Parents’ Information Booklet




• INTRODUCTION TO YARLET SCHOOL • Contact Details • Governors • Aims and Ethos • INTRODUCTION TO THE MAIN SCHOOL • Main School Staff • School Week • Pupil Messages • Examinations and Timetable • Curriculum • Assessment and Reporting to Parents • Internet Use • Extra-Curricular Activities • Chapel Service • Orchestra & Choir • Fathers’ Day Match • Mothers’ and Daughters’ Match • Sports / Prize Day • School Matches • Pastoral Care • Important Yarlet Dates • Catering • Educational Trips and School Events • Uniform • Sports Kit • Flexi-Boarding • Fees • Medical • Absences from School • Car Parking • School Policies (list of policies enclosed) • Clothes Lists (Girls and Boys) • Home and Away Matches - Parents’ Permission Slip in separate document • General School Policies - Parents’ Permission Slips enclosed in Separate document, where required • Terms & Conditions


Yarlet School Yarlet Near ST18 9SU

Tel: 01785 286568




Mrs J Betteley Mrs R Bullock Mr P Middleton Mrs G Mitchell Mr A Morris Mr C Paget Mr K Robins Mrs P Sharratt Mr N D Tarling Mrs J Teather Mrs S Tennant (Chair)


Ian Raybould BEd Hons ALCM NPQH


At Yarlet, our key objective is simple: To create and maintain an environment in which all children are happy, secure and challenged to achieve their personal best in all areas of school life.

Yarlet School Vision Statement and Aims:

At Yarlet, our vision is to be the leading preparatory school in Staffordshire and the natural choice for parents because we have:

A) pupils who are safe and extremely well cared for and nurtured in an environment which promotes and recognises exemplary behaviour;

B) pupils who achieve to the best of their ability in all areas of school life and are thoroughly prepared for the next stage of their education;

C) a curriculum which is broad and balanced and designed to challenge all students, develop their academic abilities, and build upon their individual strengths;

D) an extensive and high quality extracurricular programme which is particularly strong in sport and music and includes opportunities for pupils to learn by making contributions in the community;

E) excellent teaching which is inspirational and enables children to reach their full potential;

F) frequent opportunities for pupils to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally;

G) a thriving flexi-boarding service which allows pupils to gain valuable boarding experience whilst participating in a range of activities which are well organised and fun;

H) outstanding Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) provision which affords the strongest possible start for our youngest pupils;

I) an active Board of Governors which places great importance on child safety and welfare and provides vision, support and guidance to the school’s leadership team;

J) a solid leadership and management team which provides clear direction and maintains the highest standards across the board;

K) premises, accommodation and resources which are of a good standard and enable pupils to thrive;

L) a high quality catering service, a clean and hygienic environment and children who take pride in their appearance by wearing a smart but practical uniform;

M) grounds and buildings which are secure, well maintained and attractive;

N) the opportunity for past pupils to have a continued involvement in the school by attending special events and being kept up-to-date via social media and the school’s website;

O) a first-class reputation in the local community and beyond;

P) an effective system of communicating with parents, carers and/or guardians and a commitment to provide regular feedback in relation to pupil effort, progress and attainment;

Q) a stable and well managed financial position;

R) a commitment to provide public benefit, including the provision of bursaries at 11+ through the R. S. Plant Awards and Combined Scholarship Programme.

Our ethos:

We nurture within our children a love of learning, even in subjects where they do not feel that they ‘shine’. Our ‘Old Yarletians’ look back on their days with great affection and this is due, in no small part, to the tailor-made education they experienced during their time here. Children learn to get along in a school environment without it stifling their creativity, individuality and love of fun. Children who are sporty, who love to perform dramatically and/or musically, and children who express themselves artistically will all find their niche at Yarlet. All of this goes hand in hand with the hard work required to produce the excellent results we achieve and maintain.

