ST. PATRICK’S CHURCH, BALLYHAUNIS PASTORAL MESSAGE from the Bishops of the Six and spiritual well-being of people of faith. The fundamental im- Dioceses of the Tuam Province 3rd March 2021 portance of Holy Week and Easter for all Christians, makes the PARISH NEWSLETTER 7th MARCH 2021 Dear Parishioners, brother Priests and Deacons, Religious and prohibition of public worship particularly painful. While, as Friends Christians, we are obliged to obey these regulations, we believe Parish Priest: Fr. Stephen Farragher, 094-9630006 / 087-9210305 Covid-19: A Year On that it is our responsibility as Church leaders to make the case for Email:
[email protected] Parish Office: 094-9630006 Emergency numbers: This week we mark the first anniversary of the appearance of the change. We will continue to make fair and reasonable representa- Knock: 094-9388100 Covid-19 pandemic in Ireland. As we consider how this has tion and we encourage you to do likewise. PARISH WEBSITE: Fr. Feeney, Ballinlough: 094-9640155 touched our parish communities, particularly given the tragic loss Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation PARISH RADIO: 105.2FM Newsletter on line: Parish website Fr. McGuinness, Bekan: 094-9313937 of so many lives, we wish to share some thoughts with you, the Web-cam: or In so far as the Government plan currently offers no clarity about people of the six Dioceses of the Tuam Province. when we might expect to return to public Sacramental life, we Local Safeguarding Representative (LSR) Jacinta Flynn, (contact the parish office) Further to Climb find it difficult to have any confidence that the Sacraments of First Many of us will be familiar with the experience of arriving at Communion and Confirmation can be celebrated before the end of ANNIVERSARY MASSES 8th - 14th MARCH 2021 what we thought was the top of a mountain only to discover that the present school year.