Mortality of Varroa Destructor in Honey Bee (Apis Mellifera) Colonies During Winter

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Mortality of Varroa Destructor in Honey Bee (Apis Mellifera) Colonies During Winter Apidologie 32 (2001) 223–229 223 © INRA/DIB-AGIB/EDP Sciences, 2001 Original article Mortality of Varroa destructor in honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies during winter Ingemar FRIES*, Silvia PEREZ-ESCALA Department of Entomology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Box 7044, 75007 Uppsala, Sweden (Received 29 August 2000; revised 30 January 2001; accepted 23 February 2001) Abstract – The change in infestation levels of the mite Varroa destructor Anderson and Trueman on adult bees during periods with little or no brood rearing (late October/early November to early Febru- ary) was investigated in 10 colonies for two consecutive years in a Swedish climate (N57°06’E18°16’). The results do not support the hypothesis that mites become concentrated on the remaining bees as bees die off from the winter cluster. When the number of all mites recovered from dead bees or from debris was used to calculate mites per dead bee, the level of infestation per bee was not signif- icantly different between samples of live bee and dead bees. For modelling purposes, we presently find no reason to differentiate the mortality rates of bees and mites during periods when there is no or limited amounts of brood in the colonies, although the connection between bee mortality and mite mortality may not be as direct as previously assumed. Varroa destructor / population dynamics / winter mortality 1. INTRODUCTION growing information on mite biology, there also is good data on the intrinsic growth rate The biology of the mite Varroa destruc- of the mite population during periods of tor Anderson and Trueman, 2000 (formerly brood rearing (Calatayud and Verdu, 1995; V. jacobsoni Oudemans) in colonies of the Kraus and Page, 1995; Marcangeli et al., western honey bee (Apis mellifera) has been 1995). However, mite mortality is poorly described in some detail (Boot et al., 1994; understood during periods of mite popula- Donzé and Guerin, 1994; Martin, 1994; tion growth, and even more so during periods Martin, 1995; Donzé et al., 1996). Parallel to with no brood rearing and mite population * Correspondence and reprints E-mail: [email protected] 224 I. Fries, S. Perez-Escala decline. For purposes of modelling, mite We studied winter mite mortality in a population dynamics, data on mite mortality cold climate. In particular, we investigated is critical. whether mites become concentrated on the remaining bees as bees die off during winter. Based on assumptions and available data, there have been three attempts to develop mathematical models of the population dynamics of V. destructor mites (Calis et al., 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 1999; Fries et al., 1994; Martin, 1998). It has been assumed in two of these models To investigate the changes in infestation that mites and bees have a similar death rate level of mites on adult bees during periods during winter (Calis et al., 1999; Fries et al., with little or no brood rearing, we equipped 1994), yielding a daily mite death rate of 10 colonies with net screen bottoms for col- 0.004 per day during periods of no brood lection of mites below the screen (30 mm rearing. The third model used a winter mite between net and collection tray), and for mortality of only 50% of other models collection of bees dying inside the colony (0.002) (Martin, 1998). The latter death rate above the screen (20 mm between net and was based on the average of two citations lower frame bars), for two consecutive years. in the literature in which the number of mites The colonies were also equipped with an that died with bees outside the colonies was not considered (Korpela et al., 1993; external cage that allowed collection of bees Moosbeckhofer, 1991). The death rate of leaving the hives to die outside the colonies. 0.004 was based on the assumption that If mites dislodged from bees collected out- approximately half of the population of bees side the hive, such mites were not collected. may die in a climate similar to Scandinavia Before the experiment started each year, all (Avitabile, 1978) and that mites are ran- colonies were examined and found free from domly distributed in the winter cluster sealed brood. At the onset of the experi- (Ritter et al., 1989) and do not change host ment, a sample of approximately 1 dl of as the bees die (Müller, 1987). Recent data, bees (~ 250) were taken from each colony however, indicate that mites may change and examined for mites. Dead bees to be their host during winter and that they actu- examined for mites and mites in the debris ally may leave dying hosts before the bees were collected approximately every two