Parents send their children to Yarlet because they know that Yarlet staff will reinforce the ethos that they share at home – i.e. good manners, enjoyment of life, good sportsmanship and sensitivity and empathy with others. Our children discover the best in us and we help them to uncover the best in themselves! We pride ourselves on our family atmosphere, our magnificent rural surroundings – which we make full use of - our pastoral care, our home-cooked meals and staff/pupil dining times, our one-to-one care especially with our daily individual reading sessions, our competitive spirit and our love of the outdoors.

We are energetic in our teaching and learning, forward-thinking in our development plans but traditional in our habits. We communicate openly with parents and invite feedback, comments and constructive criticism. The example we give of team-working between staff, both teaching and non-teaching, gives the children a basis upon which to build their own attitudes towards life and learning.

As we say here – Yarlet is a preparation for life. A life to be lived to the full!



The Main School is the home for children aged between 7 and 13. As the School has grown, additional buildings have been constructed, each purpose-built to fulfil the needs of certain specialist subjects, ie Science, Maths, Art, French and Computing.

Other facilities used by children in the Main School include the splendid grounds, used on a daily basis (dependent on the season) for rugby, football, hockey, cricket, and rounders, an all-weather pitch, tennis courts and swimming pool.

Chapel, too, is at the heart of Yarlet life.


A full list of Governors and teaching staff is attached. In State maintained schools, children are not taught by subject specialists until the start of year 7 (after transfer at 11+). At Yarlet, children are introduced to teaching from subject specialists from Form 3 and have time set aside for supervised prep. The teachers are:

Headmaster Ian Raybould Deputy Head and Computing Nicky Burrows-Berry Head of English and Drama Catherine Brownsword Head of Modern Languages Thierry Roussarie Head of Sciences Patsy Barron Head of Mathematics Graham Shaw Head of Humanities Henry Pass Head of Art & Design Heidi Hamplett Director of Music Laura Madden Head of Form 3 Karla Lucas Head of Form 4 & Head of Games Emma Davis Head of Learning Support Natalie Owen


Arrival: School day officially starts at 8.30 am, but children may arrive from 8.00 am onwards.

For health and safety reasons, Parents are asked to use the main car park when dropping off and collecting children. In the case of disability or impaired mobility, written application for a parking permit may be made to the Bursar on a termly basis.

Departure: Day Pupils may leave at 4.30 pm (end of academic day), 5.30pm (after a study period), 6pm (after tea). It is important that pupils are ‘ticked off’ the register as they leave. This also applies if pupils leave during the day to attend the doctors, dentist etc, and report to Reception on returning to School.


A pupil notice board is displayed in the Main Hall to inform pupils about messages from home, eg. to convey a change in pick up time, or to authorise and advise that someone other than a parent will be collecting a child. Please telephone the school office to pass on such messages.


Dates of exams are included on the “Diary Dates” list issued at the beginning of term and which is included on the school’s website. A detailed examination timetable is issued as far as possible before the week in which the exams will be held, along with revision work.


The National Curriculum forms the core of Yarlet education. However, the Yarlet syllabus extends well beyond these guidelines; not only embracing additional subjects, but working at a level more advanced than that laid down by curriculum guidelines. Each child is encouraged and challenged to achieve to his or her full potential in all areas of Yarlet life.

Children work towards Scholarship and Common Entrance examinations to various Senior Schools, including Shrewsbury, Repton, Moreton Hall, Rugby, Denstone, Cheltenham Ladies’ College, Rugby, Malvern, Newcastle-under-Lyme School and .

The National Curriculum comprises the core subjects of:

Maths English Sciences – Physics, Chemistry & Biology Computing Religious Education and the foundation subjects of:

French Spanish Art and Design History Geography PSHE Music Drama


Yarlet has high academic expectations of its children. Each child works to his or her full potential and those who show academic promise are given the opportunity to work at a more advanced level, towards Scholarships / Awards to Senior Independent Schools at the age of 13 or before.

Regular reporting of progress takes place, both in written form (report and assessments) and by way of parents’ meetings. Grades are explained to Parents within the report format. Form Tutors and pupils discuss all areas of the report and identify ways to improve, as well as recognising and rewarding where an individual has excelled.

