Stream Habitat Needs for Brook Trout and Brown Trout in the Driftless Area
Stream Habitat Needs for Brook Trout and Brown Trout in the Driftless Area Douglas J. Dietermana,1 and Matthew G. Mitrob aMinnesota Department of Natural Resources, Lake City, Minnesota, USA; bWisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Madison, Wisconsin, USA This manuscript was compiled on February 5, 2019 1. Several conceptual frameworks have been proposed to organize in Driftless Area streams. Our specific objectives were and describe fish habitat needs. to: (1) summarize information on the basic biology 2. The five-component framework recognizes that stream trout pop- of Brook Trout and Brown Trout in Driftless Area ulations are regulated by hydrology, water quality, physical habi- streams, (2) briefly review conceptual frameworks or- tat/geomorphology, connectivity, and biotic interactions and man- ganizing fish habitat needs, (3) trace the historical agement of only one component will be ineffective if a different com- evolution of studies designed to identify Brook Trout ponent limits the population. and Brown Trout habitat needs in the context of 3. The thermal niche of both Brook Trout Salvelinus fontinalis and these conceptual frameworks, (4) review Brook Trout- Brown Trout Salmo trutta has been well described. Brown Trout interactions and (5) discuss lingering un- 4. Selected physical habitat characteristics such as pool depths and certainties in habitat management for these species. adult cover, have a long history of being manipulated in the Driftless Area leading to increased abundance of adult trout. Brook Trout and Brown Trout Biology 5. Most blue-ribbon trout streams in the Driftless Area probably pro- vide sufficient habitat for year-round needs (e.g., spawning, feeding, Brook Trout.
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