. 1 Sketch of a typical village wewa cascade system (modi­ fied after Panabokke et al. 2002) Fig. 2 Sketch of a typical village tank ecosystem corresponding to a micro-catchment as shown in Fig. 1 (modified after Amarasinghe and Nguyen 2010; Mahatantila et al. 2008) were built all over Sri Lanka in historical times. Two thirds of these were village wewa systems (Zubair 2005). At present, more than 10,000 wewas are still pounded by earth dams that are constructed across the in use (Dahdouh-Guebas et al. 2005, Amarasinghe and stream channels in order to collect runoff (Groenfeldt Nguyen 2010), belonging to approximately 3,500 tank 2004). Wewa systems of neighbouring valleys can be cascade systems (Murray 2004). In the north-central linked by channels. The stored water is distributed to region of Sri Lanka, especially after the 13th century Mahatantila et AD, numerous major wewa systems fell into disrepair al. 2008, Chandrajith et al. 2008), and overabundant wa- and were abandoned because of wars and epidemics terthe isdownstream conducted via paddy spillways fields viato the sluices linked ( downstream (Zubair 2005). Under the British colonial administra- wewa, preventing water loss (Itakura 1995). tion in the 19th century, several of the major ancient ir- rigation works were restored. After World War I, res- A tank system comprises the dam (bund), the tank toration programmes also included numerous small body (wewa) and the upper periphery (thaulla) as ma- village wewa systems, resulting in a “stabilisation of jor elements (Fig. 2; Mahatantila et al. 2008, Chandra- the small tank irrigated agriculture’’ within the dry jith zone of Sri Lanka (Panabokke et al. 2002). area of aquatic plants through which the upstream et al. 2008). The thaulla is an artificial wetland reduce pollutants (Chandrajith et al. 2008). Fines de- 3.2 Distribution of tanks and design of tank ­cascade positeddrainage in water the thaulla from arethe usedpaddy for fields pottery; has tallto passgrasses to systems and softwood from this area are used for crafts (Jaya- sena and Selker 2004). The tank water is used for ir- The spatial distribution of wewas is highly variable rigation purposes, domestic needs and livestock keep- all over Sri Lanka and reaches the highest densities – ing (Mahatantila et al. 2008, Murray 2004). A typical with up to one tank per 1.2 km2 – in the North Western village wewa cascade system is linked to a village Province and the North Central Province (Panabokke that is responsible for its management and is gener- et al. 2002). Ninety percent of these wewas are inte- gral parts of tank cascade systems (Fig. 1), where sur- face runoff is stored along a valley course. Each wewa ally situated in a flood-safe location next to one of the cascade consists of up to 30 reservoirs of varying size; wewas. Downstream of most of the dams paddy fields in general, reservoir size increases downstream (Jay- mostlyare situated. in the Artificalvicinity swampto villages. areas Beside are constructed the typical atilaka et al. 2003). The village wewa systems are im- villagebetween wewas, dam and there paddy are fieldsseveral for other sewage types treatment, of we-

54 DIE ERDE · Vol. 144 · 1/2013 Characterisation of the Rota Wewa tank cascade system in the vicinity of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

was: forest tanks, which are mainly built in the jungle 4.2 Sediment analysis and provide the wild animals with drinking water, or erosion control tanks functioning as siltation basins Sediment analysis was performed at the Physical Geo­ before runoff reaches the main tank (Goldsmith and graphy laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, FU Hildyard 1984, Zubair 2005). Berlin. The lithostratigraphy of all sediment sequences was described. Magnetic susceptibility measurements were performed before sampling by using the core 3.3 Investigations on the wewas’ sedimentary scanning sensor type MS2C of a Bartington System with ­environments horizontal logging. The cores were passed through the sensor in half-sections, and measurements were taken There are few studies available investigating the sedi- at 4 cm intervals. The calculated ratio of volume sus- ments within the wewa cascade system. These studies were conducted to understand the ecosystem of a wewa units. A calibration check was provided by using a cali- cascade system and to develop pollution management brationceptibility sample. (κ) is dimensionlessThe drift of the and sensor was measuredwas evaluated in SI plans, some investigations have explored the geo- and by measurements of air before and after each core. hydrochemistry of these systems, mainly to evaluate catchment weathering (Chandrajith et al. 2008), water Due to the homogeneous nature of the sediments, quality (Mahatantila et al. 2008) and pollution due to caused by wave motions in the shallow water of the the use of agrochemicals (Mahatantila et al. 2008, Chan- tanks and disturb laminations and event layers, sam- drajith et al. 2008). In general, the investigated tank pling was done at 10-20 cm intervals, extracting 2 cm sediments were proved to be unpolluted even though thick bulk samples. Sediment samples were reduced extensive rice cultivation was observed within the - catchment (Chandrajith et al. 2008). The investigation of ple was homogenised with an agate disc swing mill for wewa sediments with the intention to reconstruct the furtherto fines mineralogical< 2 mm Ø. After and air chemical drying, analysis.half of each sam palaeoenvironmental history is rare (Riether 1991).

