Novi Arheološki Nalazi Iz Postira Na Otoku Braču New Archaeological Finds from Postira on the Island of Brač
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Novi arheološki nalazi iz Postira na otoku Braču New archaeological finds from Postira on the island of Brač Izvorni znanstveni rad KRISTINA JELINČIĆ Antička arheologija Institut za arheologiju Ljudevita Gaja 32 Original scientific paper HR–1000 Zagreb Roman archaeology [email protected] UDK/UDC 904(497.5Postira)“652“ LJUBICA PERINIĆ MURATOVIĆ Odsjek za arheologiju Primljeno/Received: 28. 04. 2010. Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti Prihvaćeno/Accepted: 09. 12. 2010. A. Kovačića 5 HR–10000 Zagreb [email protected] U radu se obrađuju antički i kasnosrednjovjekovni nalazi iz Postira na otoku Braču koji su otkriveni tijekom zaštitnog arheološkog istraživanja na mjestu Pastoralnog centra, jugozapadno od ranokršćanske bazilike sv. Ivana. Istraživanjem je otkriven rimski žrtvenik posvećen Veneri, kasnoantička arhitektura, ostaci kasnosrednjovjekovnog groblja, pokretni nalazi iz rane i kasne antike, te kasnog srednjeg vijeka. Ključne riječi: Postira, Brač, antika, kasni srednji vijek, Venera, žrtvenik, staklo, amfore The work contains an analysis of finds dated to Antiquity and the Late Middle Ages from Postira, on the island of Brač, discovered during rescue archaeological research at the site of the Pastoral Centre, south-west of the Early Christian Basilica of St. John. During research, a Roman-era altar dedicated to Venus, architecture from Late Antiquity, the remains of a late medieval cemetery, movable finds from Early and Late Antiq- uity and the Late Middle Ages were discovered. Key words: Postira, Brač, Antiquity, Late Middle Ages, Venus, altar, glass, amphora Uvod Introduction Mjesto Postira smješteno je na sjevernoj obali otoka The village of Postira is situated on the northern coast of Brača, u srednjoj Dalmaciji (karta 1). U zadnjih pedeset godi- the island of Brač, in central Dalmatia (Map 1). Over the past na u Postirima je pronađeno više antičkih arheoloških spo- fifty years, a number of artefacts dating to Antiquity have menika koji nesumnjivo govore o nekom obliku organizira- been discovered in Postira, which definitely testify to some nog života još od prvih stoljeća nakon Krista. form of organized life since the first few centuries AD. In 1958, in the vicinity of the “Sardina” company’s pre- sent-day cannery, during construction of a new road (Map 2: 1), a fragment of a Late Antique gravestone was found, while ten years later (1968) a sculpted child’s head (Eros?) was found north of the church (Map 2: 2) at the Grôdac site, Balatura, during construction of the family home of the late Živko Bižaca (Cambi 2004: 249–250). In 1970, part of a grave- stone was discovered roughly one hundred meters east of the parish Church of St. John the Baptist (Map 2: 3), during works on what was at the time the house of Slavko Brtičević (son of Grabre), today the Glavinić family home; in 1977 this piece was purchased by the Local Heritage Museum of the Island of Brač (Gjurašin 1989: 18; 2001: 108).1 During recon- naissance near the parish church in 1977, Emilio Marin found a Late Antique column capital from an altar screen dated to 1 The authors would like to thank Hrvoje Gjurašin, Andrea Matoković, Branko Matulić and Fjodor Mudnić for details concerning the find. The Karta 1 Smještaj mjesta Postira na otoku Braču bust was published by Cambi (Cambi 2004: 249–250), while the grave� Map 1 Location of Postira on the island of Brač stones have not yet been published. 177 KRISTINA JELINČIĆ, LJUBICA PERINIĆ MURATOVIĆ, NOVI ARHEOLOŠKI NALAZI IZ POSTIRA NA OTOKU BRAČU, PRIL. INST. ARHEOL. ZAGREBU, 27/2010, STR. 177-216 Karta 2 1. Ulomak rimske stele pronađene 1958. g. u blizini današnje tvornice Sardina (neobjavljeno); 2. Glava dječaka (Eros?) pronađena 1968. u kući pok. Živka Bižace (Cambi 2004); 3. Ulomak rimske stele pronađene 1970. g. pronađene tijekom radova kod kuće Brtičević, danas Glavninić (Gjurašin 1989; 2001); 4. Položaj župne i ranokršćanske crkve; 5. Položaj istražen 2003. g. kojeg se ovdje obrađuje; 6. Ulomak ukrašenog kamenog građevinskog elementa koji je uzidan u kuću Peruzović (neobjavljeno); 7. Položaj današnje crkve Sv. Nikole Map 2 1. Fragment of Roman stela found near today’s Sardina cannery in 1958 (unpublished); 2. Bust of boy (Eros?) found in house of decea- sed Živko Bizača in 1968 (Cambi 2004); 3. Fragment of Roman stela found during works on the Brtičević (today Glavinić) house in 1970 (Gjurašin 1989; 2001); 4. Location of parish and Early Christian church; 5. Site researched in 2003 and analyzed herein; 6. Fragment of ornamented stone element built into wall of Peruzović home (unpublished); 7. Location of present-day Church of St. Nicholas Godine 1958. u blizini današnje tvornice ‘’Sardina’’, pri- the first half of the sixth century (in a cellar) (Marin 1977: 155). likom gradnje nove ceste (karta 2: 1), pronađen je ulomak A large stone block lay next to the Church of