Guglielmetti and Moscariello Swiss J Geosci (2021) 114:15

Swiss Journal of Geosciences

ORIGINAL PAPER Open Access On the use of gravity data in delineating geologic features of interest for geothermal exploration in the Basin (): prospects and limitations L. Guglielmetti* and A. Moscariello

Abstract Gravity data retrieved from the Bureau Gravimétrique International and the Gravimetric Atlas of Switzerland have been used to evaluate their applicability as a subsurface investigation tool to assess key geological features in support of the geothermal exploration in the Geneva Basin (GB). In this context, the application of an efective processing workfow able to produce reliable residual gravity anomalies was implemented as a crucial frst step to investigate whether and to what level gravity anomalies can be correlated to geologic sources of geothermal interest. This study focusses on the processing workfow applied to publicly available gravity data, including the quantifcation of the uncertainty. This was then also used for frst-order 2D forward gravity modelling. The resulting residual anomalies demonstrate the potential use of gravity investigations for geothermal exploration in sedimentary basins, and also reveal areas of signifcant, irreparable misft, which calls for the use of complementary data and 3D subsurface struc- tural knowledge. The results of such investigations will be presented in subsequent studies.

1 Introduction of medium to long term activities under the umbrella of Te deployment of renewable energy sources for both the GEothermies program (Moscariello, 2016, 2019). Tis power and heat production is accelerating in Switzer- program aims to identify potential geological targets at land, a trend that will continue as a result of the 2050 shallow/medium (500–3000 m) to large depth (> 3000 m) Swiss Energy Strategy (Swiss Federal Ofce of Energy, to combine heat, power production and, potentially, min- 2018) that aims at gradually phasing out nuclear power eral extraction. by reducing the energy consumption and increasing heat Te Geneva Basin (GB) and its surrounding French and electric power generation from renewable energy region (Plateau des Bornes, Bellegarde, Fig. 1) has sources. Geothermal energy will be, therefore, an impor- been intensively studied for hydrocarbon exploration tant resource to supply heat and power for industrial, since the 1960s, and for geothermal exploitation in the agricultural, and domestic use. 1990s, but only economically non-viable production of Increased energy demand, together with the political geo-resources has been recorded. Te Tônex-01 well vision of reducing the use of fossil fuels for heat produc- (Jenny et al., 1995), drilled for geothermal heat pro- tion in the , triggered the development duction, was not commercially productive despite the favourable bottomhole temperature of 88 °C at 2530 m (TVD), but the geothermal well GEo-01, drilled in Editorial handling: György Hetényi. 2018, proved to be successful with a discharge of 50 l/s *Correspondence: [email protected] of geothermal water at 34 °C from the upper Meso- Department of Earth Sciences, University of Geneva, Rue des Maraîchers 13, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland zoic units (i.e. Lower Cretaceous and Upper Jurassic)

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Fig. 1 A Map of Switzerland with location of the study area; B Geological map over the Geneva Basin with an indication of the main deep wells ( modifed from Brentini, (2018); Clerc & Moscariello, (2020); Moscariello et al. (2014)) and 8 bar wellhead pressure (Guglielmetti et al., 2020; temperature up to 150 °C at the top of the basement in Moscariello et al., 2020; Services Industriels de Genève, the southern part of the Geneva area. 2018). Te geographic positions of the wells in the Technically and economically extractable geothermal study are reported in Fig. 1 and their stratigraphy is resources are found at diferent depths in the Geneva area reported in Table 1. (Moscariello, 2016; Fig. 2). At only a few tens of meters Te geothermal conditions in the study area have been in the Quaternary deposits there is potential for shallow, reconstructed by thermal modelling (Chelle-Michou low enthalpy ground-source heat-pump installations. et al., 2017) and geochemical data (Guglielmetti et al., Between a depth of 0.5 to 3 km the porous Cenozoic 2020) revealing a geothermal gradient in the area rang- Molasse and fractured Mesozoic sequence (Allenbach ing from 25–30 °C/km. Such a gradient predicts a et al., 2017) ofers possibilities for both heat extraction

Table 1 Stratigraphy of the exploration wells located in the study area (modifed from Rusillon, (2018) and Guglielmetti et al., (2020)) Well Coordinates Base formation (measured depth TVD—meters) Long Lat Q UHN CM LC UJ MJ LJ T PC

Thonex-1 6.211347 46.202628 73 1331 1599 2530 Humilly-2 6.02498 46.114656 67 439 777 1644 2116 2520 3027 3051 Faucigny-1 6.369626 46.118046 78 1339 2915 3656 3850 4001 4177 4592 4951 Messery-1 6.300691 46.340971 25 628 738 Mont Boisy 6.344819 46.293985 1768 1945 La Balme-1 6.416526 46.06483 92 508 1250 1840 Saleve-2 6.183018 46.044415 25 1750 1986 Musiege-1 5.956864 46.025268 150 750 1650 2083 Charmont-1 5.64249 46.221432 920 349;1260 535; 1454 624;1793 2290 Geo-01 6.04692 46.22162 28 408 647 744

Q: Quaternary, UHN: Ultra-Helvetic Nappe, CM: Cenozoic Molasse, LC: Lower Cretaceous, UJ: Upper Jurassic, MJ: Middle Jurassic, LJ: Lower Jurassic, T: Triassic, PC: Permo-Carboniferous Gravity in Geneva Basin Page 3 of 20 15

Fig. 2 A stratigraphic log of the Geneva Basin and indication of the main geothermal targets; B Map across the Geneva Basin showing the traces of the seismic line in panel C and of the geologic cross-section in D; C Seismic profle over the SW sector of the Geneva Basin ( (modifed from Moscariello, (2019)); D Cross-section cutting through the GB (modifed from Moscariello, (2019) indicating the main geothermal targets) and storage as observed at the GEo-01 well where 50 l/s hydrocarbon exploration targets located at 2000–3000 m of thermal water at 34 °C is discharged from the upper below the ground surface (Clerc et al., 2015; Moscariello, Mesozoic. At 4 to 5 km depth the fractured Triassic car- 2019) and therefore shows some limitations in delin- bonates, porous Permo-Carboniferous (PC) sediments, eating both shallow Quaternary deposits and deeper and fractured crystalline basement have the potential for (> 3500 m) geologic structures such as the Permo-Car- combined applications such as generation of power, heat boniferous (PC) grabens. In this context gravity surveys, and metal extraction from geothermal brines. a standard geophysical subsurface exploration technique Te reliable identifcation and characterization of these in diferent geological settings (Blakely, 1995; Reynolds, geological structures is crucial to target productive geo- 1996; Telford et al., 1990) can contribute to reduce such thermal reservoirs and thus increase the chance of suc- limitations. Gravimetry is commonly applied, in the early cess of drilling activities. Te geophysical investigation stages of geo-resources exploration programs, to iden- method that has demonstrated the best results in many tify regions of potential interest (Allis et al., 2000; Gug- geothermal contexts is refection seismics. Tis is true lielmetti et al., 2013; Uwiduhaye, 2018) and monitoring both in sedimentary basins such as the Bavarian region production operations (Eysteinsson, 2000; Mariita, 2000; (Lüschen et al., 2014), Eastern Switzerland (Heuberger Narasimhan & Goyal, 1984; Portier et al., 2018). et al., 2016) and also in volcanic regions such as Larder- In the framework of an ongoing geothermal exploration ello (Casini et al., 2010). program to improve the understanding of the subsurface 2D seismic data was mostly acquired in the Geneva in the GB, the use of existing and newly acquired gravity Basin (GB) in the 1980s to 1990s for Mesozoic data has therefore been proposed. To this end, this study 15 Page 4 of 20 L. Guglielmetti , A. Moscariello