4.3 Texture 4. Methods A Beckman-Coulter LS 13320 PIDS laser diffraction par- 4.1 Data processing and field work ticle size analyser was used for determining the grain- size distributions of selected samples. The ana­lysis was Topographic maps at a scale of 1:50,000 (sheets: 25; 26; carried out at the laboratories of the Leibniz Institute for 30; 31) published by the Sri Lanka Survey Department - assist mapping in a GIS environment (Arc GIS 9.3 by Applied Geophysics (LIAG) in Hanover. Grain-size distri ESRI).(2003) A were digital incorporated elevation model to support (SRTM 3 fieldwork 90 m * 90 and m organicbutions materialare shown was in vol.-%.not removed Due to from the small samples contents prior toof pixel size) was used to delineate the catchment of the theorganic measurements matter in the (cf. sediments Beuselinck (mean et al. 1998,= 0.27 Machalett mass-%) Aruvi Aru river and its sub-catchments. et al. 2008). Carbonate contents were also negligible and were therefore not removed before analysis. The grain- - size distribution displayed shows the clay, silt and sand tain age models of the tank sediments and palaeoen- distribution with the clay fraction comprising grain vironmentalThe field campaign proxies, took tubed place sediments in March were 2010. extracted To ob within the Rota Wewa tank cascade system using a occur in the wewa sediments analysed, this procedure ­sizes < 5.5 µm. As lamination and event layers do not were extracted from four different tanks (Tab. 1, the in-situ weathered bedrock and the overlying alloch- Fig.percussion 4); results driller. presented Altogether, here refer five to sediment the sediment cores thonousproves to river be sufficient and reservoir to identify deposits. the boundary between infrastructural features such as thaulla areas, spill- wayssequences and RW01,sluices RW03were andsystematically RW05. Hydrological recorded and by 4.4 Bulk parameters

The electrical conductivity of the water-saturated Wewafield mapping cascade system and GPS were application dry. (Garmin 60Cx). During the field campaign the wewas of the Rota DIE ERDE · Vol. 144 · 1/2013 sedi­ments was measured with the DIST 3 (HANNA)55 Characterisation of the Rota Wewa tank cascade system in the vicinity of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

conductometer in a suspension of 5 g of dried sedi- plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES Per- ments and 12.5 ml of distilled water after a 30 min re- kin Elmer Optima 2100DV). Dilutions of 1.0 g of dry action time. The total and inorganic carbon contents homogenised sediment were produced with a nitro- were determined using a carbon analyser (Woesthoff hydrochloric acid (aqua regia) dilution according to DIN EN 13346 (2001) and with hydrochloric acid were determined by dry combustion of 0.1 g of the ho- mogenisedCarmho­graph). sample The at total 1000°C carbon in an contents oxygen (TC atmosphere mass-%) reference material (LGC6156; Portsmouth harbour (25 ml of 3 % HCl). For data quality control a certified 2 in reagents were used (Schütt et al. 2010). Carmhographand subsequent 16). quantification For the analysis of the of evolvedthe total CO inor- sediment < 200 μm), duplicate dilutions, and blank 20 ml 0.05 N NaOH solution by conductivity (Woesthoff 2 was evolved 3PO4) treatment of 0.1 g of homogenised 4.6 Mineralogical analysis ganic carbon content (TIC mass-%), CO methodduring acid to that (H used for the TC content. The total or- Mineralogical analysis was exemplarily applied to the sediment and quantified by a similar conductometric sediments of core RW03 to gain information on the subtraction of TIC from TC. Calcite (CaCO3) was used mineralogical composition of the sediments. Powder ganic carbon content (TOC mass-%) was calculated by Philips) using a copper k as the calibration standard for TC (12.01 ± 0.15 %; RSD samples were analysed by X-ray diffraction (PW 1710, α < 2 %) and TIC (12.01 ± 0.38 %; RSD < 4 %) analyses. Contents of mineral components-tube from were 3-70°2θ quantitatively with steps 4.5 Chemical analysis derivedof 0.02°2θ, from each diffraction step being intensity measured and forthe two area seconds. framed

Samples were analysed for the major element concen- Accuracies of measurement and detection limits are trations of S, Mn and Fe using an inductively coupled by the peak using Philips X’Pert HighScore software.-

specific to minerals. Accuracy of measurement aver Tab. 1 Average sediment characters of the stratigraphical units of sediments extracted at RW 01