St. John the kasnoantičkog nadgrobnog spomenika, a deset godina Baptist, to its east. During works near the sacristy in 1988, kasnije (1968.), sjeverno od crkve (karta 2: 2) na položaju the remains of a triple-nave Early Christian church were Grôdac, Balatura, prilikom gradnje obiteljske kuće pok. found at this site. The Early Christian Church of St. John was Živka Bižace pronađena je glava dječaka (Erosa?) (Cambi built in the sixth century, and this was a triple-nave church 2004: 249–250). Godine 1970. stotinjak metara istočno od with semi-circular apse and adjunct chambers, and this župne crkve sv. Ivana Krstitelja (karta 2: 3), prilikom rado- church was also functional in the seventh century (Kovačić va kod kuće tada Slavka Brtičevića, sina Gabre, danas kuće 1994: 42; Chevalier 1991: 264, 367; 1995: 283; Bužančić 1994: obitelji Glavinić, pronađen je dio nadgrobnog spomenika 39–50; Stančič et al. 1999: 135; 2004, 134). kojeg je 1977. otkupio Zavičajni muzej otoka Brača (Gjurašin Memory of a monastery and Church of St. Mary is also 1989: 18; 2001: 108).1 Prilikom rekognosciranja u blizini tied to Postira. It is mentioned by the Brač chronicler Andrea župne crkve 1977. Emilio Marin pronašao je kasnoantički Ciccarelli (19th cent.)2 when he spoke of the seven Benedicti- kapitel stupa oltarne pregrade iz prve polovine 6. st. (u ko- ne monasteries on Brač. This monastery was mentioned as a nobi) (Marin 1977: 155). Uz župnu crkvu sv. Ivana Krstitelja, benefice of the Split Cathedral Chapter even after the esta- s njene istočne strane, ležao je veliki kameni blok. Uslijed blishment of the Hvar Diocese. The Brač chronicler Vicko 3 radova kod sakristije 1988. na tom mjestu pronađeni su Prodić, writing in the seventeenth century, mentioned a ostaci trobrodne ranokršćanske crkve. Ranokršćanska crkva sv. Ivana podignuta je u 6. st. i riječ je o trobrodnoj crkvi 2 Andrea Ciccarelli was born in Pučišća in 1759, and in 1803 published Os- servazioni sull'isola della Brazza (‘Observations on the Island of Brač’), s polukružnom apsidom i bočnim prostorijama, a crkva je an extensive work of exceptional value to the history of the island of Brač (Vrsalović 2003: 16–20). 1 ��Na ���������detaljima ���oko ������nalaza �����������zahvaljujem ������Hrvoju ����������Gjurašinu, ������Andrei �������Matoko� vić, Branku Matuliću i Fjodoru Mudniću. Glavu je objavio Cambi (Cambi 3 Vicko Prodić, born in Pučišća, was the author of Cronica dell' isola della 2004: 249–250), a nadgrobni spomenici još nisu objavljeni. Brazza, published in 1662. 178 KRISTINA JELINČIĆ, LJUBICA PERINIĆ MURATOVIĆ, NEW ARCHAEOLOGICAL FINDS FROM POSTIRA ON THE ISLAND OF BRAČ, PRIL. INST. ARHEOL. ZAGREBU, 27/2010, P. 177-216 funkcionirala i u 7. st. (Kovačić 1994: 42; Chevalier 1991: 264, monastery in Postira (decorated with mosaics) which was 367; 1995: 283; Bužančić 1994: 39–50; Stančič et al. 1999: 135; set afire by the Narentines in 841 during a night-time raid. 2004, 134). Since organized human life undoubtedly existed in Postira Uz Postira se veže spomen samostana i crkve sv. Ma- even prior to the Early Christian era, the question remains rije. Njega spominje brački kroničar Andrea Ciccarelli (19. as to whether the building with preserved mosaic mentio- st.)2 kada govori o sedam benediktinskih samostana na ned by Prodić was part of a monastery or some earlier, Anti- Braču. Taj se samostan spominje kao beneficij splitskog que, building. Research into the Early Christian Basilica of St. kaptola čak i nakon osnivanja hvarske biskupije. Brački John has shown that the church had no mosaics, so Prodić’s kroničar Vicko Prodić u 17. st.3 spominje samostan u Posti- observation does not refer to the basilica. The dedication to rima (ukrašen mozaikom) koji su Neretljani zapalili 841. za St. John is accepted in the relevant literature, for it is indica- noćnog napada. S obzirom na to da je u Postirima i prije ted by the toponym Zastivônje, which originated in the layer ranokršćanskog razdoblja neupitno postojao život, ostaje of older sacral toponyms, and this dedication was assumed otvorenim i pitanje da li je zgrada sa sačuvanim mozaikom, by the present-day parish church. There are a series of such koju spominje Prodić, dio samostana ili neke ranije antičke toponyms on Brač which are associated with Early Christian zgrade. Istraživanje ranokršćanske bazilike sv. Ivana Krsti- structures, such as Stivôn/Sutivan. Since according to re- telja pokazalo je kako ta crkva nije imala mozaike stoga se cords the Church of St. Mary was the property the Split Ca- taj spomen sigurno ne odnosi na tu baziliku. U literaturi je thedral Chapter (Sanctae Mariae de Postire), like the church prihvaćena posveta ranokršćanske crkve sv. Ivanu jer na nju that once stood at the site of today’s Chapel of St. Nicholas upućuje toponim Zastivônje koji je iz sloja starijih sakral- (Map 2: 7), it has been assumed that the Church of St. Mary nih toponima, a tu je posvetu preuzela i današnja župna was at the chapel’s site, and that its titular changed at so- crkva.