TE TUMU SCHOOL OF MĀORI, PACIFIC & INDIGENOUS STUDIES Manawa whenua, wē moana uriuri, hōkikitanga kawenga From the heart of the land, to the depths of the sea; repositories of knowledge abound ______________________________________________________________________________ Te Papa Hou is a trusted digital repository providing for the long-term preservation and free access to leading scholarly works from staff and students at Te Tumu, School of Māori, Pacific and Indigenous Studies at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. The information contained in each item is available for normal academic purposes, provided it is correctly and sufficiently referenced. Normal copyright provisions apply. For more information regarding Te Papa Hou please contact
[email protected] ______________________________________________________________________________ Author: Brendan Hokowhitu & Jay Scherer Title: The Māori All Blacks and the Decentering of the White Subject: Hyperrace, Sport and the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism Year: 2008 Item: Journal Article Journal: Sociology of Sport Journal Volume: 25 Pages: 243-262 http://eprintstetumu.otago.ac.nz Sociology of Sport Journal, 2008, 25, 243-262 © 2008 Human Kinetics, Inc. The Mäori All Blacks and the Decentering of the White Subject: Hyperrace, Sport, and the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism Brendan Hokowhitu University of Otago Jay Scherer University of Alberta In this article we examine a range of media discourses surrounding the continued existence of the Mäori All Blacks, a “racially” selected rugby side, and a specific public controversy that erupted in New Zealand over the selection of former All Black great Christian Cullen for the Mäori All Blacks in 2003. Having never played for the Mäori All Blacks or publicly identified as Mäori, Cullen claimedtangata whenua status via whakapapa (genealogical connection) to his Ngäi Tahu grand- father.