56 DIE ERDE · Vol. 144 · 1/2013 Characterisation of the Rota Wewa tank cascade system in the vicinity of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Fig. 3 Digital elevation model and drainage network of Sri Lanka and the location of the Aruvi Aru river basin (1); the location of Anuradhapura and the Mahakandara catchment (2) within the Aruvi Aru basin; a detailed sketch of the Mahakandara catchment (3). (Data base: SRTM 3)

using the software OxCal (v. 4.1) and the IntCal09 calibra- the location of the major diffraction peak d100, sample tion curve by Reimer et al. (2009). The radiocarbon ages preparationages 0.05°2θ and for quartz.quality ofThe grinding detection stock limit (particle depends size) on were calibrated to weighted calendar years and their as well as on instrument settings (Schütt et al. 2010). range, and are reported as calibrated years BC (Tab. 1).

4.7 Dating 4.8 Data Analysis

The chronological frame of the tank sediments was set up Referring to Schütt (e.g., Schütt 1998a, 1998b, 2004a, by AMS radiocarbon dating of six samples. Analyses were 2004b; Schütt et al. 2010; Schwanghart et al. 2008; carried out at the Radiocarbon Laboratory in Poznan, Schwanghart et al. 2009) data analysis was conducted ­Poland. Sample preparation included manual removing for homogeneous sediment units, set on the basis of of recent rootlets. The radiocarbon ages were calibrated the lithostratigraphical description and the run of the

Tab. 2 Samples and core data for 14C chronology of the Rota Wewa system (P.-o.m.-b.s. = Plants – organic material – bulk sediment)

DIE ERDE · Vol. 144 · 1/2013 57 Characterisation of the Rota Wewa tank cascade system in the vicinity of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Fig. 4 Detailed sketch of the Rota Wewa tank cascade­ system (digitised on Google Earth satellite imagery)

respective sediment parameters (bulk parameters, Wewa cascade (Fig. 4) system are joined by spillways chemical parameters, mineralogical parameters, tex- and sluices. Whereas Tanks 1 and 3 are fed only by run- ture). Each unit is characterised by mean and standard off from their own micro-catchment, Tanks 2 and 4 are deviation (SD), single values were only regarded where fed from their tributary micro-catchment and receive minimum or maximum outliers occurred. This method surplus runoff from the upstream tanks. With a surface has proven to be suitable for non-laminated sediments area of 0.15 km² (15.1 ha), the Rota Wewa tank (Tank 1) where event layers are also missing, as it is typical for is the largest of the system. Tank 4 covers 6.5 ha, while shallow lake systems to which the wewas also belong Tanks 2 and 3 have sizes of only 1.2 ha and 2 ha, re- (see comprehensive description in Schütt 2004b). spectively. Rice is the dominant crop cultivated within

located downstream of each tank. 5. The Rota Wewa tank system this Rota Wewa cascade system. The paddy fields are To improve water quality a wetland is located directly The Rota Wewa is a village tank system about 30 km downstream of the footslope of Tank 1. While the in- east of Anuradhapura; it is part of a sub-catchment of the Mahakandara reservoir, located in the catchment an area for silting of detritals to improve water qual- of the river Aruvi Aru (Fig. 3). This major-scale tank is flow is controlled by the sluices, the wetland serves as supplied by several wewa cascade systems, altogether hand-dug well is located near the second tank. consisting of around 100 small tanks. The Rota Wewa ity before the water is passed on to the paddy fields. A cascade system is located in the upper reaches of a The tanks of the Rota Wewa system are managed and small cascade in the northwest of the Mahakandara operated by the villagers. They denominate a person re- reservoir, composed of four tanks with a total drain- sponsible for the processes necessary to maintain and age basin area of 2.9 km2 run the tanks. In the case of the Rota Wewa tank cas- is covered by the reservoirs themselves (tank surface cade system this stewardship and the knowledge asso- area). All the investigated, approximatelytanks are shallow 12 %with of whichmaxi- ciated with it has been handed down within a family for mum water levels of c. 2 m and thus dry up periodically. several generations. An interview with the acting stew- ard made clear that next to the land use of the wewa With an average slope of about 0.9°, the relief of the Rota were mined during the dry season from the head­water valleys and shallow divides. The four tanks of the Rota tankssystem, for as brick apparent production from the and field for fertilisation.situation, sediments Wewa cascade drainage basin is plane, with very flat

58 DIE ERDE · Vol. 144 · 1/2013 Characterisation of the Rota Wewa tank cascade system in the vicinity of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Fig. 5 Sediment sequence ex­­­tracted from RW 01: Lithostratigra- phy, grain size com- position (GS), elec- trical conductivity (µS; EC); inorganic and organic carbon (mass-%; TIC , TOC); sulphur (µg*g-1; S); magnetic suscepti- bility (SI; MS). Points indicate measured values; lines are drawn with spline smoothing.