Regular assessment is important in order to confirm where pupils are over or under- achieving so that, in each case, appropriate action may be taken to ensure that each child reaches his or her potential. Parent/Teacher Meetings also take place. These give Parents the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress and development with each teacher. However, there is no need to wait for these meetings. The Headmaster, or Deputy Head are always available if Parents have any concerns and regular communication between Yarlet Staff and Parents ensures that children are happy, motivated and achieving.


Yarlet School provides supervised access to the Internet. Attached is a letter, internet policy and pupil/parent agreement form, the latter of which is enclosed in a separate document and must be completed and returned before access to the internet is allowed.


In addition to weekly timetabled music lessons, which are part of the curriculum, children are given the opportunity to play a wide choice of musical instruments (all of which are taught by specialist teachers).

Musical instruments including:

Piano, violin, viola, cello, double bass, clarinet, Eb saxophone, trumpet, recorder, cornet, french horn, trombone, guitar (including electric), drums and percussion.

Instruments are available, either to hire or to buy. Parents may choose whether they wish their child to have individual, shared or group lessons – the former being the most expensive and the latter, the most cost effective.

Invoices for music lessons are prepared by the individual teacher and included with the end of term report. Fees must be settled in advance, prior to recommencing lessons the following term.

The Director of Music will pass on any enquiries to the appropriate music teacher.


Tennis coaching may be undertaken by all children during the Summer Term. Details regarding tennis lessons, including costs and a registration form, are included in a letter to Parents at the end of the preceding term.

Activities and Clubs

Each week, the children participate in a variety of Clubs and Activities, including Drama, Computing, Cricket Nets, Science, Theatre Production, Golf, Animal Kingdom, Orienteering, There is no additional cost for these extra-curricular activities.


Pupils attend Chapel each morning.

Once a year, a Chapel Service is held for the pupils and their parents which is in addition to the termly events such as Harvest Festivals, etc. Dates of the Chapel Services are included in the termly diary dates sent out to parents each term. The service is held on a Friday at 6 pm. The Service usually lasts for about half an hour. For Chapel Service, we ask Parents to collect their child from the Main Hall, ensuring they are ‘ticked off’ as usual. Timing can be slightly later, as the Service does not begin until 6 pm.


Interested pupils may audition for the School Orchestra and Choir. Pupils joining either or both groups will take part in regular practice sessions and will be involved in events both in school and in the community. School events for the choir include the Christmas Chapel Services, with choir members participating every evening and not just for the evening allocated to their form. Choir commitments tend to be seasonal, with much greater emphasis during the Autumn term leading up to Christmas. Orchestra commitments are more evenly spread throughout the year.


This is traditionally held during the Summer Term. All parents are invited to what usually proves to be an enjoyable afternoon, in which Fathers of the Leavers are invited to participate in a cricket match against the Yarlet 1st XI. The afternoon culminates with tea – again all are invited and most welcome.


During the Summer Term, Mothers of the Girls in the Rounders Team are invited to play in a match against their Daughters. A letter is sent with all details regarding this event.


This is held on the last day of term. Children arrive at School at the usual time and Pre- Prep Parents arrive for the Pre-Prep Speeches and Prize Giving Ceremony which takes place in Centenary Hall at 10 am with the Main School Speeches and Prize Giving Ceremony following at approximately 11 am. Pre-Prep sports events take place after their Prize Giving Ceremony (11.15 am) and Main School sports events commence approximately one hour later. Programmes are provided and Parents are asked to bring a picnic lunch, at which they are joined by their children during a break before the afternoon activities begin. School lunch is not provided for pupils on Sports/Prize Day. All children participate in the day’s sporting events, which draw to a close by mid- afternoon. A letter giving full details of the day is circulated nearer to the event.


All Parents are invited to attend all matches – either home or away – be they cricket, rounders, football, rugby, hockey or netball. The support of Parents is most appreciated at these occasions. Timings – and directions for away matches – may be obtained from the School Secretary.

We are obliged to seek the permission of parents to allow their children, if selected for a Yarlet team, to play in home and away matches against other schools. Would you, therefore, kindly complete the form in the enclosed, separate document and return it to the Headmaster as soon as possible.