aims at evaluating the possible added value of analysing 1983; Ziegler, 1990). In the Geneva Basin, PC grabens existing gravity data which can be used as a subsurface have been mapped using refection seismic data (Bren- investigation tool to assess the basin structure and iden- tini, 2018; Moscariello, 2014, 2019); this reveals a set tify gravity anomalies within the geothermal stratigraphic of structures located below the Bornes Plateau, at the targets. northern side of the Saleve ridge and at the Jura foothills In this paper, we aim at (i) assessing the potential of (Fig. 2). processing the gravity data across the GB; (ii) quantifying Te Mesozoic sequence spans from the Triassic to the uncertainty associated with the available dataset; (iii) the Lower Cretaceous and is bound at the base by the delineating gravity anomalies associated with the main regional Hercynian unconformity. Te Triassic lith- geological features of geothermal interest in the study ologies, have limited exposures in the NW part of the region; (iv) comparing the gravity signal to the gravity study and, according to borehole data, are represented response of geologic models along three cross-sections by the German stratigraphic units consisting of: (i) the to highlight the correlations and the misfts between the siliciclastic Buntsandstein, (ii) dolomitic and evapor- two signals; (v) discussing the limitations of using grav- itic Muschelkalk, (iii) alternance of evaporitic, dolo- ity data alone and point towards recommended use of mitic, marno-dolomitic sequence, shale and sandstones gravimetry and complementary dataset for subsequent sequences of Rhaetian age. Te Jurassic sequence is investigations. mostly composed by carbonates deposition accumulated in diferent depositional environments including shal- 2 Geological setting low to deep platform environments, reef and peri-ree- Te study area covers an area of about 2000 km­ 2 extend- fal (lagoonal) settings, tidal (wave-dominated) systems ing from the town of Nyon to the NE, down to Vuache (Brentini, 2018; Rusillon, 2018). Te Lower Cretaceous is Mountain to the SW and it is limited by the Jura Haute- dominated by carbonate sedimentation locally marked by Chaine to the NW and by the subalpine nappes to the SE an increase in intercalation of siliciclastic material likely (Fig. 1), and is the westernmost part of the North Alpine associated with the nearby development of a subaerial Foreland Basin (NAFB) that extends from the Savoy landscape during the Valanginian. Tis subaerial expo- region in to Linz in Austria (Kempf & Pffner, sure resulted in the development of an erosive and deeply 2004; Kuhlemann & Kempf, 2002; Mazurek et al., 2006). karstifed surface (Siderolithic) which, combined with Te NAFB originated as a lithospheric fexure response tectonic structures might play a major role in controlling to the topographic load of the Alpine orogen (Pffner geothermal fuid circulations at depth. et al., 2002) whose crustal model in the study area can Te Cenozoic sequence consists of clastic rocks repre- be described as a gently dipping surface towards the sented by the autochthonous Lower Freshwater Molasse Alpine orogen with increasing thickness from an aver- (LFM), mostly composed of alternating sandstones, age of 20–30 km in the Molasse Basin to 40–50 km in marls, gypsum-rich clays and, at the base, thin lacustrine the high topographic region of the Alpine orogen and to carbonates. Borehole records reveal that the LFM attains 50–60 km south of the Pennidic front. a thickness of 1300 m in the southern part of the Geneva In the study area, four major lithological units are Basin, where the Tônex-01 well is located. Te LFM is observed at depth according to drilling records and separated from the Subalpine Molasse (SAM) by the seismic data (Brentini, 2018; Clerc & Moscariello, 2020; Subalpine Molasse Frontal Trust (SAFT) (Chaudhary Jenny et al., 1995; Moscariello, 2019; Rusillon, 2018). et al., 2014) and has been crossed by the Mt. Boisy-1 well From bottom to top these are (1) the crystalline base- (Rusillon, 2018). At the front of the Prealps, the SAM has ment including PC troughs at the bottom, (2) sedimen- been involved in the displacement of the Ultra-Helvetic tary cover composed respectively of Mesozoic carbonate nappe, thrusting over the autochthonous Cenozoic- units and, at the top, (3) the Cenozoic and (4) Quaternary Mesozoic sequence as observed in the Faucigny-1 wells sediments. Tese units can be approximated to a “layer- (Rusillon, 2018). cake” model with subparallel formations gently plunging Te top of the sequence is composed of Quater- towards SE with an average dip of 3 degrees. nary (Würmian), heterogeneous, up to 120 m thick Te crystalline basement is only exposed in the , (Fiore, 2007), glacial, fuvio-glacial and glacio-lacustrine to the South of the study area but has never been drilled sequences hosting the main freshwater resources of the by exploration boreholes in the study area. Te basement Canton of Geneva. is often afected by SW-NE oriented tectonic depressions Te tectonic evolution of the study area is associated originated as pull-apart basins during the Carboniferous with the alpine compressional phase that caused the (McCann, et al., 2006) and flled with several thousand decoupling of the sedimentary succession from the base- of meters of PC sediments (Diebold, 1990; Mann et al., ment by a detachment surface occurring on the Triassic Gravity in Geneva Basin Page 5 of 20 15

evaporites (Afolter & Gratier, 2004; Arn et al., 2005; the horizontal shortening which acted along the main Guellec et al., 1990; Sommaruga, 1999). Additionally, Alpine thrusts (Burkhard & Sommaruga, 1998), as high- the inherited basement relief and normal faults bound- lighted by local high velocities observed on seismic data ing Permo-Carboniferous troughs may have played a (Kälin et al., 1992). role in the nucleation of the Mesozoic north-westward Towards the northeast of the basin, the structural con- thrusts observed in the SE sector of the Geneva Basin fguration is dominated by E–W striking faults (Fig. 1). and Bornes Plateau (Gorin et al., 1993; Signer & Gorin, NW–SE and E–W strike-slip faults occur as a series of 1995). sub-vertical individual faults often afecting most of the Shortening afected the entire Mesozoic and Cenozoic Mesozoic sequence, down to the Triassic detachment sedimentary cover of the study area and was absorbed surface, and their extension through the Cenozoic inter- through fold and thrust reliefs of the Jura arc mountains val often appears as fower structures (Angelillo, 1983; during the late Miocene and Early Pliocene (Afolter & Charollais et al., 2007; Clerc & Moscariello, 2020; Mos- Gratier, 2004; Homberg et al., 2002; Meyer, 2000; Mos- cariello, 2019). cariello, 2019) and by the coeval formation of strike- slip faults. Te most relevant surface evidence of such 3 Gravity and density data in the study area structures is the NW–SE Vuache fault (Fig. 1) (Charol- Te Swiss Molasse Plateau is part of a large negative grav- lais et al., 2013; Moscariello, 2021), which crosscuts the ity anomaly that characterizes the entire Alpine orogen entire basin and marks the western boundary of the study and is associated with crustal thickening and the fexural area (Fig. 1). Te central part of the GB may have under- response to Alpine loading. Crossing the main anomaly gone local uplift controlled by a sequence of SW-NE ori- in a perpendicular way from NW to SE, it decreases gen- ented intra-basin blind thrusts that created an anticlinal/ tly from the Bresse Graben towards the Pennidic Nappes synclinal fexure at the top of the Mesozoic (Moscariello, and then increases abruptly due the Ivrea-body anomaly 2019; Signer & Gorin, 1995). Te Molasse sequence has (Fig. 3) (Kissling, 1984; Scarponi et al., 2020, 2021). Te been afected by horizontal compaction associated with use of gravity data in delineating lithospheric structures

