Ros -Rot at -Law, 1933-36; Drs., Gen
Ros -Rot at -law, 1933-36; Drs., gen. mgr., Bremer Broadcatlne Pictures Include: (s. p.) A Walk in the Sun, (dir.) Corp. (WATV-WAAT-WAAT-FM), Newark. N. J. Body and Soul; Desert Fury; (s. p., dir. prod.) All the King's Men (Acad. Award, best picture, 1949), The ROSENSTEIN, GERTRUDE: Dir. b. New York, N. Y. e. Brave Bulls, Mambo, Alexander the Great, dir., s. P. Barnard Coll., B. A.: Neighborhood Playhouse. exec. asst. Johnny O'Clock, Island in the Sun, They Came to Cordura, to George Balanchine & Lincoln Kiratein, New York City writer -prod. -dirt, The Hustler, Lilith. Ballet. TV: assoc. dir.. NBC Opera, Emmy Awards, elec- tion coverages, Kennedy inauguration, Huntley -Brinkley ROSSI DRAGO, ELEONORA: Actress, b. Genoa, Italy. Report, Kennedy Memorial Mass; dir., Concentration; Ty Sept. 23, 1928. e. Genoa. Salesgirl in Spain; then bit stair dir., NBC. parts in m. p.; pictures include: Behind Closed Shutters. three Forbidden Stories, Girls Marked Danger, Sensual- ROSENTHAL, BUD: Executive. b. Brooklyn, N. Y.. ita, Hell Raiders of the Deep, The Flame, Destinies, March 21, 1934. e. Brooklyn College, B.A., 1004, New York Slavery, To Clothe the Naked, Mauriziva Case. U.; U. S. Army, 1954-56; College correspondent, N. Y. Times; Ent. m. p. industry as associate editor. Independent ROSSO, LEWIS, T.: Executive. b. Hoboken, N. J., Feb. Film Journal, 1957. Joined Columbia Pictures publicity 8, 1909. Entered m. D. ind. 1930; prod. & mgt. for Con- dept. as trade paper contact and news writer, 1959, news- solidated Film Ind., 1930-44; Republic Prod., 1944-50; paper and syndicate contact 1960; appointed national prod.
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