A Yarlet Education is a preparation for life. Children learn self-discipline, respect and consideration for others, and learn, too, to develop their own self-confidence through healthy competition, co-operation and the achievement of personal goals. Chapel – for all denominations – is a central part of Yarlet life.



A Yarlet calendar is prepared and circulated to all Parents giving details of holidays The calendar dates are also included on the website.

Diary Dates

A “Diary Dates” list is issued at the beginning of each term, giving details of events and activities during the term, for your diary or calendar. Again this is included on the website.


A fixture card for home and away matches is circulated at the beginning of term, although additional matches may be arranged during the term.


All food is home-cooked in the Main School and menus regularly changed to provide a nutritionally-balanced and varied diet for the children. The cost of all snacks and lunches provided are included in the term’s fees. Parents are asked to inform the Bursar of any specific dietary requirements for their children, which we will endeavour to accommodate.


Trips are organised which are of educational value, as well as great fun for the children. These trips may be included on the Some Dates list, issued at the beginning of each term. An annual overseas trip to France or Spain (on rotation) is organised for children in Forms 5 and 8 for interested pupils. Separate letters with all relevant information are sent to Parents in this regard. Parental permission is always sought for these trips.

Parents are invited and warmly encouraged to attend School events such as Plays, Christmas Carol Services, Harvest Festivals, and so on. Details are again advised to parents in the Some Dates list.


A separate, full clothing list is enclosed in this booklet. Uniform can be purchased directly from the school. For smart wear, boys need to wear a plain navy tie with their red gingham shirt. The uniform shop is open between 3 pm and 5 pm on a Wednesday and by appointment during school holidays.


Sports kit is brought into school on a Monday morning. Pupils hang up their kit bag on their relevant peg in the changing rooms. Kit is kept in school all week and taken home at the end of the week for washing and returning on the Monday morning.

During the Summer term, pupils bring in their swimming kit which is taken home and returned on a weekly basis with the kit.


Yarlet offers optional boarding on a ’flexi’ basis (Wednesday and Thursday nights) for children from the age of 7 upwards.

Children in the 11 – 13 years intending to attend a Senior Independent School are encouraged to board to ensure a smooth transition to their new School. However, in addition to this, the tremendous benefits of boarding for children cannot be over-stated:

• Children become more mature and self-confident • Children become closer to their friends, learn first-hand the importance of team work and ‘give and take’. • Children learn to become self-reliant and more self-sufficient in a safe and secure environment.

Having a safe and secure environment in which your child may develop in this way is an important first step for the future, when considering Senior Independent Schools or, even further ahead, University.

A variety of activities is organised to entertain our boarders and all dorms are regularly decorated, with home in mind.


An invoice is issued at the end of each term. This covers any extras incurred during the term which has just finished (eg trips) and the following term’s fees. The fees are due by the first day of the term to which they apply. As all our income is derived from fees, it is essential that these are paid on time and the School reserves the right to charge interest on any late payments. Fees are reviewed annually by the Governors, and Parents are informed through the Chairman of Governors’ letter to Parents at Easter of any increase planned for the Winter Term. Parents wishing to withdraw their child from Yarlet must give one term’s notice, or one term’s fees in lieu.


Please inform us if your child has any medical condition that we should be aware of, eg allergies, poor sight, hearing loss, diabetes or asthma. In the case of asthma, please make sure that (s)he has an inhaler in School. All medicines coming into School should be clearly marked. We ask all Parents to complete and return the attached consent form, confirming that it is in order for the School to administer basic medical treatment. Parents must complete an administration of medicines form each and every time prescribed medicine is to be given to a pupil.

In the case of illness during the School Day, Parents will be contacted accordingly. You will be informed of the circumstances and any action which needs to be taken.

If your child needs to be ‘off games’ and/or break time play for any reason, please send a letter to your child’s tutor or make a note in their homework diary. Please also indicate when they may resume games/break time play.


Children who have an infectious illness should not be sent to School. Children who have been sick should not attend school for 48 hours following their last bout of sickness.