Fig. 3 A Bouguer Anomaly over Western Alps and surrounding regions ( modifed from WGM2012 GLOBAL MODEL—Balmino et al., 2012); B Gravity stations in the study area. BG: Bresse Graben; Ju: Jura; MB: Molasse Basin; SA: Subalpine Domain; PN: Pennidic Nappe; IB: Ivrea Body 15 Page 6 of 20 L. Guglielmetti , A. Moscariello

across the Alps has been demonstrated by 3D gravity a processing workfow to assess the uncertainty on the modelling (e.g., Spooner et al., 2019). gravity data and produce a residual gravity anomaly, Over the Swiss Molasse Plateau and the Swiss-French that can be possibly representative of the gravity efect border, land and airborne gravity data have been col- of the main geologic features of geothermal interest and lected in previous studies (Bayer et al., 1989; Kahle et al., also highlight areas where signifcant improvements are 1976; Massona et al., 1999; Verdun et al., 2003) and the required for a comprehensive understanding of struc- BA shows a NW–SE oriented regional trend, controlled tures. Te specifc processing steps undertaken were: by crustal thickening (Klingele, 2006). Several gravity studies have been conducted over the (a) Combination of the absolute gravity data from the Swiss Plateau in conjunction with geothermal explora- Gravimetric Atlas of Switzerland available from tion. Particularly in Eastern and Central Switzerland the Swiss Federal Ofce of Topography (Swisstopo gravity studies have been used to delineate geologic https://www.​ swiss​ topo.​ admin.​ ch/​ ) and from the structures in the top 4–5 km as geothermal targets. Alt- Bureau Gravimétrique International (BGI http://​ wegg et al. (2015) integrated gravity data and 3D mod- bgi.obs-​ mip.​ fr​ ), in order to produce a harmonised elling to distinguish between Quaternary deposits and dataset. Quality control on observed gravity data deep PC strata based on density variations. A similar was performed in order to preserve as much as modelling approach based on the combination of grav- possible the data available by (1) plotting on a map ity data, 3D litho-constrained gravity forward modelling, the observed gravity values (G_Obs) and manu- and stripping processing aimed at delineating a deep PC ally removing outliers showing anomalous values structure in the Neuchâtel area, was applied by Mauri compared to surrounding stations, and (2) cross- et al. (2017). Furthermore, “pseudo-tomography” consist- checking between G_Obs data and station eleva- ing of the application sequential Butterworth bandpass tion values, in case of ambiguity, were compared to fltering to the gravity signal (Abdelfettah et al., 2014), the ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model V002 was applied in Northern Switzerland in a very similar (GDEM). Tis resulted in removing 78 stations over geologic context as in Geneva. Tis study allowed match- an 800 m profle in the central part of the Geneva ing the gravity anomaly wavelengths associated with the area, where the part of dataset was reported twice diferent geologic features of the region: shallow Ceno- in the database in the source data, with one of the zoic deposits were identifed in the residual data applying two sets of stations clearly showing a shift in eleva- 10 km cut-of wavelength and the top of crystalline base- tion (hence G_Obs) not coherent with neither the ment was constrained by applying the 70 km wavelength surrounding stations, nor the ASTER GDEM eleva- limit. tion. Gravity data were collected in the Geneva area and (b) Calculation of the latitude (Sherif, 1984), free-air, surrounding regions for hydrocarbon-resources explo- Bouguer slab corrections to respectively produce ration and research studies. Gravity surveys carried out FAA (Sherif, 2002), and Bouguer anomalies BA, as across the whole Geneva canton (Adamer & Montadon, well as the terrain correction to generate a complete 2000; Poldini et al., 1963), revealed the potential of grav- Bouguer anomaly CBA. Te 1967 International ity in delineating shallow, Quaternary features, and also Gravity Formula (IGF67) for datum reference was deeper structures such as the morphological features of used for free-air and Bouguer slab corrections. Te the transgressive contact of the Cenozoic Molasse on the standard reduction density of 2670 kg/m3, assumed Mesozoic units, defned by sequences of NE-SW oriented to represent an average upper crustal density negative and positive anomalies crossing the study area. (Hinze, 2003), was used for the Bouguer and terrain Over the study area, public gravity data from the gravi- corrections. Te BA was computed according to the metric Atlas of Switzerland (Olivier et al., 2002) for the correction formula:

Swiss sector and from the International Gravimetric BA = FAA − 0.0419088 ·[ρ · Zs + (ρw − ρ) + ρw] Bureau (BGI) for the surrounding French areas are avail- able as well as density, porosity, and permeability values used in Geosoft Oasis Montaj, where: BA: Bouguer from literature (Table 2). anomaly (mGal); FAA: free-air anomaly (mGal); 3 ρ: reduction density (kg/m ); Z­ s: station elevation (meters); ρ : water density, set to 1000 kg/m3. 4 Methods w Te terrain correction is calculated by the software Te processing and analysis of the existing gravity data using a combination of the methods described by across the GB was carried out using the software Geo- Nagy (1966) and Kane (1962). Te algorithm sums soft Oasis Montaj (2018). Te study aimed at applying the efects of four tilted triangular sections, which Gravity in Geneva Basin Page 7 of 20 15 55.57 47.36 61.93 101.66 111.27 Avg 9.73 55.57 74.82 71.2 101.7 Max 55.57 14.3 24.9 24.9 101.7 Temperature (˚C) Temperature min 0.9 0.07 0.46 0.15 1.62 0.049 13.1 Avg Max 50.75 1.8 0.07 1.83 1.4 19 0.395 0.1 0.02 0.07 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 min Permeability (mD) Permeability Avg 6.84 11.2 1.15 11.1 3.15 5.38 2.09 0.4 2.4 2 2.95 2.8 6 9.6 7 1.1 4.1 Max 9.6 18.6 1.8 13.8 18 10.8 8.33 9.98 10.4 13.3 7.05 4 21.3 19.4 18 6.8 8.6 4.3 3.2 0.6 6.2 0.5 0.55 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.6 1.3 1.8 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.9 min Porosity (%) Porosity ) 3 Avg 2300 2300 2400 2400 2700 2600 2650 2700 2700 2700 2700 2600 2600 2600 2600 2800 2550 2640 2700 Max 2700 2650 2600 2500 2730 2700 2750 2700 2700 3500 2700 2700 2700 2750 2800 3000 2680 2660 2800 Density (kg/m min 1800 2100 2000 2200 2680 2500 2500 2700 2600 2700 2600 2400 2100 2350 2400 2600 2100 2620 2600 ); Wagner ( 2013 , 2015 ), Mauri ( 2017 ), Rusillon, ( 2018 ); Wagner et al., et al., ( 1999 ) et al., ), Wagner ( 2013 , 2015 ), Mauri ( 2017 ), Rusillon, ( 2018 Wagner et al., et al., ( 1999 ), GeoMol, ( 2015 ), Kälinet al., ( 1992 ) et al, ), Wagner ( 2013 , 2015 ), Mauri ( 2017 ), Rusillon, ( 2018 Wagner et al., et al., ( 1999 ), GeoMol, ( 2015 ) et al., ), Wagner ( 2013 , 2015 ), Mauri ( 2017 ), Rusillon, 2018 Wagner et al., et al., ( 1999 ), GeoMol, ( 2015 ) et al., al., et al., Wagner ( 2013 , 2015 ), Mauri2017 ), Rusillon, ( 2018 ( et al., ( 1999 ) ), Wagner ( 2013 , 2015 ), Mauri ( 2017 ), Rusillon, 2018 Wagner et al., et al., ( 1999 ) et al., Data Source Data ), Adamer & Montadon,2000 ), Altwegg ( ( 2014 ), Adamer et al., Abdelfettah Rusillon, ( 2018 ) ), Adamer & Montadon,2000 ), Altwegg ( ( 2014 ), Adamer et al., Abdelfettah Rusillon, ( 2018 ) Rusillon, ( 2018 ) ), Adamer & Montadon,2000 ), Altwegg ( ( 2014 ), Adamer et al., Abdelfettah Rusillon, ( 2018 ) Humilly-2 well cores (bulk) cores Humilly-2 well GeoMol, ( 2015 ) GeoMol, ( 2015 ) GeoMol, ( 2015 ) Rusillon, ( 2018 ) Rusillon, ( 2018 ) al. ( 2020 ) et al. Rusillon, ( 2018 ), Hefny ), Adamer & Montadon, ( 2000 ), Altwegg ( 2014 ), Adamer et al., Abdelfettah Rusillon, ( 2018 ) ), Altwegg, & Montadon, ( 2000 ), Altwegg, ( 2014 ), Adamer et al., Abdelfettah Rusillon, ( 2018 ) Rusillon, ( 2018 ) Rusillon, ( 2018 ) Rusillon, ( 2018 ) Rusillon, ( 2018 ) ), Adamer & Montadon, ( 2000 ), Altwegg ( 2014 ), Adamer et al., Abdelfettah Data typeData Literature Well Log* Well Literature Outcrop, Well Well Log* Outcrop, Well cores (bulk) cores Well Literature Well Log* Well Well cores (bulk) cores Well Literature (Tithonian)Literature Literature (Kimmeridgian) Literature Literature (Oxfordian) Literature Well Log* Well Outcrop, Well Well Log* Outcrop, Well cores (bulk) cores Well Literature (Bathonien) Literature Literature (Bajocien) Literature Well Log* Well Literature Well Log* Well Well Log Well Well cores (bulk) cores Well Well Log Well Well cores (bulk) cores Well Literature Density data for the Swiss Molasse Plateau from literature data as indicated in column 3 data as indicated literature from Density the Swiss Molasse Plateau data for Porosity is sonic log derived Porosity 2 Table Geologic Unit * Quaternary Cenozoic Lower Cretaceous Lower Upper Jurassic Mid Jurassic Lower Jurassic Lower Triassic Permo-Carboniferous Crystalline Basement 15 Page 8 of 20 L. Guglielmetti , A. Moscariello