6. Sediments extracted from the Rota Wewa tank oxidation marks (distinctly less than in Unit I); scat- system moist; highly compacted 6.1 RW 01 tered sesquioxide concretions (spherical, Ø 0.3 cm); Unit III [35-185 cm depth]: sandy clay; very dark grey Close to the thaulla area of Tank 1, a percussion (10 YR 3/1); scattered hair roots; scattered white drilling was submerged, and 255 cm of undisturbed -

- compacted;calcareous detritus locally occurring(up to Ø 3 cm);sesquioxide scattered oxidation sesqui meatedsediments by sesquioxide were extracted concretions (RW 01). occurring Sediments in dif are- marks;oxide concretions scattered (spherical,white calcareous Ø 0.3 cm); precipitations moist; highly ferentunstratified, sizes and of a withreddish varying to yellowish frequency. colour Calcareous and per moist with decreasing moisture from top to bottom; distributed powder are found along the core sequenc- highly(powdered, compacted Ø < 4 cm); scattered quartz detritals; es.features Corresponding in form of to concretions, their macroscopic coatings characters, and finely Unit IV [185-252 cm depth]: sandy silt with increasing stratigraphical units (Fig. 5): sand content from top to bottom; olive brown (10 YR the sediments of RW 01 can be subdivided into five 4/3), from top to bottom slightly changing to a light [0-4 cm depth]: litter, undecomposed plant remains olive brown (10 YR 5/3)

Unit I [4-20 cm depth]: sandy clay; dark yellowish brown Unit V [253-255 cm]: - (10 YR 3/6); densely rooted (hair roots); multiple ses- quioxide oxidation marks; moist; highly compacted ditto IV, high density of finely dis Compositionpersed sesquioxide and chemicalprecipitations sediment (Ø < 0.2 characteris cm) - Unit II [20-35 cm depth]: sandy clay; dark brown (10 YR tics: The sediment texture is dominated by clay with 3/3); densely rooted (hair roots); multiple sesquoxide

DIE ERDE · Vol. 144 · 1/2013 contents ranging between 14.2 vol.-% and 66.9 vol.-%59 Characterisation of the Rota Wewa tank cascade system in the vicinity of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Fig. 6 Sediment sequence extracted from RW 03: Lithostratigraphy, grain size composition (GS), electrical conductivity (µS; EC); inorganic and organic carbon (mass-%; TIC , TOC); sulphur (mg*g-1 S); magnetic susceptibility (SI; MS). Points indicate measured values; lines are drawn with spline smoothing. For figure legend see Fig. 5

- inates from Unit III down to 150 cm depth, it continu- oscillations; the total inorganic carbon contents peak ously(mean: decreases 44.5 vol.-%, from std. 150 = 15.34, cm depth n=24). down While to clay the dombase atn = 25) 50 cm throughout depth, 80 cm the depth sequence, and 225 undergoing cm depth, strongreach- (Fig. 5, Tab. 1). With decreasing clay contents, silt and sand contents increase. The silt-clay ratio averages 0.84 Also the sediment’s sulphur contents are highly varia- ing maximum values of 0.59 mass-%-1 in core section IV.-1,

(std. = 0.54, n = 24), showing significantly lower values peaksble, ranging of the from inorganic 10 to 420 carbon µg*g content (mean = 100 and µg*greach- Sandin Units contents I-III (mean = 0.52-0.72 are of high variability vol.-%, ranging n = 1-14) between than in ingstd. = 100, maximum n = 25)values showing in the local uppermost peaks parallel core sections to the Unit IV (mean = 1.55 vol.-%, std. 0.50, n = 7) (α < 0.01).- (Units I–III). The Fe-Mn ratios reach their highest val- creasing continuously from top to bottom (Tab. 1). ues in Unit I, being considerably lower in section II and 5.5 vol.-% at the top and 55.0 vol.-% at the base and in The electrical conductivity values of the sediment Tab. 2). Magnetic susceptibility saturation extract decreases constantly from top to increasing gradually from Units III to V (mean = 49.47,- creasestd. = 17.18, in Unit n = 25; V, reaching cf. values of up to 300 SI. - values are generally very low (< 25 SI) but suddenly in tentsbottom, of the reaching sediment values sequence of 1290 are µS generally close to the low, surface rang- To set up a chronological frame of the sediments ex- and dropping to 70 µS at the base. The total carbon con tracted in RW 01, two samples of bulk organic ­material Tab. 1). Also the organic carbon con- were analysed to determine their radiocarbon ages tentsing between of the sediments 0.07 % and contin 0.63 %­uously (mean = 0.39 decrease frommass-%, top (Tab. 2). The radiocarbon dates (AMS) show ages of std. = 0.16, n = 25; - - to bottom, totalling 0.63 mass-% close to the surface ogy8095 ± 63 of the calsediment yr BP atsequence. 199 cm depth and 3398 ± 34 cal (Unit I) and dropping to 0.01 mass-% in Unit V. Inor yr BC at 91 cm depth, indicating a Holocene chronol 60ganic carbon contents average 0.15 mass-% (std. = 0.13, DIE ERDE · Vol. 144 · 1/2013 Characterisation of the Rota Wewa tank cascade system in the vicinity of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Tab. 3 Average sediment characters of the stratigraphical units of sediments extracted at RW 03