If your child is absent or late for any reason, please notify the School Secretary by 9 am. Holidays during school terms are discouraged. However, permission for holiday absence should be made in writing to the Headmaster.


In order to maintain the safety of our pupils around the school grounds, we ask all parents to park in the school park when dropping off and picking up children. In the event of exceptional circumstances which require a parent to drive up to the school, eg disability or birth of a new child, parents may apply for a parking permit from the Bursar, Kirsty Nixon. Parking permits are renewable on a termly basis.


Up-to-date policies and procedures are available for parents to access on the school’s website and click on policies.

Policies include Admissions, Equality of Opportunity, Safeguarding, Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, Curriculum, Anti-Bullying, Behaviour & Discipline, Health & Safety, Lost Children/Children Not Collected and Parental Complaints Procedure and Policy. Should parents wish to make a complaint to Ofsted or ISI, the Parental Complaints Procedure and Policy includes details on how to contact both organisations.

A number of other policies, including subject policies, are also available and a paper copy of any policy can be obtained by contacting the School Reception. A copy of the Nursery Grant and School’s Terms and Conditions, are enclosed at the back of this booklet. If you have any questions relating to any of the points made, please contact either the Headmaster or the Bursar.


We hope that the information in this Welcome Pack covers any questions you may have had. However, please do not hesitate to contact the School if there are any areas not covered, or any matters of concern – we are always happy to help.


YARLET MAIN SCHOOL Clothes List – Girls

• Items marked thus must be purchased from the School’s in-house uniform shop


• Yarlet Unisex Blazer • Pre-Prep Pinafore – can be worn in Main School for a transition period until outgrown • Tartan Kilt Long/short Sleeved White Blouse • Red V Neck Sweater or Cardigan • Navy Reversible Fleece Top and Navy Tracksuit Trousers Black Leather School Shoes – sensible flat shoes but not ballet pumps Plain Navy Coat can be worn in extreme weather conditions (optional)


Navy Ankle Socks Flesh-coloured nylon tights (Forms 7 & 8 only)


1 pr Navy Gloves (optional) • Scarf (optional) Red Knee Length Socks or Red Tights (forms 3 to 6) Dark Navy Blue or Black Woollen Tights (not nylon) (forms 7 and 8)

GAMES KIT – All Terms

• Large red kit bag • Navy Blue Games Skort Indoor trainers (non-marking soles) and spare trainers (not mesh) for break times Towel (with hanging tapes)

GAMES KIT – Winter and Spring Terms only

• Long / short sleeved navy/red reversible sports shirt Red Knee Length Games Socks Navy Blue Base layer top and leggings (optional) Gum shield Shin pads

GAMES KIT – Summer Term only

White Sports Ankle Socks White Polo Shirt – (any standard – no logo) Plain black swimming costume and swimming hat


Rucksack (This item will be debited from your child’s account at a cost of £16)

a) ALL items of uniform MUST be name-taped (either sew in or iron on). Please do not write on the uniform as this fades with washing.

b) Goods marked ● MUST be obtained from the School’s in-house uniform shop.

c) ALL CLOTHES, books, games and toys must be clearly marked.

NB: Sales of good quality, second hand uniform take place within the School on a regular basis and items may also be bought at other times by contacting the Bursar.

Name tags recommendation:

YARLET MAIN SCHOOL Clothes List - Boys

• Items marked thus must be purchased from the School’s in-house uniform shop

ALL TERMS • Yarlet Unisex Blazer • Navy Slipover • School Tie • Navy Reversible Fleece Top and Navy Tracksuit Trousers • Navy Blue Corduroy Shorts (Forms 3 & 4 only) • Long Navy Cords from Year 5 upwards • Long/Short Sleeved Red and White Check Shirt Plain Navy Coat can be worn in extreme weather conditions (optional) Black Leather School Shoes.

