YARINGA BOAT HARBOUR 1 LUMEAH RD SOMERVILLE 3912 Editor: FRANK GRAY Ph 5977 4154 Fax 5977 3156 email:
[email protected] Web: www.yaringa.com.au Yaringa magazine Est 1985 2006-7 SPECIAL 21st Anniversary issue THE YARINGA STORY A special 21st Anniversary Issue Editorial Feature FRESH WATER PIPED TO YARINGA – after 21 years From Desolate Swamp to (The Water Story: Page 4) Thriving Marine Centre Skipper Neville Hard puts Mandu through he Summer of 2006/7 is proving to be by far her paces in a Yaringa yacht race T Photo - Mark Gunther our busiest summer ever. It also marks an exciting mile- stone in the history and development of Yaringa Marina. Twenty one years ago Stefan Borzecki cast aside suit and tie to take up the challenge of a lifetime. With remarkable vision and insight plus an engineering background, a life- time in boating and a sound business plan, he literally rolled up his work-shirt sleeves and set about creating something unique and special. Observers reckoned it was clearly not achievable. Many shook their heads in disbe- lief – others saw it as sheer madness. But this only added to Stefan’s determination to have a serious go at carving out an accessible, safe Boat Harbour from what was then an old ‘high-tide’ jetty in boggy marsh surrounded by a forlorn wasteland strewn with old car bodies and junk. Earlier attempts, mainly the efforts of the late Gordon Rolfe, had paved the way for an initial plan of action to create an access channel out to deep water.