describe a surface between the gravity station and Swisstopo. Taking into account the elevation from the elevation at each diagonal corner. In the inner the data and the elevation from the ASTER GDEM zone, the terrain efect is calculated for each point used for the terrain correction allowed to con- using the fat-topped square prism approach of sider a broad source of error as the elevation from Nagy (1966). In the far zone, the terrain efect is the acquisition should be more accurate than the derived based on the annular ring segment approxi- ASTER data. For that reason, we used the elevation mation to a square prism as described by Kane from the data to perform the free-air correction, (1962). For more processing efciency, the far zone and only used the ASTER for the terrain correc- calculation is be optimized by de-sampling the tion. To quantify the uncertainty due to the grid- outer zone to a coarser averaged grid having cell ding method and cell size the misft between irregu- size of 960 m. Te calculation is carried within the larly spaced and gridded G_Obs resulting from two local correction distance, which was set to 1 km gridding algorithms (minimum curvature and krig- at full resolution of 30 meters, up to the specifed ing) and four diferent cell sizes (100, 250, 500 and outer correction distance which was set to 167 km. 1000 m) was analysed via sensitivity study. (c) Gridding of the gravity data: spectral fltering (verti- (e) Residual anomaly calculation: the goal of the study cal derivatives and bandpass) requires gridded data, was to identify gravity anomalies generated by geo- therefore setting the optimal cell size of the grid is logical structures located in the upper 5 km in the a crucial step in the transition from scattered grav- subsurface, therefore a trend removal was applied ity data to a regular grid. Gravity stations in the to produce a residual gravity anomaly. Te regional- study area show an irregular spacing, ranging from residual separation is commonly accomplished using 50 m along the Geneva Lake to about one station polynomial trend surfaces, wavelength fltering and every 2500 m at the boundaries of the study area, upward continuation, and the minimum curvature with a mean value of 250 m calculated using a near- techniques (Dobrin & Savit, 1988; Gupta & Ramani, est neighbour algorithm over the entire region. A 1980; Mickus et al., 1991). We accomplished this sensitivity study was carried out on the observed step by wavelength fltering after having carried out gravity data (G_Obs) using diferent cell sizes con- a sensitivity study where diferent trends have been fgurations (i.e., 100, 250, 500 and 1000 m), gridding computed (including 3rd degree polynomial, upward algorithms (minimum curvature and kriging algo- continuation) over a region extending at least 50 km rithms). Te misft between the gridded and non- from the study area and the resulting trends were gridded G_Obs values was calculated, and the asso- compared to the trend observed on the CBA in the ciated uncertainty was quantifed. GB and the best ftting was eventually identifed. (d) Uncertainty quantifcation on gravity data: gravity Terefore, to separate long and short wavelength uncertainty can be considered as the combination potential feld anomalies, the cutof wavelengths of diferent components including data acquisition was be obtained from the calculated radially aver- (geographic positioning, elevation), instrumental aged power spectrum of the data using fast Fourier drift, and processing such as gridding methods. In transform (FFT) (Spector & Grant, 1969; Bhattacha- our case, original data include only the coordinates, rya, 1965). Te power spectrum (Fig. 8) of the grav- elevation, observed gravity, free-air and Bouguer ity data shows several linear segments of the curve anomalies, therefore it was not possible to analyse decaying with increasing wavenumber and when the uncertainties related to the acquisition, drift plotted against the wavenumber allows to interpret and Earth tides corrections. In order to identify the major density variation zones from the slopes of regions afected by the highest level of uncertainty the diferent linear segments observed. Te slope of we analysed the elevation data and carried out a each straight-line curves ftted to the diferent spec- sensitivity study about the gridding method. With tral segments indicates the average depth of the dif- respect to elevation data, we calculated the misft ferent causative bodies (Hahn et al., 1976; Rama Rao between the CBA resulting from using elevation et al., 2011; Reeves, 2005). Eventually, power spectral data from the original gravity dataset and the CBA analysis was also used to identify and flter the noise using elevation from the ASTER GDEM sampled portion of the signal, constrained by the shorter at each gravity station. Free-air, Bouguer anomalies wavelengths unsubstantiated by exposed geology. as well as topographic correction were calculated Tis ensures preserving the gravity signal from the using Geosoft Oasis Montaj to have a common local geologic sources of geothermal relevance while processing platform and avoid possible sources of removing the efect of regional structures and the inconsistencies in the BA datasets from BGI and noise component. Gravity in Geneva Basin Page 9 of 20 15