SUMMER TERM ONLY Plain Grey or Black Ankle Socks

WINTER AND SPRING TERM ONLY • Long Grey Socks with Navy Tops (when wearing corduroy shorts in Winter and Spring Terms)

WINTER TERM ONLY • Navy Blue Pullover • Scarf (optional) 1 pr Navy Gloves (optional)

GAMES KIT – All Terms • Navy blue PE shorts • Large red kit bag 1 pair indoor Trainers (non-marking soles) and spare trainers (not mesh) for break times Towel (with hanging tapes)

GAMES KIT – Winter and Spring Terms only • Long/short sleeved navy/red reversible sports shirt Navy Blue Base layer top and leggings (optional) Navy Blue Football Socks Gum Shield Shin Pads Football Boots (with rubber studs)

GAMES KIT – Summer Term only One pair of White Cricket Boots when they reach Game 2 (approximately 11 years) One pair of White Flannels (trousers) (if in cricket teams) 1 White Cricket Sweater (if in cricket teams – optional) 1 Cricket Bat (Form 5 and above – not compulsory unless in cricket teams) 1 Cricket Helmet and pads (Form 5 and above or if playing in competitive matches) White polo shirt (any standard, no logo) Short White Socks Plain black streamlined swimming shorts


Rucksack (This item will be debited from your child’s account at a cost of £16)

a) ALL items of uniform MUST be name-taped (either sew in or iron on). Please do not write on the uniform as this fades with washing.

b) Goods marked ● MUST be obtained from the School’s in-house uniform shop.

c) ALL CLOTHES, books, games and toys must be clearly marked.

NB: Sales of good quality, second hand uniform take place within the School on a regular basis and items may also be bought at other times by contacting the Bursar.

Name tags recommendation:

From the Headmaster, Ian Raybould

Dear Parents,

Responsible Internet Use

As part of your child’s curriculum and the development of computing skills, Yarlet School is providing supervised access to the Internet. We believe that the use of the World Wide Web and e-mail is worthwhile and is an essential skill for children as they grow up in the modern world. Please would you read the attached Rules for Responsible Internet Use, and sign and return the consent form so that your child may use Internet at School.

Although there may be concerns about pupils having access to undesirable materials, we have taken positive steps to deal with this risk in school. A filtering system will be in operation that restricts access to inappropriate materials, and all sessions involving use of the Internet will be monitored by a member of staff. In addition, we will be delivering an Internet Safety Programme for all pupils which teaches the safe and appropriate behaviour to adopt when using the Internet, e-mail and other technologies. Each member of staff and each student using the Internet must agree to follow an Acceptable Use Policy. These policies set out the rules which must be adhered to, for the protection of all users.

Whilst every endeavour is made to ensure that suitable restrictions are placed on the ability of children to access inappropriate materials, the School cannot be held responsible for the nature of content of materials accessed through the Internet. The School will not be liable for any damages arising from your child’s use of the Internet facilities.

Should you wish to discuss any aspect of Internet use please telephone me to arrange an appointment.

Yours sincerely,

Ian Raybould Headmaster

Yarlet School Responsible Internet Use Rules for Staff and Students

The school computer system provides Internet access to Pupils and Staff. These rules will help us to be fair to others and will keep everyone safe.

• I will ask permission before entering any web site, unless my teacher has already approved that site.

• I will use only my own login and password, which I will keep secret.

• I will not look at or delete other people’s files.

• I will only e-mail people I know, or whom my teacher has approved.

• The messages I send will be polite and sensible.

• When sending e-mail, I will not give out my home address or phone number, or arrange to meet someone.

• I will ask permission before opening an e-mail or an e-mail attachment sent by someone I do not know.

• I will not use Internet chat or any social networking sites.

• If I see anything I am unhappy with or I receive messages I do not like, I will tell a teacher immediately.

• I know that the school may check my computer files and may monitor the Internet sites I visit.

• The school ICT systems may not be used for private purposes, unless the Headmaster has given permission for that use.

• I understand that if I deliberately break these rules, I would be stopped from using the Internet or computers.

The school may exercise its right by electronic means to monitor the use of the school’s computer systems, including the monitoring of web-sites, the interception of E-mail and the deletion of inappropriate materials in circumstances where it believes unauthorised use of the school’s computer system is or may be taking place, or the system is or may be being used for criminal purposes or for storing text or imagery which is unauthorised or unlawful.