6.2 RW 03 highly compacted; mottled sesquioxide oxidation

In the central part of Tank 2, approximately 80 m be- hind the dam, a percussion drilling extracted 225 cm Unitmarks; III scattered[45-110 cm]: sesquioxide sandy-clayey concretions loam; Øvery < 2 mm dark of undisturbed sediments. These sediments are non- greyish brown (10 YR 3/2) to dark yellowish brown (10 YR 4/4); moderately to weakly rooted (hair roots); sesquioxide concretions varying in size and concen- moist; highly compacted; scattered sesquioxide con- tration.stratified, Calcareous of a brownish features colour, in form and of permeated concretions, by - along the core sequences. cretions (up to 3-4 mm Ø); isolated calcareous concre coatings and finely distributed powder are found Unittions IV (powdered, [110-128 cm]:up to sandy 1 cm Ø)clayey loam; dark grey- Corresponding to their macroscopic characters, the ish brown (10 YR 4/2); not rooted, moist, moderately sediments are subdivided into seven stratigraphical compacted, sesquioxide oxidation marks units (Fig. 6): Unit V [128-146 cm]: decomposed calcareous detrital [0-4 cm]: litter, undecomposed plant remains (brownish grey; 10 YR 6/2) appearing in its original struc- ture and embedded in a matrix of sandy loam (dark greyish Unit I [4-21 cm]: sandy loam; dark brown (7.5 YR 4/6); brown; 10 YR 4/2); not rooted; moist; highly compacted weakly rooted (hair roots), strong sesquioxide oxida- tion marks; dry; highly compacted Unit VI [146-185 cm]: sandy to clayey loam; dark grey- ish brown (10 YR 4/2); not rooted; moist; moderately Unit II [21-45 cm]: sandy-clayey loam; dark brown (10 YR 3/3); moderately rooted (hair roots); moist; compacted; scattered sesquioxide concretions (Ø < DIE ERDE · Vol. 144 · 1/2013 1 cm), scattered calcareous concretions (Ø < 0.5 cm)61 Characterisation of the Rota Wewa tank cascade system in the vicinity of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Fig. 7 Sediment sequence extracted from RW 05: Lithostratigraphy, grain size composition (GS); electrical conductivity (µS; EC); inorganic and organic carbon (mass-%; TIC, TOC); sulphur (µg*g-1 S); magnetic susceptibility (SI; MS). Points indicate mea- sured values; lines are drawn with spline smoothing. For figure legend see Fig. 5

Unit VII [185-225 cm]: sandy; crumbly; yellowish brown (10 YR 5/8); not rooted; scattered sesquioxide Units V and VI, corresponding to the macroscopically concretions; moist; highly compacted describedcontents of calcareous up to 15 vol.-%. features. Calcite The frequentlyvariability occursof calcite in

Composition and chemical sediment characteris- minerals were detected with only very low concentra- tics: Sand dominates the extracted sediments with tionscontents along is high,the whole ranging sediment between sequence. 2 and 50 vol.-%. Clay

The electrical conductivity values of the water- tocontents bottom of (29.30-63.90Tab. 3). The vol.-%silt contents (mean = 49.27 vary between vol.-%, std. = 10.32, n = 17); sand contents decrease from top lowsaturated in the samplesuppermost range Units between I and II. 20 The µS total and 158carbon µS 15.50 vol.-% and 35.80 vol.-%, averaging 23.74 vol.-% contents(mean = 87 µS, show a std. = 44, high variability n = 19), with being values particularly ranging (std. = 6.60, n = 17). The contents of the clay remain below 20.60 vol.-% (mean = 16.99, std. = 4.40, n = 17). total organic carbon contents are highest in the sedi- The silt-clay ratio averages 0.88 (std. = 0.17, n = 17), mentsbetween close 0.0 to and the 6.89 surface mass-% (Unit (std. = 1.68, I and Unit II), n = 23). reaching The lacking statistically significant differences between Thethe different mineral composition units (α > 0.05). of the sediments from RW 03 depth, reaching similar concentrations to those in the is dominated by quartz and feldspars with an average uppermostvalues of 0.6 layers. mass-% Total TOC; inorganic they also carbon peak contents at 155 cmav-