(f) Calculation of the gravity response of 2D models station (84%) are between 17 and 1 m, and 624 stations via forward modelling along three cross-sections (14%) show misft values below 1 m. Subsequent studies passing by the main deep wells in the study area: could refer to the latest Alti3D elevation model provided forward modelling is a useful tool to validate the by Swisstopo. interpretation of gravity data. Forward models were To assess the efect of elevation uncertainty in the computed via the GM-SYS profle modelling tool CBA results used in this study, a CBA using elevation embedded in Geosoft Oasis Montaj. Te methods data from the original dataset and a second CBA using used to calculate the gravity model response in the ASTER GDEM elevation data were computed and Geosoft Oasis Montaj is based on GM-SYS pro- the diference between the two anomalies (“CBA original gram (2007) and are based on the methods of Tal- data” vs “CBA ASTER”) was calculated. Te results reveal wani et al., 1959, Talwani & Heirtzler, 1964, and an overall low misft between the two anomalies (aver- make use of the algorithms described in Won & age diference of 0.025 mGal) and the larger misft up to Bevis, 1987. GM-SYS Profle uses a two-dimen- − 11.6 mGal is observed in mountainous regions (Jura sional, fat-earth model for the gravity calculations, in particular most probably afected by ASTER GDEM where (1) each structural unit or block extends large uncertainties) at the boundaries of the study area to ± infnity in the direction perpendicular to the and of only marginal interest for geothermal exploration profle, (2) the Earth is assumed to have topogra- in the study area. Te large majority of stations (49.9%) phy but no curvature, (3) the model also extends ft within a ± 0.75 mGal uncertainty, 97.4% within a ± 3 to the far-feld (practically: ± 30,000 km) along mGal uncertainty. the profle to eliminate edge efects. Geologic data Te uncertainty associated with the gridding algo- from the publicly available GEOMOL model were rithm and cell-size highlights how the 250 m cell size used as constraints for the geologic contacts, and minimum curvature algorithm results in an average mis- the calculated gravity response was compared to ft between irregularly spaced and gridded data of 0.003 the residual anomaly. GEOMOL data are available mGal, with 75% of the stations within ± 0.75mGal, 98% as 3D grids which for the scope of this study, were within a ± 3mGal uncertainty. As expected, gridded sampled along the 3 selected profles. Homogene- data are afected by data loss as the gridding cell-size ous density was assigned to each formation, accord- increases and the misft between gridded and non-grid- ing to the average values reported in Table 2: Crys- ded increases accordingly. Eventually, the grid resulting talline Basement 2700 kg/m3, Triassic 2700 kg/m3, from a minimum curvature interpolation using a 250 m Lower Jurassic 2600 kg/m3, Mid Jurassic 2650 kg/ cell size resulted in the optimal compromise. In order m3, Upper Jurassic 2700 kg/m3, Lower Cretaceous to assess the uncertainty due to gridding cell size, the 2650 kg/m3, Cenozoic 2500 kg/m3, Quaternary selected 250 m cell size minimum curvature algorithm 2300 kg/m3. was analyzed revealing an average misft between non- gridded and gridded data of 0.003 mGal, with 73% of the stations within ± 0.75 mGal, 96% within a ± 3 mGal 5 Results and discussion uncertainty. 5.1 Uncertainty quantifcation According to these results the quantifcation of the Gravity data are afected by uncertainties associated overall uncertainty shows that 57.5% of the stations are with both acquisition and the processing. Elevation data within ± 0.75 mGal, 94% within ± 3 mGal and higher val- are some of the most relevant parameters that control ues of uncertainty can be identifed at the mountainous gravity observations; therefore, it is important to assess regions and at the boundaries of the study (Figs. 4 and 5). the uncertainty of such data and in order to identify the regions afected by the highest level of elevation uncer- 5.2 Gravity data anomalies tainty. In the Geneva area we compared the elevation data Te elevation, observed gravity, free-air anomaly (FAA), from the gravity dataset and the elevation retrieved from BA, terrain correction, CBA, and regional trend maps are the ASTER GDEM that was deployed in this study for the shown in Fig. 6a–g. terrain correction of the gravity data. ASTER GDEM has Te FAA in Fig. 6c shows values between − 71 mGal a pixel size of 0.000277778 degrees (1 arc second) corre- and 98 mGal and the anomaly distribution is controlled sponding to about 30 m and an absolute vertical accuracy by the elevation of the gravity stations, hence the local of about 17 m (Tachikawa et al., 2011), corresponding to topography, and by the local geology. Positive values of 5.25 mGal. Over a total of 4415 stations, 77 stations (2%), the FAA are controlled by the main topographic heights mostly located in the mountainous regions at the bound- of the Jura and Vuache Mountains, the Salève Ridge, le ary of the study area show misft values above 17 m, 3715 Signal des Voirons on the East and the Mt. Sur Cou peak 15 Page 10 of 20 L. Guglielmetti , A. Moscariello

respect to the regional trend can be observed associated with the main peaks such as Crêt de la Neige and Crêt d’Eau peaks across the , the Salève Ridge and the Signal des Voirons Mountain. Tis efect was removed by applying the terrain correction (Fig. 6e) to produce the complete Bouguer anomaly (CBA) in Fig. 6f. CBA ranges between − 113 and − 34 mGal and is charac- terised by a NW–SE linear trend (Fig. 6g), coherent with the regional trend observed for the Molasse Plateau and for the Western Alps at the regional scale.

5.3 Residual anomaly In order to separate the regional trend produced by the regional geologic structures and gravity efect of more shallow structures including those of geothermal interest, a sensitivity study was conducted by computing a CBA over a region extending at least 50 km outside the study area. Te resulting CBA data have been gridded using a Fig. 4 Map of the uncertainty resulting from summed uncertainties minimum curvature algorithm with the cell size of 250 m due to elevation and gridding on the gravity data analysed in this to be consistent with the resolution of the grid cover- study ing the Geneva area. Te SW part of the region is poorly constrained by only scattered and broadly spaced sta- tions, but still provides constraints to defne the regional

mGals trend. Te CBA shows values ranging between 179 and 1600 − minMAX 31.4% 58 mGal, with higher values in the NW, lower values in 1400 -12.99410.384 the central part and a sharp increase observed on the SE AvgSD 26.1% t 1200 -0.132 1.377 part of the area (Fig. 7). Te power spectrum of the CBA

un 1000 reveals that the wavelength content over the entire region co

s 800 is within 315 km (Fig. 8) and by analyzing the inverse of n cut-of wavenumber 0.01 ­km−1 (purple line in Fig. 8), it 600 12% 12.8% atio gives a cut-of wavelength of 80 km, therefore it can be St 400 estimated that the wavelengths between 80 and 315 km 4.1% 3% 2.7% 3.4% 200 1% 1% (the largest wavelength being controlled by the size of the 0 investigation area) are associated with sources located between 21 and 30 km depth that is consistent with the 3 5 .5 5 ;0 5 .5 5 ;3 < .2 1 .7 5 .7 1 .2 5 2 ;- 0 7 0 ; 2 2 crustal thickness value of 25–30 km (Bassin et al., 2012; ;- 5 ;- . ; 5 ; . 3 2 5 -0 0 .7 .5 2 - . 0 1 Mooney et al., 1998; Reguzzoni & Sampietro, 2015). -2 -1. Wavelengths between 80 and 35 km are associated with Misfit (mGals) sources located below 10 km depth whereas sources Fig. 5 Distribution of the uncertainty in the gravity dataset due to between 1.5 and 10 km generate anomalies with wave the combined efects of the elevation data and the applied gridding - methods lengths larger than 3.5 km. Such geologic sources are coherent with the depth interval where the lower Meso- zoic, the Permo-Carboniferous structures are located in the Geneva basin. Shallower sources within the wave- on the south-east, which also represent the main areas band between 1 and 3.5 km can be generated by sources where the Upper Mesozoic carbonates are exposed. In located between 0.2 and 1.5 km matching with the shal- contrast, the FAA lows correspond to the main basin low sources in the GB corresponding to the Quaternary, structures flled with lower density Cenozoic sediments Cenozoic and upper Mesozoic. Wavelengths shorter than such as the Geneva area, the Rumilly basin, and the Arve 1 km which, in the GB do not show any correlation with Valley. known exposed geologic features (i.e. Quaternary glacial Te BA (Fig. 6d) shows a NW–SE oriented linear trend, valleys) are therefore considered as noise. ranging from − 136 to − 37 mGal. Local anomalies with Gravity in Geneva Basin Page 11 of 20 15