drop from the cluster (Bowen-Walker et al., weeks until the end of the experiment, when 1997). Bowen-Walker et al. (1997) studied a sample of 1 dl of live bees again was taken the distribution of mites in one colony dur- from each colony and examined for mites. ing a period when they assumed there was no brood rearing under British climate con- The experimental site was located on ditions and found an increase in infestation Gotland (N57°06’; E18°16’). The first year, level of the adult bees from 12.9% in Octo- the experiment started on October 20 and ber–December to 36.8% in January and was terminated on February 2 (mean daily February. Bowen-Walker et al. (1997) inter- temperature ± standard deviation; 1.94 ± preted this result as a differential mortality 3.31 °C). The second year the experiment rate of mites and bees. Later, Bowen-Walker started on November 16 and was terminated and Gunn (1998) used the data from the on February 5 (mean daily temperature ± same colony and concluded: “As overwin- standard deviation; 2.04 ± 2.45 °C). The tering bees start to die of old age and dis- experiments were terminated in early Febru- ease, more and more mites, potentially ary because honey bees may initiate some carrying disease agents, will become con- brood rearing at this time under similar cli- centrated on the remaining bees”. mate conditions (Avitabile, 1978). Varroa mite mortality during winter 225 3. RESULTS mortality, any change in infestation rate of live bees due to mites leaving dying hosts The numbers of mites recovered per live will be difficult to detect. Nevertheless, if bee, in the debris, on dead bees, and on dead mites do become concentrated on remain- bees and debris combined are tabulated in ing bees as bees die off, we would expect Table I. a linear relationship between the variables in There was no significant change in the Figure 1. However, the correlation coeffi- infestation levels in the colonies between cient is low (r = –0.12) and not significant the initiation and termination of the experi- (P = 0.62) indicating that no linear rela- ments in either of the two years (for each tionship between the variables exists. In year; P > 0.05, paired t-test, 9df). The same other words, an increase in bee mortality was true when the data from both years were does not seem to be linked to an increase in combined (P > 0.05, paired t-test, 19df). The live bee infestation levels. infestation level of the dead bees was sig- From the presented data (Tab. I, Fig. 1), nificantly lower than the level on the live we find no support for the conclusion pre- bee samples during both years (P < 0.001, sented by Bowen-Walker and Gunn (1998) paired t-test, 9df). However when the num- that mites become concentrated on the ber of mites recovered in the debris was remaining bees as bees die from the winter combined with the mites found on dead bees cluster. What is obvious, however, is the to give the recovered number of mites per large degree of variation between colonies dead bee, the difference was not significant with an apparent increase in infestation rate for either of the years (P > 0.05, paired in some colonies and an apparent decrease of t-test, 9df), or for the two years combined similar magnitude in others (Tab. I). Sam- (P > 0.05, paired t-test, 19df). To avoid dam- pling errors may explain some of the aging the colonies, they were not checked observed variation, in particular during the for brood at the end of the experiment in first year with a low infestation level. In early February. We assume that brood rear- the second year the variation between ing was very limited in early February under colonies prevailed in spite of a higher infes- the prevailing weather conditions. Thus, it is tation level, indicating that much variation plausible that minimal, if any, mite repro- may be due to individual differences duction occurred during the experiment con- between colonies. This variation remains sidering the climatic conditions and the fact unexplained. that all colonies did not have sealed brood at the onset of the experiment each year. In the present experiment, we can not In Figure 1 a scatter diagram of the determine if the mites found on dead bees change in infestation level in live bees at fell from the cluster and remounted dead the start and at the end of the experiment bees. Nor can we determine if mites in the (end level minus start level) vs. the number debris fell from the cluster or from already of dead bees is plotted. The correlation coef- dead bees. When all mites recovered were ficient is low (r = –0.12) and non-signifi- considered together, the number of mites cant (P = 0.62) indicating that there is no per dead bee was not significantly different linear relationship between the two vari- from number of mites per live bee over all ables.
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