- of 37 vol.-% quartz (std. = 15.7, n = 23) and 57 vol.-% correspondingerage 0.73 mass-% to (std. = 1.68,the occurrence n = 22) of and calcite. reach The maxima sul- feldspar (std. = 14.4, n = 23). Quartz contents are nega phurof 6.57 contents mass-% are in generallyUnit V and lower 3.69 mass-%than in core in Unit RW VII, 01, tively correlated to feldspar contents (r = -0.7, n = 23; α < 0.05). Amphiboles occur at 180-225 cm depth with 62 DIE ERDE · Vol. 144 · 1/2013 Characterisation of the Rota Wewa tank cascade system in the vicinity of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Tab. 4 Average sediment characters of the stratigraphical units of sediments extracted at RW 05

-1 parallel to the total organic carbon peak in Unit VI and showing saprolite, superimposed by the wewa’s stillwater reaching a maximum value of 210 µg*g -1, sediments.stratified. The The basal colour part is showsbrownish the highlythroughout. weathered Cor- responding to their macroscopic characters, the sedi- the highest contents in Units I to III (mean = 89 µg*g std. = 61, n = 23). The Fe-Mn ratios are highly variable, Unitranging I and between lowest values 28.06 in and Unit 103.05 III. Magnetic (mean = 57.18, suscep- [0-2ments cm]: are litter, subdivided undecomposed into five plantstratigraphical remains units: tibilitystd = 23.04, values n = 23) are generally reaching low, their reaching highest scattered values in maxima of up to 70 SI in Units III and VII. Unit I [2-26 cm]: sandy; yellowish brown (10YR 5/3); weakly rooted (hair roots); dry; highly compacted The radiocarbon dates (AMS) from two samples of Unit II [26-110 cm]: sandy loam; dark greyish brown (10 YR 4/2); weakly rooted (hair roots); moist; high- organic bulk sediments yield ages of 2985 ± 66 cal a ly compacted; scattered sesquioxide concretions theBP atsediment a depth sequence. of 68 cm and 7098 ± 92 cal a BP at a depth of 98 cm, providing a Holocene chronology of - ture(Ø 2-3 in themm); middle scattered of the unit; calcareous mottled sesquioxide nodules (up oxi to- 6.3 RW 05 dationØ 1 cm; marks very pale between brown, 33 10 and YR 41 8/2); cm depthincreasing mois

The sediments extracted in the percussion drilling Unit III [110-155 cm]: mixed layer of sandy (brown- - ish yellow, 10 YR 6/6) and loamy sediments (greyish - brown, 10 YR 5/2); crumbly; not rooted; moist; highly talsRW 05 about originate 200 cm. from The the extracted central partsediments of Tank are 3, notlo compacted; scattered carbonate precipitations cated 50 metres upstream of the dam. The profile to DIE ERDE · Vol. 144 · 1/2013 63 Characterisation of the Rota Wewa tank cascade system in the vicinity of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