Fig. 6 a Elevation map; b observed gravity; c free-air anomaly; d Bouguer anomaly; e terrain correction; f complete Bouguer anomaly; g gravity regional trend

As a next step, 80 km cut-of low-pass Butterworth fl- previous studies on similar regions (Abdelfettah et al., tering was applied to the CBA and the results show that 2014, 2020). a good ft with both the trend of the regional and the The residual gravity anomaly resulting from the Geneva area CBAs is observed (Figs. 9 and 10) which is separation of the regional trend ranges between − 9.7 coherent with the results from the power spectrum and and 9.7 mGal and shows strong correlation with the 15 Page 12 of 20 L. Guglielmetti , A. Moscariello

Fig. 7 CBA computed over a region extending at least 50 km from Fig. 9 80 km wavelength low-pass Butterworth flter the study area

15 RADIALLY AVERAGED POWERSPECTRUM A Regional sources 10 (wavelength>80km;depth >21km) Deep sources 5 (wavelength>35 km;depth <10km) 50 r) e

w Deep sourcesoflocal interest forgeothermal 0

Po (wavelength>3.5km; depth>1.5km) (

ln -5 Shallowsources of localinterestfor geothermal (wavelength>1.5km; depth<1.5km) 0 -10 Noise (wavelength<1.5km)

-15 0.00.5 1.01.5 2.0 -50 Wavenumber (1/Km) 35 DEPTH ESTIMATE B mGal 30 -100 25 )

km 20 Profile 1 -CBA

h( Profile 2 -CBA 15 -150

Dept Profile 3 -CBA 10 Profile 1 –80km trend Profile 2 –80km trend 5 -200 Profile 3 –80km trend 0 050100 150200 250300 350 0.00.5 1.01.5 2.0 Km Wavenumber(1/Km) Fig. 10 CBA and 80 km wavelength signal along the three profles Fig. 8 A: Power spectrum of the regional CBA. B: depth estimation of through the study area. Thicker lines highlight the signal over the the sources study area Gravity in Geneva Basin Page 13 of 20 15

Legend Canton of Geneva Deep wells Undifferenated faults (observed) 01020 km Undifferenated faults (inferred) Thrusts or inverse faults -9.7 Residual anomaly 9.7 (mGal) Thrusts or inverse faults (inferred) Fig. 11 Residual gravity anomaly after applying a high pass (80 km) flter

local geology in the GB (Fig. 11). Positive values are with the thickness of the Cenozoic units as con- observed in regions where the Mesozoic units are strained by the GEo-01 well (408 m), the Humilly-1 exposed, in particular across the Jura and Vuache well (439 m) and the Tonex-01 well (1331 m). In Mountains and along the Salève Ridge; four main neg- addition, the presence of a 3–5 km wide PC trough ative anomalies also can be identified: extending along the Salève front has been identi- fed on 2D seismic data (Gorin et al., 1993; Moscari- ello et al., 2014) and was drilled at the base of the • Anomaly A has an amplitude of − 7.5 mGal, shows a 20 km SW–NE oriented elongated shape and is Humilly-2 well (Brentini, 2018; Rusillon, 2018); it can located in the Geneva Basin where the residual contribute the observed negative anomaly. Density anomaly is larger in the NW and SW sectors and data available reveal that the density of the PC sedi- smaller in the SE part. Tis distribution correlates ments is highly variable, and the density contrast up 15 Page 14 of 20 L. Guglielmetti , A. Moscariello

to 0.15 kg/m3 with respect to crystalline rocks sug- 5.4 Comparison between residual anomaly and results gests that such structures can be the source of the from 2D forward modelling larger wavelengths composing this negative anomaly. Te analysis of the residual anomaly focussed on the cor- • Anomaly B is located in the Jura Mountains, where relation of the gravity signal to the known geological fea- the Cretaceous and Jurassic limestones are the only tures in terms of horizontal distribution, amplitude and exposed lithologies. Te anomaly has a rather circu- wavelength. For this study, borehole stratigraphy and the lar shape of about 10 km in diameter and an ampli- data retrieved from the GEOMOL model, provide verti- tude of − 5.1 mGal. Te source of this anomaly is cal lithologic constraints regarding thickness variations unclear. Small outcrops of Triassic limestones and of the diferent units. Tese data have been used to com- anhydrites are exposed in the surrounding region pute 2D gravity forward models along 3 profles and the (Fig. 1a), and likely extend at 1–2 km in depth below results have been compared to the residual gravity anom- the Cretaceous and Jurassic limestones as indicated aly (Fig. 12). by seismic data in the area (Gorin et al., 1993). Tri- Profle 1 in Fig. 12, runs NW–SE from the GEo-01 to assic lithologies can have lower density compared to the Faucigny-1 wells, intersecting the Tônex-01 well. the surrounding Cretaceous and Jurassic limestones Te residual anomaly shows a full amplitude variation and are often afected by decoupling along the main of 11.5 mGal and the gravity response of the model of detachment, with subsequent repetitions as observed 18.4 mGal. Both the residual anomaly and the response in the Charmont-1 well. Te Charmont-1 well, where of the model show a decreasing trend from higher values repetitions of Jurassic-Triassic units were drilled, is in the NW and lower values in the SE in the Tonex-01 located about 10 km to the West from Anomaly B, well area. Tis observation is coherent with the increase potentially contributing to the observed negative of thickness of the Molasse sediments along this axis as anomaly. Te contribution of PC sediments, drilled constrained by the stratigraphy of the GEo-01 well, where at rather shallow depth (1793–2291 m MD) can also the Mesozoic carbonates are located at 408 m b.g.l. and be considered as a possible source of this anomaly, at the Tônex-01 well where the top of the carbonates is at least partially. 1331 m b.g.l. At Tônex-01 a relative gravity minimum • Anomaly C shows an amplitude of − 3.2 mGal and is having 3 km in wavelength is observed in both anoma- located at the Rumilly Basin, where the main forma- lies corresponding at Anomaly A. On the residual signal tions cropping out are the Quaternary and Tertiary the amplitude of this anomaly is 2.8 mGal and on the sediments and their total thickness is estimated to gravity response it shows a value of 2.7 mGal; however be 500 m. Te Musiege-1 well is located at the East- they are ofset by ca. 2–3 mGals as in the entire central ern boundary of this anomaly in the proximity of the part of the profle. On the SE of the Tônex-01 well, the Vuache Fault, where the well encountered 150 m of GEOMOL data reconstruct a syncline at the level of Molasse sediments above the Lower Cretaceous the Upper Mesozoic, representing the NE extension in limestones (Moscariello et al., 2014). the subsurface of the Saleve ridge. Tis geologic feature • Anomaly D is located in the Bornes Plateau and is visible as a relative maximum in the gravity signal of extends for more than 20 km in the SW-NE direc- both anomalies. However, the residual anomaly does tion and is about 10 km from NW to SE and has an not decrease further and stays at higher levels than the amplitude of − 6.8 mGal. Tree wells are located at GEMOL response. In the proximity of the Faucigny-1 the boundaries of this anomaly: the Salève-2 well, well the two gravity anomalies diverge with the residual on the SW, drilled 1750 m of Tertiary Molasse anomaly showing a relative maximum of 2.8 mGal in sediments after 25 m of Quaternary deposits; the amplitude and 4 km in wavelength, whereas the response Faucigny-1 well, the deepest of the region, drilled of the model a large negative anomaly of 10.1 mGal and a 1576 m of Cenozoic Molasse, after an interval of wavelength of 10 km. Te ofset reaches 9 mGal. Tis can 1339 m composed by Quaternary deposits and Pre- be explained by the fact that the GEOMOL model did not alpine carbonate units and also penetrated 359 m took into account the presence of the UHN units, which of Permo-Carboniferous sediments at bottomhole crop out in the vicinities of the well and have been drilled (Brentini, 2018; Rusillon, 2018); La Balme-1 well in the upper 1911 m before entering the Molasse down drilled 508 m of Cenozoic sediments before enter- to 2452 m TVD. Being the SAM composed by a complex ing the Sub-Alpine carbonate series. Te source of stack of carbonates and compacted marls and shales thus Anomaly D is most probably a coupled contribu- resulting denser than the LFM sediments (Kälin et al., tion of the Cenozoic sediments with a PC graben at 1992), these units produce an increase in the residual greater depth, as constrained by seismic data and the anomaly, which is not appearing in the modelled data. Faucigy-1 well. Overall, the GEOMOL and density-based 2D model does Gravity in Geneva Basin Page 15 of 20 15