Parent Permission Form to be completed – enclosed in separate booklet

Health Policy and Procedures

Parental responsibility: Parents are responsible for advising the School about any administration of medicines to their children. If a child requires any form of medication whilst at School, parents should give their permission via the administration of medicine form.

Procedures: • All medication is stored safely. • All medicines coming into school should be clearly labelled and given to the Office/Class Teacher. In Main School this includes children’s inhalers, but Pre- Prep children’s inhalers are kept in the classrooms. • Any form of medication that is given to a child during the School day (or night in the case of the Flexi-Boarders) is recorded and a duplicate copy of the form will be sent home with your child. • If a Pupil becomes unwell at School, they are able to use the dormitories to rest until their Parents can collect them. • It is vital, not only to have home numbers, but also Parents work numbers and other emergency numbers e.g. relatives or childminders. These details are kept in the Headmaster’s Study and are updated regularly. • Children who have an infectious illness should not be sent to School. • Children who have been sick should not attend school for 48 hours following their last bout of sickness. • Children who are Flexi-Boarders at School are nursed in the appropriate manner, depending upon the illness. • Dietary and medical needs of a child must be explained to the School and this information will then be communicated to relevant members of Staff and the Kitchen Staff.

School responsibility: All classroom-based staff have attended a relevant First Aid course. Emergency Aid in the Workplace courses have been attended by designated staff – see policy on First Aid. • When a pupil becomes unwell, his/her Parents are informed. • When a pupil becomes very seriously unwell, or is injured, an ambulance should be called for immediately, and Parents or relatives notified. • If there is known to be a case of any infectious disease e.g. chicken pox, it is the responsibility of the School to inform Parents by either telephone or by letter. • All injuries sustained whilst at School are treated by a qualified First Aider. • All injuries are recorded in the Dispensary (for Main School) or in the first aid book (for Pre-Prep). A full description of the injury, the circumstances and events leading up to the incident are recorded, including the name of the person who dealt with the injury.


Date: August 2019 Review Date: August 2021

Parents’ Permission Forms to be completed – enclosed in separate booklet

Yarlet School – Terms & Conditions

1. Pupils are normally accepted after informal observation, assessment and interview with the Head or other staff. The acceptance or otherwise of any pupil is at the sole discretion of the Head. Your attention is drawn to the School’s Admissions Policy contained within the prospectus.

2. The continued attendance of any pupil at the School is at the sole discretion of the Head and depends upon the pupil’s application, conduct, behaviour and attendance being in accordance with such standards as the School deems necessary and appropriate. A complaints procedure is in place, a copy of which is enclosed in this booklet.

3. Fees are reviewed annually by the Board of Governors during the Summer term and any change is normally effective from the following 1st September. However, the Governors reserve the right to increase fees at their discretion during an academic year; a minimum of one month’s notice will be given of any such extraordinary increase which will be effective from the beginning of the following term.

4. Fees must be paid termly in advance, and are due not later than the first day of each School term. Payment of extra expenses that have accrued in the previous term should also be settled at the same time. The fee and expenses invoice will be produced shortly after the end of each term.

5. Interest at the rate of 8% per annum will be charged on fees and expenses not paid by the due date of the first day of term; the Governors reserve the right to remove any pupil from the School where fees and expenses remain unpaid at half-term and will seek recovery of any outstanding fees, expenses and interest together with any costs incurred, through the legal system.

6. A monthly direct debit system of paying fees also operates through School Fee Plan, further information on which may be obtained from the Bursar.

7. A full term’s notice in writing, or payment of a full term’s fees in lieu, must be given by the parents or guardians before a pupil is removed from the School. Clearance to the next School will not be given until this is satisfied.

8. No refund or remission of fees will be made where a pupil is absent by reason of illness, injury, withdrawal, suspension or any other reason.

9. A £50 non-refundable registration fee is payable with the Registration Form to secure a place at the School.

10. The School will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage howsoever caused to the personal property of pupils or their parents or guardians.