Unit IV [155-181 cm]: ditto Unit III; but increased inci- 7. Discussion of the sediment records dence of partly weathered quartzite detritals 7.1 Reliability of the chronology Unit V [181-200 cm]: ditto Unit III; but scattered sesqui- oxide concretions (very small) Radiocarbon dating of lake sediments based on bulk samples is associated with several problems. Major Grain-size distributions of Units I and II (Fig. 7) do not sources for errors are related to the fact that carbon from uncertain origins is used for dating (Grimm et al. Units III–V were presumably formed by weathering of 2009), for instance the “hardwater effect”, describing theshow parent significant rock material, differences. corresponding Sediments to exposed saprolite. in the occurrence of old-carbon reservoirs (e. g. bedrock, lignite, coal, carbonaceous shales) (Nambudiri et al. Composition and chemical sediment characteris- 1980, Lowe et al. 1988 and Grimm and Jacobson 2004). tics: Analysis of sediment texture focuses on Units This effect leads to an overestimation of ages. I and II. In these sediment sequences the sand frac- The carbonates detected in the sediments from the Rota Wewa system correspond to calcites. The con- sandtion dominates, contents in reaching Units I andcontents II increase up to 78.70 from vol.-%top to cretion-like appearance of the carbonates points to bottom(mean = ( 70.63Tab. 4 vol.-%,). The sandstd = contents 6.61, n = of12), Unit while III arethe their post-sedimentary precipitation along desicca- considerably lower than in Units I and II. The silt tion cracks or roots during the desiccation and simul- taneous concentration of solutions (Sonnenfeld 1984). n = 12). The contents of the clay fraction range from In Sri Lanka, the occurrence of calcite precipitations fraction contents average 14.97 vol.-% (std. = 2.91, in the form of concretions is a common morphologi- std. = 4.63, n = 12), being particularly low in Unit I cal feature in the soils of the dry zone, as described and8.81 increasingvol.-% to 25.60 from vol.-%top to (meanbottom. = 14.40The silt-clay vol.-%, by Panabokke (1959) and Moorman and Panabokke ratios average 1.11 (std. = 0.35, n = 12) and are (1961). Panabokke (1959) assumes that the soluble calcium derives from the soils in the upper regions of the valleys and is due to the downward movement of significantly higher in Unit I (mean = 1.64, n = 3) water. Once in dissolution, the calcium is transported Thethan electricalin Units II andconductivity III (n = 1) (αvalues < 0.05). of the moist - ous concretions in the poorly drained soils of the less elevatedin the lateral areas. subsoil As carbonates flow and doprecipitates not occur asin thecalcare bed- particularlysedi­ment samples low in areUnit low, I, while ranging the highest from 16 values µS to rock of the drainage basin, it has to be concluded that are478 recordedµS (mean in= 228Unit µS,II (std.Tab. = 4) 172,. The n total= 13), carbon being the calcites found are authigenic or originate from or- ganisms (shells, bones) (Schütt et al. 2005). contents average 0.23 mass-% (std. = 0.19, n = 21). Other sources for errors, which are related to the withAccordingly, decreasing the concentrations TOC contents from are low,top to reflected bottom wewa sediment, might lead to an underestimation of (byTab. an 4average). Total inorganicof 0.18 mass-% carbon (std. contents = 0.21, (TIC) n = 21)av- - ations of the ground water and water table of the we- was,ages: (3)(1) verticalincomplete dislocation removal of of humic recent acids, rootlets/roots (2) fluctu 151erage cm, 0.04 corresponding mass-% (std. to = the1.68, occurrence n = 22) and of reachcalcite. a (4) bioturbation (Premathilake 2009, Possnert 1990). Themaximum sulphur of contents0.28 mass-% in the in Unitsediments III at aof depth RW 05of are significantly lower than those of the sediments Even taking these sources for errors into account the from RW 01 and RW 03, reaching a maximum value - -1 -1, std. = 35, ever, the six radiocarbon ages analysed for three sedi- n = 21). The Fe-Mn ratios show a high variability, mentabsolute sequences age data relate provide plausibly. a rough chronology. How withof 120 values µg*g ranging in Unit fromI (mean 37.92 = 36 to µg*g 138.19 (mean = 81.97, std. = 32.97, n = 21). The highest Fe-Mn ratios are reached in Units II and III. Magnetic susceptibil- 7.2 Sediment characters ity values are very low in Units I to III, increasing to the base of the extracted sediments and reaching a The grain-size compositions of all three sediment maximum value of 78 SI in Unit IV. ­sequences document the allochthonous origin of the

64 DIE ERDE · Vol. 144 · 1/2013 Characterisation of the Rota Wewa tank cascade system in the vicinity of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