NW SE 10 1 2000

Arve River Faucigny-1 1000 Thônex-01 5 GE0-01

l) 0 2650 2500 ) Ga .

2700 ? .l s (m 0 .

ly -1000 ma ma

2650 n(

no 2600 -2000 atio yA -5 it 2700 ev av El

Gr -3000

-10 2700 -4000 ? -15 -5000 0510 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (Km)

SW 2 NE 10 Mt.Boisy 1000 Musiége Humilly-2 Thônex-01

2500 SAM SAF 0 5 2650 T LFM 2700

? -1000 .) l (mGal) 0 s. a. ly 2650 2600 -2000 (m n

noma 2700 io yA -5 at v it e ? -3000 l av 2700 E Gr -10 -4000

-15 -5000 0102030405060 Distance (Km)


SW Saléve NE Musiége Saléve-2 Faucigny-1 12 Vuache 1000 10 2500 0 8 SAM ? 6 LFM S -1000 AF (mGal) T 4 2700 .s.l.) 2650 2 -2000 ma n( nomaly io at yA 0 it 2650 av 2600 -3000 Elev -2 Gr

-4 2700 -4000 -6 2700 ?

-8 -5000 0510 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Distance (Km) Legend Geology Gravitydata Quaternary LowerCretaceous LowerJurassic Residual GravityAnomaly UpperJurassic Pre-Alpine Units Triassic Gravity response of theGEOMOLmodel Molasse Mid-Jurassi c Permo-Carboniferous Fig. 12 Cross-section showing the correlation between residual gravity anomalies at diferent bandwidths and stratigraphy of the deep wells of the region (shown on the profles). Density values (in kg/m3) refer to data in Table 2 15 Page 16 of 20 L. Guglielmetti , A. Moscariello

not ft the residual computed in our approach in the SE negative anomalies can be identifed, however there part of the profle. is room for improvement near the Musiège well and at Profle 2 in Fig. 12, runs SW-NE from the Musiège anomaly D. Te residual anomaly has a full amplitude well to the Mt. Boisy well, cutting the large 20 km wide range of 9.7 mGal and gravity response of the model of Anomaly A. Te residual anomaly has a full amplitude 16.6 mGal. Te frst negative anomaly, located on the variation of 9.5 mGal and gravity response of the model West of the Musiége-1 well, is controlled by the Cenozoic of 22.4 mGal, with again signifcant ofsets approaching sediments flling the Rumilly basin. In the residual signal one end of the profle. Along this profle, both the resid- the negative anomaly shows amplitude of 3.2 mGal com- ual anomaly and the model results show a gravity maxi- pared to the 1.3 mGal observed in the gravity response mum with amplitude of 2.8 mGal in the residual anomaly of the model and, in both anomalies, the wavelength is and 7.9 mGal in the results of the model, in correspond- 3.5 km. Between the Musiège-1 and Salève-2 wells, a sec- ence of the Musiege well, where the Mesozoic carbonates ond gravity anomaly is observed in both gravity signals. along the Vuache mountain are exposed. Both anoma- In the gravity response of the model, it has amplitude of lies show a decrease in the SW-NE direction reaching a 6.6 mGal and wavelength of 9 km and shows a rectangu- minimum at the Tônex-01 well where the thickness of lar shape controlled by the modelled steep geometry of the Cenozoic sediment is the highest in the region. Tis the Cenozoic/top Mesozoic contact in the Vuache and trend is constrained by the increase in depth of the top Saleve areas. Te same negative anomaly has amplitude Mesozoic from the Humilly-2 well (439 m TVD) towards of 3.2 mGal, wavelength of 7 km and displays a regu- the Tônex-1 well (1331 m TVD). In the residual sig- lar trend towards SW in the residual anomaly, which is nal a negative anomaly, corresponding to Anomaly A, more consistent with the expected geometry of the fore- with wavelength of 10.5 km and amplitude of 3.7 mGal deep limited to the SE by the Salève mountain. Te lat- is observed. Tis feature is not fully constrained in the ter controls the large gravity maximum observed in both gravity response of the model, with ca. 2–3 mGal ofset anomalies on the SW of the Salève-2 well constrained by along the central part of the profle. Additionally, at the amplitude of 3.2 mGal in the residual anomaly and 3.6 Humilly-2 well relative maximum is observed in both mGal in the response of the model and wavelengths of anomalies, having amplitude of 0.5 mGal with wave- 3.6 and 2.9 km respectively. A large negative anomaly can length of 5 km in the residual anomaly, and of amplitude be observed in both residual and modelled gravity signals of 4.6 mGal with wavelength of 3.5 km in the results of between the Salève -2 and the Faucigny-1 wells and cor- the model. Tis gravity feature can be explained by the responds to Anomaly D, though with nearly 3 mGal of- presence of the antiform structure afecting the Upper set over more than 5 km distance. Tis is 15 km wide and Mesozoic. Between the Tônex-01 and Mt. Boisy wells 5 mGal in amplitude for the residual anomaly and 8 mGal the residual anomaly and the gravity response of the for the modelled response. Te source of Anomaly D is model diverge, up to as much as 12–13 mGal. Te believed to be a coupled contribution of the Cenozoic residual anomaly shows an increase whereas the gravity and the deep PC graben infll sediments as identifed by response of the model shows a minimum due to the large Moscariello et al. (2014) and Moscariello (2019). A rela- thickness of the Cenozoic sediments modelled in this tive maximum of 1.4 mGal in amplitude and 2.3 km in area, and also constrained by the Mt. Boisy stratigraphy. wavelength is observed on the residual anomaly around One possible explanation of the increase trend observed the Faucigny-1 well, but the gravity response of the model in the residual anomaly can be identifed in the lateral shows a relative minimum 1.8 mGal in amplitude and contrast at the level of the Cenozoic sediments between 2.3 km in wavelength, confrming the opposite behaviour the LFM and the SAM, thrusted along the SAFT. Te of the two anomalies already observed on Profle 2. SAM faced a higher degree of compaction (Kälin et al., Overall, the three presented sections clearly dem- 1992) due to the Alpine tectonics, possibly refecting on onstrate that the GEOMOL and local-density based a higher density of the SAM with respect to the LFM. geometric-physical models are not able to explain the However, the lack of density data available on this region observed residual anomalies sufciently well. In some does not allow to push further the interpretations, and regions, the diferences between the observed and calcu- non-negligible misft remains between processed data lated anomalies are several mGals over several kilome- and the GEOMOL-based 2D model. tres, therefore interpreting the geothermally interesting Profle 3 in Fig. 12, covers the southern part of the structures with such simple 2D approaches could lead study region from the Musiège-1 to Faucigny-1 wells. to misleading interpretations. Although gravimetric data Along this profle, the residual anomaly and the results are essential to provide a control on density structure of the modelling show a good similarity with respect to over the entire zone of interest, it seems that complemen- the distribution of the gravity anomalies, and three main tary datasets are required to jointly constrain properties Gravity in Geneva Basin Page 17 of 20 15

