DIRECTORY.] 443 CHESHAM. [BUCKS.] PosT OPFICE.-Jobn Andrews, receiver. Letters arrive INSURANCE AGBNT.-Leeds ~ Y01·kshire Fire ~ Life, through Tring at 8.45 a.m.; dispat<'hed at 5 p.m. The John Andrews nearest money order office i~ at Tring Station Master, Robert Bugden National Sclwol, John Lewis, master Damer Rev. Lionel Dawson W. M.A. Cox Joseph, shopkeeper Pickett William H. shopkeeper [rectorl, Rectory Elliott Thomas, butcher & shopkeeper Punter Samuel, farmer Andrews!ohn, shopkeeper & postmaster Gale William, farmer Reed Thomas, blacksmith Archer George, farmer Harrowill William, boot & shoe maker Stevens Thomas, Three Horseshoes Archer John, farmer J oily John, farmer Tompkins "Tilliam, wheelwright Archer William, Old Swan Langbourn John, baker & shopkeeper Turner Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Ash by Thomas, beer retailer Millins Daniel, straw dealer Williamson John, Aylesbury Arm.~,&; Bird William, baker Montague Richard, wheelwright brewer OHENIES is a village and parish, 5 miles south-south and endowed in 1603 by Anne, Countess of Warwick, east from Chesham, 4 east from Amersham, and 4 north daughter of the second Earl of Bedford. The population in north-west from Rickmansworth, in the hundred of Burn 1861 was 468; the acreage is 1,744, chiefly woodland; the ham, union and rural deanery of Amersham, county court soil is gravel, flint, and chalk. district of Chesham, archdeaconry of Buckingham, and Pm·ish Clerk, Robert Hockley. diocese of Oxford, near the Chess stream. The church of St. :Michael has been recently nearly rebuilt, and is now a • lmndsome building, with square tower, nave, aisle, chancel, PosT 0FFICE.-Thomas Barr, postmaster. Letters from and 6 bells.
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