sediments (Dunne et al. 1991, Folk 1966) and foster to matter is continued by anaerobic bacteria (Meyers and point out the transition between autochthonous weath- Ishiwatari 1993) and can result in the total decompo- ered bedrock and allochthonous tank sediments. In the sition of organic matter (Livingstone 1984). Conse- sediment sequences of RW 01 and RW 05, the Sl values quently, high decomposition rates can be expected of magnetic susceptibility document the transition in ephemeral or periodical lakes during desiccation. from the highly weathered bedrock – sapro­lite devel- Organic carbon contents in the sediments from tanks oped in the parent granitic gneisses and quartzites – to of the Rota Wewa system are very low, and decreasing the overlying sediment units. In RW 03 this transition is contents of organic carbon from top to bottom sug- detectable only macroscopically and is represented by gest a progressively early diagenetic decomposition of loamy sand in which partly weathered quartz detritus organic matter (Rheinheimer 1974), which is forced by is embedded, but SI values do not give a clear indication. light, high temperatures and oxygen (Vallentyne 1962). Locally increased organic carbon contents might cor- To distinguish between the wewa sediments and the respond to the deposition of larger plant remains and built, the radiocarbon ages give valuable information. and concurrent erosion processes in the drainage ba- Agesfluvial of deposits the sediments of the valleys from RW in which 01 and the RW wewas 03 clearly were sinsoil (organicDunne et matter al. 1991). as a In consequence general, increased of flood organic events indicate that large parts of both sequences were al- carbon contents of lacustrine sediments indicate dep- ready deposited before the ancient Anuradhapura pe- osition rates higher than decomposition rates such as riod. Also, the basal sediments exposed in RW 05 were those caused by soil erosion processes (Lerman 1979). deposited before the ancient Anuradhapura period, whereas overlying sediments only 30 cm above origi- Sesquioxide precipitation in all three sediment se- nate from the 9th century AD. This indicates that the quences document oxidising processes during desic- - cation of the wewa systems presented here (Schütt tion zone (Patt et al. 2011), corresponding to the over- alltank slightly system rolling was relief constructed whose small in a fluvial gradients accumula retard increase from top to bottom. As Mn in lacustrine turbulent runoff and erosion processes (Ahnert 2009). sediments2004a). In theindicates three drainage sediment basin profiles, conditions, Fe-Mn ratios it is ­often standardised to Fe by means of the Fe-Mn ­ratio radiocarbon age matches the ancient Anuradhapura (Mackereth 1966, Boyle 2001, Schütt 2004a). While period,However, at for least all threedocumenting sediment that sequences, historical only wewa one Fe contents are highly correlated to the lithogenous sediments do exist, an observation that is contrary Fe contents, Mn contents are related to soil-forming to the assumption by Riether (1991). The hiatus of processes during which it can be mobilised more easi- younger sediments can most likely be explained by ly than iron under reducing conditions (Schlichting and the removal of sediments by the local villagers. As in- Schweikle 1980). In consequence it is assumed that in- terviews with the local population showed, particu- creased Fe-Mn ratios document increased input of de- larly sediments from wewas in the headwater areas tritals, whereas decreased Fe-Mn ratios are evidence are removed when the reservoirs have fallen dry and of phases with extended wetland areas in the wewa are used for construction purposes, either for brick production, as packed earth or as a fertiliser alterna- by dissolved Mn, which is subsequently incorporated tive. The removed sediments are predominantly the inmargin. the lake Hence, sediments the inflowing (Schwanghart groundwater et al. 2008). is enriched uncompacted, most recent deposits. Sulphur contents in the analysed sediments are In all three sediment sequences extracted, local in- mostly close to the detection limit and repeatedly creases in the electrical conductivity values of the show local increases. As the parent bedrock in the Rota Wewa drainage basin is granite and gneiss, a dry front of the desiccating reservoir (Sonnenfeld geogenic origin of the sulphur contents in the res- 1984).water-saturated The high fraction samples of along quartz the and profile silicates trace in the ervoir sediments is excluded. Since peaks in sulphur mineralogical composition of the reservoir sediments contents repeatedly coincide with peaks in organic Schütt 2004b). carbon content, it is concluded that sulphur in the reservoir sediments originates from the decay of or- Inaffirms perennial their detritallakes, the origin decomposition ( of suspended ganic deposits. Sulphur is concentrated as enzyme organic matter is predominantly controlled by oxida- or amino acid in organic material and is reduced and tion, whereas after deposition the decay of organic removed during microbial decay (Swain 1970).

DIE ERDE · Vol. 144 · 1/2013 65 Characterisation of the Rota Wewa tank cascade system in the vicinity of Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka

8. Conclusions During the wet season the shallow nature of the we- was causes repeated redeposition of the tank sedi- The ancient Sri Lankan wewa cascade systems ments by wave motions. During the dry season the which were implemented in the hinterland of Anu- desiccated tank areas are used for pasture, and sedi- radhapura more than 2000 years ago represent a ments are exploited for brick production and as ferti- complex and sustainable watershed management liser. In consequence, the sediments extracted from a strategy. This is proven by the analysis of written tank bed prove to be unsuitable to draw conclusions sources and the exemplary recording of the wewas’ of human-environment interaction during settlement spatial pattern in conjunction with a preliminary history. An inventory of the technical infrastructure analysis of sediment sources. The implementation of the Rota Wewa cascade system together with a of wewa cascade systems focused on the same aims sedi­mentological analysis indicates that the thaulla as those of modern watershed management strate- gies: flood prevention, soil erosion control, water be more suitable sediment archives. Also, the river quality control and irrigation. areas located at the reservoir inflows will most likely- ceiving streams – at least in their lower courses – will While historical written sources focus on the ma- bebank valuable outcrops archives indicate for thatfuture the research. floodplains of the re jor wewas, which were mainly built by the kings, chronological information on the minor wewas is - Acknowledgements jority of the approximately 10,000 ancient wewas inscarce. Sri Lanka However, still these in use. minor They wewas control form runoff the maand Field work in the wewa cascade systems in the prevent soil erosion in the headwater areas and are ­Anuradhapura area was made possible by the kind assumed to be the predecessors of the major ­wewas financial support of the Department of Earth Sci- (Panabokke et al. 2002). The sedimentological ana­ lysis of the minor wewa systems was carried out to (Prof. Dr. K. Kohlmeyer, Ausgrabungen in der Zita- prove this assumption. Additionally, the sediments delleences, von FU Anuradhapura Berlin, and the (Sri Gerda Lanka)). Henkel We Stiftung thank were assessed on their eligibility to draw conclu- Anne Beck from the Department of Earth Sciences sions on human-environment interactions. at Freie Universität for the English proof reading.

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