and also to provide more reliable, 3D structural input. and the frst-pass gravity modelling presented in this Re-interpretation of seismic data, with particular focus study. Tese shortcomings are associated to an addi- on the Quaternary, Molasse and Upper Mesozoic units, tional element of uncertainty that could be addressed with gravity data facilitating the interpolation between by considering a more detailed understanding of the directly imaged lines, will clearly improve the ft of the lateral changes in thickness of stratigraphic units and of models to the gravity anomalies derived from observa- their composition controlling their density distribution tions. Such studies will be addressed in a diferent paper. heterogeneities. Future studies should include com- plementary datasets, 3D structural input with possibly 6 Conclusions reprocessed seismic data to which gravimetry provides Te results of this study are based on the application of a interpolation, and quantitative uncertainty assessment processing workfow of public gravity data. Tis includes due to structural elements and physical properties of uncertainty assessment, Bouguer anomaly processing units. and 2D forward modelling. Tis latter has shown encour- In conclusion, the thorough workfow of gravity data aging results in assessing geological structures of interest processing as presented in this study is an efective tool for geothermal development, but also highlighted serious that can be deployed at the early stage of geothermal limitations with respect to geologic models when consid- exploration activities at a regional scale. When such ering heterogeneous density distribution across the dif- data is available in sufcient spatial coverage, it has ferent geologic units. potential, in any sedimentary basin, to help delineating Te uncertainty assessment of the gravity data con- and assessing the most relevant subsurface geological frmed that elevation and gridding methods must be features of geothermal interest. Tis is best performed analysed carefully before proceeding to the further steps in conjunction with other, complementary datasets and of processing and modelling, to identify those regions geophysical tools, and in the frame of 3D modelling where interpretations can be reliable developed and including uncertainty analysis. regions where data shows limitations. Te regional trend separation achieved with wave- Abbreviations length fltering technique allowed to produce a residual GDEM: ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model V002; b.g.l.: Below Ground Level; BA: Bouguer anomaly; CBA: Complete Bouguer anomaly; FFT: Fast Fourier gravity anomaly which is coherent with the current transform; FAA: Free-air anomaly; GB: Geneva Basin; BGI: International Gravi- knowledge of the main geologic structure of the Geneva metric Bureau; LFM: Lower Freshwater Molasse; NAFB: North Alpine Foreland Basin. Four main areas of negative anomalies have been Basin; G_Obs: Observed gravity; PC: Permo-Carboniferous; TVD: True Vertical Depth. identifed. Anomalies A, C and D, located on the main sedimentary structures have a double source composed Acknowledgements mainly by the Molasse sediments and by a deeper source The authors would like to acknowledge the Services Industriels de Genève for supporting this study, Prof. Klingelé and Lorenzo Perozzi for the fruitful located between the base of the Mesozoic and the PC discussions on data analysis. The authors are also grateful to the two anony- units. Anomaly B, located in the Jura Mountains, has a mous reviewers and the editor who provided constructive comments on the rather shallow source, most probably some thick evapo- submitted version of the manuscript. ritic level in the Triassic units which locally crop out in Authors’ contributions the surrounding area. However, a secondary contribution LG: Data collection, processing, interpretation, redaction of the manuscript. from a PC structure cannot be excluded. Major positive AM: interpretation of the data, revision of the manuscript. Both authors read and approved the fnal manuscript. anomalies are associated with the Mesozoic units that crop out in the whole region and are deeply rooted at Authors’ information the level of the Triassic units, but low amplitude positive Luca Guglielmetti is Senior scientist at the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Geneva. He holds a PhD in geothermal exploration at the anomalies at shallower depths can be identifed as indi- Universities of Neuchatel and Turin and has been working on geothermal cating anticlinal structures associated with blind thrust exploration projects in the industry and academia for 13 years now. Since structures rooted in the Middle Jurassic levels. 2016, he joined the GeoEnergy-Reservoir Geology and Basin Analysis (GE- RGBA) where he develops multidisciplinary research in the domain of deep Te comparison between the residual anomaly and geothermal resources exploration aiming at supporting the development of gravity response of the GEOMOL model resulting from geothermal energy for heat production and storage, and power generation. 2D forward modelling, highlight the general similarity Andrea Moscariello joined University of Geneva on 2011 as full professor of between the two signals, but also, the limitations related Geo-Energy/Reservoir Geology and Basin Analysis (GE-RGBA) after 15 years to 2D modelling. Signifcant diferences are observed, spent in the energy industry in various roles and assignments around the as expected, in particular in terms of amplitude of the world. Since his arrival in Geneva, he built a strong and multidisciplinary research team working on diverse aspects of geology mostly related to geo- anomalies and opposite trend between observed and energy themes. computed gravity signals. Tese are mostly related to both the simple GEOMOL model utilized for this work https://​www.​unige.​ch/​ge-​rgba/​welco​me/ 15 Page 18 of 20 L. Guglielmetti , A. Moscariello

Funding Bayer, R., Carozzo, M. T., Lanza, R., Miletto, M., & Rey, D. (1989). Gravity modelling This study has been funded in the framework of the INNOSUISSE project along the ECORS-CROP vertical seismic refection profle through the GECOS (project no. 26728.1 PFIW-IW) – https://​gecos.​geoen​ergy.​ch/) and is a Western Alps. Tectonophysics, 162(3–4), 203–218. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1016/​ contribution to the GEothermie 2020 program and the Swiss federal research 0040-​1951(89)​90244-8 program SCCER-SoE. Bhattacharyya, B. K. (1965). Two-dimensional harmonic analysis as a tool for magnetic interpretation. Geophysics, 50(11), 1878–1906. Availability of data and materials Blakely, R. J. (1995). Potential theory in gravity and magnetic applications. https://​ The study has been carried out combining public data from the Gravimetric doi.​org/​10.​1017/​CBO97​80511​549816 Atlas of Switzerland provided by wisstopo -https://​shop.​swiss​topo.​admin.​ch/​ Brentini, M. (2018). 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